MTL - Co-renting Immortal Doctor-Chapter 7303 Scheming

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Having said that, Tang Yu knew that it would take a certain amount of time, and it was definitely not about splitting if you wanted to split!

"Iron Eater!"

Tang Yu's eyes condensed and he suddenly shouted, "Cover me!"

"Got it."

Hearing Tang Yu's cry, the iron-eater turned his head without a trace, but the attack in his hand did not stop. However, as a seemingly clumsy giant panda, in the shocking gaze of the Void God, it instantly knotted with one hand. Printed.

"The Wall of the Suspended Forbidden Army!"

The iron-eater burst out.

But seeing Tang Yu's location, a huge metal ball instantly wrapped Tang Yu in it.

Not only that, the metal ball is suspended in the air, floating in the air, moving toward the direction of the iron-eater!

It is precisely because of this that the sudden attack in front of him did not hit Tang Yu's body, but was completely covered on this huge metal ball!

"This panda!"

The Void God sneered: "He has some ability. When fighting with me, he can still be cautious of Tang Yu. But, do you think this thing can protect Tang Yu? Don't be too delusional!

Tang Yu couldn't resist the absolute ability. Moreover, that flame...hehe, nothing can be stopped, only dodge! "

"It's not necessarily true."

The iron-eater sneered, and slammed his fist towards the **** of nothingness again: "Are you sure, can that thing burn my moves? You too value it!"


The Void God's heart shuddered, and he hurriedly looked forward, his heart trembling!


The words of the Iron Eater are correct.

The flame in front of him had already burned to the extreme, completely wrapping the metal ball in the center.

But at this moment.

But he couldn't burn out the metal ball at all, blinding the **** of nothingness!

"how is this possible?"

The Void God exclaimed: "That's a flame that can melt anything, why can't it burn this ball?"

"Have you never heard a sentence, real gold is not afraid of fire?"

The iron eater looks like a fool, looking at the **** of nothingness: "Do you know why I am called an iron eater? I can swallow all the metals in the world, and at the same time merge the most essential parts of these metals together to form a space between heaven and earth , A unique metal.

As long as it is the metal products that I condensed, whether it is attack or defense, it will be the top level, and no one can destroy it at all. Do you think that this kind of flame can refine my peak work that has absorbed countless metal essences? Don't be too naive! "

"What are you kidding?"

The Void God's eyes widened.

For so many years, he had never heard of such a thing.


Where is this giant panda?

Compared to dragons, phoenixes, tigers and tortoises, it is not much worse.

However, he just couldn't figure out, how did Tang Yu cultivate such a fellow who is not a divine beast to such a terrible level now?

Moreover, he has also controlled the extremely defying ability!

Seeing this scene, Tang Yu secretly praised.

This iron-eater is indeed too powerful.

In this way, it allows me to better complete my division and buy myself a lot of time.

Even though the God of Nothingness can really break it by other methods, least, in a short time, the other party may not be able to do it, and...the God of Nothingness, like himself, is also a flesh body that needs special light. !

The continuous attacks of the iron-eaters left him no time to merge!

Especially, the moves of the Iron Eater have a great influence on him!

"Jekong, smash this metal ball for me!"

The Void God looked icy, and screamed towards Juekong: "Use the unique trick directly, absolutely can't let that kid integrate so easily!"


Juekong agreed, and the whole person was suspended in the air instantly, and his body instantly radiated black and red energy, and he slammed the metal ball with one hand: "The top of the soul, the pressure of the sky!"

With a loud shout.

But see the starry sky color change suddenly.

Suddenly, a huge beam of black and red energy condensed from the sky instantly, and a super powerful pressure that surpassed imagination instantly landed on the space where the metal ball was.

In an instant, the metal ball seemed to be oppressed by the sky, and instantly fell from the sky, directly hitting the space below!

In such a moment, the space was smashed out of a huge pit, and the biting breath rose to the sky!

Not only that.

This huge metal ball was deformed at this time.

Under this repression, it is impossible to withstand the pressure of heaven.

"this is……"

Seeing this, the iron eater felt a tremor in his heart: "What kind of trick is this that is so strong? Simply relying on coercion, it squashed my metal ball?

Tang Yu! "

Among this metal ball, Tang Yu was also embarrassed.

When the thought moved, it disappeared.


Tang Yu took a slight breath and shouted in shock, "What the **** was that trick just now?

After taking control of the Divine Soul Technique, is it possible to burst out such a move? Is this the pinnacle of spiritism? "

At this moment, Tang Yu was in the metal ball, but not there either.

He entered his yin and yang palace.

It doesn't matter if the metal ball is squashed.

As long as it can be used as a cover, no one can really attack oneself.

After all, the metal ball can cover the breath of entering the palace of Yin and Yang, even the **** of emptiness may not be able to discover it.

"This should be the pressure of heaven and earth."

Tang Dou analyzed and said: "It is a top-notch move that combines the coercion of the soul, the aura and the weight of the world.

Use divine spirit to activate. Therefore, the launch speed is extremely fast, and the power is indeed extremely strong!

It's really hard to imagine that this kind of existence was actually killed by the fellow of the **** of nothingness, it is really incredible.

How strong is this **** of nothingness? "

Tang Dou is also a little worried.

Even Tang Yu did not know this.

Tang Yu's eyes were cold: "However, what you said reminded me.

Before the Void God solved the battle so quickly, I think it should also use his hole cards? However, if this is the case, then the consumption of the Void God should not be small, knowing that I am outside, he should not appear directly, he can wait to absorb some and then come out, isn't it better?

But why is he so anxious to leave the creation time and space? "

"It should be time, can't it be maintained?"

Tang Dou was taken aback, still a little puzzled, but still said.

"No, I don't think that's the case."

Tang Yu's eyes were cold and cold: "This guy, it is estimated that he has seen me solve the battle, so he chose to do this.

This guy had absorbed the source of the emptiness of the human gods in advance. In this way, one thing will happen. Does he also control the body of light and darkness? "

"Could it be that……"

Tang Dou exclaimed: "You mean that the **** of nothingness outside is actually the light and dark body of the **** of nothingness? His other body hasn't actually come out yet?

Isn't it... This body came out to attract your attention, and then to deal with you in advance? Is he secretly fusing? Then, didn't he take away the physical body of special light? This... shouldn't be fake...

No, since he can differentiate a body of light and darkness, he can use one body that uses special light and the other body that uses his original body! Then his deity... he won't wait in secret for an opportunity to attack you directly, right? "

If you say so, this is clearly a very scheming battle!