MTL - Co-renting Immortal Doctor-Chapter 7318 I also teach you a lesson

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The **** of nothingness, for the first time in so many years, is jealous of a person!

In the distant year, he was the brightest star in the sky.

Even in the age of Tianwu, Juekong, and Shuguang, he was the most gifted existence.

After several setbacks, he surpassed everyone and stood at the pinnacle.

Back again, facing Shuguang and others, just looking at the ants.

And now.

Facing Tang Yu, he actually felt a bit of inferiority!

Although he could give Tang Yu a lot of resources step by step, and gave Tang Yu gold fingers, it took Tang Yu less than a hundred years to complete everything he hadn't accomplished in countless hundreds of millions of years.

just now.

He even felt that Tang Yu had already surpassed him in some respects!

This situation makes him totally unacceptable!

This is simply his nightmare!

"Because you just got their abilities, there is no comprehension that belongs to you at all."

Tang Yu said lightly: "Whether you have absorbed the human gods, the gods of souls, or the abilities of special light, you are only for the best physical body, rather than using those abilities.

What you trust most is your mind.

Because this is your strongest ability. "


The Void God said coldly: "You are only absorbing their abilities, so what is different from me!"

"No, you are wrong, most of my abilities are obtained from my cultivation, not possessing others."

Tang Yu smiled sarcastically, "I thank you for this.

You gave me the power of nothingness at the beginning. Even if I didn’t have the ability to absorb the enlightenment of heaven, I also took control of the power of nothingness, and even reached a very high level; as for the divine soul technique, I also practiced it at the beginning. I will be able to send generals and wait for all kinds of abilities; and the last indestructible Eucharist is what I have grown from the weakest time, a little bit of practice to reach the current level.

From the very beginning, I was three repairs. After absorbing the abilities of Tianwu and Juekong, it was only to make the use of this ability stronger. And what do you compare with me? You just plundered these abilities, have you cultivated? "

"Extremely ridiculous!"

The emptiness of the air is extremely anti-smiling: "In my realm, I can absorb everything from other people, so I can use it freely. Where can I practice?"

"So, you can only use their moves, but you can't discover the strongest part of their moves, let alone create stronger moves."

Tang Yu said indifferently, "This is the biggest difference between you and me. Because of this, I can summon the Void Zodiac, but you cannot.

Well, let you understand everything. It just so happened that I also studied and understood what your thought-power beam is. "

"This kid!"

The **** of emptiness was stunned and his spirit tense.

Tang Yu said so much to him, is it just to figure out his moves?

Can't help, the **** of nothingness looked towards the sky.


At this moment, in front of him, Tang Yu, who had inherited the spirited body, had already arrived in front of the light beam of thought power.

The Void God turned his head and looked at the three bodies of Tang Yu that had been split before. Among them, the figure of Tang Yu who inherited the spirited body was really gone!


The **** of nothingness is violent!

just now.

In the whole world, people who can make him illusion basically do not exist!

In addition, he also controls the spirit of the gods, how can this kind of illusion?

"The so-called mind power is actually somewhat similar to the spirit attack. And mind power is also a kind of spirit power differentiation and spiritual power."

Tang Yu, who was in front of the Nian Li Guangzhu, spoke lightly: "If this is the case, summon, the soul incinerator."

But seeing Tang Yu, who had inherited the spirited body, quickly sealed his hands.

In an instant.

A huge stove descended from the sky, buckled down, and directly enveloped the light beam of thought power.

When the lid is closed again.

Tang Yu said indifferently, "Burn!"

Drink it.

The entire Divine Soul Incinerator runs directly inside, and the top Brahma fire burns instantly.

Everything in the world seems to be completely burned clean at this moment!



With burning.

The **** of nothingness had no time to react. The deity spewed out a mouthful of blood, his face was shocked, and he gritted his teeth: "Tang Yu boy, actually counted me!"

"Sure enough, it was almost what I thought."

I saw Tang Yu who inherited the Immortal Eucharist, and said lightly: "Even though it is controlled by the power of mind, but under autonomous attack, there must be spirits involved. And your deity, it is impossible to waste energy to control.

It's not a lot to destroy your soul, but it feels pretty good. "

"Tang Yu!"

The **** of nothingness was furious: "I want you to die!"

Seeing Tang Yu's three bodies, the Void God aimed at the one that controls the spiritualized body, directly controlled it with thought force, and stretched out his hand to shake it!

In an instant.

The location of Tang Yu, who was in charge of the spiritual body, was instantly crumpled into a huge ball: "Thousands of thoughts! Death!"


There was an explosion.

I saw that space exploded directly across the globe.

The endless thought power turned into a blade, piercing everything instantly.

The Void God grinned: "The spiritual body? Haha! Tang Yu, I will give you another lesson. This kind of body has no meaning to me. Because my mind power attack, it will instantly* spiritualize The body, even if the spiritualized body is condensed, it cannot resist the damage caused by my mind attack!

In the beginning, Juekong was restrained by me in this way! "

"What are you talking about."

At this moment, I saw Tang Yu slowly stepping out of the space ball, looking at the **** of nothingness like a fool: "That's it? Doesn't it hurt or itchy."


When the Void God saw this Tang Yu's figure, his expression changed dramatically: "How is it possible? are not the Tang Yu who controls the spiritual body, but the Tang Yu who controls the Immortal Eucharist!"

No, it's impossible!

The Void God hurriedly turned his head.

It was discovered that Tang Yu, who was in charge of the spiritual body, had actually switched positions with Tang Yu, who was in charge of the Immortal Eucharist, which almost made him blind!

"What the **** is going on?"

The Void God shouted sharply.

He will never read it wrong.

And the move to summon the incinerator just now was only used by Tang Yu, who was in control of the spiritual body.

"I will teach you a lesson too."

At this time, Tang Yu, who was in charge of the creation of the gods, had already come to the front of the **** of nothingness, and said lightly: "My three bodies can switch positions freely.

In short, which body you want to target is impossible to do.

Moreover, even any of my deaths will not have any effect on me.

Because they can be resurrected. "