MTL - Collector of Online Games-Chapter 1 Things that were not stated or have been stated but forgot to say

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I write what I think of.

1. Dark Elven Magda is a kind of sin left by the combination of Dr. Giselle and a female Dark Elf. This has been hinted in the text that the mechanical wisdom is extremely high.

2. Dr. Giselle took the pit of the heart of Father Luke and did not fill it, because in my plan, the story is over.

3. Father Luke came from the planet Hebron. He was weak and was a loyal servant. The golden clown helped his great king find the most talented Novice Village No. 666 fortified master Ka Kun in the abyss continent. The body, and it began to infiltrate from the fortified division's cabin in Kakun, a distant world. These are all hinted in the text. One of the shortcomings of the happy ending is that the person Qin Yan will never see is correct. It's Ka Kun.

4. The crying eye Herder, the second sister, appeared in the plot of Tianshan in the text. At that time, I thought about releasing the name first. If I want to write the specific story of the apostle later, I will say another. Unfortunately, because For reasons such as achievements and mentality, the collection master failed to continue to expand to the apostle background story. In addition, I was not proficient in these stories. Otherwise, the four major battles were written in detail, plus the second sister led The plot of the apostles and the new copies after the ninety-nineth level, the collection master will advance towards eight or nine million words.

It can be noticed that when I was writing the second sister's transfer role, it was a one-time pass. Some places originally wanted the name Herder, but they were forcibly deleted by me because the story was really over. .

5. Quite a few book friends have commented that the introduction of the collection master is incomprehensible. In fact, the initial text also roughly contains the main storyline of the collection master. The red high heels are a story that is taken care of before and after. The guild, then blooming on the world stage is also a shorthand for Qin Yan ’s last achievement. Perhaps the occupation of the male street fighter protagonist has been neglected a little bit, but it is also the sewer. I am accustomed to staying in the ground that is invisible to normal sight In addition, the male street fighter ability used by the protagonist also runs through.

Speaking of which, if I continue to collect the masters and continue to the three great fights, then there will be more things to write water, collectors may really break ten million words.

6. Nalan ’s hatred conflict with Qin Yan was forcibly transferred because the president was assassinated. This incident was related to the clothing store owner Nono who sold the invincible all-around invisibility cloak and Nalan Wu who had just lifted the online house arrest at that time. Strange correlations, these are implied.

Nalan Qiying, the descendant of the ultimate BOSS of my first old book, Urban Knight, was set by me as a not-so-bad villain.

Nalan is not a stranger. He is a dangerous judge of the fire team and an assassin. The best thing he can do in the crisis of public opinion in Qin Yan is to assassinate his chairman and divert contradictions. His name is actually against Nalan Kiying.

7. Those who survived the Battle of Arden Heights in Heaven Realm had Sister Kelly.

8. Seaman didn't find out that her trousers were missing forever.

9. Nalan Wushuang did have a crush on Qin Yan during the time before the offline event, and later converged, so when the Nalan Society forced her to use her as the heroine to rumor Qin Yan when she molested the female team members at work. , Nalan Wushuang is the most uncomfortable person.

10. The setting of the two heroines is nothing. The annoying thing is that some people who do n’t like to watch more heroines still have to push in the comment area. The collection master writes so far, or they have received too few intimate book friends, they may write by themselves. Why is it too bad, Fanwai drove a little car, hum!

11. Li Hongbo, the ancestor of the abyss game, gave a certain self-emotion in the game ~ ~ or the NPC of the idea substitute is Su Nan who temporarily took over the place of the city leader in the city gate drama directed by Qin Yan. Vice-City Lord Rogers, this is also the least point I have not made clear, but it is also mentioned.

12. Some background stories written in the text actually have small bugs, but I am too lazy to control them.

13. A small key point that the master can continue to collect water is that the four extreme places can complete the kill with the positive strength of the corresponding level stage. Unfortunately, Qin Yan's character is too strong, and he can be lazy if he can be lazy.

14. Some book friends said that the Xilan people had collapsed. I don't think so, because Xilan the master of collection is Xilan the master of collection.

15. One of the best time points to blacken Qin Yan was when Qin Yan entered the black earth at the beginning. The beastly Dafa retaliated against Nuo Yu, who had once insulted him, and completely destroyed Nuo Yu. Returning to the orthodox sword heart, this is the description of the blackened protagonist. The later grades have been sluggish. I thought about indulgence, but I hold back, kekeke, now think about it, I am still a good socialist youth!

16. The source of this pet is catfish from my fan, not for other reasons.

17. I conceived a series of innovative elements such as a five-step snake copy, a copy of Jingyanggang, and a hot pot mountain strange mechanism in the ancient battlefield secret area.

18. All the equipment information that can't be found in the DNF is all compiled by me.

19. One element that runs through the book is luck. It is written in the first line of the introduction.

I should be gone.

Uh ...

Read The Duke's Passion