MTL - Collector of Online Games-Chapter 1805 Altar of Darkness

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Ding ... You successfully defeated Luke Boss, the giant wrist prince Gult!

Ding ... You successfully defeated Luke Boss, Iron Fist Princess Caballi!

Ding ... Your level has been successfully raised to level 91, life +90, magic +90, and gain 10 attribute points!

With giant fists, the giant prince Gult and the iron fist Princess Kabali fell down, proclaiming Qin Yan's victory in the area of ​​the altar of light. Want-free-fees-watch-end-whole-version please Baidu search-product = book = net

This game is of course extremely difficult. The joint of Giant Fist Prince Gult and Iron Fist Princess Caballi is really a battle of two Luke-level monsters BOSS.

That difficulty was also added because Giant Wrist Prince Gulte and Iron Fist Princess Caballi were brothers and sisters.

Fortunately, I finally insisted.

It took a lot of time to deal with the giant wrist prince Gult and the iron fist princess Kabali, and finally gained victory, and then upgraded successfully is very beautiful.

Surprise came again.

The giant wrist prince Gult and the iron fist princess Caballi were added together, but the two Luke-level monster bosses were killed together. Putting them in front of them is equivalent to killing two copies of the final monster boss.

Killing such monster bosses, can the epic be a bit similar to touching the prize?

Now it's been killed twice at once. If a flash of light can't burst out, it's really Qin Yan's bad luck.

However, the result really made Qin Yan happy.

There was a flash of "唰", and there was the light that made Qin Yan crazy for them, at the giant wrist prince Gult.

epic! !! !!

The big guy picked it up and found it to be an epic leggings called Shadow of Taboo.

In addition to the relatively high basic attributes, there are attractive attributes that directly add 15% of the skill's attack power.

Of course, such armor parts Qin Yan and Zhao Xinzheng will not participate in the distribution, because they are both teammates with armor sets.

If you want to use this ninety-level epic leggings, it will inevitably ruin your suit effect.

There are five attackers in the team. If Qin Yan and Zhao Xinzheng do not distribute, there will be only three left.

This allocation probability is already very good, only second to the best case that can be directly assigned to itself because of the extreme time of the attribute.

Although the journey of the altar of light was difficult, the result was comfortable for the big guys.

After the battle of the Altar of Light ended, Qin Yan and the others could guess what copies they would fight the next day after the offline break.

The Altar of Light has been beaten, and it is not the Altar of Darkness that follows!

Take a look at the line and found it really!

Ding ... Creatives that match the dark power will be sent to this place, they will release all the light power that was absorbed in the body, and the dark power will flow into the body.

Their brain centers will be dominated by darkness, awakening to their true selves and thus possessing a dark soul.

Brave adventurer, please go to the Altar of Darkness to attack and fight now!

The battle for light is over, and then the boss of the dark altar must face off.

Leading the team, Qin Yan first met an old mage BOSS wearing a purple-black robe, his face covered with a hood hood, and a spiked staff in his hand.

This is the Altar of Darkness. Look at the color of the robe of the old mage boss.

Schneider of Purification!

Mage Strong in Luke's Lab!

What made Qin Yan more pleased was that Schneider of Purification did not set up such a variety of rules that required a completion mechanism to output to him.

However, Schneider of Purification has a lot of invincibility.

In order to protect the mage's singing characteristics when the skills are released, it is understandable that the skill release process is not easily interrupted.

But when Schneider of Purification is overbearing, when he releases his skills, he can temporarily enter the invincible state!

Its spell for laser attack!

Looks very dull, because Schneider of Purification, which doesn't need to move much, is really scary.

It only needs to rise in mid-air to complete the release of laser attack skills.

The range covered by the laser varies from skill level to size.

The large ones can cover the entire battle space, while the small ones can severely impact Qin Yan's camp.

These lasers are not brainless, and they can complete the second attack with the control of Purifying Schneider.

This naturally adds a lot to the task of Shen Kuojian.

In addition to the crazy laser up and down, Schneider of Purification can also use his staff to control the laser to launch attacks on the horizontal surface.

Schneider of Purification also has a teleportation of the mage's body skills.

When certain cumulative damage is taken, Schneider of Purification can force a teleport.

Therefore, what made Qin Yan unsatisfactory in this battle was the forced teleportation of Schneider of Purification.

It's always refreshing, and suddenly people disappear, and it's uncomfortable for anyone to change it.

After withstanding these tests, Qin Yan can still complete the killing of the monster boss.

Ding ... You successfully defeated the Super Runaway BOSS, Schneider of Purification!

After defeating Schneider of Purification ~ ~ Qin Yan rested for a wave and they moved on.

In the next level, Qin Yan encountered the monster monster BOSS again!

Moreover, the monster boss of the next level sitting on the town has a bright blue color that is biased toward the light attribute.

This is the situation where the color tone conflict of the elements appeared yesterday.

Yesterday it was the altar of light with the disgust Beyer darkened, and today is the moonlight walker Yasin among the altars of darkness.

Yaxin, a moonlight rambler with stealth, avatar, and various means, let Qin Yan suffer in this level of battle.

Hu Jingzheng is an assassin in the team. He knows what it feels like to enter a hidden state and launch a surprise attack on enemy targets.

Looks like some enemy targets are like fools!

That's right, that's the feeling.

In the early stages of this battle, the moonlight rambler Ya Xin saw Qin Yan as a fool.

After all, they have just entered this level, so Qin Yan is not fit for them.

Moreover, the moonlight rambler Yasin is a kind of abnormal existence that can continue to release the avatar skills after entering the invisible state.

It is too difficult to really find the essence of the moonlight rambler Yasin.

When the anger was extremely extreme, Qin Yan simply released the rhinoceros aggregation with the general induction, and forcibly pulled the moonlight rambler Yaxin over, regardless of whether you are the body or the avatar, you can definitely pull it together to output the blow.

At that time, incidental strikes no longer existed, and all were focused on taking care of strikes.

The rest of the time, Qin Yan, they were also struggling to find a way to find the true body of the moonlight rambler Yaxin among the wolverines attacked by the moonlight rambler Yaxin.

Waves of experience followed.


Collector of Online Games