MTL - Collector of Online Games-Chapter 1841 Celia, my youth (final ending)

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"Brother Yan, you have a problem with these shoes!"

Seeing Qin Yan's complexion gradually return to normal, Shen Kuojian pointed to the red high heels still tightly held by Qin Yan's hand.

I just wanted to go over and take a look at it.

A white light suddenly landed on Qin Yan's hand.

"Wow !!!!"

The big guys were frightened by this scene, and Qin Yan was naturally frightened.

However, he soon realized that this should be the mysterious object of red high heels to fulfill its meaning.

Three illusions are presented by three objects in turn.

It is the appearance of that pair of men and women!

Then, the man's name ...

White light gradually turned into a human shape.

The big guy also knew immediately, this is another person to appear!

The white light gradually faded away. Qin Yan and his friends first saw the green skirt with red dots.

This is a girl!

Further up, there are the silver hairs of the woman on the white shoulder.

The girl's delicate face was revealed as the white light spread.

This this this ...

Of course the big guys are dumbfounded!

Dare to love, Yan Yan, relying on a pair of shoes, summoned a fairy to fall into the world?

Qin Yan looked at the body of the young girl in shock.

Look below the girl again.

That pair of red high-heeled shoes was already put on the girl's feet.

Is she the one in that illusion?

The girl smiled at this time.


"My name is Celia!"

"How did you appear!"

Qin Yan immediately got up from the beach, his eyes were full of doubts.

"I don't know, but I'm here to open a hotel!"

Celia crooked her head, acting a bit like a robot executing a program.


She didn't know why she appeared here.

But the mind that kept echoing in her mind was to open a hotel!

As long as she is alive, she will open a hotel.

Seeing so many people around her watching her, Celia wasn't frightened, and she said what she wanted in her head.

Although, Qin Yan, they must not be able to understand immediately, or think clearly.

Shouldn't an NPC summoned by a mysterious prop trigger a hidden mystery or an adventure? Why is this happening?

However, as a collector of red high-heeled shoes, Qin Yan, after hearing Celia's words about the hotel, has gone through three illusions, and of course he can lead others to understand the meaning of silver-haired girls.

She had been running a hotel.

I don't know who gave it.

With the consent of Qin Yan without hesitation, the first wave of the silver-haired girl who appeared in the public view of the abyss mainland players for the first time turned Qin Yan's guild base into a huge tree.

At this time, a crisp scream broke out.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

"Colin, why did our room look like this ?!"

The big guys all laughed.

I almost forgot that Miss Seaman was still living there.

Celia, after obtaining Qin Yan's consent, turned the Peace Island Guild Base directly into the headquarters of her Celia Hotel.

This is the Tree Cave Hotel.

"Ah, so beautiful!"

Celia was so amazed by her masterpiece that she happily held up her hand.

"I'm going to drive my tree cave hotel all over the continent!"

Celia expressed her lofty ambitions at this moment.

Under the sea breeze, she was even more beautiful in a beautiful green skirt.

Is that what red heels mean?

Qin Yan got it.

But only understand part of it.

The sisters who came back later were of course surprised at why their guild base turned into a giant tree.

After a careful understanding, they realized the reason.

However, like many of their partners, they didn't know why Celia appeared, they remembered to open a hotel, and they had to drive all over the continent.

Could this be her essential work?

What Qin Yan wants to say is, yes.

going offline.

Qin Yan pulled Zhao Xinzheng a few words and then went offline.

He said he was going to check things.

Zhao Xinzheng also went offline because Qin Yan asked her to do a little favor.

Waking up in bed, Qin Yan rolled out of bed immediately.

Put on your shoes and hurry out.

Today is a rest day. Qin Miao and Jiang Yan are sitting on the sofa watching the TV show with affection. Suddenly they saw their son rushing out of the room in a hurry.

"What are we going to do, my son?"

"I don't know, don't bother!"

Qin Miao looked completely indifferent.


Along the way, Qin Yan's thoughts flew into his head.

During the battle in the secret area of ​​the ancient battlefield, Qin Yan, who went to deliver the porridge to his dad, found a library on the floor where the abyss game department was located.

At that time, Qin Yan didn't go in for a detailed investigation after Zhao Xinyi discovered his thief's petty gesture.

Three times the mysterious fantasy region, Qin Yan's greatest emotion is the insufficient collection of information.

The last illusion was a direction for Qin Yan.

Hongbo ...

The name of the hero of the fantasy!

The abyss game is a virtual game launched by the company group under Li Hongbo!

Of course, Qin Yan went online to check, and he also checked Mr. Li Hongbo's marriage and family situation very clearly.

However, Qin Yan looked at all the materials that Li Hongbo placed on the bright side.

Very formal, very official, and roughly understood his legendary life from entrepreneurship to rise.

But why does his marriage and family situation seem to be hidden?

No official information is mentioned, and the search keywords are no clue.

Such doubts, of course, greatly impacted Qin Yanben's troubled heart.

So Qin Yan decided to set out.

He was thinking at this time. Could it be that the strange library opened on the floor of the abyss game department had a decryption place in it?

Called Zhao Xinzheng, Qin Yan set off immediately!

He wants to find out everything!

The company has arrived.

Today is a rest day. Many floors of Hongbo Group's Yucheng branch cannot get in.

Qin Miao certainly didn't understand why she had to go, so Qin Yan naturally called Zhao Xinzheng with a key.

"Xin Ye, fast!"

"Will you find out there?"

After boarding the elevator with Qin Yan, Zhao Xinzhang, who rarely came to the company in casual clothes, asked.

"I don't know, but I always think it can!"

"Do you know, this is what I saw when I first entered Xinshou Village!"

"It puts me into an inexplicable illusion, it shows me a lot of things I don't know, I want to know why it does this, I want to know!"

"Last time I went with you to Mount of Fire, it was that illusion that made me unconscious!"

The excitement is to get Qin Yan up.

After stunning Qin Yan, I found out that just now my expression seemed a little sloppy, and then his hands pulled Zhao Xin's arm, and he just kept on talking.


Qin Yan's expression was stunned, and then he quickly released.

"It seems important."

Zhao Xinzheng nodded his face seriously, and it seemed that there was nothing unusual about the way Qin Yan expressed his importance.

But Qin Yan also knew that he must have scared people just now.

The floor is here.

No one worked overtime today.

After unlocking the floor door for Qin Yan, Qin Yan rushed in.

Pushing open the unlocked door of the book house, Qin Yan saw that there was only a large bookshelf inside.

This is plain to tell you that if you want to come in and read a book, you only need to look for it on a bookshelf.

Is there any useful information Qin Yan wants to find here?

After flipping around casually, Qin Yan found himself found.

What's special is that this information book is just where you can reach out with your hand flat.

It's not on the elevated shelf that requires a ladder to get, nor on the lower shelf that requires a squat to find better.

Just on a shelf where a normal person's height is just right.

This booklet is called "Mr. Li Hongbo and the Abyss Game".

Finding the only big table in the room, Qin Yan sat down.

Open it and see the text and colorful pictures.

It introduces how a world-renowned big collector got in touch with virtual games, and decided to let his group company set up such a department to develop the detailed experience of abyss games.

These abbreviated versions can be found online, but they are more detailed here.

Continue to turn down, Qin Yan's tense mood was still shocked.

The following illustration turned out to be colorless.

Black and white.

Good heavy colors.

Mr. Li Hongbo's beloved wife failed to accompany Mr. Hongbo to the end.

Suddenly, jumping out of such a line of words made Qin Yan's eyes stagnate.

Passed away ...

In the second half of the abyss game development, Li Hongbo lost his wife.

Breast cancer ...

There is no information online.

These can only be found!

Qin Yan's heartstrings were lifted directly.

A series of content involved in red high heels was pieced together piece by piece by Qin Yan.

Qin Yan is already on his way to find out the whole situation.

Finally, Qin Yan saw a group photo of Mr. Li Hongbo and his wife standing in front of a science and technology studio.

Looking at the woman's face, Qin Yan only felt extremely familiar.

There is no face in the illusion, but the young girl Celia summoned by the red high heels is almost 80% similar to Mr. Li Hongbo's wife.

Baihe Shengwang once said that a long time ago, a couple of men and women have come to Baihe Wonderland.

That should be the test of the abyss game development.

No wonder, the seemingly ordinary shoes are the most significant hidden collection event that can be implicated in the abyss game.

This is already directly linked to the founder of the Abyss game!

Linked to his grief ...

Celia, turns out to be Mr. Li Hongbo's wife.

Wife in the abyss game.

The page turned over, this is absolutely no information on the Internet.

The original illustrations and text may be more serious and official, but later, the tone has been turned into a readme.

Under the black-and-white illustrations are the words written by Mr. Li Hongbo himself.

Qin Yan also got the corresponding information about the game content that he first harvested in real life.

Behind is the beautiful Mai Lang swaying, Li Hongbo and his wife took a hand and took a group photo.

Later, it was a celebrity ball.

The woman in a red dress accepted Li Hongbo's bold confession.

They decided to accompany them for the rest of their lives, witnessed by many people. Even if the circle was not ordinary, but the woman at the front desk of a small hotel was extremely incompatible, but under the reconciliation of Li Hongbo, the women were willing to join in.

"Thank you for your testimony!"

This sentence once heard, sounded in Qin Yan's mind.

It's that fire dance illusion!

The stage surrounded by flames contained all the courage raised by the young Li Hongbo, as well as the tender tenderness of a woman dancing in response to love.

Qin Yan has completely brought in his emotions with all the contents that are not publicly revealed.

He, but the only one in the abyss game who followed this hidden content to the end.

To this day, Qin Yan finally understood the story that happened in the fantasy.

The founder of the abyss game, he buried his thoughts about his wife into the game.

And the development of the abyss game until now the character value has come to a very scary Qin Yan, is connected with this most secret thing.

In other words, every player in the opening can actually see the strange red high heels in the lottery machine of Canina, but few people can definitely follow it.

It is a big question whether the lottery machine can be started during the Xinshoucun period and it is still a gold coin lottery.

Among the three extremely lucky harvests, Qin Yan collected a pair of red high heels.

However, this does not mean that Qin Yan must have access to the final secret.

If his dad is not in the abyss gaming department, Qin Yan would never know that such a library is set up in the branches of Hongbo Group in each city.

The contents are extremely boring for employees.

This is because it was established just to wait for someone who did not know which city came out and completed the lucky collection of red high heels.

As a lucky man, Qin Yan, who has been completely immersed at this moment, has gone through the journey of Mr. Li Hongbo.

He felt sad.


I learned later that the flower that worked hard at the front desk of the hotel liked red.


I pushed all the family affairs away, learned from the best shoe artisans in the world for a long time, and made you a pair of the best red high heels, I hope you like it.


You haven't tried it on yet, why did you go! !! !!

I'm waiting for you to praise me! !! !!


The abyss game is almost finished, I remember you, you, can you come back.


I went to Tianshan Maihai again with you in the game and danced with you again in front of relatives and friends. I found that I can continue to miss you in the game and I am so happy.


If someone can find out the secret I left, I will make your hotel all over the game world I created, and I will rename all of our hotels, just write your name.

The previous one is a bit difficult. Abyss games should attract many and many people to play. They will be curious about this world.

The back is also a bit difficult. This old piece of meat was held in the hand by some old guys, making your name a label they didn't want.

However, I will try to let them go.


Qin Yan's eyes moved little by little, and some heartbreaking words hit Qin Yan's heart all the time.

Subsequently, Qin Yan finally saw a change in tone.

This is because Li Hongbo's wife left a letter.

"Book with Hongbo."

When the hotel first met, I thought you were staring at the little girl.

At that time, looking at your eyes always looking at me, I knew that this woman might be scourged by you.

I never thought that you were so polite and different from the flowers in the novel.


Some of the flowers you sent me were rotten. Which black shop did you use to buy them? Huh!


I have been warned by the manager that work is affected by you and I am afraid that you will use your means, but after seeing your avoidance, I know it will not happen, fool!


The game is still going on. Your boss ran to the supervisor for two days and three days. Are you hiding something scary from me?

You said to be the best game, I believe it.


I'm sick, why is it late?


Half of it was cut off by the doctor. I was scared, but you don't think so.


You decorated the ward like a hotel, did you want me to take a job with me? Huh!


I feel like I'm going to die. Thank you for staying with me, Hongbo, I can't be your best wife, I'm so guilty.

The last time I recorded it today, my body is too painful, it has been compiled and left to you.

Please don't forget me.

—Dead wife ~ ~ Li Sai.


Turned over.

Closed the bibliography, a tear dripped from Qin Yan.

Qin Yan, thinking about exploring the secret, never thought it would be such a love.

So Qin Yan was anxious to close the book, fearing to pollute it.

Many emotions along the way in the abyss game are also remembered one by one.

He wanted to say something to someone in parallel.

He never regretted the youth of the horizontal version that ran into Internet cafes in junior high school that summer.

It's wonderful.


(End of book)

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