MTL - Collector of Online Games-Chapter 2 I discovered a magical secret

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There are still ten minutes before two o'clock in the afternoon, and many people are standing in front of the company building at this moment.

When Qin Yan saw time was enough, he went around.

He was first attracted by a recruitment sign placed on the side of the building. He took a closer look and found that it was the abyss game department of Yucheng Branch of Hongbo Group that was recruiting people.

After seeing this recruitment notice, Qin Yan remembered that Hongbo Group has many different fields of business all over the world. This abyss game is also one of their business, but it is just obsessed with virtual games and almost forgot about Hongbo Group. The fundamental nature of it.

After turning around, Qin Yan came to the counter of equipment distribution and watched the company employees put out the instructions to introduce the abyss game.

Wu Qinyan has always been too lazy to see the background introduction of those virtual games. According to him, those are all made up blindly, as if they were not.

So Qin Yan took a few glances and stopped watching. This game was funded by Mr. Li Hongbo, the owner of Hongbo Group.

Li Hongbo, a world-renowned entrepreneur, is also a collector with countless assets. Qin Yan was thinking at this time. He made money through virtual games, when can he catch up with this rich man ...

"59 minutes, everyone ready!"

The voice of the staff at the counter cheered everyone up, and Qin Yan was eager to follow the flow of people into the queuing channel that had just opened.

The abyss game had been adequately publicized before its release, including its degree of virtualization, game playability, and portability of gaming equipment.

As long as you provide a piece of hair, you can get the game device bound to your identity information.

那 And that game device is actually a wristband or a hanging chain, and the portable type is self-evident.

Wu Qinyan's eyes widened, watching the person in front of him ecstatically passing his hair and getting the device.

Finally it's my turn!

Qi Qinyan smiled happily, touching the palm of his head, and for a moment, he held back a little, pulled out a hair of acceptable length and hardness, and handed it to the counter staff responsible for distributing game equipment.

"Hello Mr. Qin, do you want a wristband or a hanging chain?" The employee took the hair and placed it on the machine to confirm his identity before asking politely.

Ji Qinyan thought about it and replied, "I want ... a wristband."

"This is your abyss gaming device, I wish you a good time."

Xi Qinyan took the wristband, walked aside, and couldn't wait to tie the wristband to his left wrist.

Ideas: Enter the game!

There is a magical sound in the brain: Ding ... is in the state of action, you can not enter the game!

Qin Yan suddenly felt that the game was too cute, and it was all felt.

Wu Qinyan knew that he could not eat hot tofu, but he just wanted to try it now.

I came to the stairs on the edge of the building, Qin Yan sat down, and issued instructions to enter the game again.

Ding Ding ... is in a noisy environment and can't enter the game!

I really have to go home to play.

Qi Qinyan felt the magic of this game in her heart, at the same time stood up and hurried to home.

I came home, Qin Yan picked up the wristband and showed off to her mother.

Jiang Yan heard her son's description and nodded after knowing the power of the abyss game, but she still didn't shake her desire to get in touch with virtual games.

Qi Qinyan brought the wristband back, walked back to his room, and lay down on the bed.

Squinting his eyes for a third time, he issued a command to enter the game for the third time.

Qin Yan wasn't disappointed again this time, and his sight turned into a white expanse for a moment.

没 What he didn't notice was that his wristband also glowed brilliantly.

With the soft female voice in her ear, the world in front of Qin Yan is no longer illusory.

"Hello Mr. Qin, welcome to the abyss game world!"

The ear-pleasing sound always aroused inner pleasure, but Qin Yan heard the sound slightly.

Familiar ... I just heard it ...

Is it ...

Girls can't feel Qin Yan's psychological activities, she just continued to say according to her job requirements: "Mr. Qin, do you need to create game characters now?"

Su Qinyan suddenly burst out a roar: "I hit you!"

Then, Qin Yan said as if he had discovered a new continent: "The voice of the original abyss game was broadcast live by real people!"

The girl that Qin Yan couldn't see was already panicked at this time, and she was almost late for work. She never expected to encounter such a thing again.

And this person was the one she accidentally hit in the morning.

Abyss game is the debut of Hongbo Group, so there are some small technical flaws that need to be perfected manually.

This includes the system voice broadcast created by the early characters.

The abyss game is a virtual game for the whole world, so the game characters created are in units of 100 million.

There will be a very small number of people who create game characters that can not normally conduct dialogue between the player and the system, so the abyss game departments of the branches of the Hongbo Group will recruit staff to improve this defect.

Once someone can't talk to the system, then where is this person and where is the Hongbo Group employee going to broadcast the voice in person.

The girl did not expect that her first work task could be discovered by the player, and she was suddenly there.

缓 Slowly, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com girl anxiously asked her colleague, "What should I do?"

When the girl asked the question, Qin Yan really listened to her heart. He thought for a while, and whispered the sentence: "Hey, you didn't turn off wheat."

This is really a thunderbolt, the girl almost cried.

This is her first job and I really want to do a good job. Although it is not bad news that the abyss game characters are created with artificial assistance, the abyss game has been conveyed by virtual game players under the overwhelming publicity. It must be intolerable. Not smart at all.

"Sorry, sorry ..." The girl apologized to Qin Yan in a crying voice.

Colleagues around the girl are also hesitant to ask the department manager to come over, after all, this is the first day of the abyss game release, and nothing can happen!

However, in Qin Yan's opinion, the reaction is a bit too big. He didn't feel that the girl was sorry for him. He also thought it was a little fun!

Wu Qinyan immediately said, "Creating a character for me, I won't say more about others."

The words made the big stone hanging in the girl's heart fall instantly.

If Qin Yan is the kind of big mouth monster, he will definitely post what he sees and hears on the virtual game forum, which is naturally a huge blow to the abyss game.

The girl stopped crying, and then adjusted it slightly, and then she said: "Hello Mr. Qin, I'm sorry for the delay, I will create a character for you right away."

The sound of hoarseness was a little hoarse, which was brought about after the anxiety had just faded.

Wu Qinyan's mind involuntarily emerged the little face that made him amazing, and he smiled in the virtual world.

Uh ...

Read The Duke's Passion