MTL - Comprehensive: Joan of Arc Came To the Door, Begging Me To Go To the Holy Grail War-Chapter 314

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"What I like is obviously a mature big sister with tall blonde hair..."

"It's not a "white hair control". "

"It's such a cold night that you have so little to wear."

"Look at yourself, you're shivering from the cold..."

Jiang Shangbai glanced at the girl beside him, and couldn't help complaining.

Speechlessly, he borrowed the black feather cloak from his body and threw it into the girl's arms.

Jiang Shang was relatively precocious since he was a child.

Compared with 387 girls of the same age, he prefers independent and mature women.


White guns stay, black guns stay...

This type of lady...


After hearing Jiang Shang's complaints...

The girl froze in place...

However, his body was very honest, wrapping the cloak obediently so as not to shiver in the cold wind.

"terribly sorry..."

"I can't read your "heart", I don't know the type of your preferences. "

"I retrieved the imitated image of young people of your age from the database."

"According to the data..."

"A youth of your age has no resistance to a pure white-haired girl."


"I can reshape this body that you dislike."

"Hairstyle, body shape, figure."

"Looks, personality, preferences."

"It's all right, switch at will."

The girl who came back to her senses apologized very sincerely.

"forget it..."

"that's it..."

"Compared with the beautiful appearance, I care more about the interesting soul."

"After all, beautiful opposite **** can be seen everywhere."

"There are very few companions who can chat with each other."

Jiang Shang smiled and shook his head, then put his hand on his chin and looked at the girl beside him.

"Tell me..."

"As the "restraining power" you..."

"Why don't you hesitate to end the game yourself, but also talk to me?".

295. Alaya's gift! The second magic delivered to your door? !

Before "Alaya" came, Jiang Shang considered a lot.

In his judgment, as an integration of "human will".


It must be the existence of "omnipotent"...

He is even ready to be "mind-read".


I plan to use this to blackmail more benefits...


Even if Jiang Shang, all the organs are exhausted...

But ignore the most important one...

That is the "system", the top secret protection for him!

Even "Alaya" can't know what Jiang Shang is thinking!

This leads to...

What Jiang Shang thought was a "passive situation" turned into an even balance.


Alaya's current performance is as simple as a little sheep.

It even gives people a look that she looks very easy to deceive!


Jiang Shang looked at the girl expectantly, waiting for her to answer this question.


"We share the 'same' ideal. "

"A community of shared future for mankind."

"For humanity, a better tomorrow."

"Continue to be human, even if you don't care about the consequences."

Alaya didn't think about it, and simply answered.

The clear eyes she looked at Jiang Shang contained the most lofty ideals of human beings!

This light is too dazzling, like a mirror, torturing Jiang Shang's humanity.


"Why do you trust someone who can't see through?"

"Maybe all I did was just pretending."

"Maybe my heart is full of selfish desires, and I am a selfish person?"

Jiang Shang avoided the gaze of "Alaya" and frowned.


Alaya shook his head and retorted firmly.

"All I have seen is a single devotee who voluntarily bears the burden of "all the evils of this world". "

"A brave man who gave up a life of wealth and sufficiency, and with the determination to die, crusade against the second beast."

"A savior who is building an "Utopia" and will turn the tide when the end comes~々. "

Alaya spoke calmly, her gaze towards Jiang Shang was filled with recognition and approval.


Jiang Shang just smiled.

I was not caught by this "rainbow fart", so I couldn't find the north.

He is not a simple child like "Mordred", who craves the approval of the outside world.

not enough...

Alaya's answer was not enough to dispel his worries.

after all...

Jiang Shang's special existence is for "Alaya".

It is equivalent to a piece of "wrong code", full of instability.

With the conservative character of "Alaya", the safest way is to destroy it directly!

instead of...

She went off in person and sat down to negotiate calmly.


Before explaining the "real purpose"...

Jiang Shang didn't trust her, the girl in front of her...

"Go on, I'm listening..."

Jiang Shang smiled gently.

Staring at Alaya's small face, waiting for her next answer.

Alaya tilted her head in doubt, she could feel Jiang Shang's distrust.

For this...

She explained again...

"Before you appeared, the result of my observation was unique."

"All parallel worlds, all human beings on all timelines will eventually perish."

"Including this planet, it will also be reduced to the "Steel Earth" and become a planet that is about to die. "

Alaya explained heavily.

"The land of steel..."

Jiang Shang smiled thoughtfully, it was already a thousand years later.

"That's right..."

"Even for the "restraining power", it is helpless despair. "

"Until your appearance, the results that have already been concluded have changed drastically."

"Steellands didn't happen. "

"The new future of mankind is as bright as the sea of ​​stars."

"The change that led to all this is because of your appearance."


"I can't foresee your future..."

"But there's one thing I'm sure of..."

"You are the savior of Humanity and my guardian knight. "

Alaya expresses his heart affectionately, and his clear blue pupils reveal hope and trust.

From the moment Jiang Shang appeared, she was paying attention to the young man in front of her!

That battle is also good!

Included in the Holy Grail Space!


It is the secret help of "Alaya"!