MTL - Comprehensive: Joan of Arc Came To the Door, Begging Me To Go To the Holy Grail War-Chapter 323

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The "Ether Crystal" built in the city square has gathered a large number of people.

The commercial area established around the "Transportation Crystal" has also begun to take shape.

at this time...

Morgan was standing on the city wall, overlooking the people below.

There was a peaceful smile on the face of this "Fairy Queen".

Unlike the sinful "Fairy Britain", this is the ideal land she has been pursuing.


Everything here is moving in a good direction and developing rapidly...

"Why are they the only ones?"

"Where are the Aolong people?"

Jiang Shang's voice suddenly sounded from behind Morgan.

Morgan turned around calmly, showing a gentle smile.

0····Ask for flowers·······

"They settled in the outer city and voluntarily gave up the comfortable inner city to the Lalafell tribe."

"I have met their patriarch, and he called you: Father."

"My husband..."

"Aren't you going to explain?"

Morgan looked at the husband who appeared behind her with some resentment.

But in these words, there is no meaning of anger, but more of ridicule.


"How do you want me to explain it?"

"This newly born race was created by me and Tiamat. "

"It combines the characteristics of humans and dragons."

"They are, indeed, our children."

Jiang Shang sighed with a melancholy expression, and told the truth of the matter.


"The expected answer..."

Morgan sighed complicatedly as she looked down at the city below.

All the lives here are theoretically Jiang Shang's children.

Jiang Shang's status in this world is no different from that of Tiamat.

Accept it or not, it is what it is!

from now on...

There will only be more and more children of them!

"Xiao Mo, how are you doing now?"

Jiang Shang walked to Morgan and asked about Mordred's current situation with concern.

He intentionally avoided the topic, and wanted to talk to Morgan about some happy things.

"The blood of the goblin has been awakened very successfully."

"But she can't control the power now."

"I have sent a "clone" to educate her. "

"Once the time is right, I will let her come to this world to assist you."

Morgan smiled confidently.

Under her education of love, wait for "Mordred" to master the power.

You can definitely become an elf knight not inferior to "Meliuzina"!

after all...

The "body" that Morgan helped her reshape was made of "Albion's dragon horror"!

Even the forging of the "new body" was done using the techniques of Taiyi Daoist!

The current Mordred is no longer the former Wuxia Amon!

Now she!

He is Morgan's most potential "Knights of the Round Table"!

Her next appearance will definitely cause an extraordinary shock! begging.

303. A scholar dies for his bosom friend! The upcoming Holy Grail War!

city ​​wall...

After learning about Mordred's current situation, Jiang Shang was relieved.

"It's a pity..."

"It seems that this entrustment, we can't bring her to play together."

The smile on Jiang Shang's face carried a special charm.

The "parallel world" he is going to go to next.

As a sword-rank servant of the "Red Camp", if nothing else, it should be Mordred.

I thought...

Two "Mordred" can be seen, starting a confrontation across time and space.


"You told me last time, this time you will appear as the "Judger"..."

"It's named "Thousand Boundary Tree Family", and it represents: the camp of blackness. "

"And the "Magicians Association", which represents: the red camp. "

"A total of fourteen "servants" will participate in the competition for the Holy Grail..."

"The scale is so huge that it has surpassed the previous "Holy Grail War"..."

"It's not an exaggeration to call "Four Zero Three" the "Holy Grail War"..."

Morgan smiled expectantly, and spoke approvingly in a calm tone.

"That's right..."

"So I went over this time to make this "Holy Grail War" more interesting. "

Jiang Shang looked into the distance, his eyes piercing through the limitation of space.

I saw the sky garden that has completed the "second phase" construction.

"This time, who are you going to take with you?"

Morgan asked curiously.


Jiang Shang smiled deeply and gave an answer that surprised Morgan.


"Are you going to destroy the 'world'? "

The corner of Morgan's mouth twitched slightly, the strong men gathered under Jiang Shang's command now.

Already have the ability to "destroy the world"!

For a "Holy Grail War", it is a bit too extravagant!



"I just want to show off my strength..."

"Punch away with one punch, and avoid a hundred punches..."

"That's exactly the reason."

Jiang Shang chuckled disapprovingly, the reason why he made such a decision.

Because of his strength, there is no need to "hide your strengths and bide your time".

it's time to...

Show off your muscles...

Let the world know who is the master...


"Is that so..."

"Then let "Meliuzina" go with you. "

"You who master both the "Third Magic" and the "Second Magic". "

"Now I have the qualifications to lead the "magic world". "


"Appropriately showing your strength will do you no harm."

Morgan replied with approval, and dispatched the strongest "Fairy Knights of the Round Table" under his command.

"That's exactly what I mean..."

"Maybe it's my illusion. I always feel that something very interesting will happen if I bring her along on this trip."

Jiang Shang showed a playful smile while chatting with Morgan.

He made a fortune for "Yao Lan"...

This line...

A very interesting thing will happen.



Vanity Sky Garden...

The "city module" of the second stage is not as cumbersome as the core.

As long as there are enough building materials, plus infinite magic power, as a support!

In the field week of "Time Acceleration", it took only a short time to complete the construction!

The fortress of the sky suspended above the "Inherent Time Control" has grown tenfold in size!

Soar to: twenty square kilometers!

at this time!

The vanity sky garden has become a real "Sky City"!

Something like this size!

Even if it is placed on land, in the history of mankind, it is the size of the main city!

Stepping on this land again, even Jiang Shang felt quite a shock!

The newly expanded city mod is not a flashy decoration!

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes