MTL - Comprehensive: Joan of Arc Came To the Door, Begging Me To Go To the Holy Grail War-Chapter 327

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Jiang Shang replied with a light smile.

The contempt in the words made Joan frown suspiciously.

"The third magic?"

"Isn't that the "magic" you have mastered? "

"I've seen the creatures you created. It's not an exaggeration to call it a miracle, right?"

"If that's the case, why is the "Restraining Force" so angry? "

Jeanne asked in bewilderment.

Since the "third magic" is so powerful.

Wouldn't it be nice to use it to achieve relief?


"Thinking to use the "third magic" to realize the relief of human beings is stupid in itself. "

"Relying on the (Made Zhao) miracle bestowed by the "Great Holy Grail" is doomed to pay a desperate price. "

"The human race will abandon consciousness and become an immortal walking corpse."

"The idea of ​​exploring uncharted territory will not arise."

"The desire to cross the sea, to cross the mountains, will disappear with it."

"Eventually evolved into a poor creature bound forever by this land."

"Because there is no consciousness, there is no desire."

"Everyone is a walking corpse, and even the fight has disappeared."


"A world of eternal peace..."

"The relief of mankind, isn't it realized..."

Jiang Shang sighed pitifully.

Said "Amakusa Shiro" and "Emiya Kiritsugu", trying to pass the Holy Grail, the obsession they want to achieve.

From the beginning...

This is the self-moving of the "fools"...

A human being without desires is still a human being...

Is such a future really considered happiness...

The answer is: no...

At that time, human beings could no longer think...

It's just a group of walking corpses waiting for extinction...

Amakusa Shiro's wish is at the price of "the future of mankind"!

In exchange for a desperate ending that is destined to burst like a "bubble"!

This is also the "restraining force", the reason why you want to stop him! price.

306. Hei Zhen Travels Together! The Arbiter and the Avenger are here!

Jiang Shang's explanation surprised Jeanne...

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, she was about to say something, but Joan of Arc couldn't hold it anymore.

"Stupid saint, let me fight this mission."

"I'm the best at destroying other people's dreams!"

"If you don't let me go, I'll tell your secret!"

Hei Zhen said impatiently.

As soon as the voice fell, they began to fight for control of the body!

"do not..."

Joan showed an annoyed expression, but Hei Zhen didn't give it a chance!

Under Jiang Shang's gaze...

Joan of Arc's golden hair is quickly dimming...

Even the white knight armor quickly turned into black.

"Black Joan of Arc", who gained control, showed an excited smile.


"There's really no way..."

"Since the situation has gotten so bad."

"I'll do what I can, let's go with you!"

Black Joan proudly raised her small face, showing vicious cruelty.

It is clear...

This arrogant and innocent girl intends to help Jiang Shang in this way!


"Shall I make you a body?"

"It's better than the two of you, it's much better to squeeze together."

Jiang Shang looked at Joan of Arc in front of him, and asked helplessly.


Tiamat has as much "God's Clay" as he wants, and he can create a brand new body for Black Joan at any time!

"Not yet..."

"I haven't helped Jeanne realize her wish yet..."

Hei Zhen shook her head, put her hands on her waist, and spoke arrogantly.


"Does Joan have a wish too?"

"She never told me..."

"Is it because there have been too many things recently, and I have ignored her feelings?"

Jiang Shang asked suspiciously.

Looking at the body of the "best friend" in front of him, he showed a rare expression of self-blame.

"Need the Holy Grail? "

Jiang Shang asked with concern, if it was Joan's wish, he would definitely help the girl realize it.

"No way!"


"I don't need it! Your help!"

"This kind of trivial matter, I can handle it!"

Hei Zhen patted her chest bravely, and reassured Jiang Shang bravely.

"Always feel..."

"There seems to be something wrong..."

Jiang Shang sighed helplessly, but he didn't aeed too much.


"Perhaps you are more suitable than "Jeanne" for this mission. "

Jiang Shang got up from his seat and patted Black Jeanne on the shoulder.

He didn't ask too much, after all, this was Joan's secret.

"Isn't this a matter of course!"

"No matter how you look at it, I'm the stronger one!"

Hei Zhen spoke brazenly, and did not forget to give Jiang Shang a pair of pretty white eyes.


"Let's go now..."

Jiang Shang shook his head helplessly and smiled wryly. He raised his finger and slid across the air gracefully.

The invisible space suddenly collapsed!

Pieces of substantial space fragments, like a kaleidoscope, reflect the scene in the parallel world!

In these parallel worlds, different stories are being staged, but most of them have tragic endings!

Hei Zhen showed a shocked expression, the scene in front of her has surpassed her cognition!

Jiang Shang's eyes wandered in these "parallel worlds".


He found the target...

"found it..."

Jiang Shang showed a deep smile, raised his finger, and tapped on the fragment of the "parallel world".

The bright space ripples are refracted towards the surroundings.

All the fragments of the parallel world quickly collapsed at this moment.

The fragments touched by Jiang Shang's fingertips turned into a space-time tunnel that could accommodate the two of them.

"It's time to go."

Jiang Shang said to Hei Zhen beside him.

He is going to take the first step and go to the "parallel world" to have a look.

At the right time, summon the "Weak Sky Garden" to strike a wave of dimensionality reduction!

Looking at Hei Zhen who still looked dull, she didn't recover from the shock.

Jiang Shang didn't talk nonsense, he directly took her hand and walked into the tunnel.


parallel world...

Time: Late night...

Location: Romania, a humble city...

In the quiet alley with no one, the space is like a mirror, unfolding a gorgeous tunnel.

Jiang Shang took Black Joan's hand, crossed the barriers of the world, and landed in a strange parallel world.

At the moment when she crossed the barrier of the world, Joan of Arc had an illusion as if she was in another world.

Some common sense about the future world is emerging in her mind at this moment!

It's like a blank printer paper filled with things you can't do!

"here it is...?"

Black Joan looked around blankly, and asked Jiang Shang weakly.

Even if it's just a small modern city, its prosperity is beyond her imagination!

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