MTL - Comprehensive: Joan of Arc Came To the Door, Begging Me To Go To the Holy Grail War-Chapter 340

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""I want to talk to them about forming an alliance. "

Amakusa Shiro asked gently.

He treats these followers with gentleness.


The "Empress of Assyria" was not summoned, resulting in no overwhelming power in his hands.


He can only maintain a "gentle" personality, trying to impress this group of followers with sincerity.

"I see..."

"For opponents of that level, forming an alliance is the best way."


"Master of Assassins..."

"Will the final direction of things really go as you wish?"

Karna expressed his worries, his tone full of lamentation.

He is a great hero in mythology.

Possessing "the insight of the poor", this skill can be called against the sky!

With this skill, he can easily see through: the opponent's character!

The treasure held by the other party, and the hidden strength!

I will not be deceived by verbal excuses and deceit!

The ability to...

Similar to "Fairy Eyes"...

That is to say...

Karna has the ability to know the essence of the opponent!


"This is the only way to 'win'! "

"We... have no choice!"

Amakusa Shiro frowned, and said to Karna in a firm tone!


He didn't like it, the servant in front of him...

Karna is not good at talking, he always speaks half of what he says!

It has no effect other than stress!


Karna replied calmly.

He has already seen through the heart of "Amakusa Shiro".

A desperate "pilgrim".

A poor man who entrusts his unattainable ideals to the "Holy Grail".

Even if this road is full of thorns, you have to go to the end with your teeth gritted.

It is precisely because of this awareness.


Heroic spirits of the level of "Karna" will cooperate with him.


at the same time...

Inside an all-day pub...

Put on a purple sweater and Lancelot in casual trousers.

He was accompanying his master, sitting at the counter to discuss countermeasures.

"Lancelot, who do you think I should trust?"

Lion Jie picked up the vodka, with all sorts of emotions on his face.

The warning from "Jiang Shang" reverberated in his mind at this moment.


The seriousness of the situation...

He couldn't bear it anymore, he continued to fight alone...

No matter how you look at it, it is a wise choice to sign up with other people to keep warm.


Lancelot took a sip of the spirits, his brows were furrowed, as if thinking about something.


"Maybe it's my illusion..."

"The voice of the 'Judger', and the tone of his speech. "

"It's very similar to the "mysterious man" we met earlier. "

"you say..."

"Could they be, the same person?"

As the knight of "King Arthur", Lancelot showed the wisdom of a knight.


Lion Jie stared in shock, showing an expression of seeing a ghost.

"I'm not kidding..."


"I'm at least 80% sure. "

"The previous mysterious person should be the "Judger" himself. "

Lancelot replied again with an affirmative tone.

Lion Jie fell silent...

He drank his whiskey in sips and made a decision at the same time.


"The mysterious person from before was really the 'Judger'. "

"He could have cooperated with that female servant and killed us."

"But he let us go and gave us advice..."

"From this point alone, it can be judged..."

"He didn't intend to kill us..."

"If that's really the case..."

Lion Jie's brows began to wrinkle deeper and deeper, and his face became extremely ugly.

Lancelot beside him also showed a look of "heroes see the same thing".

If there is no problem with the "Judger"...

The one with the problem is yourself...

I am afraid...

That priest must be hiding something...


Just as the master and slave were discussing countermeasures...

A crisp doorbell rang from the direction of the entrance...

Out of the warrior's vigilance, Lancelot turned to look at the guests who walked into the tavern.


When the blond girl with a flushed face appeared in the tavern holding a small note.

The Knight of the Round Table, with his eyes widened in disbelief, froze in place in horror!


He didn't even know that the wine glass in his hand fell to the ground below!

Even death!

He will never forget this familiar face!

You can never go wrong!

The girl who walked into the tavern was none other than King Arthur! .

317. The king of the parallel world? Lancelot, want redemption!


The crisp sound of glass shattering echoed in the deserted tavern.

Lancelot, whose pupils were trembling, was like a marionette, dumbfounded in place.


If he wasn't drunk...

How to explain the scene in front of me...


Lancelot's abnormal behavior also attracted the attention of Lion Jie.

"Lancelot, don't you~ tight?"

Lion Jie shook Lancelot's arm, awakening the sluggish man.

When God comes back...

Lancelot, already in tears-...

He got up from the seat, ignored the glass shards on the ground, and knelt down on one knee in shame.

"My king..."


"I implore...your sanction..."

Lancelot, who was sobbing, pleaded choked up.

The reason why he responded to the call of the "Holy Grail" was because he had a wish to be fulfilled.

And Lancelot's wish...

that is...

I hope that King Arthur can punish him as a sinner!

Only by dying under the king's sword can he make up for his sins!


Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes