MTL - Comprehensive: Joan of Arc Came To the Door, Begging Me To Go To the Holy Grail War-Chapter 7

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Joan of Arc stared firmly at the man in front of her, and said with a serious expression.

The master must sign a contract with the servant in order to unleash the true power of the "Command Spell"!

It is a pity...

Jiang Shang is a master without "servants".

But it just so happens...

Jeanne is a Servant without a "Master"!

Which means...

They can definitely sign a contract to further develop their relationship with each other!

In Joan's mind...

Signing a master-slave contract means absolute trust. From this moment on, we will depend on each other for life and death, and we will share weal and woe!


This innocent holy girl is doomed to be disappointed...


"If I sign a contract with you, wouldn't it be a waste of such a good opportunity?"

"If I summon a servant, doesn't it mean that I am one step closer to success?"

"After all, my original plan required the cooperation of the four Masters."

"Now including me, there are already two seats..."

Jiang Shang shook his head and explained dumbfoundingly.

After hearing this explanation, Joan of Arc blushed, and quickly let go of Jiang Shang's hand, grabbing her hair in shame.


"I almost forgot about such an important thing..."

Joan apologized guiltily.

Recalling the righteous and awe-inspiring words just now, she suppressed her shyness and raised her head with a serious face.

She fixed her gaze firmly on this savior whom she placed high hopes on.

Under the support of the moonlight, this beautiful face makes people not have any evil thoughts...

"despite this..."

"The previous words still count..."

"If the servant you summoned leaves early, I'm still your candidate...".

7. Heroic Spirit Summoning: Queen of Fairy Kingdom!

under the moonlight

Joan's words are even heavier than the oath...

Because this promise does not contain any emotional factors, it is more like a spiritual sustenance.

The only mission of Joan of Arc in this world is to correct human reason and prevent the worst ending from happening!

The future picture she saw was Jiang Shang's feat of turning the tide!


Joan of Arc would trust Jiang Shang!

Only then will he form an alliance with this "savior of the world", and only then will he act according to Jiang Shang's orders!

This is righteousness!


Joan of Arc held Jiang Shang's hand, and suddenly increased her strength a little.

Her expression became a little complicated.

"Although you are already the master, you still lack the "holy relic" to summon the servants of the heroic spirit. "

"I don't know... what are you going to do?"

Joan asked tentatively.


This straightforward holy girl has already prepared for the worst!

There are some things like holy relics in museums.


If there is really no other way, she can borrow a few antiques as holy relics!

Jiang Shang shook his head with a smile. With his free hand, he gently stroked the space beside him.

A blue space crack was displayed in front of Jeanne like this.

"As for the holy relic, I do have one..."

Jiang Shang put his hand into the crack, and after groping, he took out a gorgeous crown of stabbed blades.

"this is...?"

Joan asked suspiciously, she sensed a terrifying aura from the crown.

That is not the breath of human beings, but some kind of stronger and more evil unknown existence!

"Wait a while, you'll know..."

Jiang Shang acted viciously, pulling Joan who was beside him with a dazed face, and stood up from the roof.

"It's better to hit the sun than choose the day..."

"I'm going to summon 'her' tonight..."

"If we can get along well with Her Majesty the Queen..."

"In this Holy Grail War, no one will be our opponent..."

Jiang Shang's expression at the moment revealed full confidence, and even his tone was extremely firm!

"It looks like..."

"It's an incredible "Queen"..."

Joan responded expectantly, she read few books, so she could only trust Jiang Shang.

And as an ally, give him maximum support.

"Before it's too late..."

"Find a suitable place and summon it..."

Jiang Shang ignored the house of Jian Tong's family, looked around, and finally looked at the distant mountains.

Considering her character...

The farther away from human settlements, the higher the success rate of summoning this "Fairy Queen"!

There is no more suitable place than the mountains.

After finding a suitable place, Jiang Shang looked at Joan who was at the side again.

"During the time I'm away, that girl will ask you to protect her."

After entrusting.

Jiang Shang withdrew his palm and patted Joan on the shoulder.

"Well, please don't worry..."

"Even if the summoning fails, it doesn't matter..."

"Because you still have me, I will wait for you..."

Jeanne replied seriously.

"It's my blessing to have you by my side..."

Jiang Shang sighed in relief.

He likes straightforward girls very much, because getting along with them will not be very tiring.


Before Joan of Arc could reply, Jiang Shang had already jumped off the roof with his hands behind his back!

Dreamy five-color light surrounds Jiang Shang's falling body, fluctuating with the space.

Jiang Shang's slender figure had disappeared from Joan's sight and appeared on a mountain more than ten kilometers away.

"Spatial movement..."

"Is this what you call "walking the stairs"..."

Joan of Arc, who was standing on the roof, shook her head helplessly, and complained with a wry smile.

Even the servants who participated in the Holy Grail War couldn't do this!



The space is like the surface of water, with ripples in circles.

Jiang Shang, who was dressed in a black robe, appeared on the scene out of thin air, and looked around with critical eyes.

"That's it..."

Sensing that no one is disturbing the surroundings, and being in an excellent position close to the spirit veins, it is simply suitable to summon the heroic spirits here.

Jiang Shang's expression gradually became serious.

Xuan'ao's gossip array unfolded under his feet, covering an area of ​​nearly a hundred meters in radius!

"I, the embodiment of Yuxu on the ground."

"I, the implementer of conferring gods on earth!"

"Below the number of days, break the gods and guide the holy pilgrimage!"

Jiang Shang chanted solemnly, which was different from traditional summoning spells.

He wants to use the vast power of the "Thinking Disk" to stimulate the greater potential of the Eight Diagrams Formation!

Help this "Fairy Queen of the Lost Belt" to appear in the pan-human history with a complete body!


A strange sound rang out from the formation!

The majestic crown has now turned into a blue spot of light and dissipated in the air!

at the same time!

The dreamy dark blue particles are combining into a slender figure at a speed visible to the naked eye!


The Fairy Queen from the Lost Belt, answered Jiang Shang's call!


"Your actions will rewrite the main plot!"

"After making a choice, you can get the corresponding reward!"

"Option 1: Terminate the summoning, get: Sacred Relic - Fragment of the Round Table."

"Option 2: Continue to summon and get: Holy Relic - Holy Spear of End!"


Read The Duke's Passion