MTL - Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit-Chapter 13 Ziyan has not yet spoken, but the sorrow and joy are more than ever

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Chi Feichi was silent for a while.

No. 22, Beikacho 2-chome…

So it was Conan who called?

Did TA-QB send the wrong one?

Well, Haibara Ai took her name after she arrived at Dr. Agasa's house, and she received a delivery service from Osaka the next day. In terms of time, it was impossible to tell, and it was probably misunderstood as 'sent by mistake'.

At that time, he really didn't know what the recipient should write, so he simply asked people to fill in "Xiao Ai". Although he didn't care whether he would be suspected or not, he also kept an eye on it.

The recipient is Xiao Ai, not Hai Yuan Ai. There may not be many people named Xiao Ai, but there are more than one in the world.

The reason is that he forgot to ask for his name, so he gave the little girl a nickname, didn't he?

As for whether it will be suspected...

Do you suspect that he put a bug in Dr. Li's house?

Not to mention that the bug was not found at all, he didn't even enter the door at that time.

Or do you doubt that he is a prophet?

If someone really thinks so, then it's not too long to be his company...

Chi Feichi clarified his thoughts in an instant, "That's right."

Conan choked on the answer and explained, "It was sent to this address, but it's called 'Xiao Ai'..."

"Send it to a little girl. The name is a nickname I randomly chose." Chi Feichi said.

Conan felt a communication barrier for the first time, "Then you are..."

Chi Feichi: "I sent her to No. 22, 2-chome, Mikacho."

Conan's expression changed suddenly, he hurriedly covered his phone with one hand, and asked Dr. A Li in a low voice, "Hey, doctor! You said before that the name 'Haihara Ai' was chosen by you, right?"

"Yeah," Dr. Li was puzzled by Conan's question, "Didn't I say, I and her took the name of a female detective as a model, and the gray of the gray field is Gaudia-Grey. 'GRAY' of 'GRAY', and Ai is V.I Wolfski's I, originally I thought Xiao Ai sounded better, but she insisted on using 'Ai'... What's wrong with my name?"

"The person who sent the delivery service is the young man who sent her here. At least that's what the other party said. Although he said he didn't know Hai Yuan's name, he chose a random nickname, but..." Conan turned to look at Hui Yuan. Yuan Ai, suspiciously, "Your original name has 'Ai', right? He is actually an accomplice who knows your true identity, right?"

Huiyuan was stunned for a moment, then she stretched out her hand speechlessly, "No, give me the phone."

Conan hesitated for a while, but still handed the phone to Haibara Ai.

Haiyuan Ai saw Conan's distrust, and she and Chi Feichi were not accomplices in the first place. After picking up the phone, she turned on the speakerphone, "It's me..."

"Well," Chi Feichi said, "what happened just now?"

Haiyuan gave Conan a sad look, "The child who answered the phone just now suddenly had a headache and fell into his seat."

Conan: "..."

Of course Chi Feichi didn't believe it, but he didn't ask, "Home delivery is a gift for you."

"Hmm..." Haibara responded sadly, "Are you in Osaka?"

Chi Fei said lately, "I'm already back."

"The recipient's 'Xiao Ai' is the nickname you gave me? Why is it Xiao Ai?" Haihara Ai was also a little curious, is there really such a coincidence in the world?

Chi Feichi's voice was still calm: "The sadness and joy before Ziyan has never been spoken are better than before."

As a science dog, Dr. Li: "..."

Huiyuan Ai, who is also a science and engineering dog: "..."

What does it mean?

Conan quickly went through ancient books and Japanese songs in his mind, and then thought of ancient Chinese prose and poetry...

However, there are too many ancient Chinese prose and poetry.

Even though his knowledge reserve is astounding, many can say one, two or three, but there are also many things he doesn't know.

Haibara Ai looked at Conan subconsciously.

Dr. Aga also looked at Conan with curiosity.

Conan got stuck for the first time. He silently took out his mobile phone and checked it online if he didn't understand.


Chi Feichi didn't mean to explain, and didn't continue to say.

Dr. A Li retracted his gaze and concentrated on driving, waiting for Conan to find out.

Haiyuan was saddened to see Conan taking action, so naturally he waited for the answer, but felt...

The silence at this moment is inexplicably a little embarrassing.

About ten seconds later.

On the quiet road, the car happened to pass the street light section.

The car was completely dark. When the young man was concentrating on checking the information on the Internet on his mobile phone, a calm male voice suddenly came from the back seat: "Have you checked?"

There seems to be a fourth person in the car with only three people...

Conan froze for a moment, then quickly put aside the horrific thoughts that popped up in his mind.

Chi Feichi guessed that there was silence on the phone, probably because Haibara Ai didn't know the meaning of those words.

And with Haibara Ai's character, he either asked directly or was embarrassed to ask, and he went to check it himself, and he would never stare.

However, he would not have thought that Haibara Ai had turned on the speakerphone, and that Conan was the one who checked the information on the Internet, and it surprised Conan...

Conan's mind quickly turned. The other party guessed that they were looking for information?

Is it based on the sudden silence?

But why is the other party so sure that they will check the information?

"It's normal to check if you don't understand." Chi Feichi thought that Hui Yuanai didn't check the information, and reminded him again.

Conan finally couldn't help turning his head to look at the back seat, making sure that there was not an invisible person sitting in the back seat staring at him.

He just thought of the question he was embarrassed to check, and the other party just responded, and it was too evil...

Haibara Ai didn't know what Conan was thinking just now, and what a coincidence Chi Feichi's words were, seeing Conan suddenly turned his head to look at the back seat, he was a little puzzled.

Is there anything wrong with this famous high school detective? Astonished...

Realizing that Haiyuan's mournful eyes were strange, Conan recovered, coughed dryly, looked down at his phone, and said in a childish tone, "I found it~!"

Haibara Ai:"…"

Dr. Li: "..."

On the other side of the phone, Chi Feichi was also silent.

What's the matter with Conan's exaggerated childish voice...

Facing the strange cold scene, Conan suppressed the embarrassment and weirdness in his heart. Children are not afraid of cold scenes. Yes, he is just a child now, anyway, the other party doesn't know that he is Kudo Shinichi, "Cough, I found it. Oh, this sentence comes from the ancient Chinese text "Liu Jingting Biography" by Huang Zongxi, which originally refers to the skills of storytellers, what Brother Chi wants to say should be that before you speak, the sad and joyful feelings have all been shown."

Dr. A Li couldn't help looking sideways, this sentence was inexplicably warm, and the other party chose the word 'sorrow', which meant that the grief was fully expressed before you even opened your mouth.

Hai Yuanai was startled for a moment, her heart was full of emotions, which made her speechless.

Conan looked at Haibara Ai, and suddenly felt that he might...probably...maybe...thinking people too maliciously before.

"That's what I mean," Chi Feichi listened to the phone and became quiet again, considering that tonight was probably when Haibara Ai and Conan went to Professor Hirota's house and cried for the first time, "Sometimes I cry. It's good too..."

The feeling of being completely seen through made Haibara Ai a little uncomfortable, "Don't be too self-righteous, I won't cry!"

Chi Feichi: "Okay, you must call me when you cry..."

Haibara Ai:"…"

So sure she will cry?

What a stubborn and arrogant man!

Chi Feichi: "I recorded it for collection."

Haibara Ai:"…"


"Anyway, the item was sent correctly. That's all, this is my number. I'll contact you another day."


The phone hangs up.

Haiyuan Ai held the phone blankly.

I cried and wanted to call me... I recorded it for collection...

Dr. A Li kept echoing these two sentences in his mind, resisting the weird look on his face, but he stopped talking.

Haiyuan mourned, wrote down the number, and handed the phone back to Conan, "By the way, what's his name?"

Conan stopped when he picked up the phone: "..."

"When you receive a call from a stranger, most people don't report their name, so what's the matter?" Haibara Ai said lightly, "Also, did he ask who you are? Did he ask Dr. Agasa's name?"


Conan Khan, is this a revenge for his previous suspicions? But how does it feel to be a punching bag?

"The person who answered the phone at the beginning said 'Mr. Chi', he should be surnamed Chi or have the word 'Chi' in his name... But since there is contact information, you can call and ask later, we should go to the record first Get back the magnetic tape with the drug information."

"Yeah." Haibara Ai didn't tease Conan anymore, and sat in the back seat to unpack the delivery box of the delivery service, took out the dolls and doll keychains inside to take a closer look, and put them back in order.

Is Ziyan's sadness before he speaks more than before...

The next day.

Castle Peak Fourth Hospital.

At 8:30 in the morning, the person who came to pick up Chi Fei late drove to the hospital. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

He looks to be in his forties, with short mid-parted hair, a square face, thick eyebrows, drooping eyes, and deep nasolabial lines. He seems to be an unsmiling person at ordinary times.

"I'm sorry, it seems to be a little too early," the man explained when Chi Feichi and Fukuyama Zhiming came to the hall, "but the place we're going is a bit far, it may take a lot of time in the car, oh, I My name is Mamiya Man, my deceased father-in-law and Mr. Chi Zhennosuke's father are cousins, so Mr. Chi Feichi should call me cousin."

"It's not too early, if it's a long drive, you should come earlier," Fukuyama Chiaki smiled kindly, "Does Mr. Mamiya usually have time?"

Mamiya Man nodded, "My mother-in-law is old and has some dementia. My son and I both take care of her at home instantly. It's okay to take care of Mr. Chi by the way."

"At the moment, Mr. Chi's condition is very good. There has been no personality alternation recently. There was no depression in the test results last night, but there are still some small problems..." Fukuyama Chiaki told Mamiya Man about the general situation and needs. After paying attention, he sent the two out and explained to Chi Feichi, "Mr. Chi, Beichuan told me that you have bought some books on psychology. If you are interested, you can really read it for yourself, and you can adjust your mentality at ordinary times. But you must remember to take medicine, take a good rest, and come to me if you have anything."

"Thank you." Chi Feichi's thank you was sincere.

"Go," Fukuyama Zhiming smiled, "you should go home and pack your things."

Chi Feichi nodded, walked towards the car with Mamiya Man, and suddenly remembered something, "By the way, Mr. Mamiya, what day is today?"

It must have been oppressed by Fukuyama Zhiming for a long time. It was a little pleasant for him to ask others this question...


Read The Duke's Passion