MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-v2 Chapter 65 The real body of the gray trench coat

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The organization's affairs are much more complicated than Guan Dounan imagined, and Zhibao couldn't give more information if he kept asking. I don't know if she knows so much or if it involves the boss who can't be said, so she made regulations on her own.

After that, a few people chatted a little bit more, including other information from some organizations, as well as a few people's speculation on the current situation.

In general, Jinjiu hasn't done much yet, and Amuro Toru has not sent back any news, and everything is still going according to plan. The sixty-six hours from the limit of Gin's ability have advanced by almost a whole day.

Speaking of which, Guan Dounan finally asked what pseudonym Miyano Shiho wanted to use as his identity in his future life. She thought about it and gave "Haihara Ai", the same name as the original plot. As for Miyano Akemi, it was I took the same surname and took the name "Hai Yuan Moe", and I don't know if this is the end of the world line.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Guan Dounan and Conan continued to drill holes from the storage room on the first floor, returned to the upstairs residence, and sent Conan back to the Maori Detective Office.

The first day was safe.

The next day, Guan Dounan opened his eyes from the bed, felt his body, and made sure that he was still alive, still at home, not killed by Jinjiu or locked up somewhere. At the same time, the memory in his mind is still inherited from "yesterday", and there is no change.

"However, even if he activates his ability, I can't notice anything after losing the memory of that time line..."

With a sigh, he got up from the bed and cleaned up. Judging from the calendar and clock hanging on the wall, today is still a school day. If you want to keep your daily routine, you have to go to school.

The school life is also the same as before... Or it is different from usual, very calm, Guan Dounan almost had the illusion that he was living in a world of youthful daily school romance dramas, just during lunch break, a phone call from Kashiro Kei brought him back Real feeling.

"There is a clue about what you said yesterday."

Kashiro Kei's voice sounded a little tired. He was probably busy for a long time, and he was talking to himself while rubbing his temples.

"Gu Xiaolu and his wife run a financial company, and there are not a lot of people who have offended them, so we searched from the direction of 'people who may have motives' and found 79 people in total, and this number is only the result of the first investigation. However, considering As you said, the avatar may be related to the mental state of the main body, and we deliberately paid attention to clues about 'stiffness' and 'grey trench coat' during our investigation."

"Finally, a highly suspect person was found."

"Gan Quanzhenya, used to be an employee of Gu Xiaolu and his wife's financial company, but suddenly had a car accident two or three months ago. Both legs were broken, leaving him with a lifelong disability. In addition, he also resigned from the company he used to work for."

"According to a colleague who has a good relationship with him, Gan Quanzhen usually lives in a difficult situation and has a somewhat withdrawn personality. He often wears an old gray trench coat as a coat."

"The most important point is that before Gan Quanzhen also had a car accident, he seemed to be assigned by Gu Xiaoluliang to run errands nearby, or to help bring a document 'dropping the road'. However, that time should have exceeded the company's theoretical closing time. ,so…"

"About 'work-related injuries'?" Guan Dounan already had a premonition of what Kamidai Kei was going to say. As a former social animal, it wasn't the first time he heard of this kind of thing, but he was lucky that it never happened to him.

"Well, it's a pity that the lawsuit failed." Kamdai Kei sighed, "And after that, Gan Quanzhen disappeared, but we saw the surveillance near the intersection of the crime scene based on the photos he left. Passed him. He also locked his current position according to the reverse investigation."

"Although theoretically we should observe him secretly first, but he has already created a case, and his ability is very harmful, so I temporarily decided to arrest him now."

"Isn't that right? You can go and catch him." Guan Dounan yawned and understood what Kamidai Kyu meant, "Or do I have to work too?"

"Although your stand-in doesn't have any direct combat ability, you are a stand-in messenger after all, and you can see the stand-in. Compared with us ordinary people's action specialists, you can at least see the action track of that weird 'grey windbreaker'."

"I see, where to meet?"

The meaning of Kamidai Kei is very simple. Although your stand-in ability has no combat effectiveness, as long as you can see the stand-in, it is more useful than the specialists who can only passively take damage. One of his directions can make many commissioners escape the fate of being attacked by substitutes.

According to the location pointed out by Kamidai Kei, Guan Dounan came to the target location. This is a quiet residential area. The heights of the buildings are not too high, and they are all a bit old. They belong to the area with very cheap rent, which is also in line with the economic situation of Gan Quanzhen at this time.

When Guan Dounan arrived at the scene, he saw Kamidai Kei who was waving at him upstairs. Under the guidance of a commissioner, he finally came to the roof of this building. This building is the tallest building in the surrounding area. , there are no obstacles in the top floor, it can be said to occupy the commanding heights.

"If you use the telescope, do you see the same stand-in as usual?"

Kashiro Kei handed him a telescope and asked a question he hadn't even thought about himself.

"Well...glasses are fine, then telescopes, maybe?"

Taking over the Guan Dounan tried to summon Xiao Hei and took a look. Sure enough, he saw a mass of black in the telescope, so he nodded to Kamidai Kei, indicating that there was no problem.

"Well, our action steps are very simple. First lead Gan Quanzhen out of his residence, and then let the commissioners arrest him. Considering that his stand-in ability is harmful to a certain extent, a sedative gun and electric shock are used. ." Kamdai Kei pointed to the downstairs, according to the information Gan Quanzhenya's residence is on the first floor of the building opposite them.

"And your task is to remind me of the position of the avatar when he uses it, and I will tell them." Kamidai Kei pointed to the headphones and microphones on his ears. This time the number of action commissioners is not large It seems that it has its own action code. Although it is not impossible to let Guan Dounan temporarily command, it is not as good as directly letting Goddai Keilai be proficient. "After being entangled by that kind of substitute, it will only become stiff all over, but it will not be on the spot. Death. Making that person unconscious can also decipher it, right?"

"At least that's what I did yesterday."


Kanda Kei nodded, tested the sound into the microphone on the earphone, and his expression became serious.

"The action begins!"