MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-v2 Chapter 74 don't come

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There were two prisoners, but there was only one needle for anesthesia, so Guan Dounan decided to use it in the most critical position.

It was less than ten minutes before the midfield, and the prisoner's accomplices had to go to Exit 18 to get the 50 million yen in cash they asked for, as he said on the phone. Guan Dounan decided to observe the police's actions first. If they can catch the prisoner's accomplice without any accident, then he can use the key anesthetic needle on one person.

Standing in the auditorium above Exit 18, Guan Dounan summoned Xiao Hei, made him sink, penetrated the building under his feet, floated a face on the ceiling of the exit, and observed secretly by relying on the senses shared by the avatar and the main body. at the scene of the police action.

Exit No. 18 is said to be an exit, but it is actually a hall-like corridor. It is very spacious, and there are many pillars that are used for decoration and support. In the center of the exit was an inconspicuous handbag, probably the 50 million yen cash that the gangster mentioned on the phone.

At this time, there were policemen in plainclothes hiding behind several pillars next to the exit, and the Mumu police department even hid themselves at the corner of the door near the outside of the stadium, waiting for the prisoner who came to withdraw the money to throw himself into the net.

"If any of these police officers suddenly looked up, and incidentally had the special physique that could see the substitute, maybe they would be startled..."

Thinking like this, Guan Dounan controlled Xiao Hei to move at different positions above the exit, somewhat with the mentality of starting a wave with the wind. However, it didn't take long for a guy wearing a windbreaker, a woolen hat, a mask and sunglasses to appear at Exit 18 near the inside of the stadium. He was still looking around, and he was sneaky at first sight.

The man who seemed to be in a cover looked around, and was confused by the police's excellent concealment methods. After confirming that there was nothing unusual, he walked quickly to the handbag and bent over to pick it up.


The Mumu police department roared, and the policemen next to them immediately showed their bodies and rushed towards the guy from their hidden direction. The goal was obvious, they were all to control his hands first - no way, this guy has lethal power in his hands. Not a small 7.62mm pistol, the kind of police revolver used by the neon police is sometimes not as lethal as a fist, and if they really want to start a gunfight, they can only suffer from this distance.

The man in the suit was not slow to respond. He immediately got up after realizing that he was ambushed, and wanted to take something out of his arms. It was only interrupted by the death-defying attacks of several police officers, and after some struggles, he was subdued by Officer Sato, who was more agile than many male police officers, and was suppressed to the ground.

"Quick, search for his pistol!" The Mumu Police Department was behind the policemen because of their size and distance. Seeing that the prisoner was under control, they hurriedly shouted to find his gun.

"The police department, he, he doesn't seem to have a pistol on him!" After a search, the police officers said nervously, without finding a pistol on the man's body, pocket, or arms.


"Stop everything for me!"

The mobile phone that slipped out of the man's hands rang a low and rude male voice. When he came here, this guy seemed to have been talking to his accomplice, and the police had just been arrested by him from the phone. heard it.

"If you guys do anything to my partner, I'll immediately start shooting people in the audience!"

"Quick, stop!"

The Mumu police department communicated with the prisoner on the phone. The specific content is probably that the police mixed in and made him very angry, so he decided to increase the amount to one billion, which will be required when the game is over. And his accomplice can't give up the 50 million that he is holding now, can't follow him, let him leave directly. If one fails, he immediately shoots at the audience.

"Don't think I didn't know that you arranged plain clothes, let me see, in the auditorium at the front of the football field, the man smoking a cigarette in the last row on the right, the woman reading the newspaper in front of the auditorium in the second row on the left, and At the front, the two men with their hands on the railing..."

As the man pointed out the plainclothes police arranged by the Mumu police department one by one on the phone, the expression of the Mumu police department also changed from shock to solemnity. Where is this guy hiding? Not only was it not discovered by the plainclothes who had been observing the characters using the phone, but he was counter-reconnaissance?

"Okay, I understand, don't act rashly, your partner will let him leave, and I will also..."

"Who are you?!" However, before the police department finished speaking, there was a scream of anger and anger from the other end of the phone, but the target did not seem to be aimed at the police department, but someone else who suddenly appeared. .

"Don't come here, or I'll... uh..."

"what's the situation?"

The Mumu police department was immediately puzzled. The other prisoner seemed to have someone he didn't expect to appear next to him, causing him to fall into a brief moment of shock and rage, and he wanted to take out a gun directly. However, he was only halfway through the threat, and was stopped for some reason, and even made a crisp sound of something hitting the metal.

"You, who are you... um..."

The voice of the person on the other end of the phone gradually changed from anger to panic, and then completely lost his voice after a muffled groan.

"Hello? Hello? What happened? Are you still there?"

The Mumu Police Department hurriedly called several times to the phone, but got no answer. Suddenly, he had to instruct his police officers to control the man in the trap at the beginning - anyway, the accomplice who asked to let him go has stopped talking. Who knows if he will suddenly change his mind?

At the same time, he also made the plainclothes policemen still in the stadium pay attention to whether there was any abnormal situation around, and rushed to the stadium himself.


"came back."

Guan Dounan sat down next to Guan Shanyue in a refreshing suit, took the extra bottle of Coke that Xiao Ai brought him, opened the lid and gulped two sips.

"You're really slow, it takes so long to go to the toilet?" Guan Shanyue rolled his eyes at him, but didn't care much.

"By the way, I disposed of a little garbage." Guan Dounan spat out a mouthful of carbon dioxide and said very easily, and gave Xiao Ai a wink by the way.

Of course, in exchange, only the cold-faced loli's white eyes were exchanged.


[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

"Police, here, the photographer next to Camera 13 fainted! There's a Beretta pistol next to him!"

"I see." After a while, I finally found the most "wrong" position in the stadium. It was facing the middle of the stadium's auditorium. many. The camera position was also not good. There was only one of them. The Mumu Police Department immediately directed their plainclothes to protect the scene. By the way, the cameraman who had passed out of a coma was pulled onto a stretcher, ready to be sent to the hospital.

"Police, under the cameraman's earphone is a phone with a small earphone, and it seems..." The policeman held the mobile phone and listened to his own voice coming from the phone in the hands of the Mumu Police Department. Stayed for a while.

"It looks like he's the other prisoner we're looking for..." The Mumu police department nodded and glanced at the camera and the auditorium next to him, "No wonder we couldn't find the suspicious person using the phone. A career as a photographer happens to be able to use a phone connected to a headset, and that's 'normal'."

"This can also explain why he can see Guan Dounan and the others, but he has mistaken them..." Officer Sato looked out of the camera curiously, just to see Guan Dounan drinking Coke, "However, what happened to him? What made it become what it is now."

"I don't know. It stands to reason that this place is in the stadium, and there are many spectators behind. They are all eyewitnesses. But..." The police department in Mumu looked up and was still in the middle of the field. Many spectators either watched the players in the rest area with binoculars, or went about their own business, and really didn't notice much here.

"In any case, it's better to control the suspect first and send it to the hospital for examination. The other one can't be spared. Also, try to ask the witnesses at the scene to find out what happened."


"A person suddenly appeared, walked behind you like a ghost, and then raised his hand, knocked out your pistol, and knocked you unconscious..." The police department looked at the man in front of him, who had sobered up and was stunned. The original photographer, who was handcuffed and sat on the seat with a hopeless expression, asked with some doubts.

"Yes, that's it, don't continue to ask." The original photographer, now the prisoner looked impatient, he had been asked four or five times before, but what he experienced at that time The scene is like this, and nothing can be made up.

"...Do you know that person?"

"do not know."

"Did you see anything when he raised his hand?"

"I don't know, I didn't see anything."

"what is his name?"

"I said I don't know him!"


"A spectator who can act as an eyewitness at the scene, and the confession given is the same. A man appeared, patted his shoulder, and then raised his hand, and the prisoner fainted..."

After the interrogation, Officer Takagi also came to the Muki police department with a stack of documents and reported other investigation results to him.

The criminals' motives were not complicated. They were resented by Nippon TV because of an attempted robbery, so they wanted to commit crimes against them. There were only two prisoners, two pistols, and only one bullet was used. They still hit the football. Later, they were casually thrown into a trash can in the stadium, and the police finally turned them over.

However, who appeared mysteriously, who subdued the gangster, and what method he used, has not been able to investigate clearly.

"It's just like those previous cases..." The Mumu Police Department said in a low voice.

"What did you say? The police department?" Officer Takagi asked curiously.

"It's nothing, probably don't need to continue investigating this matter." The Mumu police department touched his beard, "I think it won't take long before those public security policemen who like to take credit will appear again, and then This case is going to pass and it's up to them."

"It happens that tomorrow is also my holiday, and I plan to go for a walk in the park, so there is no need to continue investigating this matter."

"Okay, police department."

Chapter 74 Don't come here

Read The Duke's Passion