MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-v2 Chapter 87 Unexpected stand-in attack

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At this moment, the lights in the hall also recovered, and the warm yellow light was a little dazzling to everyone who was still in the dark, but they soon got used to it.


In just an instant, a sharp scream cut through the entire hall. It turned out that Nana couldn't help screaming when she saw the broken glass on the ground, but because the light was already on, Huajingyuan also took back the restrictions on her movement by the Green Emperor, but unfortunately this guy didn't notice it at all.

"It seems that the prisoner's attack this time was not successful." Huajingyuan said with a sigh of relief when he saw that the Mumu police department and others had also arrived.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

After the other people arrived, everyone listened to the people who stayed here and told about their inexplicable experience of being attacked. Of course, in the mouth of Huajingyuan, he said that the broken glass was probably accidentally hit something else. , the phrase "emerald water splash with a radius of 20 meters" that he shouted was just a casual shout in an emergency, hoping to disperse the words of the secret murderer.

"It now seems that the murderer is probably among us. After all, the entrance and exit are closed. When the lights were turned off, was there anyone who was not with their companions all the time?"

The avatar has been defeated. Although Huajingyuan knows that there may be more than one poker avatar, and the fatal injury may not react to the main body like other people's avatars, but he expects Dingze Mufair to have enough fighting power at this time, so Choose to attack directly.

Judging from the existing rules, only odd-numbered poker cards can create avatar warriors. Thirteen and eleven were all scattered on the spot, and the joker was just defeated. Seven failed to succeed, and there was one nine left, which should also be killed. Xu Shengyi used it.

In the view of Huajingyuan, Sawamu fair has absolutely no ability to resist.

"If you say that..." Mr. Ford turned his head to look at Sawagi. When he was in a group of two or two just now, he was with Sawagi, but halfway through, Sawagi said he was going to the bathroom, so he started to act alone.

"All, what are you doing looking at me?" Zemu also noticed that everyone's eyes were focused on him, so he had to pretend to be innocent, "I was almost killed by that crossbow that was placed in the wine cellar. Kill, you won't believe this man's nonsense, will you?"

"If you want to say, I actually want to believe you, Mr. Sawagi..." Mouri Kogoro also realized that something was wrong at this time, and said slowly, "The other even-numbered victims, Eri was poisoned, and Mr. Hiroki was in a plane accident. Only you, the same crossbow as the odd victim..."

"Mr. Mauri, why, why do you like to joke?" Zemu's face gradually stiffened, and the Mumu police department and the Shiratori police officers also slowly approached him.

"If this uncle is really a prisoner, maybe he will have playing cards on him, from seven to two..." Conan also added to the side.

"Mr. Sawagi, for everyone's safety, can I ask you to keep your distance from Mr. Shido for the time being? Of course, Miss Nana..."

"Besides, I think it's better for everyone to take out the things they bring and check. Let's start with you, Mr. Sawagi."

At this time, Miss Nana, who had just become a victim and was still in shock, and Mr. Shido, who had "six" in her name and was about to become the next victim, all looked at Sawagi with complicated expressions.

"If you all think so... well, I'll take it, I'll take it..."

Sawagi sighed, turned around slowly, walked to the table, and put his hand in his pocket.

Gu Xiu

At this moment, Conan's heart suddenly tightened, as if it was a hunch, he vaguely felt that something bad would happen in the next second.

"Everyone be careful..."

Before the voice fell, a violent vibration suddenly came from the top of the crystal living room, turning off the light that had just turned on again, as if an earthquake had occurred. The vibration was transmitted to the ground, causing everyone to stand unsteadily for a while. Only Xiaolan, a martial arts master, and Kogoro Mori, who has a special physique, can barely keep upright.

"Yes, is it a bomb? Someone detonated a bomb?" Conan reacted immediately, turning to look at Miss Nana and Mr. Shidoo.

"Lan, push away Miss Nana!"



In the darkness, Conan saw a dark red phantom with a **** symbol on his shoulders with the vision obtained by the half-avatar. It appeared directly behind Miss Nana, and it was shaped like a spade, and the end was directly a phantom. He stabbed his spiky arm hard at Nana.

However, this blow did not succeed. Xiaolan, who has always been on guard, is almost a prophet of uncertainty. When Conan only said two syllables, she pushed Nana away. The attack of the **** poker warrior did not pierce Nana's heart, but scratched her. Abdomen, and Xiaolan's arms.

The **** poker warrior was still waiting to attack, but Huajingyuan had already reacted, summoned the green emperor, and launched countless emerald splashes at it, forcing it back.

"Xiao Lan can react so quickly. It should be said by Senior Guan to me before. Xiao Lan has a special physique that can communicate with me in disguise. It does not make sense?

"In addition to the defeated joker poker fighter, Sawagi Fair also has a stand-in fighter whose strength is no less than its strength. Judging from the suit, it should be the nine of spades represented by Xu Shengyi.

"No wonder it's not right to see Xu Shengyi's body soaked in water. UU reading turned out to be draining the blood before soaking in water..."

Conan's thoughts were like electricity at this time, and he figured out many joints in an instant. Including this explosion should be that Sawagi just pressed the switch of the bomb in his pocket to find an opportunity to kill Nana.

"But, why do you have to kill Nana? Instead of the theoretical next victim, Mr. Shido?"

"What's wrong? What happened? Mr. Shido? Miss Nana?" The Mumu Police Department asked anxiously after hearing the screams.

"I'm fine, it seems that these two young ladies are injured." Mr. Shido sat on the ground and took out a lighter to light it up. Sure enough, he saw Xiaolan and Mingming, who were holding the wound on their arm and said nothing. Nana screamed again and again.

"Xiaolan! No, this kind of injury is very serious, and it has to be dealt with quickly..." After seeing Xiaolan, Mouri Kogoro and Conan immediately forgot about other things, got close to Xiaolan, and hurriedly gave her Bandaged up.


At this time, the second wave of explosions continued to hit, directly blasting the tempered glass in the living room, and a large amount of sea water poured into the hall with a roar symbolizing death, swept away to everyone.

Read The Duke's Passion