MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-v3 Chapter 5 Invitation card

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"That's what I mean. In the words of my line of work, her aura is different from that of Mamiya. It stands to reason that if it is a family related by blood, there should be similarities in the aura." Guan Dounan continued to talk nonsense. , anyway, they have no way to verify what "aura".

"Of course, if you want to use scientific means to verify it, you only need to compare her DNA with Mamiya Noble. Or you can go to the plastic surgery hospital and ask directly... Well, it's Lips. Dayton beauty salon, right?"


Guan Dounan seemed to have given a scientific verification method, but he pinched his fingers a few times and then directly said the name of the plastic surgery hospital, which made the people present feel that he was a monster.

"How, how, how is it possible, how do you know..."

Qicun Fangzi, who was disguised as an old woman, was almost insane at this time, and she said something in her mouth, but there was no need to verify that what Guan Dounan said was true or false.

However, after all, she was told all the secrets when she thought she had no flaws, and she still used a metaphysical method, so it was reasonable for a guy like her who has been pretending to be a ghost and pretending to be someone else to break the defense instantly.

"I didn't expect it to be true. So, the real grandmother is already..." Mamiya nobleman looked at this lost old woman with a little sadness in his expression in addition to anger.

"Well, let the secular police handle her murder and impersonation. Let's get down to business now." Guan Dounan clapped his hands, which mercilessly destroyed the atmosphere here.

"What should I say about the treasure left in this castle, it's better to say it's a 'mystery'. After divination, there is no such thing as gold and silver treasures or banknotes and dollars in this castle as you imagine, the answer to the mystery Well, there is one."

He walked to the giant oil painting in the hall, stretched out his hand and pushed it away, revealing a hole behind it that could accommodate one person. Behind the hole was a ladder made of reinforced iron bars for people to climb up.

"Going up from here is the answer. You guys have stayed here for so long and you don't know?"

The entrance to this secret passage is not hidden, on the contrary, it can be said to be very obvious. But generally speaking, no one will remove the huge oil painting of the great master if it is not necessary. Even if you clean it, you just wipe the floating ash on it, so it has not been found for so long. .

Guan Dounan clapped his hands, gave up the place, and signaled that everyone can go up and check at will. Mamiya Man and Mamiya noble looked at each other, and both saw a bit of embarrassment from each other's expressions.

"Then, noble, why don't you go up and have a look first?"

"No, uncle, you are the oldest here, you should go first."

"Or you go first..."

If there is really a treasure here, then the two will probably fight for it. Not only them, but also the servants and handymen in the ancient castle will have a crooked mind. However, this magical fortune-teller just said that "there is no gold and silver treasure", so if he is too eager to get together, he will appear a little greedy for money.

It is worth thinking about the importance of the treasure that may not exist at all and the issue of personal image related to the future.

"There are so many pushes and concessions, you go." Guan Dounan was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he directly named Ma Gongman, and asked him to follow the hole to see the "mystery". And Mamiya Man, who was cued, looked at the people present a little embarrassedly, and daringly climbed up.

In the eyes of everyone looking forward to it, within ten minutes, Ma Gongman returned to the hall. The expression on his face was odd, frowning, but not too disappointed.

"See it."

"I see, but..." Ma Gongman pursed his lips and shook his head, "Master, he really played a very cold joke on us."

After Ma Gongman went up the secret passage, the rest of the people also went up to look one after another, and found that it was just the top of a small tower in the ancient castle, and the eldest master engraved the words on the sash of the small window on the top of the tower.

"The first person who discovers this secret, I will give this beauty and the castle to him."

The beauty is indeed beautiful. After all, looking out from the top of this tower, you can see the entire castle plus the forests and lakes in the mountains. Unfortunately, it is cloudy now. As for the castle itself, this kind of message engraved on the window does not count. It is also said that the "will" with legal effect is another, so the ownership of the castle is still an issue to be resolved.

The incident was solved. It only took about an hour before and after the incident to find the puzzles left in the castle and a murder that had been hidden for a long time. The people of the Mamiya family have a lot of questions about Guan Dounan and the "diver" he played. His identity can be said to be both respectful and fearful, Mamiya Man did not dare to delay, invited him to his office on the spot, and handed him the commission fee.

Guan Dounan also mentioned by the way that Dr. A Li and his party were coming to spend the night. Naturally, there was no obstacle. At the same time, in order to deal with his own identity issue, Guan Dounan also used the name of the police to call his colleague Makoto Asai in class N to deal with the identity issue of the Mamiya In this way, no one will "Guan Dounan" is associated with a mysterious fortune-teller. Although this level of concealment itself is more like an unnecessary act, at least it will prevent him from being stopped by the black organization one day while walking on the road, and then ask him if he wants to join the winery.

Judging from the actions of Belmod and the winery, his identity as "Guan Dounan" has never been exposed to the winery. He was only observed for a while as a related party of Kudo Shinichi, and then he ignored it.

I have to say that with Amuro Toru, an insider in charge of intelligence, and Belmod, a counterfeit wine in the nest, the winery has not yet been linked to the pot. It can only be attributed to their perverted time-related abilities, especially It is a gin with the ability of "the loser eats dust".

If you can really find some way to restrain them, it is not difficult to solve the winery. For example, can you try to persuade Kidd, the omnipotent phantom thief in a neurotic state, to snap his fingers or something...

However, Kaitou Kid has not acted for a long time, probably because the side effects of this state are so great that even the stand-in messenger himself is reluctant to use it.

And although Guan Dounan knew that his true identity was Heiyu Kuidou, he didn't want to disturb him rashly. After all, an uncontrollable teammate can sometimes be even more troublesome than an enemy.

"A new commission? No, it seems to be an invitation letter, this name..."

Guan Dounan opened the secret mailbox he designed for the identity of a fortune teller and saw a new one in it. The content of the email was an invitation to the fortune-teller to attend a banquet. This kind of entrustment, which is not looking for something, made him a little interested, but what attracted his attention more was the name of the inviter.

Yotsui Reika, as a fortune-teller, greeted the second guest of the commission.

Read The Duke's Passion