MTL - Cosma Empire-v4 Chapter 1274 Old acquaintance

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"Are they ... undressed?", Du Lin, wearing a white coat, had a hint of research scholarly temperament. He pointed to the observation room around him and asked a little strangely.

If it is said that only male clinical experiment volunteers do not wear clothes, everyone will not think this is strange. After all, men always have to take advantage of some aspects, similar to the same **** too lazy to see, the opposite **** who sees who suffers, etc. It's not surprising that they don't wear clothes, and some people even prefer not to wear clothes.

But women are not so comfortable even if they do n’t wear clothes. Although the feminist movement has been in full swing in recent years, people have heard about the purposes and goals of the feminist movement, but the whole society still treats women Seen as vulnerable groups, whether they allow their husbands to fight with them on the bed.

The female doctor of the two doctors who were next to Du Lin immediately explained, "Most women are more sensitive than men, and they have a good expression of some minor side effects of hormones. Maybe they don't feel it themselves. There are any discomforts, but allergic reactions have begun to occur, so we ask not to wear any clothing as much as possible, so that we can more intuitively and comprehensively understand the specific situation of each subject. "

She also smiled as she said, this female doctor wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, has long hair, and is shaped like a ponytail. The one that is not ugly, can only be regarded as ordinary middle and upper class.

But what she said next was a bit strangely uncomfortable. "In addition, I don't think they and them need to be shy. For us medical workers, they have nothing to do with the animals in the school laboratory. The difference. "

"In our eyes, they are just a combination of living organs and tissues, what they look like ..." She glanced at the male doctor next to him, who shrugged his shoulders, apparently it was their own talent Know a little joke.

Like the female doctor said, they may not be accustomed to seeing the red fruit of the opposite **** at the beginning, but since they saw hundreds of different types of corpses, when they saw the opposite **** or any other person, Most of the time I think of it, "this person's skin looks a little dark, there may be some problems with his **** organs" or "this person has a lot of body fat, and it should be cut deeper when cutting Y."

Volunteers who are conducting round-the-clock observation in the laboratory in the transparent room do not seem to be embarrassed. Most of them are doing their own things, reading books, or watching TV.

Actually speaking, the medical group also needs to thank Du Lin. It is precisely because he has made this amazing good thing of cable TV that many volunteers can stand the long-term observation of life and no longer require that they go out every so often. Be at ease.

The more opportunities for contact with the outside world, the easier it is to make some verification results wrong, and now they don't need to worry about these.

Du Lin walked from room to room and eventually reached their destination. The volunteers on this floor were like fools or mentally handicapped. They walked back and forth in the room in a degenerate manner in a posture that could not be formed naturally by humans. Walk around or sit on the floor and beat your face.

Only a few people looked like normal people. If it weren't for them to shout from time to time or twitch, Du Lin would think they were more normal.

"These are patients with obvious defects in the brain we have collected. Some are congenital and some are acquired. In the past we have not found any effective way to help them, but now we are here Breakthroughs have been made. "

The group went to the main research room, changed into a sterile biochemical suit, and entered the laboratory. Some large, seemingly stupid precision instruments are constantly working. They deal with many liquids and solids.

The female doctor snorted and took Du Lin to the largest table in the laboratory and held up a culture vessel. There were some pure blue crystals in this culture vessel, only half the size of wheat kernels.

"These are our protagonists. We call it 'Origin'. It is the origin of all life and the crystallization of biological wisdom!"

The female doctor seemed a little fanatical. This was something she hadn't shown before. The male doctor also looked very fanatical. The eyes of the two men looking at the blue crystals in the culture vessel were as devout as seeing God. This terrible mania.

"Sorry ... I'm rude ...", after a while of excitement, the female doctor suddenly returned to her spirits, she calmed down, apologized, and then continued, "Mr. Cowen ... he is a A very great biologist, he believes that the future of biomedicine lies in cracking the human body itself. Only by unlocking the code of intelligent life can we go further in medicine and biology. "

"So we set up a lot of projects, including research on the human brain."

"We found that origin has an irreplaceable effect on the growth of the brain. It can effectively allow brain cells to reproduce and grow, which is an ability that no other hormone has."

"Once human brain cells are formed, they are difficult to regenerate and divide. Unlike other cells in our body, such as muscle cells, damaged cells that are torn after muscle tearing are repaired by proliferation."

"But brain cells don't work. Once injured and dead, they won't regenerate, and it's impossible to continue to recover, which is why we have always thought that the process of life is irreversible."

"Until ... we found it, and after our communication with the East, we found that the origin can reactivate brain cells to divide and regenerate under certain conditions, which means we will touch the realm of God ..."

The words of the female doctor of science cults came to an abrupt end, and the male doctor poke her back waist behind her, which also made her wake up.

These things are still top secrets, except for a few people who know, outsiders have no idea what happened in the past few years.

In fact, women doctors don't know much. In deeper places, some more secretive projects have gradually begun to run, including the origin plan and the continuation of this plan-the immortal plan.

Biologists believe that the main reason for human aging is that the pituitary gland gradually stops the secretion of some hormones, which causes the cell division and regeneration capacity of many organs to gradually decrease, and eventually it will not divide new cells, which also means that humans are close to Died.

Assuming that under certain conditions, the pituitary gland can always secrete various hormones to ensure that the cells of each organ of the body will be swallowed by new regenerating cells after normal death, then the human body will always remain at its peak, which is ten Between four and twenty-four.

The origin is the most important part of this plan. The origin can help the dead cells of the brain to re-divide and regenerate like a miracle. This also means that the pituitary gland will secrete various hormones and pheromones again to promote the maintenance of cells throughout the body. Regenerative division.

This is like cancer, an optimized cancer that is accurate and harmless. Humans are cancer cells. They are constantly regenerating. As long as the energy supply can keep up, they will never die.

This plan has been invested in research. In places where people cannot see, almost all leaders, presidents, presidents, and dictators in the world who have a little status have invested a lot of money in this project.

In the past, there were many similar projects, and they also invested a lot of funds. Basically, 98% of the projects will eventually end in failure. For example, the "body shell plan" to maintain the eternal life by replacing the young body for the brain. ", It obviously failed.

However, many valuable by-products will also appear during the failure of these plans. For example, although the body plan failed, the organ transplant operation has achieved unprecedented success and has entered the operational stage. The Imperial General Hospitals have begun Receive organ transplant case.

It doesn't matter if one hundred investments have failed ninety-nine times, but as long as they succeed once, the gains will exceed the total of the ninety-nine times of previous failures!

In fact, Du Lin also has the qualifications to know these things, but just before the top parliament has not opened, he is so bad.

"These experimental objects have begun to use origin. We have adopted the method of intracranial injection ...", the male doctor took the initiative to divert the topic and did not give Du Lin time for questioning or thinking. "We will pierce the skull with a special syringe But does not damage any brain tissue, and then sprays the melted origin directly on the brain tissue ... "

He raised his hand and held it down, then raised his index finger and pressed it down, just like pressing a watering can. This movement was not funny at all, but he seemed to be very funny.

After a few laughs, it was discovered that Du Lin was just looking at him, and the female doctor was also watching him, and he stopped a bit embarrassingly for what he called a "joke" and continued to introduce Du Lin's clinical performance.

"In the three-day clinical trial, we believe that Origin can indeed help the brain to self-repair to a certain extent. It can also be said to be a new division of brain cells ..."

He cited a few examples, such as an experimental subject who had almost lost his ability to express before, but now this guy has shown a clear desire to express.

A patient with a lack of sense of space was unable to walk independently without assistive devices, or even crawl, before coming. Now he has been able to complete the action of sitting up on his own.

Of course, there are some patients who have not shown obvious benign changes, but these changes are enough to make the Academy of Sciences think they have paid more attention to this hormone named "origin".

Finally, the female doctor told Du Lin that because the origin is a special hormone drug that directly affects brain tissue, they have not developed such a drug in the past, so this clinical trial will hold at least three batches, the total duration It may take more than half a year.

In this half of the year, it is better for Doolin to accompany Magus to ensure that his mood stays at a relatively stable level.

Sometimes emotions are also one of the most terrible enemies of interference therapy. It inexplicably produces many hormones and can even directly affect the cellular level. Until now, people have not yet figured out how the cells that should not have wisdom affect the emotions. Under the strain changes.

After leaving the experimental center, Du Lin simply ate something, returned to the ward to visit Magus, and told the elderly what he had seen and heard.

Magus was quite calm, like ... asleep.

Life at two o'clock lasted only one week. Just after entering the first day of March, Kubar found Dulin and told him not to go anywhere in the afternoon. He would take Dulin to a conference.

Today is the day of the top parliament. This is exactly the time Kubar pushed Doulin to the front desk, temporarily replacing Magus, and not let this position vacant, so that other people have ideas.

Du Lin also seemed to have an enlightenment, and he was preparing all morning. He reached the top of the highest tower of the empire and sat behind the window looking down at the entire capital.

He didn't speak, he just sat quietly, but his head flashed like a storm.

Starting from that ridiculous dream that was very important to him, bit by bit, he reviewed his life for more than 20 years.

His first sixteen years can be described as murky, he doesn't know why he was born in this world, he doesn't know what he should do in the future, there is no ideal, no pursuit, only numb life.

He refers to the state of lack of ideal pursuit and motivation as numbness.

In the following ten years or so, he had a bizarre dream, acquired a lot of terrible knowledge, also dreamed and pursued, and shouldered a heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

He referred to this state as struggle.

My numbness, and my struggle ...

After high tea, at about three o'clock, Kubar found Doulin, walked through the streets with him, and came to an old house.

In the house was an old lady wearing an apron and a flower with a cap. She was holding a clay pot in her hand and was watching something while stirring.

The attention of a familiar person and a stranger who suddenly appeared in her house did not respond, and the attention was always on TV.

Coubar pulled Du Lin nodded to her, and then passed through the room, pulled a candlestick in the study next door, and exposed a downward step.

After crossing the long stairs, the two made several laps and finally entered a dark room.

There is a large round table in the room. The round table is black. UU Reading is matte. There is a chandelier on the table, which is very close to the table.

Because the tabletop is not reflective, the light in the room is very dim. Only the middle part of each chair near the table can be lit, and the rest is shrouded in darkness.

They came very early. This is the first time that Doolin has participated in the small circle of the highest level of the empire, so show sincerity.

Just two minutes after he sat down, he heard a familiar sound in his ear.

"This **** place ... if it were me, I would put it somewhere else. The environment here is terrible. It makes me feel like I'm a bad person, but I obviously ..."

Another old voice suddenly sounded, "Damn, close your stinky mouth!"

"What are you talking about? Smelly mouth? Is my breath bad? God is up, I clean my personal oral hygiene on time every day, and ... oh ... you lied to me, my breath is fresh, with jasmine I use jasmine prime toothpaste, you know I like ... "

"Why did God squeeze a mouth for you when you made you? Can you look at my dying, then close your **** mouth?"

"Are you going to die? My God, are you uncomfortable somewhere? Do you need me to call you an ambulance? I just said, this place is too remote and too dark, even if you call an ambulance, I'm afraid it's too late to wait for them You may have been cold when we were, so say ... why did you hit me? "

"Hit you? I'm going to kill you!"

These two voices moved from far to near, and Du Lin's expression became more and more strange. He glanced sideways at the door opening, and then two shadows appeared in the room.

He tried to shout, "Kandy?"

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