MTL - Cosma Empire-v4 Chapter 1304 Have a meeting

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New Party office building on Monday.

This is a building that is not very eye-catching. It looks like a stone at the bottom of the long river of history, obscured by the obscurity of time. Occasionally, the mottled exterior wall can make you feel the cruelty and ruthlessness of time .

It still stands here, but the people inside it have changed many times. For it, it may only be a moment from birth to destruction, but for humans, it is already a lifetime.

The New Party's office building is located 300 meters east of the intersection of the Second Avenue and the First Avenue of the Empire. It is next to the Imperial National Library and the History Museum. There is no special sign at the door, only a simple house number.

When you entered the main door and entered the main building through the vestibule, you will find that this building is not only very stale in appearance, but also the decoration design and the placement of some things.

But it cannot be denied that these seemingly ancient decorations give people an elegant, noble and atmospheric feeling.

Originally, this place was covered with cashmere and camel wool carpets. Later, Magus thought that cleaning the carpets would take too much money and took too much labor time, so he removed all the carpets in the entire building, including his own office. .

This can save a lot of expenses for cleaning the carpet, and more manual labor.

Some people once thought that this was a face-saving project-the members of the Old Party working across the street were wearing shiny leather boots and stepping on a soft camel rug. They regarded this measure of Magus as a way to please the people. Toothless.

But to this day, this measure has not been changed, but the old party has also cancelled all types of carpets on the ground.

Now the ground is a marble that can reflect people's shadows. Every week, a professional team will be responsible for cleaning up possible scratches and repairing some potty wounds. Compared with the cost of cleaning the carpet, it can be said that it is almost no.

The members of the New Party in threes and twos, dressed in decent clothes, carrying various briefcases or handbags, came in from the door, and they were all discussing the western battle that ended last night.

A sheriff from Kurwood, a remote town, successfully stood out from thousands and became the first tournament champion.

Many people are crazy, losing millions of painful madness, and exhilarating insanity.

There are more than ten multi-millionaires and millionaires born on his stage with him. These people only paid fifty cents and got millions, millions and even hundreds of millions of returns. .

There is no way to become rich faster than this way of gambling. Many people have already called the organizer and the state government of Ambilo to ask when the second competition will start.

Some unpleasant things also happened here. A contestant disappeared unexpectedly. After a long and long search after the match, he still could not find his trace. The organizer thought that he might be caught by some predators. Killed, or lost in a special place, and stunned there.

This incident did not cause any turmoil. The organizer's committee contacted his family in a timely manner and compensated by dozens of times of the current social standard death pension. This made the family members of the deceased who felt angry for a moment. It calmed down.

They, the families of the deceased, including the deceased, all expressed that their emotions were relatively calm. At present, the standard social compensation for death compensation / pension is 18,000 yuan, which has doubled even a few years ago.

The organizer smashed half a million in the past. The deceased's father, his wife, and a child who was represented were all acceptable, and praised the organizer's attitude.

This less pleasant thing did not dispel the joyous atmosphere of Abilúo. The whole empire and even the whole world are discussing this game and its star-making ability and money-making ability.

It is like a black hole of funds, swallowing a lot of free funds of the entire world at one go, creating a number that shocks people's nerves, as if it is a myth.

Some people have also considered trying to imitate the other Battle Royale after the Battle of the State of Abilúo. Anyway, they can buy things on the market anyway, but these people soon gave up this idea.

Because they have one thing they ca n’t buy, it ’s effective rebroadcasting and live broadcasting. If you do n’t solve this problem, Cable TV Group and Du Lin will not get through the difficulties. In the end, they will return to the starting point and a lot of effective income will fall Doolin and Cable Group's pocket.

Although it can not be done on a large scale, there are also some remote and barbaric small areas that have begun to organize such events. They are smaller and more brutal, which just meets some people's preferences.

People are talking about it and what Du Lin will do today.

The current situation of the New Party is everyone's eyes. In fact, these people may not know where the problem lies, but this is also a problem.

Magus' retirement is not meaningless. On the one hand, he intends to use his own retirement to make the leadership of the empire realize that even if they become the prime minister of the empire, they will not continue indefinitely and will give way to It is impossible for the person designated by him that the Prime Minister is not the emperor.

Secondly, he also needs to gradually dilute his "influence" in the New Party in this way. This influence is not to say that he has to give up his rights completely and give up guidance to the New Party, but to let the New Party begin to get used to it. No Magus days.

For so many years, he has been used as the New Party's "Imperial Parliament Hill". People have become accustomed to looking up at him when they can't solve problems, and then waiting for his orders to solve them in accordance with his orders.

He is still just a human, and he will die someday, so before he can die, he can solve all his remaining problems, which is his purpose.

But he fell too fast, so fast that people hadn't adapted to the feeling that no one can rely on, and was overwhelmed by this feeling of helplessness.

At 9.46 am, two-thirds of the seats in the huge semicircular staircase conference room were filled with people, and some people couldn't get over because of the distance.

Just nine seconds past five seconds, when the meeting was about to be held, the door of the meeting room was pushed open, and Du Lin stepped in and raised his chest.

People on both sides of the aisle greeted him, and he seemed to respond very politely, and then walked to his seat in the second row.

According to the current ranking within the party, Du Lin's ranking is still in the top ten. This is not to say that everyone deliberately embarrassed Du Lin not to give him a higher ranking, but that his position within the party is indeed not as ordinary as people think. high.

Intra-party status and political status are not the same thing. There will not be a problem of high political status, and the intra-party status will certainly be the same.

In the first few years of Magus' overthrowing the royal family, he was not the prime minister of the empire, but he was already the leader of the New Party. In addition to the improvement of the status of the party, it is mainly to see whether this member has any influence on the party. There is enough value and contribution.

The leader of the New Party is Bowers, who is sitting in the middle of the rostrum and looking at something wearing a pair of reading glasses. The chairman of the New Party Committee sitting on his left is the second person in the party. His responsibility is to manage the New Party Committee, and to preside over and arrange the daily work of the New Party.

The third and fourth places are two vice chairmen, one is responsible for specific external affairs, and one is responsible for internal affairs. At present, Dory is the fourth leader, mainly responsible for personnel transfer within the New Party and other issues.

Next is the money bag of the New Party. The top director of the Finance Department and the Finance Department sits on the far left of the first row. He is the fifth person in the New Party and is a fat man.

The sixth is the top chief of the New Party ’s Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is mainly responsible for disciplinary issues within the party and the members' investigation and punishment for violations of regulations.

According to the original arrangement, the Ministry of Internal Affairs should be above the Ministry of Finance, but Magus' influence on the New Party was so terrible that the Ministry of Internal Affairs had been in a state of nothing for a long time in the past.

In a large power agency, once any authority function is idle, it will soon be marginalized.

People dare not brazenly put the Ministry of the Interior on the edge of the rankings, but he set aside the fact that he did not dispute.

The Chief of the Ministry of the Interior also looked fat, with a smile on his face and spoke well. He sat first on the right side of the first row.

The next is the party whip. Because the new party is not the ruling party, the power of the party whip will be infinitely reduced, it will not be able to control outside the party, and it is not hard to speak inside the party, so it ranks the seventh.

However, the position of the party whip is still vacant. Bowers was disappointing in the process of being the leader of the New Party, but he has left a very deep impression on the position of the party whip.

Stereotyped, old-fashioned, harsh, unfriendly, and unsmiling, these are almost all praises to him, and he has indeed achieved what a party whip should be.

After he came to power, he intended to give this position to Schneider, but Schnoder had some unpleasant conflicts with him before, and the position was shelved.

When the committee met, the leadership did not say that it would allocate a new party whip, let alone vote for it, so it was left vacant.

Next is the New Party Development Department. This is the position formerly held by Dory, ranked eighth in the party, and is mainly responsible for the development of members of the New Party organization, organizing internal activities, and giving out some gifts and benefits.

Although this department is inconspicuous, it can link from the bottom to the top of the New Party. If there is a capable person in this position, as long as the means are used well, it may even overhead the New Party Committee's chairman and vice chairman, so it is eighth. .

The current chief of the development department is a young lady, about 30 years old. She sits in front of Du Lin and chats with others. Occasionally she looks back at Du Lin, and Du Lin nods slightly.

The top chiefs of such important departments constitute the true "leadership" within the New Party. Although Du Lin is expensive as the head of a state, within the New Party, his ranking is only 19th, thanks to him and Mag The relationship between Sri Lanka, and his own personal factor relationship.

When Du Lin sat down and waited for less than 30 seconds, Mr. Chairman of the New Party Committee raised his wrist and looked at the watch, then tilted his head and whispered a few words to Bowers, and Bowers nodded And stood up.

Then everyone started to stand up, and after a few opening remarks, they sat down again.

It's a bit stupid, I almost got the name, it will be exactly the same as some school classrooms.

This month ’s regular meeting did n’t talk much. Magus had no news for a month, some work stopped, and people did n’t have the heart to work.

The Lord ’s Party is constantly harassing and digging its feet. People are heartbroken. Whoever can focus on their work is paying attention to the changes of the New Party and the political situation of the entire Empire.

After all, the appearance of the imperial party's strong desire to rise makes it inevitable that some thoughts, whether civilians, aristocrats, or parapets, are weighing the pros and cons, and are considering.

Therefore, the monthly summary was not done, but it talked about some work arrangements for the next month, which is very routine.

The arrangement of work within the party is actually not as mysterious as people think. Most of it is the distribution and arrangement of some daily work, plus the expiration of some advanced plans. This is the monthly regular meeting.

During the Magus period, every monthly regular meeting he chaired will be delayed until two or three in the afternoon or even in the evening, but today, it only takes a little more than an hour to basically say the same.

Bowers yawned, and it seemed that his head was not very full. His Excellency narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he had fallen asleep.

Such an attitude on this occasion ~ ~ No wonder everyone is ready to withdraw. If it is not too deep, Du Lin will consider whether to leave.

When Bowers asked if everyone had any proposals and was about to end the meeting, Du Lin stood up.

Bowers looked at him blankly, thinking that Du Lin had sat for the entire game without saying a word, but just came to the cut, but he finally stood up.

Suddenly, his head was stinging, and he reluctantly opened his mouth and asked, "Mr. Du Lin, what proposal do you want to let us know?"

Du Lin shook his head, he walked out of the seat, stood on the aisle to arrange his clothes, strode toward the podium, and walked, saying, "I have no proposal, but I have a few words, I want to talk to you! "

Bowers looked at His Excellency the Chairman, His Excellency is still half-closed, as if he was asleep, Bowers no longer speaks, looks at it with cold eyes, and let Du Lin make this strange!

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