MTL - Cosma Empire-v4 Chapter 1324 Monkey and crown

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Melissa is watching TV, and she hasn't noticed that some unexpected guests have appeared in the villa.

Oak Bay community service companies have withstood the test over the years and won the trust of all residents. Even if some residents sometimes forget to lock the door when they leave, they will not worry about it.

Melissa also has the same slackness. In the past two years, she hasn't had any accidents while living here. Although Du Lin doesn't care about them, she pays a little for the living expenses every month.

Not much money, this is for Du Lin himself, but enough for them to live a good life, even if they splurge from time to time will not make the next day embarrassing.

Sometimes ..., no, it should be said that most of the time she feels that she has done something stupid, and even more stupid is that she gave birth to the child after pregnancy. She should listen to the mother and take the child away. .

However, at that time, she was not mature enough, she always thought that parents always stood on their own starting point to consider things, and ignored their own feelings as a party, so that they might oppose the mother's proposal just for the sake of opposition. The child was born.

Now, she regretted it. After a short period of passion and impulse passed, she began to realize that some things can last long, but some things can't last long.

The unilateral emotional outbreak with Du Lin originated from the more security that Du Lin gave her. One female writer wrote in the book that women's needs for security are higher than other needs.

Even girls who worship money like Suri, their worship of money actually comes from a lack of and a sense of security, but they know more about the security they need. They understand that money can give them what they need. Yes, so they worship.

Now when everything calms down, the leisurely and comfortable life and the increasing deposits in the bank allow Melissa to completely get the financial freedom that most people of her age cannot get, and the security that comes with it sense.

Nothing in this world can have reassuring power than money. No matter what a person's personality is, what kind of things he has experienced in the past, whether he is uneasy now, just give him a sum of money, which is enough for him to spend a lifetime. With money, he became full of security.

In fact, the lack of sense of security often comes from helplessness and incompetence with their own destiny. Big capitalists, wealthy people, and the like are never insecure at the top of society, because they can grasp their destiny to the maximum, but the bottom of society impossible.

We have always heard that some people have committed depression and suicide for one reason or another, but who has heard of those who are in power, the big capitalists who are depressed?

They are too happy to be happy. How can there be so much anxiety?

What can reassure ordinary people, except for the power they can't get, is only money.

Playing with her hair and watching television criticized by some celebrities as lacking in connotation and full of nothingness and happiness, Melissa, who laughed from time to time, focused all her attention on the TV.

The child was sleeping in the crib beside her. The child looked very cute and pink, and her black hair filled her with a certain mystery.

Just as the protagonist in the TV series fell over and fell on the **** to make Melissa laugh and shed tears, the sound of something falling to the ground suddenly came from the living room downstairs.

She looked at the dark corridor outside the half-covered door, and did not know how to stun it. A cold wind blew her into a cold war.

The sound of the crispness of something lingering around her ears, she slowly stood up, and then walked towards the bedroom door.

She lives alone in this villa, and no servants or servants will live here at night, but during the day there will be two servants with rich child experience to help Melissa take care of her and Doolin's children.

She also needs to study and learn more. This is the suggestion given to her by Nateya. Regardless of the current situation, at least she will have a better foothold in society in the future after she has a better education and knowledge reserve.

The Royal College couldn't go, changed a school, and under some legal operations Melissa changed her name to take a full-time finance course at Imperial University.

At this time, she did not realize that the danger was coming, because Oak Bay was really safe. It was so safe that there had not been a vicious case in nearly ten years since the project was developed, including burglary and ordinary burglary.

Not many residents feel that someone can break through the security and enter the room to hurt themselves.

She stepped out of the room, glanced down at the downstairs hall, reached out and touched the switch on the wall. At the moment when the light was on, a square covered with the extract of Grimace Mushroom was tight. Pressed on her nose and mouth.

The struggling force lasted for less than ten seconds and ended completely. Melissa, who was sitting on the floor of the corridor, looked like a muddy body, with a strange smile on her face.

At twelve in the evening, the electric maintenance vehicle left the Oak Bay Villa, no one complained, no one called the police, and everything was as safe and calm as usual.

The next morning, the two servant women who came to take care of the children did not wait for Melissa for a long time, so they called the superior management company.

The servants who can enter the Oak Bay Villa area for housekeeping services are not the kind of cheap temporary helpers who are thirty-five and one-half hours old. They all have strict assessment standards and a clean family background, and have received the most formal training. There will be a standard set of responses and procedures.

The management company then called the emergency contact, and the phone went back and forth to Du Lin's hands. He calmly listened to Natia after finishing her discovery and comforted the western housekeeper. People went to Oak Bay to check it out.

He wasn't in a hurry, and there wasn't even a bit to say ..., it wasn't a good description of that feeling, it was like doing a very proud thing but forcing it not to show.

Prior to Nateya's phone call, the person in charge of monitoring Paula, the secretary on duty of Boworth, passed back new news. Paula was taken away by two people who claimed to be senior investigators of the Bureau of Investigation.

Of course, Du Lin's people have been following these people, Paula was eventually taken to a manor in the new city.

The new district is a new district expanded by the imperial capital expansion this time, because the new district is actually a suburb of the former imperial capital, with a lot of private estates and villas, so the expansion of the new district is actually much larger than people think.

If the expansion is small, then the real estate of the wealthy in the suburbs will become more valuable, and the people will have opinions. Therefore, this time the expansion of the previous expansion will be larger and much larger.

At present, the new district is relatively empty, and tracking is not so difficult. The people on the side of God are all locals, and it is easy to find each other's nest.

But now he ca n’t move. Du Lin doesn't plan to rescue these two women. In this world, no matter how evil and dark a person is, if he wants to be accepted by this society, he must meet this society. Women, children, and the weak show their compassion and sympathy, and show a hate towards perpetrators of violence in any sense.

This has nothing to do with stance, it is a manifestation of the society's overall will and demand.

It is Du Lin's usual policy to build himself into a weak person. Many people have attacked him explicitly or secretly, but this thing works, especially the bottom of the society eats this set very much.

His character and personal attributes are too suitable for the "victimized" gameplay, which also forced him to come out again and again.

Politics is not in the entertainment industry. It is not necessary to constantly bring out fresh and unproven things to attract the attention and attention of the people.

The movie failed, and you can come again. Whether it is an investor or a movie star, this is just a trivial failure in their lives. It is a new day to cross it.

However, in a political struggle, if you fail once, it means that it is difficult to turn around. Chiguo ’s law of the jungle will never show mercy to those losers, even if these losers are eventually swallowed by the strong and turned into **** , The plants will not miss the opportunity to deprive the loser of the last trace of nourishment to nourish themselves.

After Du Lin arranged everything, he quietly waited for the opportunity to come.

On the other side, Paula was sitting in a room that was obviously not quite right, waiting for something. She was much calmer than the girl who was panicked and crying next door, which may have something to do with her daily work.

She has always been exposed to some important politicians and brainwashed to some conspiracy theorists. Of course, it is more likely that she knows how to deal with them.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the door opened. To be honest, this is not an ordinary room, whether it is a luxurious decoration or a luxurious bed with a large wooden frame that only appears in museums and aristocratic castles, or the surrounding walls. The hanging artworks are hard to make people feel that they are under house arrest, more like an experience and experience the life of nobles.

Leaving the room with the comer, walking around in a building that can be said to be huge, and finally got into a slightly simpler room. She saw the person sitting on the sofa, and she knew it was Huo Mums.

Holmes glanced back and pointed to the sofa aside, "I'm sorry I invited you this way, I just hope that our conversation will not be disturbed by more people, I need to talk to you A chat, Miss Paula. "

Paula gathered her slightly sloppy hair around her purse, lowered her head and sat down where Holmes was pointing, saying nothing.

Holmes didn't care about her silence, "Coffee, juice, scented tea, or some alcohol?", His voice was very gentle, not aggressive, nor sharp as a knife, which made people feel good, "Maybe alcohol Better, it will make you relax and less nervous. "

In the end, Paula asked for fruit juice. She didn't dare to drink and was afraid she would say the wrong thing if she drank too much.

After the juice came, Paula held the cup and drank two sips. Holmes asked a question, "Miss Paula, you may not know. During the past two days, another piece of information was clearly not good for you. News ... "

Paula raised her head in surprise, her eyes full of doubts, as if asking "What's the relationship with me" and "Why me?"

Holmes pursed and smiled, "Some people point out that although Mr. Bowers is already old, his legs and feet have not shown movement problems. It is unlikely that he will fall down due to a misstep. Maybe someone pushed him. A hand, or ... "Holmes stared at Paula with a smile, and when he said," Someone pushed him a hand, "Paula's heart stopped for a beat.

Seeing that Paula's face was slightly discolored, Holmes continued to say, "Or because of your relationship with Miss Paula, Mr. Bowers fell."

"We can't determine what exactly caused the tragedy, unless Mr. Bowers wakes up, but in the current situation, you are the witness and the most suspect."

"Some people have proposed to file a case investigation against you. You know that at this important moment, this kind of thing has shaken the whole society, whether it is the New Party or the cabinet, they hope to calm the incident as soon as possible. Storm. UU 看书 "

"There is no better way to care for social emotions than to find a suitable 'suspect'. People will want to see someone plead guilty and then go to justice."

"Unless ... can you tell me what happened at the time, like someone did something we didn't know ..."

This is an obvious inducement. Any evidence that violates the rules of evidence collection and acquisition in court cannot be used as valid evidence, and even if it is found to be true and valid in the subsequent collection process, it cannot be used in court. Legally valid evidence affects final sentencing and sentencing.

Many people know this, including those lawyers, but lawyers still like to use these illegal evidence as a tipping point in court. Why?

Just because these evidences cannot be effective evidences, they can guide public opinion in society.

Now that the competition within the party is about to come to an end, Holmes doesn't need a stick to kill Doering, to the extent that he can't turn over, he just needs to push gently.

Promote public opinion's suspicion and dissatisfaction with Du Lin, and promote the distrust of Du Lin by the New Party Committee. Naturally, they will vote for others.

As long as this vote is missed, even if Du Lin's suspicion is removed one second after the voting deadline ends, Du Lin also loses, not only losing this game, but also losing his life.

As long as so few days, uncertain doubts are enough!

Some of these methods are not very clean. Holmes did not intend to use these before, but at this step, in front of absolute power, nothing decent and elegant can stop the rudeness and brutality in the bones.

Man as an animal is never civilized. Civilization is only to hide the cruelty in the bones.