MTL - Cosma Empire-v4 Chapter 1332 Small action

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The Buddhist scripture looked at the two Orientals on the diagonally opposite street through the angle between the curtain and the window, and frowned tightly.

The arrest of God's Angel failed his revenge plan. Although he temporarily gave up to assassinate the Angel, he would not give up forever. If he had the opportunity, he would not mind going to the deep sea prison of the Military Intelligence Department.

The Buddhist scripture, which has now got rid of many relationships, is like the protagonist of Zhongshoushan enjoying life. In these years, the reward he earned from assassination was enough for his next extravagance and he did not need to worry about financial issues.

It has been less than two months since he temporarily settled in Celleville-before that, he took a trip around the world and ended some unfinished work, including revenge for women. Now he is retired.

But in such a season, he was spotted, still an Oriental.

It is not news that the missions of the Orientals arrived in the West. Whether in the empire or elsewhere, many Orientals have appeared.

Their appearance to be accepted by people seems to be a very easy thing, and it has not caused much waves. People in the society have accepted a group of people who have never appeared before and have not communicated with themselves in a community. On a street.

This may have a lot to do with their politeness and education. It is well known that Easterners are very educated and very polite. They always show the best of themselves in front of people.

Decent and unique clothing and a little bit of humorous language, although not so understandable, are not difficult to accept them.

What's more important is that their respect for others has moved everyone, whether they are rich or not, whether they are in or out of groups, their attitude towards people is always the same ... It is like the spring breeze rushing in the bright sunshine of spring Comfortable as the sun.

However, the two Orientals observed by the Buddhist scripture in the Western language are not the same as other people. Thanks to his innate magical talent or ability, he has consciously perceived hostility from these people.

If ordinary people appear white and yellow in his perception world, then these two Orientals are red, like fire, like blood.

Retracted his eyes from the two, walked back to the room, moved an oil painting, cut expensive wallpaper with a portable knife, and pushed inward.

A suitcase hidden in the mezzanine wall appeared in front of him. When he grabbed the suitcase handle with his hand, there was a momentary hesitation. Without killing for several months, he picked up his weapon again, always felt ... Some can't say it.

At the same time, the two people across the road also seem to have determined that the goal is in the house diagonally opposite. The two turned and walked towards the house. They always had a confident and sunny smile on their faces, and paid attention to every passerby They nodded in a friendly manner, which also made those people feel good.

The two rang the doorbell one after the other, and the Buddhist scripture on the second floor pushed the magazine into the weapon. He stood by the railing on the stairs on the second floor and looked at the two figures outside the translucent glass on both sides of the door. Slowly raise the weapon in your hand.

Just as his gaze passed through the line between the center and the people outside the door, the facial expressions of the two people outside the door changed slightly. The person standing in front held the door **** with one hand and pressed the lock cylinder with one hand, then " The "tong" sound was like the sound made when a planer cut through a piece of wood, and the door knock was pushed open.

The moment the door opened, the Buddhist scripture pulled the trigger. In his perception, he could clearly perceive the course of action of the two. Before the two had any reaction changes, he first stepped on the two. An advance was hit on the course of the action.

This is why he has successfully completed tasks countless times. He has special talents. In his perceptual world, he can detect the emotional changes of the target, whether he is hostile to himself, and the way and route of the other party.

With this ability to be a killer, it is simply overkill, which is why he can guarantee a completion rate of 99.99.

But this time, he seemed to be in trouble.

While the bullets were spinning at the two, the Orientals standing behind slid one step ahead of the previous one, only to see him swing his arms, and Reng swung his waist sword out of the sheath, and the bullets were swept away a few times.

It turns out that the belt of this man's waist sword is a soft sword. As long as he holds the exquisite belt buckle to push the organ hard, a well-made soft sword can be pulled out.

Neither side of the battle seemed to have the slightest interest in speaking, and the Buddhist scriptures realized that the two Orientals were not as good as the others, and turned back to the room.

Now he has no organization behind him, he has no tasks on his hands, and he can be regarded as retired. There is no need to fight hard, but he can run but can't be ashamed.

He wanted to leave, but someone was reluctant to let him run away. One of the two Orientals chased after him from the room, and the other turned and went out, chasing directly around the yard.

The technology on both sides is the best level. In the city, you chase after me, but without revealing too many flaws, and not alarming the people.

In addition to the gentleman drinking coffee on the roadside, he stared at the dog and stared at the only cup handle and coffee and glass mule left in his hands. The kind person who fed the birds watched the birds fly into the sky. A few of them fluttered, and beyond that, there were no more and bigger movements.

If it was said that he encountered a difficult situation for the first time in the assassination of Du Lin, here is mainly the sniper under Du Lin, then this attack made him feel an inexplicable fear.

He found that his perception was no longer omnipotent, especially in high-speed movements. His perception clearly told him that these people would go right next time, but they went left, or went straight, their behavior and shrine The Western language's perception was wrong, which was the reason for his fright.

This chasing station chased for more than 20 minutes. The three standing adrenalin couldn't get rid of these people, let alone defeat them. Finally, the best-practiced Buddhist scripture fell to the ground, and one of them went alone. Up.

The man squeezed around his neck, and he passed out completely, without knowing what happened afterwards.

After he fainted, the two Orientals boarded a car on the side of the road, then headed to the port, waited for a line and drove directly out of Seleville, heading towards the empire of the star.

At the same time, Magus, who had just been lunched by the nurse, was lying peacefully in bed. A young man responsible for recording data was checking the instrument. The door of the room suddenly opened. People came in.

He wore a mask and couldn't see the specific appearance. His personal feeling was as if he had seen it somewhere.

In the exchanges between the East and the West, the exchange of medical care is also a top priority. The medical group has spent a lot of money inviting some Oriental doctors to conduct friendly and in-depth exchanges on medical aspects.

In the gradual understanding of each other, the medical group found that the eastern medical system was more inclined to primitive methods. They used a variety of native herbs as the main means of treatment, and supplemented with various methods such as horse killing chickens and needles.

Although many people do not understand why the seemingly simple and backward medical method can be more effective than advanced medical science in some aspects, the exchanges between the two sides have been continuing.

These doctors in the East also attach great importance to western medical science. This is the third group of exchange groups, which includes brain communication.

After the doctor came in, the young man responsible for collecting data suddenly stood up. The struggles within the five major medical groups were often more cruel and frequent than the political overwhelming struggles.

After all, this involves millions of research funding and hundreds of millions of dividends after success. As long as the benefits are sufficient, it is normal for a few doctors to disappear.

Therefore, in this environment, researchers at different levels have a very strict class system. Communication doctors are regarded as the third class, much higher than these young doctors.

"Sorry, I need to do some routine checks on Mr. Magus. This involves ..." He shrugged his shoulders, obviously an Oriental, but if he doesn't look at his eyes, he doesn't want him to be Oriental. Man, judging from his tone and expression, he is more like a Westerner.

The young man nodded again and again, "Yes, I know, I'm leaving now, sir ..." He packed up a few books and left.

After seeing him leave, the doctor from the east came to the door and locked the door. This is his privilege. There are some "witchcraft" diagnostic methods. The orientals have never planned to disclose further. After several times, they are friendly and unfriendly. After the consultation, the medical group finally agreed to hide their special diagnosis and treatment.

He walked to Magus's bed. The old man had already turned up to sit up, patted his face, and began to walk slowly in the room.

"People we have caught, that guy may have the blood of the East. I hope he can give me his body. We are very interested in the combination of China and the West!" The doctor took off his mask and sat aside Watching Magus on the chair.

Magus froze, raised his legs high, and waved his arms sharply to make himself sweat as much as possible. He walked in the room for more than ten minutes, and stopped short of gasping.

"The older you get, the closer you are to death, the more you can understand the value of life!" He wiped the fine sweat on his forehead and threw the towel aside. "I fear death and respect death, as long as the young man cooperates , I won't take his life, you can take a living one. "

The doctor nodded, which was to be expected. Actually, it does n’t matter whether they are alive or dead. They do n’t pick, and the warlocks will get what they want from any form of “human”.

"As for the other agreements between us ...", Magus glanced at Du Lin on the TV and thought for a moment, "I will fulfill after I get out from here."

Soon this particular diagnosis was over. Magus was still in bed and could only express his needs with limited behavioral capabilities, but elsewhere, many things were changing.

The Easterners also sought Magus because of too many things embargoing on the East. The Emperor of Heaven is very dissatisfied with this. Although the social development of the two sides focuses on two different directions, the Emperor does not exclude the acceptance of more fresh affairs. !!

They found a lot of people and gave many gifts. They even contacted Du Lin. Unfortunately, there wasn't any good way. The cabinet still didn't let loose. This means that there will be no opinions on the embargoed goods. Oriental cargo ship.

Without help, these people managed to open up the relationship between the medical group and met the real power of this empire over the past three decades, Magus.

At the beginning, contacting Magus was very repulsive. It was not until the doctor changed his current situation quickly that his physical condition improved dramatically every day.

What really changed the attitude of Magus was still a story told by the doctor.

In the story of the empire in the East, called Da Qin, and the only empire, the Emperor is the sole and true ruler, and everyone obeys him.

He swept liuhe, dominated bahuang, destroyed countless human kingdoms, unified various units of measurement and languages, and established a code of conduct and deeds. Numerous reputations were imposed on the emperor.

More than 1,000 years ago, Tiandi was about to arrive. A warlock named "Xu" brought 3,000 boys and girls to seek out elixir, thinking that Tiandi would extend his life.

When the Emperor's fate was only three days left, Xu Fu returned with the heaven gods, and presented three immortals "Sky", "Earth", and "People" to Xianyang Tiandu for the Emperor Tianshou's three thousand years ...

In other words, the Emperor of Heaven at this time was already over a thousand years old.

This story is so ridiculous that Magus sneered at it. No one can live that long, not even a god.

He wouldn't think this was a true story. At least he told himself that it was UU reading, but he changed his mind. He wanted to know more about what kind of country the East is.

The Orientals have begun to explore the western world, but the western world's exploration of the east is limited to a few ports.

If, if the doctor is telling the truth, will the emperor who has lived for thousands of years in his mouth, will he start working with the West after he understands the West well?

Maybe it smelled of death, maybe it was worried about the conflict between East and West, maybe it was ... to live longer, anyway, he promised to cooperate with the East.

And there is one more item in the cooperation, he will send a real mission to visit the East.

Whether they are fooling themselves or writing all these stories is a fact, he must figure it out.

I thought I could rest, but I didn't expect that ... it's not the time!

[Oriental plot ends here, and will not be involved in the future ...]

Read The Duke's Passion