MTL - Cosmic Trading System-Chapter 1006 Lin Mengmeng breakthrough

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Not to mention, Lin Yun said that it is really true. After he and the three women "repaired", his strength has not improved, and the three women have made greater progress. Among them, the purple scorpion who has long practiced in the sacred kingdom. This time, there is a momentum to touch the realm of the gods.

Perhaps it is related to the fact that Lin Yun’s body has a medium realm.

In short, although Ziyan did not break through to the realm of the gods, but the strength of the progress has been overwhelming, Lin Yun tried it, and can already compare with some powerful and invincible holy kings in the world.

Xia Qingqing and Lin Mengmeng have also made great progress. They have not touched the realm of the gods, but they are not invincible and are also very close to the invincible holy king.

"If you do this a few times, you may be able to bring you to the realm of the gods..." Lin Yun was a serious man. At this moment, he was really serious about saying this.

Some days later, Lin Yun was really serious and "three times" "skilled" several times.


Three months later, Lin Yun and the three women's retreats, a strong atmosphere rose to the sky.

However, without waiting for it to be completely discharged, Lin Yunyi waved his hand.

Lin Yun looked at the gods and looked at Lin Mengmeng.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that Lin Mengmeng first broke through to the realm of the gods.

I saw, Lin Mengmeng, fluttering in white, knees in the void, closed eyes, perfect curves, the posture of the country, is exuding a vast, noble, mysterious, transcendent atmosphere.

"Meng Meng wants to break through the realm of the gods!"


Xia Qingqing and Zi Yan are also happy for Lin Mengmeng, and they are excited.

They have already learned from Lin Yun that there are several choices for ordinary practitioners who want to break through to the realm of the gods. It is the hardest to break through the realm of the gods with their own strength, but the potential is also the biggest. They naturally want to go this way.

Lin Mengmeng's breakthrough made them not only happy for Lin Mengmeng, but also let them see hope.

"Little tower!"

Lin Yunyi reached out and a small tower appeared in his palm. At the same time, Tiandao Tower Spirit had already understood what he meant. A huge force of pure heaven and earth was released by it, and it was overwhelmingly flying to Lin Mengmeng.

Lin Yun released a force to control the power of these worlds and try not to exude. With his current control of the **** universe, it is not difficult for him to do this at the moment.

"this is?"

Xia Qingqing and Zi Yan saw the power of these heavens and the earth, and they were shocked. They sensed the power of these heavens and the earth and the energy they had seen in the **** universe.

"This is the power of the heavens and the earth that the small tower intercepts when the **** universe is upgraded. It takes a high level of energy to condense the godhead. Normal energy is not enough..." Lin Yun looked at Xia Qingqing and Ziyan, explaining.

Subsequently, Lin Yun’s gaze was again placed on Lin Mengmeng.

It can be seen from Lin Mengmeng's previous practice that Lin Mengmeng's talent in training is good, but I don't know if this time, Lin Mengmeng can condense a few lines of Godhead?

At this moment, Lin Yun has both expectations and calm.

Naturally, he hopes that Lin Mengmeng has a higher level of godhead and a better talent. It is not a hope that Lin Mengmeng can help him in the future. He only hopes that in the future, if he has an accident, Lin Mengmeng’s self-protection is strong. some.

Of course, if Lin Mengmeng’s condensed gods are of a lower rank, it’s fine.

One breath... two breaths... ten breaths...

Without suppression, Lin Mengmeng's condensed gods quickly formed, and soon, the first gold pattern appeared on it, and it was also rapidly formed.

"Look at the momentum, the swell of the godhead, the level will not be too low..." Seeing this scene, Lin Yun secretly said.

At the very least, it won't be the kind of a **** of the grain, the second grain of God, this point, he can still see it.

However, in the end, you can condense a few lines of Godhead, but also look at the end, this momentum of cohesive personality can be adhered to when.

Some practitioners condense the godhead, the momentum in front is fierce, and the back is rapidly declining. In the end, it only condenses the godhead with a level that is not too high. The momentum in front is slow, but it continues to flow, eventually condensing the high-level mystery.

These situations are all there.


Soon, the second gold pattern appeared on Lin Mengmeng's godhead.

"Two gold lines!"

"I hope that a lot of gold can be condensed..."

Xia Qingqing and Zi Yan clench their fists. From Lin Yun, they also know that the gods are graded, not the level of the realm, but the level of talent potential.

It is only the first step to condense the godhead and break through to the gods. What kind of godhead is condensed before we decide what the future is.

They naturally hope that the more gold lines that Lin Mengmeng can condense, the better.

as time flows.


The third gold pattern is now!


The fourth gold pattern is now!

Seeing this, Lin Yun’s eyes are also bright.

He knows that even if it is among the countless congenital protoss, it is considered to be among the aristocrats. In many ethnic groups, it is also worthy of attention.

It is also rare for the gods of the gods to condense the four-grain godhead.

Lin Mengmeng can condense the fourth gold pattern, even if it stops, it is a good result.

And watching the momentum... seems to be able to condense new gold patterns...

I have to say that Lin Mengmeng’s talent potential in the realm is beyond his expectations.


After Lin Mengmeng began to condense the godhead for an hour, finally, Lin Mengmeng's condensed godhead above, once again a mysterious wave, the fifth gold pattern appeared.

"Boom! Rumble -"

Around Lin Mengmeng, the power of the vast world and earth, once again poured into her body, the power of the surrounding world is somewhat empty.

The image of the little doll is also watching this scene. When I saw it, it quickly waved the small hand and quickly transferred the power of the heavens and the earth from the deep space of the Tiandao Tower, and quickly rushed to Lin Mengmen, not far away.

"Five golden lines!"

"Meng Meng's sister's talent is so high!"

Xia Qingqing and Zi Yan exclaimed, at this moment, they are also very envious of Lin Mengmeng's talent.

"It will not, Meng Meng also condenses the nine-grain gods?" Lin Yun looked strange, secretly groaning.

Of course, he thinks so, but he knows how difficult it is to condense the nine-grain gods. It can be said that apart from him, he has never heard of anyone who condenses the nine-grain godhead.

Even if the eight-grain gods are condensed, there are very few.

It can be said that if Lin Mengmeng condenses the seven-grain gods, it is very amazing.

In the past, some of his extremely noble brothers and sisters could not have a few seven-dimensional gods.

However, some things are slightly thought about, but there is no problem...

"Some time ago, the energy of the small tower intercepted was quite a lot, but not much. If Meng Meng only condensed the seven-grain godhead, there is no problem naturally. If it is agglomerated, it is not enough... because, the eighth is The energy required for the condensation of the grain is much higher than the total amount needed before..." Lin Yun looks dignified.

If, Lin Mengmeng can condense the eight-grain godhead, and as a result, because the energy is insufficient, it does not condense, and this time it will be a big loss.

Thinking of this, Lin Yun couldn't help but let Lin Mengmeng condense the godhead and regret it. I knew that he should prepare for it early.

"However, it does not matter, I can let the sword of blood prison absorb the power of refining my own, let Meng Meng absorb..." After a pause, Lin Yun thought of the sword of blood prison, his heart slightly relieved.

The blood-prison sword absorbs the ordinary upgrade energy of refining and refining, and naturally it has no effect. However, Lin Yun is a medium-sized realm, and the power of absorbing and refining him is transmitted to Lin Mengmeng, but there is no problem.

The most is to consume some of his origins.

During this time, he has also made great progress at the level of the middle **** domain. These energy consumption will not let his level fall.

However, Lin Yun’s heart secretly decided that he would prepare for the next summer green and purple, or when other people around him would condense the gods, so as not to appear again.

Even under the ghosts who are placed in the high heavens of the Netherland, they should prepare some chaotic powers to consume them when they are ready to break through the gods. Otherwise, they should have gathered high-definition gods, and the result is only It is a pity that it can condense the low-grain gods.

Fortunately, he has been deployed in the Netherland for a number of formations, intercepting some of the energy of the heavens and earth when the new heavens are broken, and let some arrays make some of the gods continue to release the power of chaos.

Let some break through to the gods, or prepare to break through the ghosts of ghosts.

Prior to this, Guo Muboer and Li Weidi broke through the realm of the gods, but he did not expect it. He had seen the level of the gods condensed by Guo Muboer and Li Weidi, all of which were four-grain gods.

It is also a godhead with a low level, but I don't know if it was the reason for the lack of high energy around Guo Muboer and Li Weidi. Otherwise, it would be able to condense a higher level of Godhead.

If so, then Guo Mu Boer and Li Wei Dijun will lose money.

Now, Lin Yun thought, maybe it should be more energy.

In the Netherland, this is a big world that can compete with the world of the living world. Now it has just risen. It can be said that at this time, the ghosts that have broken through to the realm of the gods are mostly the forerunners of the Netherland.

Forerunners, maybe there are special benefits?

Just like the welfare when the new heaven is broken!

Just like, competition does not have much benefit!

Just like... being loved by heaven and earth, the welfare of the higher level of Godhead is condensed!

Lin Yun thought thoughtfully.

As he refining more and more of the Netherland and the power of the **** universe, he has more insights into the growth of a world. Therefore, he knows that his conjectures are not wishful thinking, but true.

Perhaps, when Guo Muboer and Li Weidi were really missed.

You must know that although he is the first strongest in the Netherland, strictly speaking, he is not a ghost repairer. His body is also the realm of the gods that broke through in the spiritual world. Fruit Muol and Li Weidi are really true. The first second ghost of the secluded world.

Then, it is normal for the two ghosts to get some big benefits.

Four-grain gods... Although not low... but definitely not high...

Look at Lin Mengmeng, now Lin Mengmeng, the godhead will condense the fifth gold pattern!


Just thinking about this thing in Lin Yun’s mind, Lin Mengmeng once again had a mysterious wave, and another golden pattern appeared on her godhead.

"The sixth gold pattern!"

Xia Qingqing and Ziyan’s two women’s faces were red, and they were even more excited.

Lin Yun is also a brow.

It won't, really, as he thinks, Lin Mengmeng can condense seven gold-colored gods and even eight gold-colored gods?

Nine golden patterns, he no longer thinks.

He knows that he condenses the nine-grain godhead, and it also supports the balance of the two sources of power in his body. Lin Mengmeng has no source of power.


Around, the power of the vast world, once again swallowed up.

"Little tower!"

Lin Yun whispered.

The image of the little doll is a little bit of a small face. It is so easy to intercept so much energy. I have not had time to refine it for a long time. I am afraid it will be completely gone.

However, it is not a general understanding of the spirit, knowing that this is a big event, can not delay a little bit, just in the voice of Lin Yun, it has released a greater amount of the power of the heavens and the earth to send to Lin Mengmeng.

Ten breaths... twenty breaths... thirty breaths...

The sixth golden pattern gradually condensed and slowly grew. The whole godhead exudes dazzling golden awns, which are getting brighter and brighter. Finally, after hundreds of breaths, this mystery once again exudes a mysterious wave.

The seventh gold grain condenses.

This time, Lin Yun's face is really a bit strange.

Lin Mengmeng’s talent in the realm is really so good?

Or what is the reason?

The seven-grain godhead is no less than the blood of the most prominent protoss in the congenital Protoss.

At the same time, Lin Yun’s heart is also slightly tight.

The seventh gold pattern has been condensed, and the eighth gold pattern is still far away?

In this way, the energy intercepted by Tiandao Tower is not enough.

He must prepare for additional energy soon, otherwise, it is possible for Lin Mengmeng to condense the momentum of the godhead and stop it.

In that case, it would be a pity.

Lin Yun deeply knows What is the meaning of a sacred goddess? The nine-grain gods are not out of the world, and the deities of the eight-grain gods represent the hope of a powerful team of gods.

Originally, he still thought that even if Lin Mengmeng, Xia Qingqing and others would condense their own deities, if they couldn't stand the long bitterness in the future, he would also let them choose the path of refining the godhead.

In that case, with his support, if everything goes well, Lin Mengmeng, Xia Qingqing and others will reach the peak of the gods, there is a great possibility.

Now, if Lin Mengmeng really chooses the path of refining the godhead, that is really a pity.

Even this time, Lin Mengmeng can only condense the seven-grain godhead. Even in the future, Lin Mengmeng can only practice to the realm of the finest gods, and it is better than the road of Lin Mengmeng's refining and transformation to the peak of the gods.

First of all, if Lin Mengmeng practiced herself to the realm of the finest gods, she would not be weak even in the realm of the gods, depending on her level of God. Secondly, she could break through to the peak of the gods at any time, once she broke through to the peak of the gods. The situation is the strongest in the realm of the gods.

Naturally, the road to the refining and transformation of the gods breaks through to the peak of the gods. ()

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