MTL - Cosmic Trading System-Chapter 1011 God

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Ten million years, the natural cultivation of the ghosts of the gods, added five more, plus five refining and transforming the gods to break through the ghosts of the gods, and the ghost world has more than ten gods.

When Lin Yun got the news, he couldn't help but have a heart.

Need to know, he only spent a year in the realm of life.

One year, the Netherland naturally gave birth to the ghosts of the five gods. At this speed, 10,000 years, naturally, 50,000 gods were born, and in 100 million years, 500 million gods were born. !

What kind of horror is this?

This is the time from the fifty-fifth to the sixty-third heaven...

If he continues to break the Netherland to the 72nd Heaven, the 81st Heaven, the highest time flow rate with the world of life will be 100 million times, one billion times!

At that time, in the 100 million years of the world, will it be worth 5 billion gods to repair, 50 billion gods?

Even if you make a fold, the billions of gods are also a terrible number!

Since he was behind the Protoss, the world of the living world has passed hundreds of millions of years, and it is not impossible to give him another 100 million years...

Thinking of this, Lin Yun couldn't help but tremble, once again recognizing the horror of the time flow in the Nether.

"If you say that the Netherland is a space comparable to the big world of life, then is this the compensation for the late start of the Netherland and the power of the law between heaven and earth?"

At this moment, Lin Yun thought in a heart, secretly thinking.

The way of heaven is more than enough to make up for it. As his strength improves, his understanding of the forces of the various laws between heaven and earth gradually deepens. In particular, he refines the power of the Netherland and the **** universe. The strength of the two sources has reached a balance, allowing him to have more feelings about the balance of things between heaven and earth.

Therefore, he is not guessing out of thin air.

"However, the account is not so calculated. Even if there are talented ghost repairs in the Netherland, you must have enough chaos. At present, I have explored all the space in the Netherland. There is no hidden space. The power of chaos can make the energy of the gods practice extremely rare..." After a pause, Lin Yun shook his head.

It is this tens of thousands of years, the few gods and ghosts that were born naturally, and the spirits and methods that he left behind, and the power of chaos that led them to break through the realm.

What is the power of chaos that really needs to be born in the hundreds of millions of gods?

I am afraid, he killed hundreds of millions of gods, and don't want to have enough chaos, you need to know, but there are losses!

If it is to search for the power of chaos in the hidden space of the living world, how much movement should it cause?

I am afraid, it will not be long before it will be discovered by the celestial dynasty!

"According to the big world, the rules of countless living universes, the Netherworld breaks into the eighty-one heavens, the power of chaos should be born, but it is not clear, when the Netherworld breaks into the eighty-one heavens, will it be big with life? Like the rules of the world, it has also become an open world, so that the gods of the living world can also come in freely..." Lin Yun's face is uncertain.

This is a double-edged sword. According to the space level of the Netherworld, once the power of chaos is born naturally, it is not a small quantity. However, once opened, the gods of the living world can freely come in, and the Netherland will immediately lose one. Absolute barrier.

"I didn't think too far..." Soon, Lin Yun shook his head and smiled slightly.

The upgrade of the Netherland will inevitably coincide with the upgrade of the **** universe.

Not as he expected, the difficulty of the **** universe upgrade, although not as much as the number of times from the 54th Heaven Universe upgrade to the 63rd Heaven Universe, but the increase is also a lot.

He wants to upgrade the **** universe to the seventy-two heavenly universe. I am afraid it will take at least several decades.

According to the last round, it is often the most difficult to calculate. In addition, the high-heavy and dead universe is also very rare in the world of the living. He wants to upgrade the **** universe to the eighty-one heaven universe. I am afraid that it will not be successful for thousands of years.

Maybe it will last for 10,000 years or even more.

For thousands of years, tens of thousands of years of spiritual world time, the **** universe and the secluded world are constantly upgrading, and new and heavy days are constantly being broken. His strength will not be slower than it is now.

At that time, how much should his strength be achieved?

Now, his strength can overwhelm the ordinary superiority and confront some powerful superior gods!

At that time, he might not be afraid of even the most powerful peaks!

In that case, if he is in the Netherland, occupying a strong home court advantage, maybe killing the ordinary peaks like a dog, who dares to enter the Netherland, who he killed!

It is the leader of the acquired Protoss, not necessarily his opponent, and does not necessarily dare to enter the Netherland!

Thinking this way, Lin Yun is more relieved.


Not long after, Lin Yun passed down a command to let him in the Netherland to collect the talented congenital ghosts in the entire Netherland to enter the high-heavy days to practice, and to ensure their loyalty.

Then, pick some of the king's realm, talented and loyal ghost repair, let him personally train.

A secret place.

Lin Yun urged the two sources of his body to let them radiate a balance of yin and yang, covering the eight peaks of the Holy King in the front line.

After this state was stabilized, Lin Yun closed his eyes and began to practice on his own.

This is the way he thinks of letting the sacred kings of the sacred kings quickly break through to the gods and condense the high gods.

However, this is not a short-term thing, but it takes a long time to influence. He can do this kind of thing while practicing his own.

One month...two months...three months...

One year...two years...three years...

From time to time, Lin Yun pays attention to these ghosts and observes the changes in them. Sometimes the brow stretches and sometimes the brows wrinkle.

As expected, the potential of Xia Qingqing's three female talents has changed, and it is indeed related to this yin and yang power.

However, after these ghost repairs were affected by the yin and yang power released by him, they changed according to his imagination. The speed of this change was very slow.

Lin Yun suppressed the impatience in his heart, and this continued to affect.

Anyway, the time flow of the Netherland is faster, he spends more time here, and the life of the big world will not last long.

In a blink of an eye, one hundred years passed.

"It can only be like this..." Lin Yun opened his eyes and whispered.

In the past decade or so, the influence of these ghosts has not increased much. It seems that this approach is almost at the limit.

"You try to break through the realm!"

Lin Yun looked at the ghost repair of a sacred king, and said.

This ghost repair was originally at the level of the invincible holy king. Under the influence of Lin Yun’s continuous release of yin and yang, these years have reached the edge of breaking through the realm of the gods, but at the request of Lin Yun, he was suppressed. .

"Yes, adults!" The ghost of the peak of the king of the king nodded.


In the next moment, the ghost repair of the peak of the holy king rushed to the sky, and the breath was no longer suppressed. Immediately, the heavens and the earth changed color.

"This is the breath of the Dark Horse King?"

"Does the Dark Horse King break through to the gods?"

"It seems that the Netherland has to add another god!"

Around this place, many ghosts looked up and looked at the direction of the breath, slightly surprised.

There is much envy between words. They know that some time ago, the black horse king was shouted by the blood emperor. This is how long it takes for the black horse king to break through to the gods. If it is not the blood emperor, they will not believe it.


Soon, the Dark Horse King condensed the shape of the godhead, and a gold pattern appeared on the godhead.

"There are no problems with the first three lines, just look behind..."

Lin Yun looked at this scene, secretly.




The third way!





Lin Yun took a deep breath.

Although, he has already determined that the yin and yang power he released can enhance his talent potential, but he did not really see this scene, and he could not completely let go of his heart.

Now, it can be 100% certain. This way, it can really enhance people's talent.

Just... this time... seems to be a little long...

Moreover, his constant release of yin and yang power is not without any consumption. The strength of the two sources is dimmed. Although he tried it, he can recover. But if this continues, he does not know whether there is any harm.

This is practiced with him and the three women. The strength of the two sources is not only lossless, but also stronger, but the gap is great.

Let Lin Yun’s heart be quite speechless.

Not long after, the process of the Dark Horse King condensing the gods ended.

In the end, there is no condensed seven-grain godhead, just a condensed six-grain godhead.

"Sure enough, this way can not be compared with the natural way, watching the impact is not much worse than the green three, but can only create a six-grain gods ..." Lin Yun slightly frown, secretly.

Six-grain gods, if you are lucky, you can break through to the realm of the gods in a great way, and the real world of the gods is extremely powerful in countless gods.

If you are lucky, it will not be impossible even if it is a powerful existence in the realm of the finest gods. At that time, these practitioners are really powerful, except for a few peaks and gods. There is a status.

Lin Yun sighed.

Compared with the seven-grain gods and gods, there is still a huge gap.

If a group of seven-grain gods are cultivated, its meaning is absolutely significant.

Is it really necessary to use that way to cultivate the seven-story gods?

Think about it, a group of seven-grain gods, all of them are women who have been yin and yang with him... that kind of picture... what kind of scene?

Lin Yun smiled.

This thing is put down first, and he will think about other ways.

It is not good, he can increase the time to influence these practitioners.

Next, Lin Yun continued to release the power of yin and yang to influence the remaining ghost repairs, to see if these ghosts can further enhance the talent potential.

A few years later, the second ghost repaired the gods.

Also condensed out the six-grain godhead.

Ten years later, the third and fourth ghosts broke through the realm.

In the end, they all condensed the six-grain godhead.

Thirty years later, the fifth ghost repairs the gods, and it can only condense the six-grain gods.

At this point, the number of ghost repairs that Lin Yun called was only three.

Lin Yun concentrated his yin and yang power on all three ghosts.

Fifty years later, the sixth ghost repaired the realm of the gods, still only condensed the six-grain godhead.

Seventy years later, the seventh ghost repaired the gods and once again condensed the six-grain godhead.

One hundred years later, at this point, Lin Yun has been cultivating them for two hundred years. The eighth ghost repair has broken through to the gods, and still only condenses the six-grain godhead.

However, Lin Yun also implicitly identified one thing...

It is not impossible to continue to improve!

It's hard!

According to these ghosts' breakthroughs in the realm of the gods, the momentum of the condensed gods can be seen. The more the ghosts are behind, the faster and the smoother the momentum of the gods.

According to this situation, he will influence the other side more, and they will eventually gather the possibility of the seven-grain god, not not.

Moreover, Lin Yun discovered a hurdle, and each time the potential of these ghosts' talents is raised, they will obviously change something. So, when these ghosts finally reach the state of condensing the seven-grain gods, he It is very possible that it can be sensed.

In this case, once the other party reaches the standard, it will not cause him to waste extra time to train each other.

"I have just passed on to you after the deification of the gods. Go and practice well!"

Lin Yun looked at the eight new gods in front of him and said.

If there are enough chaos powers in the eight gods with six lines of gods, the future will inevitably reach a weak state.

"Yes, adults!"

Eight new gods looked at Lin Yun, very respectful, in the depths of their eyes, a trace of worship and fanaticism.

For 10 million years, their environment in the Netherland is still very good. They are only naturally born with five new gods.

Now, the temperature of the new heavy days is short, and the environment of the high heavens is far less than the original. It is only two hundred years, and all eight of them broke through to the new realm.

Not only that, but they also condensed the ability of the great emperor to say that the high-level goddess Yun, so that they really feel like the creator, omnipotent, let them naturally Lin Yun produces fanaticism.


These new deities have been retired.

"Gumu Boer, Li Weidijun, Song Ting... You come here for a while..." Lin Yun thought for a moment, and the power of a **** domain was released, and began to be voiced to Guo Muboer and Li Weidi. Break through to the spiritual practitioners.

Fruit Muol, Li Weidijun, etc., the talents of the gods are good, but the highest is just a condensed four-grain godhead, so that they continue to practice this way, it is a pity.

These ghosts are also considered to be the ones he has paid more attention to. As a result, the talent potential has not yet been raised by his later men, and it is not too good.

Simply, Lin Yun gave them a voice, and they were not too high in their realm, and gave them a chance to gather a godhead.

Now, these ghost repairs have not broken through to the realm of the Middle Divine, and they are in trouble when they break through to the middle of the Divine Realm.

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