MTL - Cosmic Trading System-Chapter 1034 1.5 million years!

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In a blink of an eye, Lin Yun is separated from the high heavens in the Netherland for 1.5 million years!

Lin Yun cultivated the number of ghost repairs that can condense the six-grain gods, and more than ten million!

In fact, it is not only the ghost repair, but also the souls that Lin Yun brought to the Netherland, and their descendants. Before and after, many of Lin Yun’s creatures have lived in the Netherland for hundreds of millions of years, even if they are proliferating. The speed is very slow, but when they break through to the super world, they will have almost endless lifespans, only increase, and rarely decrease. After so long, they have reached the trillions of their descendants.

Then select from it, and hundreds of thousands of people are affected by Lin Yun’s use of balance yin and yang!

However, this time, Lin Yunxin’s influence on ghost repairs and living creatures has only exceeded 100,000 to break into the realm!

In addition, the number of the gods in the Netherland has only exceeded 600,000!

The number of medium gods is only one or two thousand, plus the first one thousand five thousand, less than one thousand seven thousand!

1.5 million years, just so progress, it seems that it seems very slow...

In fact, otherwise, they are mostly affected by the lack of resources in the Shenjing cultivation. Otherwise, others do not say that at least one-third of the Sanctuary practitioners affected by Lin Yun can break through the realm!

That is the number of more than three million!

Moreover, the world of the Netherland is more than a million years old, and the world of the soul is only a few days old!

In just a few days, there will be one or two thousand medium-minded gods, and hundreds of thousands of inferior gods. What is the speed and quantity of terror?

"Unfortunately, my avatar can no longer stay in the high heavens in the Netherland. I will increase the age of more than one million. I don't know how much it will increase the difficulty of breaking the new heaven in the Netherland..." On this day, Lin Yun opened his eyes. , a slight sigh.

Cultivating the strong is an addiction, especially when you look at the number of strong people you have cultivated and increase rapidly in a short period of time.

Although the speed of the cultivation of resources in the Netherland is extremely slow, the recent increase of hundreds of thousands of gods is mostly achieved by the accumulation of resources in the past. If it is based on the birth of the gods, the speed of cultivation of resources The speed at which they cultivate a new divine situation is likely to be less than one tenth of the previous one, or even one in a few, one percent.

However, the speed of time that can't stop the Netherland is fast, even if the speed of the birth of the new **** is only a few tenths, one percent, how long does it take to live in a big world, you can cultivate a very terrifying fantasy? Strong.

However, Lin Yun can't continue.

He has to consider that he will break the new nine-day problem in the Netherland.

The Netherland has broken into the seventy-two heavens, and only the last nine layers of new heavens have not broken.

Balancing the power of yin and yang can only eliminate the impact of breaking new days in front of him, and will not increase the difficulty of this aspect, but will not reduce his age.

Age, realm, and strength are still the three major factors that break the new world of the underworld.

More than a million years of age... Relative to their strong, perhaps very few!

However, compared to the original age of Lin Yun, it is a lot of times!

Lin Yun is worried that he will break the difficulty of the new heavens in the Netherland, and it will increase many times. It will be finished. Then he will increase his strength to the limit of the peak of the gods, and he will not break the new world of the underworld. It’s a big day!

However, Lin Yun thought about it, it is unlikely!

He had tried this problem. When he was only a few decades old, and when he was hundreds of years old, he broke the difficulty of the new world in the Netherland. It was not ten times more, even one. No increase in double!

It can be understood from the above, the harder it is to practice until the end, even the most genius practitioners may practice very quickly, but in the back, every small level needs to accumulate in countless years, and the speed of promotion is very slow!

For example, Lin Yun was separated, and he was in the Netherland for more than one million years.

In addition to spending some time to train those men, there is no other waste of time!

However, when he first practiced, his strength reached the later level of the upper level of the gods. More than one million years passed, and only the strength was elevated to the peak level of the finest gods!

More than one million years, just upgrade a small level in a hierarchy!

How big is Lin Yun?

It costs almost tens of times, or even hundreds of times, of all the original practice time, but only so little progress!

Can it be said that Lin Yun is not a genius?

Nature is not!

In fact, Lin Yun’s progress in this training has been very fast!

It has far exceeded the speed of normal practitioners of the same order!

Over a million years, we will upgrade a small level in a hierarchy. After millions of years, we can complete the entire level from beginning to end. Even if we spend another 10 million years to break through the final realm, Lin Yun also It only takes more than 10 million years to break through the finest gods from the beginning to the end!

It took only over 10 million years to make a horrible speed from just breaking through to the finest gods and breaking through to the peak of the gods.

In fact... Lin Yun’s training speed is more than that...

Lin Yun, now, has reached the limit of the finest gods, and is ready to break through to the peak of the gods!

I don't know when I can break through. If it is fast, it may be tomorrow, if it is slow, it may be a million years!

However, at the latest one million years, Lin Yun feels that he can break through to the peak of the gods!

In other words, according to Lin Yun's more than one million years of training speed, even if he has just started to break through to the finest gods, it only takes millions of years to break through to the peak of the gods!

What a horrible speed? Putting it on other superior gods, it is estimated that you are going to die!

Lin Yun is clear, this is related to his breaking dozens of new heavens in the Netherland, and the equivalent of breaking the dozens of layers of the **** universe!

Dozens of layers of these two worlds are breaking open, and the power of the terror of the world is integrated into his body, so that he is more than the son of these two worlds. Almost the sons of these two worlds!

A "pro-son" comparable to the secluded world of the whole world!

A "pro-son" of the seventy-two heavenly spirit universe!

He is a powerful force with two worlds, and he can practice so fast!

Otherwise, even if he has a nine-grain god, he will not practice so fast!

Lin Yun spent more than one million years to make such progress, and the previous one spent only one millionth of a time, there will be many times more progress, in fact, it also shows the importance of opportunity!

As the saying goes, time and place are the same, and the hero is not free!

With the opportunity, Lin Yun's training speed is leaps and bounds, and can have a million times of training speed!

When the opportunity is over, it will be a little bit of grinding, and it will not be rare to spend millions of times!

Therefore, many strong people are very important to the opportunity, for the sake of a chance, die hard!

However, opportunities and opportunities can be met, and opportunities are great. It is a rare life. As for getting... It really is to fight for yourself as a "pro-son" of the rules of heaven and earth.

Speaking of it, Lin Yun’s group of practitioners are also people who have experienced great opportunities.

The Netherworld is not the general world. In a short period of time, it has broken dozens of heavens. These practitioners are only expected to encounter this level of opportunity once in a lifetime!

Although they did not get the biggest opportunity, they just let them drink "soup and water", which is also used for life.

"However, more than one million years, it is almost..." Lin Yun shook his head.

He is afraid that he will also be a personal opportunity to break the qualifications of the last nine days of the Netherland.

The age of more than one million years old seems to be rare, but it does not necessarily predominate.

Lin Yun didn't dare to waste time.

In the last nine days of the Netherworld, if he is broken by him, the benefits he will receive will be at least a hundred times more than all the benefits obtained in the past.

Never miss it.

More than 10 million practitioners who can condense the six-grain gods are a very horrible number and a very terrifying potential. Even if the future is counter-attacking, the Heavenly Protoss is enough.

Next, he intends to break through to the peak of the gods.

Even if this process, he will miss the cultivation of a lot of practitioners who can condense the six-grain gods, but it is worthwhile to increase the chances of breaking the last nine days of the Netherland.


Thinking this way, Lin Yun stepped into the core space of the 72nd Heaven.

A punch hit the front space.


The force penetrated deep into the layer of space and touched the boundary wall of the seventy-third heaven. A crack opened slightly.

call! call! call!

A strong stock of the highest breath emerged from the middle, and the space where Lin Yun was located was covered in an instant, but it quickly disappeared.

"No problem..." Lin Yun whispered.

He was experimenting with the difficulty of breaking the 73rd day. The result proved that he can easily break open now. Although it was not easy to break the 64th day, he did not add too much difficulty.

He estimated that it would be easier for him to break through the difficulty of breaking the 73rd Heaven when he broke through to the peak of the gods.

The next moment, Lin Yun's body disappeared.

After a breath, Lin Yun’s avatar appeared in the world of life.

"The time is tight, the speed at which a body breaks the dead universe in the big world of life is still too slow. The two bodies will double in speed..." Lin Yun splits his eyes and flashes through the eyes, softly Road.

In fact, if he breaks the last nine days of the Netherland, he intends to use another method.

That is, he broke the way from the fifty-fifth to the sixty-third heaven in the Netherland. The ontology and the avatar relay broke the new heavens in the Netherland, using the power of the body and the power of the body to be different, balancing the yin and yang. The time difference between the speed imbalance and the speed is different.

In this way, whether the **** universe is upgraded to the eighty-one heavenly universe at the same time, the relationship is not big.

However, if he has more resources in the **** universe, he will have a slower balance of yin and yang in his body. Therefore, it is still necessary for him to destroy some dead universes now.

After all, every time you destroy a deadly universe, the **** universe of his body will have more power.

This process will also speed up his training.

Previously, Lin Yun’s avatar was practiced in the Netherland for more than one million years. If Lin Yun practiced more than one million years in the world of living, he estimated that he had reached the limit of the peak of the gods!

It doesn't take more than a million years, it only takes about 10,000 years, and he is estimated to break through to the peak!

This is also a kind of opportunity!

Of course, the time of the world of greatness, a million years is too long, he does not necessarily have that long time!

Let the avatar and the body destroy the dead universe in the big world of life...

On the one hand, you can make the **** universe upgrade time half way!

On the other hand, speeding up the pace of training is what Lin Yun wants!

After all, his age can't be increased too much!

Soon, Lin Yun’s avatar found a deadly universe of sixty-three heavens, and a fist punched the dead universe.


One tenth of the time was not breathing, just three punches, and this deadly universe was blown up.


A huge source of power first enters his body, and then passes through his body to the distant **** universe, and then the **** universe returns the power of a large number of **** universe.

This process, Lin Yun's strength has improved a lot.

On the other hand, Lin Yun’s ontological strength has also improved a lot.

Different from Lin Yun’s previous practice in the Netherland, at that time, Lin Yun used only ordinary chaotic energy. Although the souls of the two bodies are common, the common chaotic energy is not common.

The relationship between the **** universe and Lin Yun is the commonality of the ontology and the avatar, especially the power of this source.

The ontology gains benefits, and the avatars also benefit.

Equivalently, Lin Yun is now using two bodies to practice in this way!

Previously, Lin Yun had been in the Netherland for more than a million years, but the body was only in the big world of the past few days, a few days, just breaking the dead universe!

Dispersed for more than one million years, so Lin Yun has not gained much benefit in the Netherland!

But next, it's not the same!

The time of the living world is slow, and the body and the avatar together destroy the dead universe. Whether it is the destruction of the body or the destruction of the body, another body will gain no small benefit!


After dozens of breaths, Lin Yun’s body also destroyed a sixty-three heavenly dead universe.

The world of the souls two places, Lin Yun's body and the avatar together get benefits.

After more than twenty breaths, Lin Yun once again found a 63-year-old dead universe to destroy, after a few punches, Lin Yun's body and avatar once again benefited.

Time has passed slowly...

In a blink of an eye, one year passed.

Bloody outside the universe.

"Is this place?"

"It should be this place!"

"A dozen or so simple hidden squads cover this universe, it is really not easy to find, but it also proves that this universe is not simple..."

"Go in and see!"

Several strong people revolve around the **** universe and quickly pass the voice.

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