MTL - Cosmic Trading System-Chapter 1036 昊天神王 enters the secluded world

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This time, when Lin Yun entered the Netherland from the passage of the **** universe and the Netherland, the passage only caused a slight fluctuation and disappeared quickly.

Lin Yun smoothly took the scenes of these acquired the Protoss dynasties into the Netherland.

"In the end, the gods of the living world can't enter the Netherland. This is the big rule between heaven and earth. So, I use the Heavenly Tower to bring these gods into the Netherland, and the power of the rules of the Netherland will also react, but In the end, it was still under the control of the Heavenly Tower, and my control of the Netherland..." After entering the Netherland, Lin Yun sensed the change between the Netherland and the Heavenly Tower, if thought.

He feels that among them, the Heavenly Tower plays a big role. Otherwise, even if he has a lot of control over the Netherland, it is difficult to bring a superior godhood, and the three medium gods are in good condition to enter the Netherland.

He did not use the power of balancing yin and yang, because he could not stay in the Netherland to use the power of balancing yin and yang to take care of the gods of the descendants of the Protoss, so that he would rather kill the other side and save trouble.

The stronger the strength of the spiritual world, the stronger the repulsive power of the Nether, this has been affirmed.

The superiority of the gods is no longer weak, and the resilience of the Netherland is not small.

Different from the spiritual gods cultivated by Lin Yun, Lin Yun is cultivated with the power of balancing yin and yang. Those who are born in the spirits of the gods also have a weak balance of yin and yang, so that their repulsive power in the Netherland is also greatly reduce.

Lin Yun brought in the spiritual realm of this time, but it is really a godland that has not been influenced by him, or a godland with weak strength.

Next, there are still some things to experiment with.


When Lin Yun thought about it, he released a medium-minded **** from the heavenly tower and lifted the brand of slavery in the soul of the other.

"Where is this? The strong yin attribute of the heavens and the earth!" When the medium-mindedness was released, it sensed the surrounding environment. He looked at everything around him and was slightly surprised.

"Well? Not good!" The next moment, this medium-mindedness changed his face, and he sensed a powerful rule to quickly suppress him.


In the next moment, his body was planted on the land below the Netherland. At the same time, the powerful power in his body began to appear chaotic.

"There is no heavenly tower enslaved, the heavens and the earth are suppressed, is it so strong?" Lin Yun's face is also slightly changed.

The other party is only a medium-minded, just entering the Netherland, and doing nothing in the Netherland, is it so suppressed?

Xia Qingqing, Lin Mengmeng, and Ziyan have gained a lot of benefits in the **** universe upgrade, and they have entered the Netherland for thousands of years. They have all broken through to the superior world. They are now in the Netherland, but they can’t move too. Great power, but the practice of spiritual practice, without the big movements to absorb the refining and refining of the gods to practice resources and practice, there is no problem.

At this time, Lin Yuncai knew that the three women of Xia Qingqing, Lin Mengmeng and Zijing were affected by the balance of yin and yang, and the suppression of the rules of the heavens and the earth in the Netherland was somewhat weakened.

It is also known that the enslavement of the Heavenly Tower has greatly weakened the rejection of the spiritual world in the Netherland.

"Where is it here?" At this moment, the medium-mindedness was horrified.

This place makes him feel very wrong. He can't play one percent of his strength, which makes him feel insecure.

"You try it here!" Lin Yun said.

During the speech, Lin Yun waved some chaos and sent it to the middle of the realm.

"Yes...Adult..." Hearing Lin Yun’s words, this medium-minded man’s heart gave birth to some uneasiness. However, he did not dare to resist Lin Yun’s words. After a response, he began to use the power of the body to absorb refining. The power of chaos in front of you.


However, he has just attracted a force of chaos into the body, and it is like the power of chaos in his body. It is like detonating a barrel of explosives. In an instant, this medium-minded body is crushed and fried.

"Ah! The adults save me!" The screams of this medium-minded mystery came from the space.


Lin Yun did not hesitate. He immediately waved all the body fragments of this medium-death into the Heavenly Tower. At the same time, a enslavement brand re-entered the soul of this medium-death.

At the same time, almost at the same time, the force of repelling between heaven and earth disappeared. The body of this medium-deity is already in a state of smashing. The power of life is burning rapidly and there is no recovery. At this time, this medium The body of the gods also began to recover quickly.

For a moment, this medium-minded body re-aggregated, and Lin Yun discovered that the vitality and soul of this medium-minded **** had been reduced by a third.

Lin Yun’s heart couldn’t help but breathe.

He has reacted very quickly, only in an instant, the vitality of this medium-minded soul and so on has been reduced by a third.

From this it can be inferred that if he had slowed down a bit, this medium-minded **** would have to fall.

"Thank you for saving the lives! Thank you for your help!" After Lin Yun released this medium-minded **** from the Heavenly Tower again, this medium-minded **** also began to thank Lin Yun, a pair of crying.

He didn't dare to blame Lin Yun for letting him practice here. At this moment, he has been enslaved by Lin Yun using Tiandao Tower. Although he has not been completely enslaved, now he is close to Tiandao Tower, subconsciously, still Very inclined to Lin Yun's side.

As time went by, they were completely enslaved by the Heavenly Tower, and even if they were in other places, they would be dedicated to the owner of the Heavenly Tower.

Lin Yun looked at this medium-level deity in this way. He also had some feelings. He had to say that the ability of the Heavenly Tower to enslave was really against the sky, and it was very...not well described. In this world, Lin Yun did not actually use the Tiandao Tower. The enslavement ability is also that he does not want to use this means for his men.

However, there is no psychological burden to use this method in the gods of the acquired Protoss dynasty.

When you completely enslave each other, you may also receive a lot of unexpected effects.

For a moment, Lin Yuncai asked: "Do you have any spiritual resources in your body?"

"Yes, adults need it? This is the cultivation resource of my body!" This medium-mindedness nodded. When he spoke, he took some of his gods and practiced resources and handed it over.

Among them, there are two gods of inferiority.

Lin Yun glanced at it. He didn't find anything of great value in it. He just took the two gods of the inferior gods and said: "These resources, you will stay here to recover the injury!" ”

"Here?" Although he was once again enslaved by Lin Yun, this medium-minority did not lose the memory of the previous one. When he heard Lin Yun’s words, his face could not help but flash another horror.

He was a little scared of this strange place.

"You wait!" Lin Yun said.

During the speech, Lin Yun waved again and released a medium-death from the Heavenly Tower.

"You try it here!" Lin Yun said to this second medium-minded.

"Yes, adults!" This medium-minded curiosity looked at the surrounding space and nodded without hesitation.

When the scene just happened, he did not see it in the Tiandao Tower. Otherwise, he did not know whether he would be so calm.

"Call! Call!"

This medium-mindedness released some of the gods to practice resources, and began to practice. The power of chaos was refining into the body. During this period, the power of the rules of the Netherland did not cause much fluctuation to him.

"Sure enough!" Seeing this scene, Lin Yun nodded secretly.

Later, Lin Yun turned his head and looked at the first medium-minded place. Without waiting for Lin Yun to open his mouth, the middle-aged deity said: "Thank you for being pity, the villain understands, the villain will recover from the injury here. !"

"Yes!" Lin Yun nodded.

Later, Lin Yun took these few gods to the high heavens in the Netherland.

Just now, his experiments with these gods were carried out in low-heavy days, not far from the passage of the **** universe and the secluded world. In the event of an accident, you can quickly return to the blood with these gods. universe.

Now, the experiment is almost the same, there is no big problem, you can go to the high heavens in the Netherland.

If there is no problem in the high heavens in the Netherland, then you can completely let them practice in the Netherland. It is impossible, they can only let them stay in the low heavens.

However, at that time, let Tiandao Tower completely enslave them, and then do not know how long it takes to live in a big world.

Lin Yun let them practice in the Netherland, but it is not really let them practice. The practice is just a matter of convenience. The ultimate goal is to let them experience the time when the Heavenly Tower completely enslaved them.

Less than a time of breathing, Lin Yun took them to the 72nd day of the Netherland.

Then, Lin Yun once again released the few souls and let them try to practice here.

Soon, the test results came out, the three medium-minded places can be practiced here normally, the impact is not big, the superior gods can only use weaker power here, and can only understand the realm, and can not absorb the movement The cultivation of resources in the realm of cultivation, in general, is similar to Xia Qingqing, Lin Mengmeng, and Zijing.

When Lin Yun thought about it, he told the upper-class deities to practice the realm of the realm in the Netherland, so that the three medium-minded gods were free, and they could practice before they broke through to the finest gods.

Then, Lin Yun left the Tiandao Tower here, and he will return to the blood and the universe.

Regardless of the avatar or the ontology, Lin Yun did not intend to increase his age too much before breaking the last nine days of the Netherland. Therefore, he did not intend to stay with the souls in the Netherland.

Before leaving, Lin Yun shouted three emperors and several ghosts to repair his men.

At this time, the three-eyed emperor, and another ghost repairman, has refining the two best characters to break through to the peak of the gods, plus a few superior gods, tens of thousands of medium-deity, hundreds of thousands of inferior The gods, let them look at a superior god, and three medium-minded creatures, there is no problem.

The three-eyed emperor should immediately go down.

Lin Yun let go of his heart and turned and left.

Bloody universe.

After Lin Yun came back, he thought about it and began to tell the **** of heaven.

Then, he told the results of his test just to the **** of heaven.

"His Royal Highness, you said, you can go through the Heavenly Road Tower and let me enter the Netherland practice. However, I can only feel the realm of the realm. I can't do it." After listening to Lin Yun's words, the **** of heaven and earth stunned.

He has been very excited about the time and flow rate of the Netherland. Hearing what Lin Yun said, naturally he has some heart.

"Yes, a little movement can be, no big movements can be done. However, the high heavens in the Netherland now have a time difference of 100 million times with the **** universe. Even if it is only a small movement, it adds up to a very horrible effect. If you are Entering the Netherland practice, it is estimated that you can shorten the life of the big world for a long time, you can recover the injury!" Lin Yun nodded slightly.

"The premise is that you have to be enslaved by the Heavenly Tower! Of course, after your strength is restored, I can also liberate the Heavenly Tower!" Dunton, Lin Yun said.

For this reason, Lin Yuncai and the Emperor of Heaven and Heaven, the enslavement of Tiandao Tower, is not a simple control, but can affect the other side's thoughts. It is estimated that few people are willing to be enslaved by others.

If it is not absolutely absolute trust, I am afraid that people will not be enslaved.

"Yes, I agree!" However, the **** of heaven did not consider how long it took, and he smiled and said.

It is not difficult to think about things. His real strength is not as good as the normal superiority. How much has Lin Yun’s strength been now? Even if the two strong dragons enter the **** universe, they will have to!

Really deal with him, that is the matter between the thoughts, there is no need to discuss anything with him now!

So, what do he disagree with?

It is not impossible to lift the enslavement of the Heavenly Tower!

In the big world of life, no one knows when there will be a crisis, and he wants to restore his strength earlier!

In addition, the Netherland... He also wants to see that he has been practicing in the world of the soul, and has never seen what the Netherland looks like. It is said that the Netherland is a world that opposes the big world of life.

The basis of their gods is the cathode Yangsheng, the anode is cloudy, the yin and yang are merged, the chaos is born... The living world is yang, the secluded world is yin, and the two are opposite. He also wants to see what triggers can be obtained from it.

In case, if you get the opportunity to break through the peak of the gods, then you will make a big profit.

"However, after I left, no one was presiding over the **** universe. The Highness of the Prince should pay more attention to it. Don't have any problems..." Suddenly, the **** of heaven said.

"Reassured, I will pay attention!" Lin Yun laughed.

He has already planned to transfer the gods of the Netherland to a part of the Netherland, and there are peaks and gods, superior heavens, thousands of medium gods, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of places. Deity.

Coupled with the departure of the King of Heaven, the **** universe is not a point that cannot be used.

Even if three or five Chenlongs come in, he can guarantee that he will not let the other party escape.

To cope with the general problem there should be no problem, if there is a problem, even if the **** of heaven is here, it is useless.


Subsequently, Lin Yun's figure disappeared in the **** universe, but it was back to the Netherland to take the Heavenly Road Tower.

Previously, he did not expect that the Heavenly King would agree to this matter, and he would leave the Heavenly Tower directly in the Netherland.

However, it is a time to breathe, but it is nothing.

Before and after, it was only three or five breaths. Lin Yun sent the **** of heaven to the Netherland and then returned to the **** universe.

At the same time, Lin Yun brought back, there are three eyes of the emperor, a total of thousands of ghosts, a total of more than 100,000.

Soon, Lin Yun will not leak the protection of the **** universe.

Then, Lin Yun’s body left the **** universe and once again began to destroy the dead universe around the world.

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