MTL - Cosmic Trading System-Chapter 1044 go! You are going!

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"No, the two peaks are going to escape!"

"Can't stop?"

"How to stop? The congregation of the congenital Protoss Prince began to burn the power of the source!"

On the battlefield, the Zodiac animals saw this scene and were surprised.

They did not think that it was the power of the innate power of the congenital protoss Prince, and after the repair of the two peaks of the gods, they also thought that the two peaks of the gods were repaired for the congenital protoss, How should they correspond? Just now, they also talked about it!

Now, the opposite is true, leaving them a little overwhelmed at a time.

Mainly, the strength of Lin Yun broke out, so that their joint defense has already produced a small area of ​​damage. If they take the opportunity to intercept the two peaks of ghosts, they may cause them no small damage.

"Qing Lian Shen Jun, quickly stop the two peaks of the gods ghost repair!" The python turned his head and looked at Qinglian Shenjun, shouting.

"No more shots, let go of the two peaks of the ghosts of the ghost repair, be careful that we sneak down to the Emperor, let the Emperor sin to rule your sins!" The other twelve Zodiac beasts follow.

Listening to the voice of the zodiac animal, Qinglian Shenjun is also slightly frowning.

Previously, he could not repair Lin Yun and the two peaks of the gods. It was not difficult to explain afterwards. He was a top-ranking protagonist and had a deep relationship with the congenital Protoss, which led Lin Yun, the reincarnation of His Royal Highness. The body is enough, and then the opponent shot, it is a little over.

He is the peak of the gods, and is not the general peak of the gods, even if you rely on the descendants of the gods, you should also gain some respect and privilege.

After all, the 12 Zodiac beasts can still cope with it, and Lin Yun and the two peaks of the gods can't escape.

As for the previous departure of the **** of the gods and the 30 finest gods, at that time, he was also entangled in the heat of the heat, can not be extra shots, this can also be explained.

But now, the two peaks are going to run away, and he is standing here idle. If he doesn't, he can't say it.

He can not be good at the reincarnation of His Royal Highness Prince of the Congenital Protoss, but the two peaks of the gods can not have a relationship with the congenital Protoss. At the very least, there is no relationship.

So, can he not shoot?

On the battlefield, Lin Yun did not say anything.

At this time, he said nothing was wrong, Qinglian Shenjun could not show his attitude.

In case, Qinglian Shenjun did not want to shoot, because he spoke, but instead shot, it would not be worth the loss.

At this time, the only thing he could do was to deal with the 12 Zodiac beasts and let the 12 Zodiac animals not stop to block the three-eyed emperors.


Suddenly under the number of attacks, suddenly, Lin Yun shouted, and suddenly broke the joint defense of the 12 Zodiac animals, and attacked the two zodiac animals in two superior environments.

"Hey! Hey!"

The bodies of the twelve zodiac animals of these two superior gods were immediately blasted by Lin Yun.

Unfortunately, there is no sword of blood prison, and their vitality is not much damage.

"Boom! Boom!"

Lin Yun, regardless of the attack of several Zodiac animals around him, immediately flashed to the beasts of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals that were blown up by the two bodies. The palm of his hand was shot again. Immediately, the bodies of these two zodiac animals continued to Being blasted, life begins to decrease rapidly.

"Unfortunately..." With the attack of other 12 Chinese zodiac animals, Lin Yun was bloody, but his heart was a pity.

It is a pity that he took the sword of blood prison to the **** of the gods. Otherwise, he could kill the two zodiac animals of these two superior gods.

In fact, their start is very good. In the first game, they killed two Zodiac beasts and beat the other 12 Zodiac beasts. According to this trend, they don’t have to spend all their time on the Zodiac beasts. Killing is not impossible.

It is a pity that the reaction of the Zodiac animals is also extremely fast, and they immediately burn their original strength.

Even so, they really fight down, and it is not impossible to kill all the zodiac animals.

Because Lin Yun has the anti-theft artifact like the sword of blood prison, his strength is getting stronger and stronger, the strength of the other side is getting weaker and weaker, and there is a strong array of coverage around him. The other party wants to run hard, and finally kills each other, almost certain.

However, there are two more accidents.

The first one, the rebellion of Qinglian Shenjun, Qinglian Shenjun is not a common peak.

If Qing Lian Shenjun solves Shi Nantian and joins their battle, they want to make it difficult for the 12 Zodiac animals.

Qinglian Shenjun is a powerful peak of the gods, and it is not too difficult to solve the finest gods like Shinan.

This is the first accident.

The second accident was the high-level dynasty dynasty that might be staring outside the formation.

The other gods of the celestial dynasty dynasty may appear at any time, and they are forced to enter the law. In that case, they do not want to kill the 12 Zodiac beasts.

Lin Yun considered the previous decision.

After he broke off, let the other men evacuate in two parts, and how much they can escape if they escape.

It’s better than the end, all of them are falling here.

In particular, the bloodsucker sword and the heavenly tower have great meanings, which can be said to be far more than the meaning of the 30 finest gods. If the bloodsucker sword and the heavenly tower are lost here, the loss is too great.

In fact, when Lin Yun decided to come to support Qinglian Shenjun, although he gave birth to a certain defense mentality, he was not too sure that Qinglian Shenjun had problems.

What he thinks, even if there are problems in the congenital Protoss, it may be solved long ago. After all, there are already many congenital Protoss strongmen who have invested in the Houshen dynasty. Even if there are still problems, there may be other problems. Other strong people have The problem is unlikely to be Qinglian Shenjun, the strongest leader of the remaining congenital protoss.

Moreover, his father Huang once said to him, so that he can believe in Qinglian Shenjun.

Otherwise, he will not bring people to support Qinglian Shenjun.

He also thinks very well. Although the strength of the 12 Zodiac animals is strong, and the strength he carries is not weak, coupled with the powerful strength of Qinglian Shenjun, they are caught off guard. They quickly kill the 12 Zodiac animals. Very likely.

Even if you can't kill it all, there is no problem with killing.

At that time, they quickly fled, even if the strong people of the acquired Protoss dynasty stared at them, they did not necessarily react.

Because they have an advantage, that is, they can escape into the Netherland, and the power of the descendants of the Protoss may not think of this.


Everything was broken by that most uncertain idea!

Qinglian Shenjun... actually rebelled...

"Boom! Boom..."

While thinking about it, Lin Yun attacked the two superior gods and twelve zodiac animals that he was eyeing, and his heart was very uneven.

This can be developed in a better direction... the result has developed into this...

If he is not angry, it is impossible.

"Qing Lian Shen Jun, very good..." Lin Yun’s heart snorted.

In fact, he was not particularly angry at the fact that Qinglian Shenjun took the remaining congenital protoss to the post-God dynasty.

The ants are still stealing, not to mention the fact that they have lived for many years and can still live.

He is not a pedantic person, the winner is the king, the loser is awkward, the congenital protoss royal family is no longer there, and the rest of the congenital protoss are no longer dependent on the gods.

However, Qinglian Shenjun should not have to do anything, and should not have set up a suit against the acquired Protoss.

"Not good! Qinglian Shenjun, help us!"

"Don't chase the two peaks of the gods, repair it, come and help us! Our 12 Zodiac animals bear you!"

Just as Qinglian Shenjun hesitated to repair the two ghosts who had left the peak, the Zodiac animals suddenly panicked.

However, they have stunned Lin Yun’s attacking power, or they have been dragged by the two departed ghosts, but at this time, Lin Yun has been chasing the two superior gods of attack. The two zodiac animals, their injuries increased rapidly, and then continue this way, without a breathing time, will be killed by Lin Yun.

At this moment, Lin Yun is also like crazy, no matter how injured he is, just attacking the two superior gods, twelve zodiac animals, this is simply dead and pulling two superior gods twelve zodiac animals In the case of death together, this situation is also unexpected for all the 12 Zodiac animals.

As a last resort, they began to ask for help from Qinglian Shenjun.

After all, the two escaped peaks of ghosts and ghosts, even if the strength is stronger, the realm is higher, and the lives of their companions are not important.

In this battle, their 12 Zodiac animals have fallen four people. If they fall again, the loss will be too great.

Although the losses are all superior, they are also difficult to bear.

In comparison, they asked Qinglian Shenjun for help, but they just lost some face.

As long as Qinglian Shenjun promised, what is this face?

"Isn't this good? I am here for leisure. If I let the ghosts of the two peaks escape, it is also a big disaster..." However, if I heard the help of the 12 Zodiac animals, there would have been no Decided whether or not to stop the two Qing Dynasty gods who are the ghosts of the ghosts, but they smiled and said.


Between the words, the power of a **** domain and a powerful force brewing on him, is the beginning of the feeling of the two ghosts of the departed ghosts.


When I heard that Qinglian Shenjun was so ill, the 12 Zodiac animals couldn’t help but vomit blood. At this moment, they wanted to swear.

They will not hear it, this Qinglian Shenjun is deliberate?

Deliberately take them for what they just said?

"Qing Lian Shen Jun, we were wrong now, we are here to apologize to you, but also ask you to help quickly..."

"Yes, the surrounding space, I want to come to be stared at by our dynasty high-level, the two peaks of the ghosts of the ghost repair even if they ran out, but also not far away, is bound to be caught, Qinglian Shenjun only need to deal with this congenital Protoss Prince Up..."

"Yes, the other party is the congenital prince, now Qinglian Shenjun shot, it is proof that you are loyal to our dynasty, if the Emperor knows, you should also pay more attention to Qinglian Shenjun..."

However, the Zodiac animals have to be polite and have advised.

"But it... After all, I have already invested in the gods of the gods, but it is not good to do the ones at the end of the tail. Let the two peaks and gods repair the escape. Fortunately, if you sit on the 12 Zodiac and die, then I am afraid. Not only did he have a big hatred with the zodiac animals, but the high-ranking protoss will also have opinions on me... And, look at the way of His Royal Highness, and I don’t want to take my hands on the two peaks." Seeing this scene, Qinglian Shenjun sighed slightly, and said in his heart.


Since it was decided, Qinglian Shenjun no longer hesitated, stepping out in one step, and the space in front of the layered layer of law was broken, and instantly appeared in the middle of the twelve zodiac animals of Lin Yun and those two superior gods.



The next moment, Qinglian Shenjun slammed out, Lin Yun and the two superior gods 12 Zodiac animals immediately separated.


At the same time that the two superior gods were separated from the zodiac animals, Lin Yun flew out and both bodies squirted a large mouthful of blood.

"Qinglian Shenjun!"

Lin Yun looked up and looked at Qinglian Shenjun, flashing a cold mang in the depths of his eyes.

On the other side, the Zodiac animals are also slightly inhaled. Previously, they saw that Shinan Tian entangled Qinglian Shenjun for a long time, and some of them were somewhat disdainful of the strength of Qinglian Shenjun.

As the saying goes, there is no harm, there is no harm. The remaining six Zodiac animals are unable to separate Lin Yun from the two superior **** companions. Qinglian Shenjun just took a palm and put Lin Yun and the two superior **** companions were separated.

Although, Lin Yun has always been against them, there are also Qinglian Shenjun is the key force to decide overwhelming power, but it can also be seen that the power of Qinglian Shenjun really far exceeds any of them.

Qinglian Shenjun, the top powerhouse of the congenital Protoss, is indeed unmistakable.


"Get this person!"

The next moment, the 12 Zodiac animals are also seized the opportunity, and they are besieging Lin Yun.

"Boom! Boom!"

Huge forces have attacked Lin Yun's two bodies, and they breathed a sigh of relief. It is difficult for Lin Yun's two bodies to mention stronger power. At one time, some of them were dwarfed, and a powerful attack fell on Lin Yun.

far away.

The three-eyed emperor who has escaped from the law and another ghost of the gods have been paying attention to the battle between Lin Yun and the twelve zodiac animals. Seeing this scene, they have a body and their hearts are fierce.

"grown ups!"

"Blood Emperor!"

Three-eyed emperor and another peak of the gods to repair the tears of the tears go! You are going! ”

Lin Yun did not look back, a pair of blood staring at the twelve zodiac animals and Qinglian Shenjun, hoarse voice loudly.

"Boom! Boom!"

In the next moment, Lin Yun released more powerful power on the body, but the source of the body once again burned most of the body. Lin Yun's two bodies were even more crazy and attacked the 12 Zodiac beasts and Qinglian Shenjun.

call! call!

The three-eyed emperor and another peak of the gods have bitten their teeth and eventually left.

They have escaped from the formation, and it is too late to go back to support Lin Yun. It will only make them waste more time and eventually they will not be able to escape.

Read The Duke's Passion