MTL - Cosmic Trading System-Chapter 1065 Invincible ability?

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Thoroughly blew yourself!

All life energy is annihilated!

The power of the explosion is also very horrible!

Those who are closer to the next generation of the Protoss dynasty, the peaks of the gods, many serious injuries, an unfortunate peak of the gods even directly fallen!

"Hua Xiong!" A strong person who has a good relationship with the peak of the gods, teleported to the fallen position of the other side, mournful.


"They are dead?"

"The three-eyed emperor, also blew himself?"

Many of the peaks of the gods of the late Protoss are unbelievable.

call! call! call!

At this time, there was no one to come to the peak of the gods, one by one, one after another, the information of the fascinating world of the secluded world, they also received, they looked at the waves, they were surprised or complex .

In the presence, not all the descendants of the Protoss, there are some congenital Protoss who, after the defeat of the congenital Protoss, voted for the descendants of the Protoss, including Qinglian Shenjun.

At this moment, they are very complicated.

If we say that, they still doubt the thoughts of these peaks and ghosts, the purpose of these top powers in the Netherland, and their loyalty to Lin Yun, the predecessor of the Confucian prince.

Then at this moment, these speculations have retreated from their thoughts.

The courage of these ghosts in the secluded world is beyond their expectations.

"Don't they continue to fight for the world of living, is it really just to avenge the honor of His Royal Highness?"

"These ghosts should be just under the command of His Royal Highness, and they can do so for the Highness of the Prince, and at the beginning, His Royal Highness will be broken for them..."

"It seems that the Highness of Prince Edward can be broken for them. It is not without reason. Their loyalty to His Royal Highness is not comparable to that of ordinary strongmen..."

"These ghost repairs, behind the imperial edict of the Prince, can also be a great battle for the imperial elders and the descendants of the Protoss, but even after the encirclement, decisively blew themselves... We are the congenital protoss, but we chose to rely on the descendants of the gods..."

Some of the top powers of the congenital Protoss have complicated thoughts in their hearts, and many of them are ashamed.

Qinglian Shenjun slightly frowned.

Unlike some of the congenital protoss and the top powers of the acquired protoss, he was the first to reach.

Those who are in the midst of the secluded world have blew themselves up, and he saw it with his own eyes.

Naturally, some words from the other side, he also listened to his ears.

They don’t know anything about the Netherworld...

They thought... they won?

In the faint, Qinglian Shenjun feels that they have neglected any problems. This issue is very important.

At this time, the Emperor’s fire was also teleported here, watching the aftermath of the scene, for a long time.

"Your Majesty, I feel that this thing is not that simple..." At this moment, a peak of the gods came forward and hesitated.

Not only Qinglian Shenjun feels wrong, there is no idiot in the presence, and some strong people feel that it is wrong. At this moment, this peak of the gods tells the doubts of some people.


When you hear this peak of the gods, other peaks and gods are also in the heart, including some who did not realize it is wrong, and they all realize that something is wrong. They are looking at the peak of the gods or the gods.

"Nature is not simple." The Emperor's fire gaze swept the crowd and said slowly.

"This news, because it has not been widely spread in the Netherland, I just got it. You should all know what the Netherland is like! The big world of life, whether in the small universe or in the big universe, or After the fall of the souls of the world, their souls will enter the revelation of the Netherland! If those ghosts of the Netherland are repaired and fallen, their souls will also appear in the Netherland?" For a moment, the Emperor He continued slowly.

"The meaning of your majesty, they can enter the Netherland to resurrect?" A peak of the gods body shocked, lost the channel.


"No way?"

"Is there such a thing?"

"They are gods!"

"In this case, can they be resurrected indefinitely?"

Many peaks and gods have shouted.

In this case, how can I fight?

If they can't enter the Netherland, quickly kill those powerful ghosts in the Netherland, and those ghosts in the Netherland can be said to be invincible!

They are dead and cannot be resurrected! The other party is dead, but can be resurrected, how can I fight?

"Yes, I have found some ghosts in the Netherland to get the testimony. They have been killed by the dynasty of our dynasty, but they are resurrected again!" Shenhuang fire nodded slightly and said.

"The Netherland...has such ability?"

"I understand, I understand why they said it before they blew up..."

"I also understand that this is the strongest place in the Netherland. They are afraid of the ability to resurrect in the Netherland. No wonder, they dare to detonate so decisively!"

"If we kill them, they can still be resurrected in the Netherland. Doesn't that mean, we used to do nothing?"

The strongest ones of the celestial dynasty empire are ugly, with a strong shock and bitterness in their tone.

"This news is really not a good news, but the public does not have to be too pessimistic!" Shenhuang fire shook his head slightly and said.

"Actually, this thing, we should have known for a long time, unlike the congenital protoss, our descendants of the Protoss have stepped up from ordinary creatures. In order to meet each other, we have traveled through many places in the world of spirituality. We have experienced countless joys and sorrows, many The strong also have dealt with the Netherworld! Before the breakthrough of the gods, many strong people have entered the Netherland!" After a pause, the Emperor Fire continued.

"Yes, I have entered the Netherland. At that time, I was still the king of the king..."

"I also entered the Netherland. At that time, I was the land of the Holy King. It was the soul of finding my parents and relatives and friends. However, our strong souls are too conspicuous in the Netherland. It is easy to be discovered and hunt by the Netherworld. Kill, and, our souls are too repressed in the Netherland, and our exploration ability is very limited. Although I entered the reincarnation of the Netherland, but did not find the soul of my parents and relatives and friends, I came out..."

"I have also entered the Netherland, and there is a reincarnation space in the Netherland. It really attracts the souls of the fallen souls everywhere..."

Some of the acquired Protoss dynasty strong nodded and said.

"At the beginning, I also entered the Netherland, and I also know the reincarnation of the Netherland. I also know the difficulty of finding a soul there. I didn't think that after the fall of the Netherland, their souls will return again. The retreat of the Netherland can be easily retrieved. After all, this ability is too bad..." The Emperor Fire nodded slightly and said.

"But, in any case, we have to admit that they did, and many of the fallen Netherlands were once again resurrected!" After a pause, the Emperor Fire said.

"However, there is no limit. I carefully explored this matter, the fallen souls of the souls. After they entered the reincarnation of the Netherland, the strength will return to the initial state, the strength is very low, and the ghosts have acquired ghosts and congenital ghosts. The repairs, the ghosts of the secluded world, are also coming... The congenital ghosts can repair themselves to the gods by their own practice... After all, they can’t rely on their own practice to break through the realm of the gods. Only refining the gods can be..."

"That is to say, they must have enough corresponding deities to restore their original strength. Otherwise, they must be re-trained step by step... The ghosts can't naturally practice to the gods, so the godless gods can't Around the past!"

"If you think like this, the ghosts of the Netherland will not have much advantage over us. Because if we get the undivided deity, we can quickly cultivate a new divine situation. Even if they use the original When the classmates practiced to use the qualifications of Godhead, they still have to spend some time. Our descendants of the Protoss, countless ordinary practitioners reach the peak of the Holy King, and countless peaks of the Holy King are willing to wait in line to refine the gods to achieve the gods!"

"The same, there is no top-quality god, the best god, they have to rely on congenital ghost repair, step by step to the finest gods, peaks, no special!"

The Emperor looked at the crowd and said slowly.

"Amount, this is the case, then, the gods of the Netherland do not have much advantage for us!"

"It turned out that it was really scaring me, I really thought they were invincible!"

"Yes, especially, the time flow of the Netherland is extremely fast. If the ghosts can be naturally trained to the gods, they will have their original memories and restore their strength. It is not easy..."

"It seems that Heaven will not let such a bad thing happen!"

Some of the acquired Protoss dynasty strong nodded, and most of their hearts were relieved.

"You are afraid to ignore one thing!" However, at this moment, a peak of the gods said quietly.


"whats the matter?"

Many strong people turned their heads.

"After the fall of the Netherland, their souls can return to the resurrection of the Netherland. After the fall of our spiritual world, will our souls enter the reincarnation of the Netherland? If it is still, we After the fall, the soul enters the secluded world, and it does not become the fish on the chopping board..." I saw that the peak of the gods slowly said.

"This is one of them! Second, after our souls enter the Netherland, do they want to get any information from us, what information can they get? I think they know so much about our dynasty, and there are also very Great relationship!" Then, this peak of the gods continues to say.

"Our soul enters the Netherworld..."

"Get information from the souls that have fallen from our hearts..."

Listening to this peak of the gods, many of the strong face changed, they took a breath.

If they are in peacetime, they may not put such things in their hearts. They are not at the peak of the gods, they are extremely superior gods, and each is the top of the world.

Without a terrible war, their chances of falling are extremely small.

But now, they have to pay attention to this issue.

Recently, the suburbs of the Netherland fought against their dynasty. The peaks of their dynasty were degraded, and many of them were extremely powerful.

Among them, there are several strong people who have more strength than the top of the world?

Although, now, the peak of the Netherland is almost killed by them.

However, who can be sure that there is no other hidden power in the Netherworld?

In particular, the time flow of the Netherland is extremely fast. As the saying goes, there are many nights and long dreams. As long as they don’t take the Netherland completely, they are not surprised.

In case, they are also fallen, that is not to say that their souls cannot be safe.

"In that case, if we do not enter the reincarnation, I am afraid that it will become a ghost repair, will we become the ghost side of the Netherland?"

"Ghosts and creatures are naturally opposite! The previous enemy has become a person? Who has become an enemy?"

Some strong think of these, they look different, there is a feeling of a dog.

If so, what are their current behaviors?

Some strong people immediately whispered.

This situation is really hard to say.

They really became the ghosts of the day after tomorrow, and that is not where they want to stand. If they still support the celestial dynasty, they will be extinct and the ghosts will be extinct. Have a good end?

"Everyone, don't worry about this problem. The Netherland has the same characteristics as our acquired Protoss. Now, it is almost certain that the Netherland is a big world comparable to the big world of life, against the big world of life, the whole world of the living world. It is yang, and the secluded world is yin. No matter which one is missing, the world is incomplete!" At this moment, the Emperor's fire raised his hand slightly, preventing everyone from talking and slowly speaking.

"The Netherland has become a part of this world. This is the trend of the times. No one can stop it. Just as we should rise up after the Protoss, the congenital Protoss can not block the general, but the unification of all circles is also a general trend. Finally, the Netherland becomes the whole. The rule of the world, or the big world of life, is the master of the whole world, but it is undecided!"

"If we become the master of the spiritual world, then the Netherland must be managed. The strong souls and the Netherworld are naturally excluded. Therefore, it is inevitable that the ghosts will manage the Netherworld. So, even if you really have Become a ghost repair ~ ~ do not want to reincarnation, then, you are not absolutely opposite to the dynasty, so you do not need to worry about this problem, whether you are a living, or ghost repair, are a member of the dynasty!"

The Emperor of the Fire said calmly.


"Your Majesty said it was good..."

"And, the ghosts of the secluded world have been broken by us, and it is not easy to develop. Once we have succeeded in cultivating the magic weapon, we are not weak when the high-level ruins of the Netherland are destroyed. In this case, The probability of corruption is too small..."

"Even if it becomes a ghost repair, as long as the dynasty unifies the various circles, we can also become the top powerhouse in the Netherland. Maybe, it can be..."

Some strong people have thoughts and nodded, and some strong people do not know what to think, but some heart.

The time flow of the Netherland is very against the sky. If they can become the top power of the Netherland, plus unlimited time, then the future changes will not be allowed.

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