MTL - Cosmic Trading System-Chapter 1069 From the war

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With only a dozen breaths, the tenth day of the Netherland was captured.

During this period, when some arrays of space were broken, the two superior gods in the Netherland and a dozen medium gods, more than one hundred inferior gods were too late to dodge, and were instantly killed by the tens of thousands of souls. .


The gods of the gods, the three-eyed emperor, and other powerful people in the Netherland have just entered the eleventh heaven. The boundary wall of the eleventh heaven has not blocked the tens of thousands of souls in the realm of life, and instantly broken.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The **** of heaven and earth has already communicated well with the pattern of the eleventh heaven, and the power of the Taoist law has risen up, and they have covered them in abundance, but they have been hard to resist and have been retreating.

"This 昊天神王... really hard to wrap, really hateful, did not quickly kill him..." A soul-like world has bitten his teeth and whispered.

If it weren't for the power of these arrays that the King of Heaven urged, it would be impossible to stop their huge attacks by simply combining these gods.

"It is also that we can't get away from this magic weapon too much. Otherwise, we can make more free means, and it is not difficult to deal with them!" A sigh of the peak of the soul world.

In this battle, they are somewhat wronged. They don’t fight each other. On the one hand, the other party will entangle them and prevent them from leaving. On the other hand, there are no other numbers in the higher world of the Netherland. A huge low-level deity is present, which is also an opportunity for them to quickly kill each other without too much interference.

It doesn't work either, the other party doesn't touch them at all, just dragging with the power of a road.

On several occasions, some of their strongmen used a different approach and thought about giving each other a surprise. As a result, the three-eyed emperor made a fascinating look, but it solved many strange ways.

"As much as possible to kill the ghosts around, how many kills can be killed..." After a few more breaths, the peak of the name called Lingwei turned around and looked around, suddenly thinking of something, immediately sinking .


"it is good!"

Other strong people in the realm of the spirits also moved in their hearts and quickly nodded.

They all noticed that when the Tianshen Wang and his party evacuated, they deliberately circumvented the place where the ghosts were repaired, and even took the initiative to save some ordinary ghosts. They wanted to come. The other party should care about the lives of ordinary ghosts. If, as far as possible, they try to kill the ordinary ghosts around them, it should affect the other's mind.

If it is for the other party to make a flaw, it is a very cost-effective thing.

Anyway, they kill those ordinary ghosts, it is easy, an idea, as long as they cover, they can kill countless.


This determines that these souls are also executed in this way. I saw that their next actions began to deliberately go to places where the number of ghosts was repaired, and the ordinary ghosts were killed by them.

In the Netherland, the scope of each heavy day is enormous, and the number of ghost repairs in each heaven is billions.

Just one or two times of screaming, there are tens of millions of ordinary ghosts being killed by these gods.

"Do you have a strong deity, so killing the ordinary ghosts in the Netherland?" Seeing this scene, the gods of the gods, the three-eyed emperor and other elites in the Netherland were shocked, and they were shocked.

Do not blame them for being so shocked, but with their gods strong, the practitioners under the gods are like ants, the two sides fight, who has the energy to manage the surrounding ants? Will not affect their battle!

In these years, they have battled the gods of the Netherland with the gods of the gods in the past few days, and millions of the gods of the Netherland have fought several times in the spiritual world. They have not done so.

Need to know, many of them in the Netherland practitioners are coming from the killing, killing is almost common with them.

In this way, they have not done so yet. Now, seeing these gods in the realm of the world, how can they not be shocked?

"I don't want them to die, it's very simple. You can surrender. I can guarantee that I will not hurt half of my ghosts and repair your life!" At this moment, the peak of the gods Lingwei smiled coldly and said.

"I didn't expect that after the world of the world, the gods and gods of the gods and gods will be so mentally handicapped! You are afraid that you are out of heart. These ghosts are mostly acquired, and most of them are born from the world of the living world. They It’s true that the ghosts in the Netherland are correct, but they have been living in the world of life. You don’t care about their lives. Why should we care?” The three-eyed emperor shook his head and said.

When you heard the three-eyed emperor, many of the gods in the realm of the gods changed their faces slightly.

"Well, since you don't care about their lives, don't blame us for killing them! The Netherland and the soul world are enemies. They are the cornerstone of the Netherland. Now, we kill them, they are not jealous! "Ling Wei is not moved by the words of the three-eyed emperor.

Later, he turned his head and looked at the ordinary ghosts around him. He calmly said: "You need to know that killing you is not the **** of our souls, but the strong man of your secluded world! The time of the big world, a few years ago, you The world of the secluded world is ravaged by the world of the soul! Once upon, now! You must blame, blame these strong people in the Netherland!"



I heard the other person say that some of the ghosts in the Netherland are not able to repair their spirits, but they are also incapable. They are okay in the formation. Once they are out of the law, they will not be able to resist it and will be killed by the other side.

"Let them be arrogant for a moment, and soon, our sacred forces will come in. In that time, see how they are..." The three-eyed emperor took a deep breath and was cold and cold.

One or two breathing time, the other party will kill tens of millions of ordinary ghost repairs, it looks a lot, very scary, but these ghost repairs are just ordinary ghost repairs, and even the ghosts of the sanctuary are not many, this level of Ghost repair is not a big deal for them.

If they want, they can bring some ghosts to the high heavens at any time, let them naturally give birth.

With the time flow of the high heavens in the Netherland, it will not be long before they can create a huge number of ghost repairs, and they are still innate ghosts, no matter the quality or potential, they are far beyond these ordinary ghost repairs.

In the lower realm of the Netherland, the number of ordinary ghosts repaired in each heavy day is billions of dollars. The other party's breathing time kills tens of millions, so let the other party kill and see how much the other can kill.


"Do they care so much about the lives of these ordinary ghosts?"

"These gods in the Netherland are too cold-blooded..."

Some of the realms of the realm of the realm saw this scene and whispered.

These spiritual realms are not all high-level gods. The high-level gods only occupy a very small number. Most of them are medium-minded and superior gods. There is no one in the peak.

Perhaps, the strength of the peak of the gods is too strong, has stood at the top of the whole world of the living, so see ordinary practitioners, really like the ants, how much they kill in the spiritual world, not too care.

Therefore, they understand the words of the three-eyed emperor.

Just now, they just tried this. If it has an influence on the ghosts such as the three-eyed emperor, it is naturally good. If it has no influence, it does not matter.

Medium gods and superior gods, their strength is weaker, and even their time of training is far less than those of the peaks, they are mostly out of ordinary practitioners, in the world of life, they even with many ordinary The practitioner has a deep relationship, being a cosmic leader, the ancestor of a big family.

Therefore, when they killed these ordinary ghosts, they felt deeper.

Even they were influenced by the words of the three-eyed emperor.

These ordinary ghosts are mostly fallen creatures in the world of the soul, and the souls have not been formed in the reincarnation. Maybe there are some ordinary ghosts, who used to be their people, friends, and even their elders.

This is possible.

Now, they have been killed in large areas, and maybe there will be spread.

They pay such a feeling, and as a result, these secluded realms don’t care, how can they not be upset?

As for the inferior deities, this time came to the spiritual realm of the Netherland, there is no inferiority.

"Continue to kill!" At this moment, Ling Wei slammed the cold mang, and said again.

"grown ups……"

"Ling Daren..."

Some of the spiritual realities look at Lingwei.

"Continue to kill!" However, before everyone said it, Ling Wei interrupted everyone's words and sighed.

How did he not feel the change of the people?

He did not expect that he had an idea that did not affect the enemy, but instead influenced them and how to keep him angry?

However, his status makes him not admit his mistake!

Some ordinary ghosts have been repaired, let alone these ghost repairs, that is, they are really living in the realm of life, and the ants in the district are dying, and he will not look in the eyes!

He bit his teeth and let them do it!

Obviously, he just noticed that the other party was concerned about the death of these ordinary ghosts. How could he be wrong?


On the other hand, the space of the three-eye emperor, where the ghosts are repaired, will once again be broken, and the three-eyed emperor will drink low.

call! call! call!

A group of ghosts have been retreating.

One breath... two breaths...

Blink, a dozen more breaths in the past!

They have retired to the thirteenth heaven in the Netherland.

A powerful momentum finally came from the fourteenth day of the Netherland.


The boundary wall of the fourteenth heaven was instantly broken, and a mighty momentum was overwhelming.

Millions of Netherland gods form a large array, and quickly come to the three-eyed emperor, the **** of heaven and the like.


"finally come!"

A group of strong people in the Netherland are excited.

The strength of the enemy is too strong. In just a few dozen breaths, they have fallen into several superior gods and hundreds of medium gods, and nearly a thousand inferior gods...

If that continues, they will be completely killed by the other side. I am afraid it will be a matter of morning and evening. How can they not be flustered?

They do not dare to guarantee perfection of the operation of the law, let alone the enemy attack, and they can control it? A mistake, that is the fall!

Now, their gods come to support... they are relieved!

"We have millions of gods on our side... There are only tens of thousands of gods on the other side... Even if the enemy is strong, can it be our opponent?" A top-notch look is not far away. The realm of the soul world, secretly.

"Millions of gods, come!"

"Already formed a battlefield..."

"Fast speed!"

"The time flow in the Netherland is too fast. Otherwise, they definitely have no time to form such a battle..."

One by one, the realm of the spiritual world sees this scene, and it is complicated.

They know that it is very difficult for them to think about how to strengthen these Netherlands.

Instead, they have to worry about their safety.


At this moment, the three-eyed Emperor’s eyes were already looking at them and shouting.

"Boom! Rumble -"

What is the concept of attacking millions of gods together?

The space of the secluded space collapses directly. Not to mention the moment of resistance, there is almost no generality. A deep space crack appears in the road, and it gathers with a huge attack and quickly attacks the tens of thousands of souls.

"Back! Back! Back!"

"Rewind! Retreat!" Some of the souls of the realm of the realm see this scene, have sucked the cool shout.

This scene makes them seem to see the great war between the congenital Protoss and the acquired Protoss. This huge number of gods attack together, even if most of them are inferior and medium-minded, the power gathered is also very scary. of.

It can be said that God blocks the killing of God, and the Buddha blocks the Buddha.

Don't look at the fact that there are more than twenty peaks on their side, and they can't stop it.

At that time, the scale of their descendants of the Protoss was not so big. Why can they defeat the congenital Protoss in the end?

The power of the congenital Protoss is too arrogant!

I think I can rely on my own powerful strength to resist a huge number of low-level gods!

call! call! call!

Each of the spiritual realms quickly receded.

However, there are also a few realms in the realm of the realm of this situation, there is not much to know about this situation, and there are some realms in the realm of the real world that are really unresponsive.


The enormous power passed from them, a loud noise, their figures disappeared, the space where they were, all things, all annihilated.

The acquired gods dynasty dynasty several superior gods and more than a hundred medium gods, all fallen.


Seeing this scene, Lingwei’s face was blue and blue, and he shouted again.


The next moment He is quiet.

He knows that millions of underworld gods appear, and they meet with the three-eyed emperors. They want to kill the high-level gods such as the three-eyed emperor, but it is impossible.

This time, they entered the Netherland, mainly trying to find out how to cultivate this magic weapon, and then look at the situation in the Netherland, not intending to really defeat the Netherland in one fell swoop.

This is the end of the matter, and their mission is almost complete.

At this time, he was once again annoyed, annoyed that he did not respond in time to kill the **** of the gods. The war just now, it can be seen that the **** of the gods plays a great role in it.

Who can think of the previous battles, the gods of the gods did not appear, almost all three-eyed emperors as the core powerhouse.

After they entered the Netherland, they suddenly emerged as the King of Heaven. Is the ability of the gods of the gods still so strong?

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