MTL - Cosmic Trading System-Chapter 12 Last grievance

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After practicing an hour of punching, washing and eating breakfast, it is already 8:00 in the morning, Lin Yun took a taxi to Jinlong Building.

Lin Yun first came to the third floor of Jinlong Building, the storefront of Zhao Zhun.

At this time, Zhao Zhun’s store already has several people. Zhao Zhun is introducing the data of the charging treasure to them, and at the same time demonstrating the charging situation of the charging treasure. However, many people are suspicious.

"Ten times the charging speed of ordinary charging treasure, equivalent to a battery of 150,000 mAh, how is this possible?"

"Old Zhao, you called me yesterday, saying that there are good things, it won't be this? I didn't expect that Lao Zhao has become such a person!"

"The best mobile power in the world is a lot of you charging this treasure. You won't say that the world's first charging treasure is being sold by you?"

Soon, some people laughed or shook their heads and turned away.

Many of these people are old fritters. No matter how good Zhao Zhuo said, how true the demonstration is, I don’t believe in Zhao Zhun.

The liar deceives people, that is really bad. If you believe in it, then you should be fooled.

It turns out that there is not an oil tyrant. Can you turn a box of water into oil by dropping two drops?

How many people believe it! I heard that the national leadership has met each other!

The results of it? Finally proved to be a liar!

In their view, this charging treasure introduced by Zhao Zhun is such a product.

Because many of the data introduced by Zhao Zhun are contrary to common sense.

"Let's go..."

"Let's go!"

"I don't believe that the data is true..."

Seeing the first few people leaving, others who are hesitating have shook their heads and left.

People have a herd mentality, and everyone else has a "glance" to recognize the scam. If they are still here, can they be fools?

"Hey... Zhang boss... Li boss..."

Seeing that these people have left, Zhao Zhun quickly yelled.

How could this be? The data of this charging treasure is obviously true...

However, those people who are afraid of staying here for a long time are really deceived by him. Everyone has gone faster, and in a blink of an eye, there is no one in Zhao Zhun’s shop.

Lin Yun is speechless.

He did not expect that he came over early in the morning and actually saw this kind of thing.

"Amount... Lin Yun... Are you here?"

At this time, Zhao Zhun, who walked to the door of the store, noticed Lin Yun, and could not help but connect.

"I wanted to see how you sold, I didn't expect to see this scene..." Lin Yun laughed.

"I didn't expect this..." Zhao Zhuan bitterly said.

Originally, he tried this charging treasure many times last night, and more determined the data that Lin Yun said. He was very excited. He even called many customers. When he wanted to come, as long as he said the data of this charging treasure, these customers still Not excited immediately, buy quickly? However, the fact is that he is greatly affected!

"The data of this charging treasure is indeed a bit exaggerated." Lin Yun exclaimed.

"I also thought about it. It is also very embarrassing to say it. When you told me about these charging treasure data, I almost used you as a liar... It’s no wonder those people don't believe me... It's a report yet... Zhao Zhu smiled bitterly.

"However, Lin Yun, you can rest assured that this charging treasure is really good, and you can't sell it. I am looking for a few good friends to help. This charging treasure will definitely be sold. When the time comes, I must let those people regret it. ......" Sudden, Zhao Zhun said quickly.

"Well, Zhao Ge is doing things, I have always been relieved." Lin Yun nodded and said.

The two said a few more words, Lin Yun left.

On the eighth floor, Lin Yun found a quiet place to sit down.

After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and started calling with his customers.

Many of those customers have already placed orders at his factory. Because of his factory accidents, these orders have not been completed. He came out of the hospital yesterday and suddenly got a cosmic trading system. Some excitement, coupled with the charging treasure, he did not immediately Customer contact.

Anyway, he has to deal with it.

"Lin boss?"

I received a phone call from Lin Yun. Some of the customers were very surprised. This is a customer who doesn’t know about the accident at Linyun Factory. Some of them are very pleasant surprises. This is already known to the Lin Yun factory. I have been unable to contact Lin Yun these days. Some of the customers who have lost, and are unlucky, some are very angry. This is a bad temper, or because Lin Yun’s order is not completed in time, causing the other party to cause losses.

"Yuan (money) (Yao) boss, I am sorry, a few days ago, I have something in the factory. You see it is so good... You can rest assured that this is my responsibility. If you have any losses, I will compensate... In addition, I have a very good new product here, I want you to try it... I am in Jinlong Building, you see if you come over, or I will send it to you..."

Lin Yun explained to these customers one by one, apologized, and said the solution, by the way, recommended his charging treasure.

Because Zhao Zhun’s previous experience, he did not directly say the data of the charging treasure, nor did he directly sell them, just let them try it first. He believes that after these people have tried it, they will not miss it after discovering the power of the charging treasure. This opportunity.

After an hour, all the calls were completed, and Lin Yun did not expect that most of the customers would allow him to find other processing factories to help them complete the order. There were only a few refunds, or the withdrawal of the deposit and the loss of his compensation...

This is the advantage of credibility, Lin Yun's reputation has always been good, so most of the customers believe that Lin Yun helped them find the manufacturers, and some even let Lin Yun not continue to do so, to help them introduce some reliable manufacturers.

"Two thousand and one thousand yuan, yesterday, let Ding Wei order the charging treasure packaging, spent a total of five thousand deposits, and now reduce the deposits and losses of these customers, only one thousand dollars ..."

Lin Yun calculated slightly, and smiled in his heart.

Fortunately, Qing Qing gave him 20,000 yuan. Otherwise, he really did not do it this time.

Zhao Zhuo's charging treasure, I still don't know when to sell.

Next, Lin Yun called Ding Wei and Xiaomei and asked them to come to the eighth floor of Jinlong Building.

Twenty minutes later, Ding Wei and Xiaomei came over, Lin Yun gave them some charging treasures, and let them send them to some good-speaking customers.

Some bad-speaking customers went to him personally.

These customers are all doing electronic products business, and their location is not far away, some even in this Jinlong Building, and for the next three hours, Lin Yun is running these things.

Because most of the choices are not good to speak customers, but also on their own side of the mistake, Lin Yun this line, naturally did not suffer from the white eye, Lin Yun smiled all the way.

"In the future, I will not be immune to this..."

Because of doing business, it is inevitable that I will meet some customers who are not good at speaking. I think about the various grievances of these years. Lin Yun’s heart is slightly sour, he secretly clenched his fist and said in his heart.

This time, because it is a problem on his own side, let him suffer the last grievance.

Of course, some of the most difficult-to-speak customers, Lin Yun did not send them a charging treasure, he is very clear that his custom-made charging treasure will definitely ignite the entire market, this is a big opportunity, those customers who are particularly difficult to talk, he Naturally, they are not willing to give this opportunity to them.

Just complaining about the customer, he has no vengeance. This time it is a mistake on his side. It is normal for the other party to complain. They cooperate and it is a fate. He does not mind giving the other party another chance.

Of course, if the other party does not believe him, he will not remind him.

This kind of thing is not without it. He saw that several customers did not care when he saw the charging treasure he sent. Some even after he left, he still disdained the ridicule, attitude and Zhao Zhuon shop this morning. Those customers are similar.

Because of the reason why he printed some data on the charging treasure.

He did not remind him of such a thing.

As he thought, they cooperated for one thing, but they also had a fate, but if the other party does not believe him, it is also worthless.

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