MTL - Cosmic Trading System-Chapter 2 Cosmic trading system

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"Well? I am not dead..."

Lin Yun’s blink of an eye only felt white around him, and a white figure was busy with his side, and he couldn’t help but whisper.

"Brother, are you awake?"

When I heard Lin Yun’s voice, the white figure immediately stopped the action in his hand and walked quickly to Lin Yun’s side, very happy.

At this time, Lin Yun’s line of sight began to clear. I saw a girl wearing a white down jacket clutching her arm and looking at herself with joy.

Although wearing a thick down jacket, it can not hide the girl's excellent body, but white makes the girl's temperament more outstanding, coupled with the exquisite face, so that the girl looks like a silt Dyed white lotus.

Beautiful, noble and elegant.

"Green, how are you here..."

Looking at this girl, Lin Yun said.

"Lin Yun! You said Qing Qing is here! You still know that you are not dead? Drink three bottles of white wine, you are really good enough! You know, if you are not looking for you, and find it in time, you may die. On the side of the road! The doctor said, you are alcoholic, and lying on the cold road, if you are late, you may be dead..."

"Isn't it going to be bankrupt? A small workshop, bankruptcy will go bankrupt, so that you are still a man, do you still have a man? I really don't know how Qingqing looks at you..."

Not far away, a girl wearing a black down jacket is coming over. When she heard Lin Yun’s words, she immediately pointed to Lin Yun and said nothing.

"Yao Yao, what do you say?" Listening to a lot of words that Zhang Yaoyao did not cover his girlfriend, Xia Qingqing was ashamed and flushed, pushing Zhang Yaoyao's arm, and angry and eager.

"Is it wrong? So many rich and handsome men chasing you, you just don't care, just look at him with a heart, but he doesn't have any responsibility at all. He has been dragging and not accepting you. Now, just a small workshop, it is going to be alive. He..." Zhang Yaoyao did not listen, continue to be angry.

"Well, Yaoyao, don't say it, just Zhang Xuan is not calling you? You hurry up..." After waiting for this girlfriend to finish the conversation, Xia Qingqing pushed this girlfriend away.

After sending away Zhang Yaoyao, Xia Qingqing came back and looked at Lin Yun. He looked up and said: "Brother, Yaoyao, don't worry about it. She is a knife and a tofu. You don't know, yesterday, she and I are together. Looking for you, running a lot of roads, or she found out first..."

"Green, you don't have to say it, I know, this time you have worked hard."

Lin Yun shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Zhang Yaoyao, Xia Qingqing's girlfriend, although he has not seen it a few times, but he has said that Xia Qingqing has said many times. He knows that the other person's character is indeed as Xia Qingqing said. However, his attack this time is not small, but it is not small, but It has not yet reached the level that allowed him to survive and die. Obviously, Zhang Yaoyao misunderstood.

However, he did not explain.

This is already the case, and how can the explanation be made. Moreover, he and Zhang Yaoyao are not familiar with it.

Xia Qingqing, the third year he came to Shenzhen, the girl she met. At that time, the girl came to Shenzhen to go to university and lost her wallet at the train station. Not only did she have her living expenses, but also her tuition, she was taking With a big bag, I was anxious to cry at the train station.

That day, he happened to come to the train station for delivery.

When I saw this girl, he remembered the sister at home. He couldn’t help but give birth to a pity. When he was impulsive, he sent all the money he received to him.

Just when he was going to leave, Xia Qingqing refused to let him go. In the end, Xia Qingqing decided to go to his small workshop.

Xia Qingqing’s family is not good. It’s not easy for her to go to college at home. Otherwise, after she lost her wallet, she won’t be anxious to cry there. She came to Shenzhen to go to university. One month in advance, I plan to work in Shenzhen for a while and earn some living expenses.

In his small workshop, Lin Yun knows more about this girl. Gentle, considerate, beautiful, kind and beautiful words are not exaggerated to gather on this girl. They get along very well. Xia Qingqing knows Lin Yun’s day. After helping her reasons, Lin Yun’s consent was always called, and Lin’s brother was always closer.

After Xia Qingqing started school, he often came back to help. In two years, Lin Yun’s small workshop workers changed a lot.

Many unwitting people thought that the two were really brothers and sisters. Some of the guests thought that the two were lovers and often called Xia Qingqing's wife.

Xia Qingqing's feelings for himself, Lin Yun vaguely can feel.

He also has a lot of goodwill for this gentle, beautiful and kind girl.

However, he gave up his studies and looked very good, but in fact he was still influenced by traditional thoughts.

Xia Qingqing is a college student at a prestigious university. He is very beautiful. He is just an ordinary boy who has not gone to college. Because he is a little smart and has to work hard to have a little asset, this asset is in the deep market of the rich. In fact, it is trivial.

The value of an ordinary citizen in a city in Shenzhen is far more profitable than his years of hard work.

Once, when he went to see Xia Qingqing in depth, he saw a boy driving a luxury car holding a large bouquet of flowers to pursue Xia Qingqing, and that luxury car was a factor he could not afford.

His inferiority made him unable to accept the feelings of Xia Qingqing.

In fact, his recent urgency, and why not related to Xia Qingqing's feelings?

He is too eager to succeed.

However, the reality has given him a heavy blow.

"Brother, I am sorry, I picked you up that day. I didn't expect a traffic jam on the road. When I arrived, you were gone, and the mobile phone couldn't get through..." Seeing the bitterness of Lin Yun's strong smile, Xia Qingqing couldn't help it. I gave birth to a distressed heart. I hugged Lin Yun and yelled.

"Stupid girl, it is me who said that I am sorry, I worried you yesterday..." Lin Yun reached out and touched Xia Qingqing's small head and sighed.

Zhang Yaoyao’s previous words made him roughly imagine that Xia Qingqing was looking for him on a street. He was very moved. In this strange city, he worked hard for five years. After all, he did not get nothing. This silly girl...probably His biggest gain!

"The host is awake... the universe trading system is turned on... start transmitting information..."

At this time, an electronic voice suddenly sounded in Lin Yun’s mind.

Hearing this voice, Lin Yun’s hand was a meal.

Cosmic trading system?

Lin Yun wondered if he had an illusion.

Isn't this the name of the magic system in his dream?

Is it... he is still dreaming? Not awake? or……

A lot of information was only introduced into his mind in a moment. The transmission of this kind of information was very special, so that he immediately knew the contents of the information without any slight discomfort.

However, the content of this information made Lin Yun feel very shocked.

The cosmic trading system turned out to be true, he really got a powerful system.

"Brother, what happened?"

Xia Qingqing was feeling the embrace of Lin Yun warmly, and suddenly felt Lin Yun's strange immediately left Lin Yun's arms, looked up to Lin Yun, asked pretty and nervously.

Zhang Yaoyao doesn't know the meaning of the small workshop on Lin Yun. I don't know how much Lin Yun has paid for the small workshop in recent years. She is clear and clear. She is very worried. Lin Yun can't bear the blow. This is also She has been unable to find Lin Yun yesterday, so the reason is worried.

"Qingqing, you are too young, my brother, my brother has experienced a lot of big winds in recent years, will you be defeated by this one? You can rest assured that your brother is not white mixed in recent years, I will stand again soon. Get up!"

Xia Qingqing's worry, Lin Yun looked in his eyes, while his heart was moving, his mouth was slightly ticked and chuckled.

God, after all, no blink of an eye, he actually got such great luck, this time, he has to develop.

The information transmission of the cosmic trading system has made him understand the origins and usage of this cosmic trading system. He just thought a little bit of his thoughts and found that many of the world’s scientific and technological civilizations on the cosmic trading system have developed more than the civilization of the earth. Sell ​​a wide range of high-tech products.

With such a powerful system, he is not well developed when he is underdeveloped.

At this moment, Lin Yun was very excited, but his years of tempering made him suppress this feeling.

"Well, I believe my brother!"

Listening to Lin Yun's self-confidence, Xia Qingqing seems to see the usual Lin Yun, her star is bright, and nodded seriously.

"Right, brother, are you hungry? This is the porridge I just made, you can drink it!"

Later, Xia Qingqing thought of something, quickly turned around, picked up a small bowl on the table not far away, handed to Lin Yun, happy.

"Well, I haven’t been drinking green porridge for a long time..."

Lin Yun smiled.

Read The Duke's Passion