MTL - Cosmic Trading System-Chapter 996 Despicable

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"Are you coming again..."

In a cosmic ocean of the world of life, Lin Yun suddenly looked up and looked at the direction of the distant **** universe. The corner of his mouth was slightly hooked and whispered.


The next moment, Lin Yun's body disappeared.

After a few breaths, Lin Yun appeared outside the **** universe.

At this moment, the space array of the descendants of the former two gods in the context of the **** universe is still there. The descendants of the two inferior gods are in this space array, and they are rapidly moving toward the blood. The universe flies away.

"There is such a powerful space array around this **** universe..."

"It seems that this **** universe is really weird. We didn't make a mistake this time. We just took away this space array. Our harvest is not small..."

The descendants of the two inferior deities of the gods are flying fast and excited.

At this moment, Lin Yun suddenly appeared in the context of these two inferior deities.

Speaking of it, the space array of the two gods in the middle of the gods and the gods around the **** universe is not simple, but the two space gods, the heavenly gods do not know where to come from this space array, This space array method has not been completely refining.

Therefore, the last time, the two descendants of the Middle Divinity, in this space array, could not transmit information to the outside world, or even freely move in this space array. As a result, they put themselves in the **** universe.

Later, Lin Yun studied this array of methods and thoroughly refining this space array.

Therefore, Lin Yun can appear directly in front of the two gods and the gods.


"Transient? Is the owner of this space array?"

"Who is you?"

After the two inferior deities, the gods saw Lin Yun suddenly appearing in front of them. They were shocked. Soon, they sensed that the other party had only the atmosphere of the divine world, and they could not help but relax. They looked at Lin Yun and shouted.

An inferior deity, even if there is any powerful means, they have two inferior deities in this side, will they be afraid of each other?

However, the spatial array around the **** universe is likely to be arranged by the other side, so that they may slightly frown. This means that the **** holy king is likely to fall in the hands of this lower-level sect. This **** universe is even There are opportunities, and it is very likely that they have already been obtained by the other party, but they are not good enough.

"You are here, aren't you coming to me?" Lin Yun said lightly.


As the voice fell, a **** sword appeared on his hand, and it was overwhelmingly attacked by the two inferior gods.

"You... are you **** holy king?"

"How is it possible? Are you not only the king of the sacred king? How can you reach the realm of the lower gods, and have such a strong atmosphere?"

The two inferior deities were terrified and lost their voice.

In their induction, the other party is not only the realm of the gods, but also the general inferior domain. How long has it been, is there a year? A peak of the Holy Spirit practitioner can achieve this level! How do they believe?

However, they didn't have much time to think about anything. The blood sword attack that Lin Yun had made had fallen on them. The counterattacks that they made in a hurry, under the attack of this blood sword, they were broken. The next moment, these blood swords Light and shadow attacks actually fell on them.


A burst of sound, the body of the two inferior deities of the gods exploded.

The same is the real world of the gods, this moment, Lin Yunyijian broke the realm of two inferior gods!

From this, we can see that Lin Yun’s strength at the moment is strong!


The bloodsucker's sword trembled with excitement, and a dazzling **** ray radiated from the sword of the blood prison, quickly covering the body of these two lower gods, a powerful energy was captured by the sword of blood prison, flying quickly Chemical.

The two inferior deities of the body were horrified.

"how is this possible!"

"How can you have such a powerful force?"

They can't believe that they can clearly see from the attack of the other party that the other party is indeed the realm of the gods. Since the other party is in the realm of the gods, why is there such a terrible force?

A sword explodes the body of their two inferior deities, even if they are a stronger in the middle of the gods, they dare not say that they can do so.

At this moment, they sensed that the power in their bodies was quickly lost, making them even more frightened.

"This sword... this sword..."

"It's this sword! It must be that this sword makes his strength so powerful! Now, this sword is absorbing our strength! Not good..."

"Flee! Run away!"

The two inferior gods completely lost their resistance and turned and fled.

At this time, they faintly remembered the information they had received before. The two descendants of the Middle Divinity seem to have fallen because of the **** universe. There are also some middle-world practitioners, and the lower-level practitioners, also seem to go to the blood. After the universe, there is no news.

The acquired gods of the two middle gods are said to have been killed by a stone protoss, and other sects of the gods?

At this moment, they couldn't help but have a terrified idea. Isn't it true that the practitioners of the Divine Realm are so dead in this **** universe?

Even more, the two gods in the middle of the gods are also dead here? Is this a trap?

Thinking this way, they could not help but be more alarmed. If so, the two gods of the Middle Divins will fall here, and they will be able to escape from the two inferior sects.

At this moment, they still dare not think that those spiritual practitioners are all killed by this **** holy king. The strength of this **** holy king is strong, but in their view, after all, it is still inferior to the realm of the gods!

Even for various reasons, you can fight against the practitioners of the Middle Divine, but if you want to kill, it is impossible to kill so many people!

"Now want to escape, don't you feel late?" Lin Yun shook his head and whispered.

Since the two acquired protoss know his identity, will the two descendants of the Protoss escape?

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Quickly smashing the power of the bloodsucker sword, a powerful force bombarded the two acquired theologians, the body of these two acquired protoss quickly recovered and exploded, and the life force of one strand quickly weakened.

With just two breaths, the life of these two acquired Protoss disappeared completely, leaving only the two milky gods suspended in the air.

This is two inferior deities. If there is a refining of the practitioners who have the peak of the Holy King, they can become two inferior deities, but they can hardly improve.


Lin Yunyi waved, and the two godheads fell on his palm, and he trembled slightly in his palm.

All things are awesome. These two godheads are not ordinary things. Although their masters have just fallen, they still have a slight instinct to resist external forces, but they are only a pure instinct.

It is like a common creature that has been killed. Some of its body can still move.

Lin Yun took a look at the two gods and put them together.

The next moment, he looked up and looked into the distance, Shen Shen said: "This is the last time, the third group of gods coming here, there are four inferior deities, a medium deity Fall here, it is estimated that it will take a long time to attract more attention from the realm of the gods!"

"It's time to let the avatar go out and go..." Suddenly, Lin Yun whispered.


When the voice fell, his body disappeared again in this space, but it was once again rushed to other places to destroy the dead universe.

Not long after, another black Lin Yunfei flew out of the **** universe, and looked thoughtfully at the surrounding space array, and then disappeared for the next moment.

Ten days later.

A message spreads in the world of living.

The **** holy king broke into the universe with a low level, destroying the enemy of the past, a powerful king of the sacred king, the invincible king of the king, the strength is very strong, and the numerous practitioners of the world of life are shocked.

A month later, a more shocking news came out, a legendary gods appeared, recruited **** holy king, **** holy king refused, the gods strong anger and shot, the result **** holy king Hard to resist dozens of tricks, calmly leave.

Two months later, another very shocking news came out that a more powerful gods took the shot, and the **** sacred king was taken between the tricks, and then the **** sacred king was unsuccessful. The powerful godland Kill it and take away all the magic weapons used by the Bloody King.

The **** holy king, like a comet, rises rapidly in the world of the living, is very embarrassing, and quickly degenerates.

"Unfortunately, this **** holy king is too stupid. I really thought that the strength of the strong gods is the same. If you can block one, you can stop two? I really thought that people would not kill him?"

"Perhaps the **** holy king wants to pinch the other side, but what kind of character is the other party? Didn't give him time to continue thinking about it, he killed him!"

"The gods can't be humiliated! Solicit him, that is to see him! Disagree, that is to find death!"

In the world of great creatures, many high-level practitioners in the realm of the Holy King heard this information and shook their heads.

The gods are not out, their strength belongs to the top of the world of living, and, together, they have lived for countless years, so they know a lot of things in the realm.

Especially in recent years, the frequency of the gods has come out much more than before. Many of them have come out to recruit powerful Sanctuary practitioners and let them know more.

In their view, the **** holy king is too young, and it is out of a normal living universe that has just been opened. There is no big background, so there is not much to know. Therefore, let it miss the opportunity and provoke the big sky. disaster.

Look at them again, I don't know how much I want to let those gods recruit them, but they are not seen. So, how can they not envy the **** holy king?

It is a pity that the end of the **** holy king has become a joke in their eyes. Some powerful sacred priests even warned their descendants with this example. In the event of encounters with the gods in the future, don’t take it, agree immediately. Otherwise, it may be the end of the **** holy king.

It is said that the age of the **** holy king is only two or three thousand years old, but it reaches the invincible situation in the invincible holy king. It is also a enchanting enchanting, dare to take it, not to die?

The world of life, a mysterious space.

A strong **** looked at the two magic weapons in his hand, a blood sword, a small white tower. Soon, he shook his head and said: "It's just two pieces of artifacts, although there are some differences, but they are limited!"

If some practitioners in the world of the big world see each other, they may recognize that this powerful **** is the powerful **** who killed the **** holy king, the image of the other side, because when dealing with the **** holy king Hou, not hidden, has already spread throughout the top of the world.

This **** sword, as well as the white little tower, is the magic weapon that the other party has won the **** holy king.

Subsequently, the powerful man of the gods put away these two magic weapons. He is a descendant of the middle gods. He has a Chinese artifact, but he does not need these two artifacts.

However, it can be regarded as a harvest. He can later take other treasures with other spiritual practitioners.


This sacred practitioner once again thought of the boy who was determined to be determined, and could not help but shake his head.

Many ordinary practitioners thought that he simply recruited the **** holy king, but he did not know that he also spent some tongue.

Unfortunately, the **** holy king is too reluctant, and has always disagreed with his recruiting. Otherwise, these two artifacts, he can not.

A very powerful peak of the Holy King, in his view, is more valuable. The world is not big, it is not small, and many hidden places are restricted to enter.

For example, the recent changes in the Netherland, their gods in the spiritual world can not enter, but the invincible holy king under the gods can enter, the strength of the **** holy king is very strong in the sanctuary, if it is recruited In the future, it may bring great benefits to him.

To this end, he even promised to give the other party a product in the future, but unfortunately, he still failed to recruit, and eventually he had to kill him.

A sanctuary practitioner who can't conquer and has a low potential, he doesn't want to stay and bury his hidden dangers. In case, he leaves the other person's life, which stronger and stronger gods hear about it, and then It is going, then he is asking for trouble.


A big world of life, another space.

"In the eyes of many practitioners, the **** holy king is already dead. So, you can lead some of the gaze of the gods..." Near the **** universe, a white boy looked at the endless space and whispered.

If some high-ranking holy kings in the world of the living world see this white boy, they will be very shocked.

This white boy is not the **** holy king who has been rumored during this time.

Yes, this white boy is Lin Yun!

Previously attracted everyone's attention, and later fell to the hands of the sect of the sect of the sect, but Lin Yun stayed in the **** universe, only the avatar of the peak of the king, although only the peak of the king, but with the support of the body, The strength of that avatar is not weak, and it is almost comparable to the practitioners of the Divine Realm.

If it is in the **** universe, and with the help of **** cosmic power, it can even kill the practitioners in the realm of the gods.

The **** universe is not destroyed, Lin Yun can continue to condense and separate, just let the avatar of a peak of the Holy King attract the attention of everyone, Lin Yun naturally will not be unwilling, in fact, this is one of Lin Yun's original plan.

If the cost is higher, that is, the two artifacts of the next product, in order to make the avatar appear more real, and let more cultivators no longer hit the idea of ​​his magic weapon, he deliberately refines two pieces and blood. The sword of the prison and the artifact of the Heavenly Tower came out, which made him pay a lot of effort.

That is to say, there is a lot of upgrade energy absorbed by the sword of blood prison, so that he can quickly refine the two artifacts. Otherwise, it will take a lot of time. He estimates that he will not waste time doing this.

In fact, he does not need to refine the magic weapon that looks like a heavenly tower, because the magic weapon of Tiandao Tower is not revealed in the outside world. However, Lin Yun thinks that he has also left some practitioners from the **** universe, in case they reveal the Heavenly Tower, and then Caused the attention of some practitioners.

Simply, he will refine a magic weapon.

At this moment, Lin Yun is here to wait for the powerful **** who killed him.

The strong **** who killed his avatar and harvested two artifacts, then it is normal for the other party to think about the **** universe.

If the other party comes, Lin Yun will depend on the situation.

If the **** universe does not attract the attention of the other party, he does not mind letting the other party leave.

If the other person sees the **** universe and then thinks about the **** universe, then he is very likely to kill the other side.

Previously, his **** holy king was killed by the powerful has been known by many powerful people in the world.

Everyone's interest in his **** holy king, as well as the **** universe, was greatly reduced. Many of the strong people's attention shifted to killing him as the **** holy king.

However, the strength of the strong **** is not low, the average practitioner will not know the trace, even if he is killed in the **** universe, even if other practitioners know that the **** universe disappears, it may be considered by other practitioners. Practiced in the **** universe retreat.

A middle-aged practitioner is retreating, and tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of years are normal. At that time, he and the **** universe may have a longer quiet development time.

One day... two days... three days...

Lin Yun has been waiting for three days in the vicinity of the **** universe. He only destroyed a small number of dead universes around him. He has not waited until the gods are strong.

"Three days have passed, the other party has not come, it is estimated that it will not come in a short time." Lin Yun shook his head slightly.

The character of man and man is not the same. The character of God and God is also the same. The realm of the middle **** domain is not considered to be weak among the practitioners of the gods. Some medium-minded practitioners suddenly give birth to the idea of ​​hitting his idea. It is normal, and the other party is After killing him and getting two pieces of artifacts, I think that there will be no gains in the **** universe. I don’t want to see it. I don’t want to come again. It is normal.


In this way, Lin Yun’s body is no longer in the vicinity of the **** universe. When he moves, he moves to a space farther away.

In the **** universe, his avatar re-aggregated after a few breaths, and if the cultist came back later, his body could come at any time.

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