MTL - Counterattacking the Submissive Role!-Chapter 1 [Zerg] Female Insect Attack 1

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The light in the aircraft flickered, and Jun also leaned against the viewing window, with a trace of fatigue in his eyes.

This is his 21st year in the Zerg. From the initial ignorance and ignorance, he is about to have his life partner.

Perhaps, it should be said that it is the hero of insects...

What a dreamy feeling, just now he was still commanding thousands of troops on the border of the Zerg Empire.

But twenty hours later, he crossed a distance of hundreds of light-years and was sent to the main star of the Empire after several hyperspace transitions, in order to guide the physiological awakening of his hero who was still in the engagement stage.

In a race where males are scarce and natural reproduction is paramount, in the face of the male worm's physical awakening needs, even if he is a general, he does not even have the right to refuse.

Perhaps, in the Zerg, the battle situation on the front line, the ownership of several planets, the casualties of tens of thousands of soldiers... are nothing compared to the future of a high-level male.

The night is already deep.

The aircraft travels in the building complex along the air route planned by the imperial capital, just like shuttle in the neon light and shadow.

Jun also squinted halfway, according to his routine when there was no war in the past, he should have entered a sleep state at this time.

It's just that he is very upset now, even if he has practiced the skill to sleep soundly while standing in the military academy, he is not sleepy at all at this time.

Coming to the main house of the Lindsay family - the home of his future hero.

And this "future" should be removed soon...

The fingertips unconsciously pressed the terminal ring on the wrist, and the figure of a blond boy was constructed in Jun Ye's mind.

Pride, willfulness, childishness... It seems no different from those racially spoiled male masters.

A young master with fair skin and delicate body can't pose any threat of force to him...

The rapidly changing scenery outside the window suddenly stopped, Jun also raised his eyes slightly, the delicate metal door could not block the scenery of the classical villa surrounded by warm light inside.

"Young Master, you're home." A female in the uniform of the Empire's Second Army Corps respectfully gave a retainer salute outside the station aircraft.

Heh, he hasn't married into the Lindsay family yet, so it's covered...

Jun also laughed softly and moved his head away from the viewing window.

Lifting his hand to open the door, his military boots fell to the ground.

Changed from the tired and lazy appearance when he was alone in the car, when he came out of the aircraft, Jun also changed back to the impeccable Alliance Major General of the past.

Closing the door with a backhand, Jun also strode through the opened metal door and walked towards the villa full of local tyrants in the center.

The Zerg's eyesight is very good, even at night, across a few hundred meters, you can clearly see the blond male insect standing on the tiptoes at the main entrance of the villa.

It is his future hero - Joshua Lindsay.

Jun Ye's footsteps paused slightly, and returned to normal in the next instant.

Under the illumination of the quaint street lamps on both sides, continue to walk along the smooth stone road.

The little male was wearing a pale golden nightgown that matched his hair color, adding warmth under the shroud of light.

It should be that the headlights of the earthen moat and the nightgown of the local tyrants are a bit dazzling, so that Jun also looked at the male insect waiting at the door, and he had the illusion of returning home in a trance.

"Your Majesty!"

Seeing Jun Ye, Joshua's eyes suddenly lit up, and joy showed on his face.

Joshua grabbed the collar of the nightgown with his hand on the neckline, leaning forward slightly, as if he was about to pounce on the next moment.

But he didn't move, probably because he wasn't wearing shoes.

Jun Ye's line of sight slid over the two feet of the male insect, and the steps under his feet were a little faster.

When Jun approached, Joshua held out a paw reservedly.

Slightly slender wrists, fair and slender five fingers, are the kind of hands that can directly shoot wedding ring advertisements.

If it wasn't for the opponent's claws reaching towards his waist, Jun would also want to pinch a ring and put it on him.

Jun was only distracted for a moment, and Joshua had already put the whole body on him.

"Jun, Jun~" Joshua stood on tiptoe and rubbed Jun Ye's chin excitedly.

Prickly...a little itchy.

Jun also lowered his head slightly and saw that Joshua was stepping on the frozen white feet on his military boots, and gave up the idea of ​​tearing the male worm away from him.

Instead, he grabbed the male worm's waist and let him lie on his shoulders, so he rudely resisted his future male lord and approached the room.

Joshua was taken aback, and for a moment he forgot to struggle, and he was stunned by Jun and went upstairs. different from what he imagined.

He was really irritated by being touched by the male insect, so Jun also grabbed one of Joshua's paws with his free hand, pulled it away from his head, and asked, "Where do I sleep?"

"The second room on the second floor! My room!" When asked by Jun, Joshua forgot the hair-scratching game he was addicted to, and answered happily.

Jun also responded, holding the male insect directly upstairs.

He couldn't remember Joshua's room, so he asked casually. Joshua was about to usher in the most important physiological awakening of the insect, and he came back to be the physiological guide for the other party, not sleeping with the future hero. Where is the room still sleeping?

Jun just agreed to sleep with him, Joshua was obviously very excited and wanted to scream with joy! But he secretly got up and waited for the king. He couldn't be known by the male and female fathers, so he had to be suppressed.

Joshua's way of holding back was to gnaw on Jun Ye's shoulder to block his mouth. Jun Ye glanced at him lightly, and ignored him if he was sure that the male worm's bite force couldn't pierce his military uniform.

Judging from the human thinking of Jun Ye's previous life, Joshua was purely a patient of some kind. After all, for a person with normal three views, the so-called physiological awakening, which requires the opposite **** to ripen for the sexual and functional functions of the Zerg male, is not a disease or what is it?

Picking up the male worm and throwing it on his off-white soft bounce bed, Joshua got up again and threw himself at Jun Ye.

Jun Ye expressionlessly pulled the little male worm's arm around his waist and said, "I'm going to take a bath."

He got off the battlefield and spent another day in the spaceship teleportation cabin. He felt dirty himself.

Joshua suddenly became obedient, quickly rolled on the bed, pulled a pillow to his chest and hugged tightly, burying half of his face in the pillow, then looked at Jun Ye, and said a little shyly, "I'll wait. you."

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