MTL - Counterattacking the Submissive Role!-Chapter 106 [Resurrection of Spiritual Qi] City Management Captain Attack 7

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The hand gun that Pisius turned into, the silver metal shell is matched with the blue streamer pattern, the elongated barrel, and the side of the gun wall outlines Jun Ye's name with streamer.

Jun was also silent for a while, and stuffed the gun into the gun belt. The gun barrel was a little long, and after it was put into the belt, it would show a section, which looked even more sarcastic.

Jun also took off the coat on the coat rack and put it on, changed his shoes and went out.

Pisius, half-stuck in the gun belt: "..."

Why in the world is there such an evil thing as a gun belt? !

But his police officer's waist is so warm and strong, rubbing.

Jun also took out the key with a pause, and there was a gun rubbing against his waist... This feels really weird.

In other words, if you become such a dishonest object as a gun, you really won't be exposed?

"After entering the space channel, will you be discovered by the space power user?" Jun also asked.

Pisius used his spiritual voice transmission to say, "I can block all perceptions of supernatural powers!" Don't underestimate your 1, my physical strength is indeed not as strong as yours, but in other respects, it's terrifying.

"Little Cultivation is amazing." Jun also recalled several mission worlds he had experienced before, and the objects were all outstanding among ordinary people, but in this world, it was the same.

There is also the system, which is obviously more impatient than the previous world.

"You, you are also very powerful..." Pisius was so embarrassed that the whole gun became hot, and lightly rubbed Jun Ye's flank, sticking it obediently.

Jun also got into the car and pressed the hot gun on his waist doubtfully.

It's hot like this before it's been used, and the performance of the gun after opening and hanging doesn't seem to be very good.

Driving all the way to the Urban Management Bureau of City C, the first and second floors of the building of the law enforcement team are brightly lit.

Jun also walked up to the second floor. There were already a lot of people in the main hall, most of them were surrounded by an empty sofa, all of them were very energetic, and it was impossible to tell that they were calling at one o'clock in the morning.

"Captain!" The tall and strong inch-headed man who was about to go out stopped and said loudly.

Everyone in the room looked at them in unison: "Hello, captain."

Bai Mao, who was fighting Ice Cola, turned his head, his eyes were instantly attracted by the gun on Jun Ye's waist, and he said in surprise, "Has the captain got a new gun? It's so cool."

The woman in police uniform with high heels: "The gun is cool, the captain is even cooler."

It seems that the young superpowers don't need sleep, and the old man also nodded to the young guys who are less than a hundred years old, and didn't want to talk about the sassy gun that the target changed.

Jun also walked into the main hall and suddenly felt a change in the airflow.

high speed.

The attacker, from the right. Jun also turned sideways neatly, turned his wrist, and slammed the hand that was hitting his waist.

Um? empty?

Jun also looked at the "air" he was grabbing and raised his eyebrows slightly. It was indeed the touch of a human hand. He also clearly felt the breath of the attacker. .

Something like invisibility?

Although it has disappeared visually, it actually exists and can be beaten.

"Hahahaha!" Bai Mao dropped the cola that turned into an ice sculpture in his hand, and laughed non-stop: "No. 1, you were actually caught by a trick this time! It's so funny, didn't you say you are going to break through the fourth level? What? The worse the record, the worse? Hahaha..."

Um? know?

Jun also saw that Bai Mao smiled as if he was about to turn his back, and all the supernatural powers in the hall seemed to be relaxed, so he withdrew the idea of ​​giving the "air" a try.

number 1? Whose number 1? !

Pisius, who was clinging to the police officer's waist to feel the vigorous explosive force of the other party, shuddered, and quietly released his spiritual consciousness.

Seeing that his boyfriend was holding the hand of a man of succulent fruit, the two looked at each other with affection.

-Ahhhh! Your No. 1 is on your waist! I'm still building up stock for you! You can't cheat!

-Depend on! That exposed streaker, how dare you look at my boyfriend's waist! If it wasn't for my boyfriend here, I'd beat you up!

- You still look! I'm going to use gun control to teach you how to be a little boy!

"Cough... Captain, can you let go first?"

A man's voice came from the front, and Jun also released his hand with a sullen face, then stared at the front and buttoned the buttons of his coat one by one.

Don't think that he can't feel his sight when he is invisible, just now the other party has been focusing on the object around his waist.

Pisius: "!!"

Why are you buttoning up, trying to do something shameful behind my back?

Pisius also voiced to Jun: "I tell you, even if you block it with clothes, I can perceive everything outside." So don't try to derail secretly.

Jun also raised his eyebrows, what does the object mean? To keep yourself from worrying about his safety?

Even if it becomes a gun, even if it is blocked by clothes, it can sense the attack from the outside world, and can take defensive measures without being hurt.

"Captain is really amazing," No. 1 praised sincerely, and was stunned when he saw that Jun also put all the buttons on his coat.

The buttons are all buttoned up, how do you draw a gun in battle? This can't be the captain expressing disdain for his combat power, it can only be that the other party really cares about that gun.

No. 1 hurriedly explained: "I just wanted to borrow your gun for fun, nothing else."

Pisius: "?!"

Do not give! Don't even think about it! My boyfriend's gun belongs only to me, and you, a short six centimeter man, have no right to touch it!

Oh, no, it's like he's what this short guy wants to touch.

Pisius shivered. He was not interested in the short one, and he also said to Jun: "I only let you play, don't lend me to others..."

Jun also held down the hot gun on his waist, and said, "Private exclusive, don't lend it out."

Pytheus was satisfied, and pressed it softly against Jun Ye's waist.

I want to rub, but there are many people here, all of them with abilities, if he moves, someone will definitely notice.

Paralyzed on the sofa, Bai Mao laughed enough, got up and greeted the invisible No. 1 to accompany him to buy fat house happy water.

Jun also found a sofa chair with few people to sit down, but soon he was surrounded by people.

Some people asked him if he was going to break through the fourth level when he put the No. 1 uniform so soon, some people were curious about the ocean secret realm in H City, and some people were interested in talking about the gossip organized by the Mage Guild and the superpower organization...

Most of the time, they will be able to make a round without Jun talking. Jun is also forced to listen to gossip for half an hour, but it can be seen from the expressions of everyone that they are very nervous, and they should be rarely with other countries. deal with.

If you go to H city, you are likely to fight against power users from other countries, so at this time, you will try your best to brush your face in front of the most powerful person.

Everyone is working hard to brush their faces. The captain's skills are better, and the marksmanship is better. Did you change to a gun that looks very high-end and elegant at first glance?

They may have to fight with the Mage Guild and the superpower organization. If they are at a disadvantage in the timing, the captain can remotely support a shot, that is a great help.

Suddenly, the phone in Jun Ye's pocket vibrated, and everyone held their breaths as if they had received an order.

Jun also took out his mobile phone and read a short message without unlocking it.

Team Zhang (City H): Request for space docking.

Jun also raised his head to look at the only two policewomen in the main hall.

Bai Mao only told him that "Sister Chu" would open a space transition channel to connect with the space power user in H City. Now he doesn't remember "Sister Chu".

The woman in police uniform who stepped on stiletto heels thought she had received instructions, and got up from the sofa confidently.


Pisius was awakened by a salty and wet sea breeze. He had just taken a nap on his boyfriend's warm waist, and was in a daze when the sea breeze blew him, and he was suddenly sober.

He was blown by the sea breeze. Did the police officer take off his coat?

Why do you take off your jacket, do you want to jump into the sea or do a gun-smearing affair with a wild man?

After turning into a gun, Pisius lost his eyes. He wanted to know the outside world by relying on his abilities.

As soon as he released his mental perception at this time, he really found out that there was another person around him besides his police officer, and that person was still lying on the ground!

Pisius quickly transmitted his voice: "What are you doing? Why are you taking off your clothes?!"

Jun also paused: "I'll unbutton it to let you breathe."

Pisius: "I don't need ventilation, it's very warm inside, put your clothes on!"

Jun also: "..."


Jun also snapped back the unbuttoned buttons one by one.

Pytheus felt that his whole body was covered again, and he immediately had a sense of security that his boyfriend would not cheat.

Manipulating the mental perception to spread out finely, beaches, reefs, they are by the sea.

Perceiving passing by the person lying on the ground, Pisius originally wanted to see where the person who hooked his police officer to undress came from the capital, but found that the other party was actually in a coma.

And... this person's mental fluctuations are a bit familiar.

It seems to be from the Mage Guild, a guy who can only play with sand.

Pytheus asked hesitantly: "He... how was he comatose?" The man didn't say anything he shouldn't have said, right? Did it tarnish his image?

"Illegal entry and refusal to arrest." Jun also stood on the reef, and the sea breeze picked up his hair.

The sky before dawn is always the darkest, with some lights on the sea bright and dim, and the lighthouse in the distance shines with warm light. Jun can also perceive the ability users of the city management and law enforcement teams to shuttle between the archipelago and the sea, and there is a call from the deep sea...

But the subject is afraid of water.

Across a coat, Jun also stroked Pisius with his hand.

Pisius quickly posted it to show his innocence: "I have a visa, not illegal entry."

"Well, I won't arrest you." Jun also chuckled.

Pisius continued to rub and asked, "Officer, are you cold? Shall I make you a thicker coat?"

He thinks the jacket is better, not only can he hold the police officer in his arms from time to time, but he can also lock the button when the police officer is hooked by a wild man and can't hold it for a while.

Jun also felt the movement next to him, and pressed his finger on the gun lightly, signaling the subject to be quiet.

Jun also turned around and saw the man who was stunned to the ground by him moaned and twisted, and his body gradually became sandy.

This is a sand-controlling ability user. Jun also stunned him through a sand layer of dozens of meters. He also spent 1 point to buy a mining robot to pull the opponent out of the ground.

Seeing that this person was playing with sand on the rock and wanted to slip away, Jun also kicked the mining robot that looked like a rock at his feet when he was waiting.

As soon as the mining robot touches the power user's body, it starts automatically.

"Di - Detected minerals entered in the database, began to excavate and collect."

The mining robot doesn't care about the human part of the power user, and only **** the part of the opponent into sand into the mineral storage area in the body.

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