MTL - Counterattacking the Submissive Role!-Chapter 55 [To the whistle] Guide attack 11

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Jun Ye lay on his back with a dumbfounded face, his eyes finally turned to Little Lonely who supported the Quantum Beast with one hand and stood up to check.


Shameful enough.

Hughes put the awakened quantum beast on his shoulders, carefully hugged the stunned guide into his arms, rubbed the back of his head and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Jun didn't answer, and tried to bow to Hughes' arms.

It's as stupid as that sea bunny, and it's too embarrassing to let him crawl into the sand... oh no, calm down in your chest muscles.

With a soft snap, the sea hare landed on Jun Ye's head, straightened up angrily, and two small tentacles swayed threateningly.

Jun Ye will not pay attention to the cartilaginous creatures on the top of his head. The pectoral muscles of his target naturally belong to him, so the home that the sea rabbit has put on it for so long has not been blown up.

Hughes raised his hand silently, and lightly tapped the pulp of his finger on the small tentacles of the sea hare. The sea hare stopped exploding in an instant, and pitifully hugged the fingers of Hughes and climbed up.

While patting and comforting the guide companion in his arms, he watched the quantum beast crawling on his fingers with gentle eyes, and the satisfaction in Hughes almost overflowed.

There seems to be something missing, what about his quantum beast?

Hughes looked around, and suddenly felt that it was better that the guy was not there, so he lay down with the guide and started the absurd time of hugging from side to side.


"Are you afraid of water?" Jun also asked, burying his chest enough, lying on the body of Hughes, holding down the small button that had just hit him with one hand.

Hughes' chest heaved up and down, closed his eyes and calmed down his breath before he said, "Yes, during your training with the Quantum Beast... I won't go."

At noon, he noticed that there were several simulation rooms on the top floor of the training room, and he could train to overcome hydrophobia next to the guide's simulation room.

When he left the military academy and served in a guild, he could refuse to undertake underwater combat missions, and he never cared about his fear of water.

He also never thought that he would combine with a guide with an ocean quantum beast. A guide with an ocean-type quantum beast naturally likes water. For his own guide, Hughes wanted to try to overcome it.

"Okay," Jun also leaned over and rubbed Xiao Gulu's lower lip, "Just wait for me to come back to spoil you."

"Hmm..." Hughes looked at Jun with a complicated expression and responded in a low voice.

The little guide is so innocent that he doesn't even know that it should be a sentinel who entered the guide. He has already stolen a complete physical union. Should he continue to deceive him?

I should tell the little guide the correct way to combine, and tell him that his body can't bear the combination, and they can't...

Hughes thought about his sore legs when he woke up, and the shivering cough of the guide in bed last night, and the guide praised him for being amazing when he was doing squats...

If you say it, it will be gone.

Really reluctant to...

Thinking of this, Hughes felt the guide's fingers slide across his cheek, and then there was a pain, the kind of pain that was more provocative than painful.

Jun also retracted the hand that squeezed the sentinel's hard cheek, stood up with a straight face, and said, "Why are you still keeping it? It's already dark, why don't you go back?"

Hughes touched the part of himself that was pinched by the guide.

Crispy and numb.

Hughes' throat moved slightly, thinking to himself, let him steal it again. After tonight, he will explain to the guide.


After dinner, bring back the black bird that was caught by the queen for swimming training.

Jun also stood in the bathroom and reached out to try the water temperature in the bathtub.

The most important first step…

Hughes' eyes fell on Jun Ye's neck, thinking in his mind how he would help the guide to undress later. He had to take it off gently and quickly, but he couldn't be too cold to the guide.

The air was too hot, and Hughes slid his Adam's apple, raised his hand and tore off his tie.

Jun also turned off the water and was about to turn back.

Hughes stepped forward impatiently, reached out to hug the guide, and whispered, "I'll help the baby take off."

Saying that, he put his hand on Jun Ye's collar.

"No hurry," Jun also held down the big hand under his neck and said, "You go first."

Hughes didn't think much about it, backed away a little, took off his clothes, raised his legs and stepped into the bathtub full of water.

The overflowing water wet Jun Ye's feet, and Hughes was half lying in the bathtub, silently reaching out to Jun Ye.

Jun also reached out and pinched the collar button that was half-resolved by Little Lonely.

The guide's bathtub, of course, is not too big. The sturdy sentinel can't stretch it out when he lies in it. Add a guide...

Hughes took the initiative to spread his legs and put them on the wall of the bathtub to make more room for the guide.


Jun Ye's eyes fell on the sentinel who kindly made room for him, and had a hunch that the first step in this overcoming would be difficult.

Climb into the tub with the Sentinel's legs resting on the tub wall.

Jun also squatted down in the space vacated, the warm water spread under his chest, raised his hand and pulled the opponent down with the cooperation of the sentinel.

Lean over to kiss.

"Hmm..." Hughes raised his arms around the guide on his body and snorted softly with a satisfied ending.

The little guide kissed him...

Huh? Why did the guide cover his eyes?

The guide's little tongue got in...

Huh? Why was the guide pressing him into the water?

The guide is sucking around his tongue...

...why did he feel that his breath had turned into bubbles?

"Cough! Cough goo goo..."

Hughes struggled and fluttered in the water, his nose spewing a lot of air bubbles in the next centimeter of the water. In the end, he suddenly stood up, took Jun Ye and sat up on his back with a layer of warm water, exhaling heavily.

Jun, whose teeth were knocked by the sentinel, also silently covered his mouth: "..."

I have a sentence MMP I don't know if I should say it or not.

After calming his breath a little, Hughes looked at Jun Ye with a slightly flustered expression, and asked in a trembling voice, "Why do you want to..." Murder your husband?

Jun also: "..."

Forget it, give up treatment.

Jun also looked at Hughes coldly and said, "Lie back."

Hughes took a breath and panicked, but he couldn't see anything on his habitually cold face.

Hughes looked at Jun Ye deeply, and forced himself to lie down calmly.

The back of his head was about to be immersed in the water, but a small hand grabbed his shoulders.

Hughes looked at the owner of the hand with surprise.

Jun also frowned slightly, and seemed a little impatient, and said, "Lie down, lie down like you did at the beginning."

Hughes didn't know why, but he still obeyed.

Jun also instructed: "Press your legs up."

Hugh's heart thumped, and an outrageous idea appeared in his mind.

I didn't dare to think about it and didn't dare to ask, I lifted my leg up and pressed it to the extreme with a feeling more nervous than lying in the water.

You also leaned over.

Haven't been close in the bathtub for a long time...

Still with such a good person.

"I catch it myself, I won't care if I fall into the water..."

In the sound of the swaying water, Jun also thought that the so-called overcoming the fear of water is actually just an excuse.

I don't know if Lieutenant Colonel Gu thought the same way in the last world when he wrapped his tail over and over again.

"Um, ah... Is the baby tired? Hu... Would you like to take a break?" Hughes asked intermittently with his eyes a little out of focus.

"Full of energy."

"Ugh! Um..."


Overcoming the fear of water once again declared a failure.

When I woke up the next day, Jun also softened into a puddle.

Jun also can't believe rubbing his sore waist, sore legs, sore hands...

MD, what a weak body!

Hughes turned over, scooped it up, and pushed the unsuspecting Jun into his arms, wrapping his arms and legs like a pillow.

Jun also: "..."

Let go of your elephant hand!

Huh, I'm already a waste fish...

After struggling for a long time, he couldn't break free, Jun also looked at the chest in front of him silently, revealing two rows of separated white teeth.

"Hmm..." Hughes snorted and hugged Jun even tighter.

Seuss' eyes hadn't opened yet, and he was half-sleeping and muttering: "Baby, not enough... hard..."

Jun also: "..."

Bite you to death!

The plan to bite to death failed, but Hughes was teased and his body became hot, his brain was smashed, and he was drowsy to the extreme, but he just woke up.

When I first opened my eyes, I was still a little confused.

Umm~ it's much more comfortable.

Looking down again, Hughes saw the little guide who was almost suffocated by the pressure of his chest muscles.

Hughes quickly backed away, feeling embarrassed at the same time, and a strange sense of pride rose up, and he couldn't help but puff out his chest.

Jun also: "..."

Pissed off.

In the end, Jun also pulled the culprit to work as a coolie and enjoyed a full body massage.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but it really made Jun also feel that the soreness on his body has been reduced a lot. It seems that there is no problem with a morning shot.

Of course, there is no morning cannon, and Jun also braced himself to get out of bed to wash.

He stepped on the ground, propped himself up, and before he could stand firm, his left calf froze and fell directly.

The only thought before falling down was: it really is a psychological effect, how could that guy massage...

Sitting on the edge of the bed and staring at Jun Ye, Xiusi reached out in time to catch him, and took Jun Ye, whose center of gravity was shifted, into his arms.

Hughes asked Jun to sit on his lap, without saying a word, he lowered his eyes and pressed his leg again seriously.

Jun Ye kicked his legs a little uncomfortably, broke away from Hughes' hand, and said, "It's alright, take me up in a wheelchair."

- Everyone, stop deceiving yourself, and be a bit b-numbered about your own technology.

Hughes remained silent, but he got up and carefully hugged Jun into the wheelchair in the posture of a princess.

Jun also felt very dry, plus the little loner was used to speaking less, so he didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

I was still thinking about when I was so useless, but I just did it twice in the bathroom, and I couldn't even walk, and I lost my face.

Hughes helped the guide to wash up, had breakfast together, and then sent the guide to the simulation training room.

After the queen took over the wheelchair and pushed the guide in, Hughes turned around and entered the simulation room next to him.

I didn't turn on the simulation settings, I just stood there in silence for a long time, and finally made a decision and opened my personal terminal.

His guide's body is too weak, even if it is combined into his body, it is unbearable. He can't enjoy the joy of the union for himself, regardless of the guide's body.

Put the truth out, even if the guide will think that he is scheming, even if he will be hated by the guide...

He has already stolen two permanent bonds, and even if the guide hates him again, their lives are bound together and cannot be erased.

The finger of Hughes fell on the video of the combination of guide and sentinel, and it was transmitted.

After closing the terminal reminder, Jun, who worked hard to communicate with the quantum beast under the guidance of the queen, did not know that his sentinel passed him an action movie that was enlightened by the teenage guide sentry.

Queen: "In the communication with the quantum beast, both the guide and the sentry can obtain the information of the quantum beast, and in-depth communication with the quantum beast is the unique ability of the guide. When communicating with the quantum beast, you need to imagine yourself as your quantum beast. A beast, imagining and simulating its appearance, habits, preferences, etc.... so as to achieve physical and mental resonance."

"Stop," the queen frowned, looked at Jun Ye and asked, "Your subconscious is resisting your quantum beast, why?"

Jun Ye stared at the sea hare floating in front of him, swirling around in front of him, exhaled a long breath, and said, "Sorry, I can't accept it..."

Think of yourself as a sea hare…

Hermaphrodite, both offensive and defensive, likes to hold a large group P banquet one after another, and the attack and equipment are also disposable items that can be detached...

Unexplainable pain in lower body...

"Is it difficult to accept?" The queen looked at the quantum beast information given on the virtual screen.

[Sea hare: There is a transparent thin shell on the back, and the shell is generally white with pearl luster. The body is oval, and the body can be deformed during exercise. There are two pairs of tentacles on the head one after the other... The color of the seaweed will become whatever color you eat, and you can produce the plant pigment chlorophyll by eating the seaweed for photosynthesis...]

You are also silent.

— Can I say that the information we got about the Aplysia is exactly two versions?

Jun also looked at the sea bunny lying on the jellyfish umbrella cap when he was tired, thinking about the difference between the information he got from the quantum beast and the records in the file, whether it was his sea bunny that was different, or himself. Bringing memories from other worlds?

Anyway, let him resonate with this sea rabbit... Unless he is attacked by the little lonely, he will be a **** again, and maybe he will grow again...

Jun also shuddered and silently cut off his own associations.

After half a day of training, Jun Ye's communication with the quantum beasts went very poorly, and at the end of the day, he couldn't even communicate at a superficial level.

This is the first time the queen has encountered such a situation. She is very puzzled and said to Jun: "I need to go to the White Tower to find information. During this time, you will spend more time with the quantum beast, so let it get closer to you first. "

Jun also nodded obediently, and by the way, wrote down the sea rabbit recipes that he had sorted out in his mind, such as spring onion, dipping sauce, cold salad, spicy and so on.

Because of the regression of the communication quantum beast process, the training ended early.

After the queen left, Jun also stuffed the sea rabbit who was trying to escape into his pocket and left the simulation training room.

Jun also set up automatic driving when getting off the wheelchair, then called up his personal terminal and turned on the message reminder.

The terminal suddenly vibrated, and Jun was also a little surprised when he saw that the message was sent by Xiao Lonely.

Just as he was about to go in, he heard a click, the door of the training room next to him opened, and Little Lonely walked out.

Jun Ye hurriedly stopped the wheelchair, and looked at the little lonely who was pale and silently walked forward, Jun Ye frowned slightly, and asked, "Are you here... um, is it an ocean simulation?"

"No... just the swimming pool." Hughes replied while holding his forehead.

My head is very dizzy, the scene in my field of vision is shaking, and even the guide in front of me is divided into several...

Hughes narrowed his eyes, trying to see more clearly. He seemed to see that the guide legs had turned into fish tails... It was dazzling.

"Don't move." Jun also said, controlling the wheelchair to walk to Hughes.

He got up, grabbed Hugh's waist with one hand and his arm with the other, and helped the person to the wheelchair.

Jun also leaned over and wiped the sweat from the forehead of Hughes, then untied his tie and two buttons, and after a moment of silence, he pinched the sentinel's stubborn cheek and asked, "Why don't we go to the sea to reunite? Can't think of forcing yourself to overcome the fear of water?"

Hughes was much more awake at this time. Hearing the words, he fell into silence.

After thinking for a few seconds, Hughes stretched out his hand and took Jun, who was standing in front of him, onto his lap, stroked the guide's delicate and tender face, put his hand down, and said, "You... look at what I sent you first. ."

Jun also slightly raised his eyebrows and opened his personal terminal again.

The message Xiao Luke sent him was a video link, and Jun was also in a trance, it seemed that he had sent a video link to someone...

With a slightly complicated mood, Jun also clicked on the link.

The words "Body and Enlightenment" were written on the white screen. Jun Ye's expression paused, and he quietly glanced at Hughes beside him.

The other side was still pale, his eyes were fixed on the screen, and the corners of his mouth were tightly pursed.

The sentry's slightly suppressed breathing was inexplicable, and Jun also became more nervous. Maybe this is the atmosphere needed to watch the film?

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