MTL - Counterattacking the Submissive Role!-Chapter 69 [ABO] Omega attack 12

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Fei Xiu really wanted to discredit the gardener, but this time he was caught off guard.

The joy of letting Omega discover the true face of the gardener is not as much as he imagined, and subconsciously, he is worried that he will be misunderstood by Omega.

Several emotions flashed through Fei Xiu's mind, his lips moved, and finally he squeezed hard, suppressing the explanation that he wanted to blurt out.

Quietly awaiting sentencing from Omega.

Jun Ye's eyes didn't stay on the album for long, and he raised his head after noticing that the subject came to his side.

The young man who had just taken a bath had wet hair at the ends, and the hard corners of his eyes seemed to soften a little in the wetness, turning a little pink.

The man's sturdy body was covered with a low-key and slim dark blue dress, which made him extremely handsome, and the faintly outlined muscle lines under the clothes made Jun a little moved.

"It's beautiful." Jun also smiled and praised sincerely.

Fei Xiu tensed the corners of his mouth. Omega didn't ask about the album, but praised him first. This unexpected situation made him a little at a loss.

" look better..." Fei Xiu felt his mouth dry, making it difficult for him to speak.

His Omega is naturally the best looking, especially since the other party is obviously well-dressed.

Fei Xiu knew that his Omega might be because of his natural beauty, but he was extremely casual with his appearance. In the past five years, he has been decorating himself when attending banquets or celebrating anniversaries with him.

Today's birthday banquet Omega is obviously going to be dressed up to attend, but... I can no longer stand by the other party's side, and I can't tell everyone who is watching that this is his Omega.

Fei Xiu's apparently embarrassed compliment made Jun also chuckle. He casually closed the album in his hand and returned it to its original place. Jun also stood up and said, "The dinner has been set up, let's go."

"Okay..." Fei Xiu followed Jun Ye out the door, glanced at the picture album that was put back on the pillow from the corner of his eyes, and couldn't tell what he was feeling.

Omega doesn't care what's in the album, or he who owns it...

This is supposed to be good news, isn't it?

As Omega walked into the villa where he had lived for many years, and walked up the stairs to the second floor, soft pure music flowed out.

The lobby on the first floor is empty, and there is no human voice coming from the second floor, which is so wrong...

Fei Xiu looked at Omega's back with complicated eyes.

This was not the birthday party he thought at all. If he guessed correctly, there were only two of them in the entire villa except the waiter.

Where is this birthday party?

What does Omega want to do?

All his thoughts came to an abrupt end when Fei Xiu saw the candlelit dining table in the viewing room.

Cutlery, food, and even chairs are for two people, and Fei Xiu has to face it even if he doesn't want to think about it.

- This is a date.

A match between his Omega and...

with whom?

The gardener?

His own Omega was really having an affair with other Alphas, Fei Xiu thought he would be very angry, and he was both angry and aggrieved.

In fact, he was surprisingly calm at this time, and he was even able to sit at the end of the dining table under Omega's invitation without changing his color. On the opposite side of Omega, there was a bouquet of red roses between them.

Fei Xiu waited quietly.

He wanted to see how his Omega got involved with other Alphas on the first day he was killed, to hear what his Omega would talk about with other Alphas, and to know how they would live in the future.

Jun Ye sat down slightly surprised and said, "I thought you would be awkward for a while."

Fei Xiu pursed his lips, he was really uncomfortable.

Since he realized that his Omega was interested in the gardener, why didn't he find an excuse to resign the gardener earlier? It's only been one day, and Fei Xiu can already predict that his grave will be covered with grass.

"A glass of wine?" Jun also picked up a bottle of wine prepared on the table and motioned to Fei Xiu.

Fei Xiu glanced at the degree printed on the label on the bottle, and nodded hesitantly.

This kind of degree that is neither high nor low is the kind they drink every day, even if he finishes drinking this bottle, he can't get drunk.

It's impossible to mess around after drinking, what does Omega want to do?

Glancing at the slightly worried look on his face, Jun also smiled, picked up the glass that had just been poured into the wine, sipped it, and then handed it over.

Said: "Don't worry, there is no medicine."

This sentence successfully reminded Fei Xiu of the absurd things he had done, and he took the wine glass a little helplessly.

After rubbing the glass a few times, Fei Xiu suddenly remembered what Omega had just done, and when he lowered his eyes, he saw the watermark on the glass wall that had not yet dissipated.

Fei Xiu's face burned instantly, and he was so embarrassed and annoyed that he almost threw the cup out.

—This… loose, swinging Omega.

Jun Ye saw that the wine that Fei Xiu had raised after changing several times was put on the table again. He didn't want to explain much, but the other party didn't believe that he must have a bad dinner this time.

He didn't go with Fei Xiu during breakfast and lunch. After such a big change, he didn't know if the other party was eating well, so he was not at ease.

Jun also sighed in the bottom of his heart, and no longer had the intention to play, even if such an object was really cute and tight.

"Do you know why I invited you to dine here?" Jun also poured his own wine, put it aside, and sat looking directly at Fei Xiu.


Fei Xiu's heart tightened, and he also wanted to know why.

The viewing room, this is the place he spends most often at home during the day except for Omega, because at that time Omega usually looked after the birds of paradise in the yard, and here you can see the scene in the yard at a glance.

Sometimes Omega's interest comes up, and he will play tricks with him to challenge psychological endurance. Every inch of this room has their memories...

At this time, Omega set up an ambiguous candlelight dinner here, bringing another Alpha here.

Jun also saw that Fei Xiu's hand on the table unconsciously began to pinch his own finger pulp. The gardener's nails were not as rounded as his object's original shell.

Jun Ye's eyes flashed slightly, and he said, "For another question, my partner had an air crash this morning..."

Fei Xiu suffocated, his body stiffened.

He experienced the air crash personally, even if it was only for a moment, the memory is not too deep. This was the first time I heard Omega talk about it, and Fei Xiu suddenly didn't dare to listen anymore.

Whether he wanted to hear it or not, Jun Ye's voice still came as usual: "This outfit on your body is not cheap, right?"

The slightly playful voice and Omega's smart eyes patrolling his body made Fei Xiu have the urge to wear it back and strangle himself to death.

The alliance coins in the gardener's account couldn't buy the style he liked at all. He used his original private account to buy this suit and the gift he planned to give to Omega at the beginning.

It's always embarrassing to be stabbed by a partner for private money, even if the other party may not mean it,

However, only he knew that account, how could Omega...

Jun also has no interest in investigating the object's private money, and he has no way of knowing this. He bombed Fei Xiu based on the gardener's salary and the price of the clothes.

Seeing the dodging expression on the other side, he knew that he was right, and continued: "'Lian', my partner's wardrobe is almost full of this brand of clothes..."

After saying that, Jun Ye's eyes turned around Fei Xiu again and said, "You really don't have this on you."

Also, who would buy another dress they already own.

Fei Xiu had nothing to say, and suddenly felt a terrible guilty conscience, and he didn't know what he was guilty of.

Then another kind of charm swayed in my heart, what did Omega mean by these? Accusing himself of seducing him? Are you still implying something?

Like... to be his lover or something...

Thinking of this, Fei Xiu's heart became extremely complicated.

If Omega made such a request, he would definitely feel uncomfortable. How long after he was killed, Omega couldn't wait to find someone new.

But if it really happened... Fei Xiu felt lonely as soon as he imagined it, and he felt that at that time, he might not refuse.

Jun also carefully observed Fei Xiu's expression, frowned slightly, and said, "You don't seem to understand what I mean."

No, Fei Xiu felt that he understood it, Omega obviously had impure intentions towards him, and it was inseparable from the support and underground love.

Of course, if Omega was infatuated with him and wanted to marry him, Fei Xiu would never agree. Even in a league that takes extra care of Omegas, remarrying soon after a partner's death is bad for Omega's reputation.

Fei Xiu thought that he knew how bad his Omega was, and there was no need for others to make irresponsible remarks.

It seems like this...he's really going to be his Omega's lover.

If Omega knew that this body he loved was the mind of his former partner, he didn't know how he would feel.

Fei Xiu gave a wry smile and didn't intend to hold back, so he was going to wait for Omega to propose a support contract and accept it himself.

Fei Xiu was still having fun thinking, if he could use someone else's body to pursue his own Omega, he still couldn't do it. Now that the Omega proposes it can make him less embarrassed. In the future, he can also be more fierce when they combine. His resentment bites back.

Fei Xiu's eyes flickered, and Jun was also sure that what this person was thinking and what he wanted to express were already biased towards two different dimensions.

However, this person seems to be able to eat well, so he should eat first, and the rest can be said slowly.

Jun also rang the dinner bell, and after a while, the butler brought the waiter and served cakes and a sumptuous dinner.

Fei Xiu noticed that the butler gave him a secret look when he was serving the food, his face was burning so badly that he didn't have the embarrassment to look back.

I don't know why Omega doesn't care about his own reputation so much, can something like stealing love be open and aboveboard?

Jun also vaguely sensed the resentment of his partner, and turned his head to look at the housekeeper in the direction Fei Xiu's expression was dodging, his eyes slightly cold.

The housekeeper hurriedly lowered his eyes. What the two masters saw had nothing to do with him, and his job mattered.

All the attendants withdrew, the observation room returned to calm, the music was still flowing, and the confrontation just now seemed to have never existed.

The appearance of the housekeeper reminded Jun Ye that the plot is not over yet, this is the second one, and there are at least two housekeepers and poor students behind. According to the plot of the first love in the past five years, if he wants to live a good life in this training world, he must tell the object about it.

What do you say about this feeling...

If I call you Feixu, do you dare to agree?

Jun also glanced at the person on the opposite side whose face and figure had changed drastically, and his eyes gradually shifted to the wine bottle.

Or...let's get drunk.

By the way, record the video...

Well, shamelessly plucked myself clean, the other party rushed to recognize it.