MTL - Counterattacking the Submissive Role!-Chapter 75 [ABO] Omega attack 18

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After venting completely, Jun also calmed his breath, leaned over and gently kissed the chin of his servant.

Fei Xiu was paralyzed on the fitness ball, his eyes were lost, and he was so tired that he didn't want to move a finger.

For the first time, he knew how difficult it is to control this fitness ball that only weak Omegas can play. Omegas who can play this ball are really powerful.

"How do you feel?" Jun Ye's lips moved from Fei Xiu's chin to the corner of his mouth, and a more delicate kiss fell.

So cool...

Fei Xiu snorted softly, his eyelashes trembled, and he didn't want to open his eyes.

Only he knew what he was suffering under this kiss.

From the chin to the corner of the mouth, there is a very short distance, but because of the posture, if Omega wants to kiss the corner of his mouth, he has to have more negative distance contact with Omega.

What kind of fairy Omega is this, even when he comforts him, he will make him... so cool.

Feeling Omega's tender kiss, Fei Xiu still felt that it wasn't enough, there was something missing...

Nodding slightly, Fei Xiu saw the Omega above and the Omega's white and slender neck from the crevices of the trembling eyelashes.

want to bite...

But the mark he had left before has not gone away.

How unbearable it is to not be able to label your own Omega.

Fei Xiu reluctantly relaxed his body, and let his vision reversed, so that he could no longer see Omega's charming neck.

The subject only snorted and didn't respond, and Jun also guessed that he was still stuck in the afterglow and didn't want to return to his senses.

I haven't had meat for more than a week, and this time it was really intense.

Still in the gym...

Just in the morning, the light entered from the floor-to-ceiling glass that is visible on one side. The gym is so bright that you can see it, and all traces are invisible.

Jun was also scalded by Fei Xiu's slightly red and swollen lips, and suddenly realized that he had done something out of the ordinary, and immediately got up.

Aware of Jun Ye's movements, Fei Xiu raised his eyes, subconsciously trying to hold back, but was swept away by a sudden emptiness.

Fei Xiu bit his lip, he really couldn't say what to say to let Omega in, he could only grunt in dissatisfaction, paralyzed helplessly.

Jun also stepped back, and caught a glimpse of a white wisp of white sliding down the fitness ball, his heart jumped suddenly, and his face was burning hot.

Huh... It's really out of the ordinary to make it like this.

Pulling the gym clothes aside and covering Fei Xiu, Jun also half-kneeled to pick up the paralyzed object on the fitness ball.

Go to the shower room equipped with the gym.

Fei Xiu froze for a moment, and calmly tightened his rear muscles.

After confirming that nothing came out, he breathed a sigh of relief. He wanted to cover Mi Zhang and glanced at the gym clothes he was covering, and his tone pretended to be frivolous: "What? Little Omega, you made me like this, don't you dare to face it?"

Jun also nodded naturally and replied, "Well, spicy eyes."

Fei Xiu: "!!"

Fei Xiu was instantly embarrassed: "That's what you did!"

"Hmm..." Jun couldn't refute.

Looking up at the shower room, there was no bathtub or chair, so Jun had to carefully put Fei Xiu down and support him to stand.

AO's height difference makes this pose quite awkward.

The fitness suit slid down Fei Xiu's legs, and Fei Xiu faced the marks on his body, gritted his back teeth secretly, and threatened: "Little Widow, the evidence that you and Alpha are cheating is all on me! You! You Let's figure it out!"

Jun, who was adjusting the water temperature, was taken aback by this, his eyebrows raised slightly, he looked at Fei Xiu and asked, "I'm a widow? Ha, who are you?"

"Hmm," Fei Xiu subconsciously imitated Omega's arrogant expression, raised his chin slightly, revealing his sullen Adam's apple.

Dao: "As an excellent personal fitness trainer, it is my job to collect criminal evidence from clients, and there is no need to leave a name for this trivial matter."

After he finished speaking, he swallowed a little helplessly.

Jun also: "..."

Depressing the desire to bite the object's Adam's apple, Jun also looked at the temperature on the control screen, turned his thoughts, and pressed the switch.

After a few swipes, the warm water rushed on the chest of an anonymous gentleman.

Fei Xiu took a breath, his chest heaving.

The first time I touch hot water on the parts that have been taken care of by Omega, this taste... tsk tsk cool.

"Mr. Anonymous, you need to be deeply cleaned." Jun also took a variable pressure shower head and pushed Ding Fei with his knees.

"Humm... little widow, do you want to clear the evidence?" Fei Xiu turned around, supported the wall with one hand, and curled his fingers nervously.

Jun also focused on the work at hand and swallowed the explanation.

Let the subject still have the energy to run the train with his mouth full, this is his problem.

One embarrassing incident is obviously not enough to satisfy a young and vigorous Alpha.

Jun also doesn't care that the other party consumes excess energy through verbal imaginings. It is better to be said a few more words than the object to pester him again.

In such a semi-public place, his face is not that thick yet.

Fei Xiu quietly sucked on Omega's slender and warm fingers, and quickly released them.

This kind of intimacy like stealing the forbidden fruit made his spirits in a state of excitement for a time, but unfortunately, no matter how he teased, Omega was unmoved and just washed him inside and out.

what a pity.

Fei Xiu sighed.

The Omega of the sage's time is indifferent and ruthless when he eats it, so unlovable.


Because of the object's sudden enthusiasm, this exercise took far more time than Jun also expected.

During the intimate contact, Fei Xiu's well-defined abdominal muscles gave Jun a lot of stimulation.

So, after placing Fei Xiu on the rest pad, Jun Ye turned his attention to the fitness equipment again, and his fighting spirit was burning.

Fei Xiu, who was about to ask a kiss to comfort himself: "..."

He is lying down...

Watching Omega get up from his body and threw himself into the arms of the fitness equipment without reluctance, Fei Xiu gritted his teeth secretly.

What does it mean for Omegas to go to the gym? Isn't it just to have an unspeakable romance with the coach?

Hmph, the ruthless Omega is the least cute.

Surrendering himself to lie down until noon, making sure that Omega didn't remember his intentions at all, Fei Xiu resigned himself to getting up, dragging his body that was ruined by Omega to prepare to clean up the "battlefield".

Carrying a towel in one hand and a bucket of water in the other, Fei Xiu picked a very visible angle and started rubbing the fitness ball.

Jun also... Rumang is on your back.

Maybe the other party has something to say to him?

Jun also hesitated for a while, put down the dumbbells used to assist exercise, and said, "How about I clean up? You will rest for a while."

Fei Xiu pouted, is this the point? Omega still doesn't understand the true meaning of fitness.

And he is a strong Alpha, how could this kind of physical work be handed over to a weak and weak Omega, this is a matter of Alpha's dignity.

Thinking so, Fei Xiu's eyes fell on the dumbbells at Jun Ye's feet.

Suck... how many pounds are these dumbbells? How long has Omega been doing?

Fei Xiu was stunned for a moment, his hand was softly touched, and the towel was in Omega's hand.

Fei Xiu didn't care about Alpha's dignity anymore, and stared at Jun Ye's half-arm exposed by rolling up his sleeves.

Fair, slender, with a red mark on it that he pinched when he lost control, this is an arm belonging to an Omega.

"What's wrong?" Jun also followed Fei Xiu's line of sight and glanced at his hand, but didn't feel anything wrong.

"No... Daughter-in-law, you are the best looking." Fei Xiu smiled, tears streaming down his face.

My daughter-in-law, what can I do? Even if he is ruthless, even if he may become muscular. Man, that is his own Omega sweetheart, and he must be spoiled.

Um, fierce. Sweetheart...

The smile at the corner of Fei Xiu's mouth couldn't hold back a bit.

A compliment that is not at all distracting, and Jun also pretends that he didn't hear it. Quickly clean up the traces left, and return the tools.

Take off your gym clothes and put on your original clothes.

Jun also took off the coat on the coat rack, and was about to greet Fei Xiu to go out. Seeing that the other party seemed to be in a low mood, he turned around and got some color on his lips: "Why are you dumbfounded? That exercise just now. Haven't used up your energy yet?"

"One game isn't enough..." Fei Xiu blurted out. He wanted to continue the anti-mocking trick, but his eyes fell on Omega's arm, but he wilted in an instant, and wearily walked towards Jun.

Jun also raised his eyebrows, thought for a few seconds and said, "Go home and make up for you."

It is his responsibility to meet the needs of his partner, that is, the task points will become negative again.

Fei Xiu was slightly surprised, and then his eyes lit up.

How can his Omega be so cute.

Most of the people who come to the club for fitness are young people, and the secretion of pheromones is strong. In order to prevent accidents, the isolation and ventilation systems in the gym are first-class.

After the door opened, the faded pheromones mixed into the air outside, which still attracted a few young Alphas and Omegas who passed by with a faster heartbeat.

Jun Ye walked in front, Fei Xiu quietly hooked Jun Ye's tail finger, and when Jun Ye looked over, he turned to look at the poster on the wall.

Jun also turned his head, facing some exploratory or suspicious eyes, his expression remained unchanged.

From an angle that you can't see, Fei Xiu's eyes swept across every Alpha coach in the clubhouse, with the Alpha's tacit declaration of sovereignty in his eyes.

The temporary fitness trainer had to keep doing it, and he might have to remove the word "temporary" because Fei Xiu found that the Omega after exercising couldn't help but tease.

In the gym just now, after he knocked down Omega, he saw a clear flash of surprise on the other side. Maybe Omega didn't mean to seduce him deliberately, but after that, Omega still half pushed him down and **** him...

Ahem, and what's a bad habit for an Omega to pull on the neckband after a run? Fei Xiu's gaze swept across Jun Ye's neck unintentionally, and the skin beside the neckband showed a delicious pink color.

Fei Xiu suffocated, slightly turned sideways to block the sight of those secretly peeping, and felt that he had a heavy responsibility.


Exactly five years, Jun also broke free from a not so wonderful dream, and his breath was slightly unstable.

Jun also lay down for a while, calmly breathing, looking through the undrawn curtains, the midnight sky was bright with stars.

He was so silent that he could only hear his own breathing.

Looking down, the person beside him seemed to be still asleep, his brows stretched.

Jun also reached out and poked Fei Xiu's cheek, it was warm, his fingertips slid under Fei Xiu's nose, the five-minute pause, as if time stood still.

On the system basemap, a pink dot flickered, and its position changed instantly.

Jun also stared at the pink dot, only to see it turned a little and then stopped.

Jun also retracted his hand, rolled over and got out of bed, pressed the quilt, took the coat from the coat rack and put it on, and walked towards the location of the pink dot on the map.

A row of warm-colored lights lit up the hallway inside the house.

Jun Ye walked downstairs lightly, stepping on the printed carpet, and stopped outside a guest room on the left side of the first floor.

The terminal swiped in front of the sensor, and the door was unlocked with a click.

Jun also opened the door, there was no light in the room, but with the dim light on the aisle, Jun was enough to see the people lying on the bed all over the place.

The most familiar feeling.

With so many worlds and identities down, perhaps the only thing that doesn't change is the poor sleeping position of his object.

Jun also secretly relieved and closed the door gently.

The lover died mysteriously, and the wealthy widow visited his housekeeper's room at night. What is this... um, he seems to have been infected with something strange by Fei Xiu.

Jun Ye pressed his forehead tiredly, walked to the living room, looked up at the hidden master bedroom door upstairs, and used the terminal to dial the number of the hospital.