MTL - Counterattacking the Submissive Role!-Chapter 77 [ABO] Omega attack 20

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Two weeks later, a normal funeral ended, and life returned to peace.

Nothing seems to have changed except for one less person to sleep with each night.

Jun also looked at the daily schedule on the terminal and raised his hand to delete most of the entries for going to the gym.

These days, the subject still uses the housekeeper's shell to go to the gym with him, but he just stays in the rest room, preparing some refreshments and snacks, and no longer sticks to him every step of the way.

Without the constant interruption of the object, this should be a good opportunity to exercise, but Jun also feels that these exercise programs have become boring.

Not to mention...the subject hasn't had **** with him for two weeks. The flashy muscles he trained according to the object's preferences were not for himself.

Thinking of this, Jun also relaxed his body, let himself sink into the fur warm couch, and closed his eyes.

It was raining outside, and the water droplets hit the glass shell of the conservatory, which was especially hypnotic.

Jun also couldn't fall asleep, he heard the sound of someone approaching.

The man was walking in the rain with an old-fashioned **** umbrella, and his steps were steady.

It's just that for some reason, the other party stopped at the door of the conservatory, and there was no movement for a long time.

Jun also silently counted the time the man stayed at the door with great interest.

When he counted to 519 there was a click of the door opening.

Jun Ye frowned, wondering if he counted a second slower.

The door was pushed open, and a gust of cold wind blew in, picking up a wisp of hair from Jun Ye's forehead.

The cold wind dissipated, and Jun also heard a deliberately light footstep. The man stopped in front of him, with the wetness of the rain and the light pheromone of the middle-aged Alpha.

Jun can also feel a scorching gaze falling on him, causing his breathing to become chaotic for a moment.

The other party should have been unaware, standing quietly beside him, and there was no movement again.

1, 2, 3, …

You also feel that you can count a number that you like this time.

And when the man resumed his activities and reached out to stroke his hair, he happened to count to 419. Perhaps this is a hint of fate.

"Sir," Fei Xiu carefully pulled Jun Ye's hair back to its original position, and said softly, "You shouldn't sleep here."

Jun also turned his head and turned his face to the glass outer wall.

He thinks it's pretty good here. The bed provided for a single person to rest is small enough that he can sleep warmly by himself, not to mention that there is a heating supply in the glass room.


Jun also heard a sigh, and then felt the other party leaning over.

Fei Xiu: "Perhaps you don't mind if I take you back to your room."

Jun also abruptly opened his eyes and met Fei Xiu who was leaning down.

Fei Xiu paused, his eyes shifted unconsciously to Omega's slightly pursed lips, there seemed to be no blood...

It only took a second for his thinking to be distracted, and Fei Xiu stood up quickly, still the professional and rigorous middle-aged butler.

Jun Ye lowered his eyes slightly and sat up from the bed.

Fei Xiu hurriedly took Omega's fur coat and was about to put it on Omega when he saw that the other party opened his personal terminal.

Omega flicked his fingers on the virtual screen a few times, and Fei Xiu felt the old computer vibrate on his wrist.

Fei Xiu looked at Jun Ye in confusion, and Jun Ye looked straight at his terminal without speaking.

So Fei Xiu turned on the old computer that he disliked very much, and a transfer icon from "Mr." jumped out, 419 Union Coins.

Fei Xiu didn't understand why Omega suddenly gave him money, stared at the number for two seconds before he realized something, and suddenly took a breath.

He hurriedly looked at Omega with a questioning look.

"One night." Omega said calmly.

Fei Xiu felt that he was almost out of breath.

Maybe Omega just meant to sleep in the conservatory for one night and pay him to keep his business out of the way?

No, no, it must be a sexual suggestion from Omega! The Omega widow who has been abstinent for a long time also needs relief.

But, as a decathlon steward, is he short of money? !

Fei Xiu recalled the eight-digit balance of the personal account in the old computer, and quickly threw the number out of his mind.

As a poor housekeeper who works hard to earn a pension, occasionally taking some private work can also improve the quality of life...

Fei Xiu pressed the payment without squinting.

At the same time, Jun Ye's terminal also sent a prompt that "the other party has received the payment".

Jun also raised his eyebrows, closed the terminal, moved to the inside of Nuantu, lifted a corner of the quilt, and said, "Come on."

"Okay, sir." Fei Xiu put away the terminal, took off his jacket neatly, and put himself on the bed sideways, with a serious look of office work, as if the skyrocketing alpha pheromones in the conservatory were not his.

Jun also looked up at the sky at forty-five degrees, feeling the warmth of another person beside him, and did not look back.

- What should I do if I suddenly don't want to take the initiative?

Feishuna wasn't quite sure what Omega was thinking now. After all, his identity had not been revealed yet, so he didn't dare to go too far for fear of offending Omega.

But he was really anxious.

The Omega, who has been thinking about it day and night, is by his side, how can he resist swallowing the other person with their bones?

Fascinated by his sweetheart, his brain was running fast, and Feixiu tried hard to think about how he would react as a normal Alpha who was doing things with money.

"Sir..." Fei Xiu's breathing was disturbed, and he said calmly, "Do you need me to use my lips and tongue to open up for you?"

"..." Jun also turned around.

Fei Xiu gave a dedicated smile.

As much as he wanted to be messed up by Omega, a normal Alpha certainly wouldn't think so.

If it's for him to sleep with an Omega...

Fei Xiu was a little less confident, he had never really practiced it, and his understanding of those things was only based on the physiology class he took before marriage (although he didn't use it at the time), and the reverse teaching Omega taught him.

"Have you used your mouth to do it to others?" Jun also had a cold face.

Fei Xiu was shy: "No..."

- It was there before, and the latter only exists and in fantasy.

"Has someone else made it to you?" Jun Ye's face was still gloomy.

Fei Xiu's face instantly blushed, and his voice was trembling: "No..."

—Can't imagine Omega would do it for him like that?

"Then you want to practice on me?" Jun was also expressionless.

Fei Xiu: "No... I didn't think about it..."

- To be scared to cry Liao QAQ.

Actually 419 is fake, right? Omega doesn't plan to sleep with him at all...

Fei Xiu sat on the edge of the slump with grievances, his upper body after taking off his coat looked extremely thin, pitiful and helpless.

The bed for a single person to rest is just that big, and Jun was really afraid that Fei Xiu would fall, so he stretched out his hand and took the person onto the bed, turning over and pressing him down.

As soon as the back of his head touched the soft pillow, Fei Xiu's brewing grievance instantly vanished, and he cautiously asked, "Are you going to sit up and move by yourself?"

Navel oranges are good, fragrant and sweet. He just needs to lie down. He doesn't have to worry about the lack of technology, and it won't give Omega a comfortable enough experience.


Jun also grabbed Fei Xiu's ankle and said, "No, I will face you."

Fei Xiu: "!!"

Are you so unreserved? ! You are an Omega, how can you get on Alpha casually? No matter how you do it, you have to be emotional first!

Hmm...hmm... Little Omega's fingers are still so rude.

Whether it's Omega or fingering, I'm all too familiar with it, and I can't feel any resistance at all...

Why does this Omega take this for granted to the Alpha?

His fingers were completely wet, and Jun also felt the sticky and tight wrapping, and paused for a few seconds.

In addition to the need to keep lubricating fluid when the first world and the young master are together, you rarely touch that thing. In the world after that, the object seems to have opened a certain self-protection mechanism, and as long as it receives enough thorns, it will secrete fluid lubrication by itself.

Such a peculiar physiological reaction, but the other party still seems to be unaware.

But it's so wet, maybe... you don't need him to lick it, right?

Ting body, embedded.

Fei Xiu, like an old carp nailed to a chopping block, shuddered violently, and could do nothing but gasp.

After a while, Fei Xiu came to his senses, forced himself to relax his body, and accepted all Omegas.

"Sir..." Fei Xiu gasped for breath.

Jun also realized that Feixiu was so nice when he called him Mr., so he couldn't help but leaned over, held each other's face, and exchanged an opening kiss.

Wet and hot, eager to demand, extremely greedy, like another devouring mouth.

At this moment, the dullness that had enveloped him for a week instantly dissipated.

Kiss, strictly speaking, is not delicious. It does not contain sugar. Naturally, there is no sweetness and deliciousness.

Just because the other party is his sweetheart, he crazily wants more and more intimate contact, full of love and eager to vent.

The rain is getting louder and louder, and it is rhythmically hitting the roof.

In the conservatory, in the swaying orange light and shadow, two figures were tightly entangled together. Water curtains fell on the glass outer wall, blurring the vision.


Jun was also in a trance for a moment, looked down at Fei Xiu with an erratic expression below, stretched out his hand to wrap the person around, and turned up and down.

Let the object lie on top of him, Jun also pulled the quilt that was pushed against the glass wall and covered them.

Fei Xiu gradually calmed down, and when he looked up, he saw Omega's beautiful little chin, and his expression became more and more nostalgic.

He asked softly, "Sir, are you satisfied with my service?"

Jun also opened his eyes lazily. He didn't quite understand the confidence of a guy who was lying down and enjoying the whole process, asking such a question.

"Not bad, make persistent efforts." Jun also said against his will.

If it was another person, he would definitely give a bad review.

"I will." Fei Xiu hugged Jun contentedly.

Did Omega make an appointment with him for the next service? excited!

The rain outside gradually stopped, and Jun also watched a drop of water slide down the glass wall and said, "Get up, go back to sleep."

"Hmm..." Fei Xiu sighed and stood up reluctantly.

He feels that he is quite light now, and he can't crush Omega even if he spends more time on Omega, but it's a pity... I don't know when the next time will be.

Jun also pulled the quilt and wiped his body, looked around, got up and got out of bed to pick up the clothes scattered on the ground.

Also self-inflicted.

He casually put on two clothes and put on his coat. When he turned around, Jun also saw that Fei Xiu was still sitting on the bed and was holding on to his waist with an inexhaustible expression on his face.

"Well... I'll take you back?" Jun also felt a little guilty, and he leaned over to examine Fei Xiu's waist carefully. He was not a doctor, so he couldn't find any good or bad.

Fei Xiu took a deep breath and said, "It's fine, I can still stand a consumption exercise."

After a pause, he added earnestly, "It's fine for a few more games."

Jun Ye: "..." You're afraid your brain is filled with waste.

Ma Liu put the clothes on for Fei Xiu, and Jun also leaned over and hugged the person horizontally, and walked out.

Fei Xiu: "Umbrella!"

Jun Ye: "It's not raining."

As soon as the door of the conservatory opened, the cold wind hit me.

Jun also took a step back silently, and walked to the shelf where the umbrella was hung with someone in his arms, and said blankly, "Take the umbrella."

Share an umbrella with your beloved Omega, plus a princess hug~

Fei Xiu carefully wrapped his arms around Jun Ye's neck, thinking it was extremely romantic.

At night, it was pitch black all around, and the cold wind was howling. They cuddled up like two stray animals to shield each other from the wind and keep warm. Even with an old-fashioned black umbrella to keep the wind out, the tip of their noses were still blown red, and Jun didn't feel romantic at all.

If it weren't for the fact that Nuantai was too small to sleep, and the subject's body still had Mi Qingye to be cleaned, he really wanted to turn around and go back to the conservatory.

Fei Xiu looked at Omega's angry, tense face, and felt pity in his heart. He really wanted to press Omega into his chest and rub it for a while.

It's a pity that after changing the body, all the chest muscles are gone. Fei Xiu Dun felt inferior, closed his eyes and paralyzed on Omega's shoulder, like a salted fish that has lost his vitality.

Jun also stepped into the living room on the first floor of the villa from the side door. As soon as the umbrella was put down, he walked upstairs with the object without stopping.

Fei Xiu opened his closed eyes a little, counted Omega and walked up the stairs step by step, watching Omega open the master bedroom door and hug him in.

He made his way into the room with his own efforts!

The chest muscles are all clouds!

Fei Xiu opened his eyes, and immediately wanted to hug Omega and kiss him fiercely.

Jun also failed to receive the subject's sudden change of emotions, so he put the person on the nearest sofa chair, then turned around and went to the bathroom to drain the water, perfectly missing Fei Xiu's welcome lips.

Fei Xiu: "..."

Didn't get to kiss Omega, not happy.

Fei Xiu was thinking about offering a kiss.

But until he was put into the bathtub by Omega, washed inside and out, and then pulled out by Omega, wrapped in a towel and hugged him to bed, he couldn't give the kiss that he loved.

Jun also sat on the bed, pulled the quilt to cover both of them, and then ripped off the subject's bath towel under the quilt.

After working for a while, I lay down.


Fei Xiu raised his eyes and looked at Jun Ye's handsome profile, wondering if it would be too abrupt if he kissed him now?

Although they have done very intimate things, in Omega's eyes, it should be the first time they have had such close contact.

Over the years, he has been viewed by others as the lover of a wealthy widow, and gradually he started to think about it. Everyone has needs, and he doesn't mind Omega finding someone to help him, but he's afraid of causing Omega's displeasure and making Omega feel like he's going too far...

Just thinking about it, Fei Xiu saw Omega open his eyes and turned to look at him.

Jun also stared at Fei Xiu for a few seconds, staring at Fei Xiu's heartbeat.

Jun Ye: "You lie down, and I will press your waist and legs."

Almost forgot that the subject's shell is not the one that can be tossed about on the fitness ball, and needs aftercare.

Perhaps Omega has some kind of special ability that can always be used when his mind is active, so that all the products of his active mind can easily die, leaving only the more unbearable nostalgia and love.

Fei Xiu sniffed, twisted and rubbed against Jun Ye's body, buried his face in Jun Ye's neck, Big Thorn raised his leg to hit Jun Ye's body, and didn't move.

Jun also patiently pressed his legs and rubbed his waist in such an awkward posture.



When Jun also woke up, he was the only one on the bed as usual.

Washing up and going downstairs, at the corner of the stairs, I saw someone busy in the kitchenette.

Wearing a housekeeper's uniform with the pink strawberry apron I bought when I played in the kitchen before, um... It's very awkward.

If you wear a strawberry apron, you shouldn't wear anything. Forget it, it's cold, so you won't be embarrassed by the old and frail.

The compound-like contact last night urged Jun also to walk over, and he wanted to quietly hug the object from behind.

As soon as he walked to the sliding glass door of the kitchen, Fei Xiu, who was still staring at the soup pot timer, turned his head back as if he had eyes behind him.

"Sir?" Fei Xiu was a little surprised, after all, Omega only entered the kitchen when he was still "Fiu Xiu".

"Are you... hungry? Please sit at the table for a while, breakfast will be ready soon."

Jun Ye: "...Okay."

He has been arranged properly, what else can he say...

Sitting down at the dining table, Fei Xiu did quickly serve up a breakfast full of colors and flavors, but it was obvious that he was alone, and Jun was also a little unhappy.

He thought he had reunited with his partner, but the other party seemed to just want to sleep and lose it.

Fei Xiu saw Omega sipping the soup with a flat expression, unable to tell whether he was satisfied or dissatisfied.

This made him a little nervous. After hesitating for a while, he tentatively asked the question of concern: "Sir, look... the money I served last night..."

Since it was a transaction, Fei Xiu felt that he should remind Omega to pay. With the money exchange that both parties were satisfied with, Omega would be the first to think of him if he needed it next time.

Jun also put down the spoon, and there was no change in his face, but his mood was a little broken.

Yo, do you really think this is a business?

"Isn't it for you?" Jun also wiped the corners of his mouth, looked up at Fei Xiu who was standing beside him, and said with a calm expression: "What? Too little?"

Fei Xiu was puzzled for a second. He was very sure that he hadn't received a transfer or remittance from a suspected Omega in such a short period of time. Then he remembered the "419" last night, and the perfect butler mask on his face almost collapsed.

Is he so cheap? !

Fei Xiu looked at Jun Ye, who was drinking porridge slowly, in disbelief. He was used to hearing that the partners who had worked with him raised little lovers at sky-high prices, and again, he was also a little bit more and more money to hook up with a beautiful Omega for a night...

Four hundred, nineteen, alliance, alliance, currency!

He tipped more than that when he and Omega went out to dinner!

Fei Xiu felt that his three views were challenged. Although he was willing to sleep with his own Omega even if he paid money, but now...

It's really unpleasant! !

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