MTL - Counterattacking the Submissive Role!-Chapter 82 [ABO] Omega attack 25

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A higher-than-sound wake-up bell echoed in the dormitory area, surrounded by the sound of being scoured for clothes.

Fei Xiu, who had not been accustomed to getting up early for a long time, opened his eyes in a daze, and someone knocked on the head of his bed: "Hey, Chief, it's time to get up."

Fei Xiu rubbed his head and struggled under the quilt, opened the terminal, and looked at the time, it was 6:01.

Fei Xiu sat up from the bed.

For more than ten years, except for a few times when he took Omega to watch the sunrise, he never got up before eight o'clock. The routine of military cadets these days was very unfriendly to him, middle-aged and elderly people.

No matter how unfriendly he was, when he thought that he would be able to see his Omega today, Fei Xiu still got a lot of energy and quickly got up to get dressed and washed.

After dying and being reborn every five years, he is no longer the fool who ran to Omega's yard and sat in misery as soon as he changed his shell.

Fei Xiu learned to quickly integrate into the life of the original body.

Now this shell is a Beta, studying in the main star's major mecha department, and is participating in a joint college training camp for graduation exams a year later.

Fei Xiu picked up the cold water and patted his face. God knows how he, who has only played with civilian mecha a few times a decade ago, is going to take the exam.

He hasn't seen a mecha these days. Every day is high-intensity physical training. Fei Xiu feels that after practicing for a few months, he will have the full muscles he used to be a fitness coach.

Putting on his military boots, Fei Xiu adjusted his coat and hat in front of the mirror. The Beta roommate who had just woken him up had already hurriedly greeted him outside the door: "Chief, please adjust the hat on the way, today there is the legendary man. The principal came to inspect, and if he was late, the instructor would definitely kill us."

Fei Xiu: ...I know my daughter-in-law is coming, can I go to see him without looking like a person?

It was also after becoming this Beta that Fei Xiu knew that Jun Ye became the honorary principal of the main star five years ago, and that time was when he often brought Omega to pick up his nephews.

Beta's roommate couldn't bear to see Fei Xiu's grinding, so he ran over to hold Fei Xiu and rushed to the gathering place.

The two were able to stay in the mecha system by virtue of their Beta bodies, and they were both tall and long-legged, and even if they wasted a lot of time in the dormitory, they were still among the first to arrive when they rushed all the way to the gathering place.

Fei Xiu calmed his breath, looked down, his cuffs were pulled into a ball by his roommate, there was muddy water splashing on his shoes, and his hat seemed to be running crooked... With this embarrassed appearance, how could he see his daughter-in-law? ?

So, Beta's roommate was just out of breath when he saw Fei Xiu straightening his clothes with a bitter look on his face. It has to be the same as a blind date, right?"

"No, this is my blind date." Fei Xiu straightened his hat with a stern face.

"What?" Beta's roommate suspected that he heard it wrong. Their chief was very cold. It was common for him to say ten sentences and nine sentences to be ignored, so the sentence just now was a hallucination, right?

In a few sentences, the classmates in the class had almost arrived, and the surrounding details were all discussions about the honorary principal who only appeared in rumors.

"I heard that he is a very beautiful Omega, prettier than a virtual star."

"He had a husband and two lovers."

"He's very young, I mean his face, never gets old."

"He maintains his appearance by sucking the blood of young Alphas!"

"His pheromone is like a poppy, and Alpha is attracted to him as soon as he smells it, and indulges in it and craves him."

Eighty percent of the students in the Mecha department are Alphas, and they are the most pheromone-rich age. When talking about Omegas, everyone has endless things to say.

Roommate Beta listened to the gossip outside the Alpha group, and came back and concluded to Fei Xiu: "The lover of the Omega Principal was killed by him. This time I came to inspect it to find a young Alpha as a new lover."

Fei Xiu raised his eyebrows, not to mention the previous sentence, looking for a new lover at school... It really seems like something that Omega in his family can do.

The thing is... he's a Beta now in this shell.

There is a chain of gender disdain in the alliance.

In courtship, excluding external forces, Omega is undoubtedly the top layer, and most of them are the pursued; Alpha is the second layer, and they have a natural bonus when they pursue a partner; Beta is the most disadvantageous bottom layer, and it is all about finding a partner. Internal digestion.

Fei Xiu knew how unreasonable his Omega was in choosing a mate. He was absolutely decent in appearance and figure, but he couldn't compete with Alpha in terms of pheromone.

Alpha and Omega will be attracted to each other because of the compatibility of pheromones. Beta's pheromone has always been very weak, and it is not surprising that Omega ignores it during courtship.

"What are you talking about?!" The stern-faced instructor stepped forward and said, "One by one is so energetic, why don't you run a few laps first?"

Fei Xiu's eyelids twitched, his premonition was very bad.


"From this bridge, it used to be the training area of ​​the main star's major mecha department. The students of our mecha department have all developed their physical fitness and mecha operation. Now is the time for morning training. Look at these young men, how good their spirits are. ."

The director of the Mecha Department, who was wearing a military uniform but looked very elegant, followed a tall male Omega, smiling and introducing the teaching of the Mecha Department to him.

Jun also listened to the words of the head of the department, and then his eyes fell on the student square closest to them. He seemed to be admiring the morning exercises performed by the students, but his eyes slipped quietly over the faces.

This is a training camp organized by him in conjunction with all the mecha departments of the main star. Except for those who cannot participate for some special reasons, the students of all the mecha departments of the main star are here.

Taking into account the plot setting this time, Jun also sponsored a large amount of money, for fear that the person in his family who "is too poor to pay the tuition" will not be able to participate.

The system map has a distance limit, and the detection range in such an open place is about 200 meters around him.

He is just too obsessed with the object, so that the other party dares not to cross the road in front of him when he is playing role-playing now, so that he has to look for them one by one.

Jun also found the target with a malicious fantasy and inserted the bird of paradise flower into the opponent's part. Out of the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of a group of students running from the road on the left.

The distance is beyond the display range of the system map.

What he planned was to look at each class, and he didn't pay much attention to the team that did not appear in the plan, but the student who was running at the front paused for some reason, and was instantly overtaken by a few people who were chasing after him. .

Jun Ye turned his head with a sense of feeling, and soon found that there was such a discordant figure swiping in the team. At the same time, this team of students entered the display range of the system map.

Jun also stared at the group of students for more than ten seconds, until they disappeared from sight, Jun also couldn't see the appearance of the discordant guy.

— That person did it on purpose.

—He avoided his sight under the cover of the other students.

Jun also raised his lips. Although he didn't see the face, when did he need to look at the face when he recognized his object? The pink dots on the system map are unique, and the sense of presence should not be too strong.

"It's really energetic." Jun also smiled and asked the head of the mecha department next to him: "Which class did you just run over?"

"Ah... It's a student from the second class of the main star's first mecha." The head of the department is still very familiar with this group of students who have been with him for five years. , Hearing Jun Ye's question, he answered after half a beat.

Jun has also recalled the arrangement of the training venues of each school in his mind, and after hearing this, he found the location of the second class of a large mecha.

It was quite close to him.

"Next, I'll go shopping by myself, don't follow." Jun also greeted the department head and walked towards the second class of mecha.

The head of the department's eyelids jumped, and he also had a bad premonition. Seeing the reaction of the principal just now, wouldn't he be preparing to recruit students?

For a while, several thoughts flashed through the head of the department.

-Sure enough, the rich and powerful Omegas like the little wolf dog Alpha, and there is no market for middle-aged civilian officers like him.

—Is it not good for the principal and students to influence each other?

- Will the principal use power to persecute students? It is said that the Alphas who were related to him all died in the end.

The head of the department was tangled and tangled, and finally pretended to inspect and walked in a circle to the training ground of the second class of mecha.

The instructor was asking the students to do morning exercises with the whole team, and the Omega Principal was not seen nearby. The head of the department wondered, did he think too much?

The head of the department was looking for Principal Omega as he walked. When he was passing by the Mecha Class 2 queue, he found that the head of the grade standing at the forefront was looking for something.

Out of the teacher's instinct, the head of the department immediately reprimanded in a low voice: "Xiao Xiu, what are you looking at, do your exercises seriously."

Fei Xiu, who didn't see his daughter-in-law and was trained by Alpha who just followed his daughter-in-law: Not happy...

I looked around, but still couldn't find anyone. The head of the department decided to go to breakfast. Maybe the other party also went to breakfast?

On the way to the Mecha Department cafeteria, the department head really found the Omega Principal who he had been looking for for a long time. The other party was sitting on the stone bench on the artificial lawn looking at the terminal, and there was a takeaway box from the famous restaurant of the main star on the table, obviously it had not been opened.

As expected, he thought too much about making students.


Jun also concealed by looking at the terminal, but actually stared at the pink dots that started to move on the system map.

Now all classes are having morning exercises, and he is on the only way to the cafeteria, not afraid that the object will not appear.

"Chief, what will you eat?" Roommate Beta and Fei Xiu walked side by side, their minds already flying to the hot food in the cafeteria.

Fei Xiu tried his best to distinguish the pheromones in the air. After he became Beta, his nose became half-wasted, his sensitivity to pheromone perception decreased by 90%, and all the pheromones seemed to come from a few kilometers away. .

"You go to the cafeteria first, I still have something to do." Fei Xiu pinched the bridge of his nose, but he couldn't smell the pheromone of his Omega at all. He felt very bad now.

"Wow, that Omega looks so good." Beta's roommate turned around and asked, "What did you just say? I didn't catch it."

Fei Xiu also saw the Omega that made him think about it at this time, and immediately couldn't move, he waved to his roommate and said, "I have something to do, you go to the cafeteria by yourself."

Beta roommate: "…"

Is it your business to stand here and peep at Omega?

Beta's roommate felt that he had seen the wrong person, and the other party was not a person who could form a Beta family with him.

"Omega will never like Beta." Leaving the last advice, Beta's roommate strode to the cafeteria, only food can soothe his wounded heart.

Fei Xiu leaned against the tree and stared at Jun Ye, who was less than a hundred meters away from him.

Of course he knew that the arrogant Omega wouldn't like a Beta, so he didn't take the initiative to find Jun.

A Beta who wants to stay by Omega's side can only talk about feelings.

Fei Xiu was struggling. He didn't know if he should tell Omega about his identity. Once he said it, he was using his past feelings to bind Omega, which was not what he wanted.

More importantly, Fei Xiu didn't dare to think about it. "Fei Xiu" has disappeared from Omega's life for five years. Even if he makes Omega believe in his identity, will Omega be with him?

Five years later, Omega also had a new lover in the middle, and the relationship should have faded. Even if he knew the lover was him, it was different in Omega's eyes.

Jun also looked at the pink dots on the map that had not been moving for a long time, raised his hand and adjusted the terminal page to front-end shooting.

Through the screen, you can see a student in a mecha uniform standing about fifty meters behind him. Even if his body and appearance are completely different, when he sees the other party, he can still be sure that this is his own object.

The current situation is: the subject is standing there looking at him, without any intention of condescending.

Jun Ye's eyes fell on the bottled water on the table, reached out to take it, and gently rubbed the bottle cap.

This was bought by him when he passed by the vending machine. At that time, the object should have wanted to drink water after running, but he didn't give it to him at that time. Now that he has finished the morning exercise, he used the excuse of giving water to hook up...

Seeing Omega's movements, Fei Xiu instantly changed from leaning against the tree to standing up straight.

He and Jun also lived together for fifteen years.

Saying that Omega is weak and unable to unscrew the cap? Other Omegas don't know, what about this... coaxing the child? The other party is a terrifying existence that can still easily pick up Alpha to clean up after a violent incident.

There is only one explanation for his Omega pretending to be unable to unscrew the bottle cap - he is fishing for Alpha!

His own Omega is really good-looking, and he is the center of attention everywhere. Fei Xiu has noticed that there are Alphas around him that are about to move. How could he just watch his Omega partner catch an Alpha?

Fei Xiu strode forward, cleverly causing two Alphas who had the same goal as him to "accidentally" fall, and finally walked to Jun Ye's side, leaned over slightly, and with a sincere smirk, said: "I need Can I help?"

Jun Ye raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise, and followed Fei Xiu's line of sight to the bottled water in his hand. Jun also understood, and the corner of his mouth curled slightly and handed the water over.

Fei Xiu took the water, unscrewed the bottle cap easily, and handed it back to Jun Ye firmly.

Jun also took it along, took a sip, licked the corner of his mouth, looked at Fei Xiu and said, "Sweet, do you want to drink?"

At the same time as he spoke, the bottle of water he took a sip had already been handed out.

Fei Xiu's heart skipped a beat.

- I knew you wanted to hook up with Alpha, but I didn't expect you to even let Beta go!

Fei Xiu took the water, raised his head and finished it in one mouthful.

You can't leave props for Omega to hook up with others.

"Have you eaten breakfast?" Still waiting for Fei Xiu to answer, Jun also got up and opened the take-out box, revealing the food that was obviously for two people, looked at Fei Xiu and asked, "Together?"

Fei Xiu: "...Okay." If you don't agree, you have to find another Alpha, right?

Jun also continued to stare at him: "Leave another contact information?"

Fei Xiu: "...Okay."

This progress is too fast... Fei Xiu feels that he can't stand it anymore.

Jun Ye: "You..."

"Wait, wait." Fei Xiu quickly interrupted.

Facing the questioning gaze from Omega, Fei Xiu blushed and said, "We can take it step by step and take it slow..."

Jun also smiled: "For example... starting with a kiss?"

Fei Xiu: "Yes... yes."

- It's too direct! But what if you can't refuse?

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