MTL - Counterattacking the Submissive Role!-Chapter 87 [ABO] Omega attack 30

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No mood or idea, the problem now is that he's a beta!

Fei Xiu felt uncomfortable: "I have no pheromone..."

Beta has pheromone, but compared to Alpha and Omega, Beta's pheromone is as light as water, even after strenuous exercise, their pheromone concentration is not enough to make Omega move.

If he can't bring happiness to Omega, Omega abandons him to find another Alpha, and he has no position to stop it.

It would be nice if they didn't recognize each other in the first place, being an ordinary lover, and being sent away by Omega a few days later, wouldn't be as embarrassing as it is now.

Pheromone... Jun also pondered for a while, and asked tentatively, "Do you want perfume?"

Pheromone = smell = perfume.

Fei Xiu's distressed expression froze on his face.

Jun also realizes that he may not be right, his brain is running at high speed, in order to keep up with the subject's brain hole. Seeing Fei Xiu's expression recovered, he smiled and said, "Yes, use perfume."

It's just how bitter that smile looks.

"Are you... alright?" Jun Ye stepped forward and pinched Fei Xiu's palm.

Fei Xiu: "It's fine, as long as you can be happy..."

The Alliance does have pheromone perfumes for sale in an open and honest way. He can buy Alpha's pheromone perfumes to spray on, and he can also change various types of pheromone perfumes according to Omega's preferences.

It's just that his lover will be moved by the pheromones of other Alphas. Just thinking about this scene makes his eyes hurt.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he is the one with Omega. He could not look at Omega's expression or listen to Omega's voice, but could only feel the temperature and collision of Omega with all his heart.

Jun also reached out and rubbed Fei Xiu's face: "You don't look like you're fine." An expression of a dead wife.

Fei Xiu didn't want to continue this topic, he reached out to hold Omega's hand on his face, and said, "You just said to help me take a bath, let's go." Take a bath.

"Well, wash, but what type of perfume do you want?" Jun also asked as he walked to the bathroom. He didn't want to look at the subject with a mournful face. He wanted to come up with something and quickly put the script in the subject's head. exterminate.

"As long as you like it." It's just to please Omega anyway. Fei Xiu followed behind Jun Ye and closed the bathroom door.

Jun, who turned into a mosquito coil, also said: choosing a perfume is too difficult for him, a straight man.

Find a reliable leaderboard, buy all of them and try them out.


The sound of water dripping.

"Come on, wash the inside first." Jun also took off the shower and held it in his hand, which was a matter of course.

Although he still felt a little shy, Fei Xiu was already used to Omega's after-service after all. Without twitching, he turned his back to Omega, stepped on the bathtub with one foot, and opened it by himself.

The warm water flow came first, and the water flow was not intense. Omega should have slowed down the momentum of the water flow with his hands.

Fei Xiu stared at the tile in front of him, which vaguely reflected his own and Omega's figures. Those intimate days of the past overlapped with the present, and although he became a Beta, it was... strangely different.

He was still made by Omega, and Omega would still clean him up, and he never lacked even the meticulous and gentle care.

No, it's only done once, and Omega still thinks it's fresh. After waiting more times, the other party should find out how boring and uninteresting Yan Qing Ai is without pheromone.

Jun also dutifully cleaned up, but failed to find the target and added settings to the script.

Picking and picking, Jun also thought, the internal structure of Beta is no different from Alpha. As for the pheromone the subject is concerned about... Sorry, he doesn't feel much about that thing, so he can't feel its importance.

Wait, of the six genders, Beta seems to be able to... have children?

Jun also froze and asked Fei Xiu carefully, "Are you pregnant?"

Fei Xiu turned around in surprise: "You are Omega!"

—Even if you are a little perverted and bloom the flowers of Alpha and Beta, but you are essentially the one who reproduces as a fertile and wants to conceive Beta, why don’t you write a script?

Jun also pressed the button soothingly, telling the object not to get excited, and said with a smile: "This is good, if you don't get pregnant, you don't need to use a condom."

Fei Xiu put his forehead back on the tile. He now suspects that Omega is going to be No. 1 because the other party doesn't want to have children, but he also has no obsession with children. It's not good, but it's not bad.

What troublesome creatures human cubs are, especially after giving birth, Omegas will divide most of their love for their partners to the cubs.

Fei Xiu felt that he had been chasing Omega very hard, and he would be too pitiful if there was a cub who took away the only love Omega had for him.

The Omega's fingers left, and the water splashed down his back. Fei Xiu turned around and saw Omega with a half-wet shirt, and suddenly felt a little hungry.

The body perfectly executed the mind's command, and hugged Omega and kissed it.

"Clothes..." Jun also struggled to remind the subject that he was still wearing a shirt.

Fei Xiu refused to accept the suggestion: "You look good in your clothes." It made my heart skip a beat.

Jun also stared: MMP.

As if he never wore clothes before.

As soon as the kiss was over, Fei Xiu stepped back a bit, enjoying the satisfaction that the shirt in front of Omega was soaked with water droplets on his body, turning it into a translucent appearance.

Fei Xiu: "You said you wanted to take a bath with me."

Jun Ye: I just take a very pure bath...

Fei Xiu raised his legs around him: My thoughts are also very pure.

Fei Xiu: "Well... hug me."


The two wereted an hour in the bathroom, and when they came out of the guest room, dinner was already on the table.

Jun also closed the heat preservation cover on the dining table, sat on the chair, rubbed his sore arm and greeted Fei Xiu to eat.

Fei Xiu walked unnaturally to the chair beside Jun Ye and sat down.

There was no underwear, and it was chilly under the nightgown. Fei Xiu felt very uncomfortable with this feeling of being in neutral, and wanted to sit on top of Omega very much.

Jun also took a sip of soup, raised his eyes and met Fei Xiu's faint gaze, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Twice." Fei Xiu said.

Jun Ye: "Huh?"

"You **** me twice today, in the absence of pheromones." Fei Xiu looked serious, as if he was discussing some major academic issue.

"Yes," Jun nodded, and said solemnly, "Xiao Xiu, you need to be restrained."

If it wasn't for the object being entangled, he would never do it. It's's impossible to refuse.

Fei Xiu's expression changed several times, remembering that the soaked Omega in the bathroom picked him up against the wall, the scenery was infinite, but he softened his expression, and said, "Shouldn't you say, 'Even if there is no pheromone, Do I still love you too'?"

"Even if there is no pheromone, I still love you." Jun also repeated with a serious expression. As long as you can stop being a demon, I will tell you everything you want to hear.

Omega's expression was so serious that Fei Xiuming knew that Omega was still blushing just as he read, so he hurriedly lowered his head and drank soup to cover it up. It's too embarrassing to be teased by your own words.

In the end, I still feel good, at least Omega is still very interested in him, even if there is no pheromone, he can be so enthusiastic.

After dinner, it was time to go back to the room and go to sleep. Jun also stepped on the stairs and walked to the master bedroom. Fei Xiu stood at the entrance of the stairs and watched eagerly.

However, Omega never looked back and walked upstairs firmly, leaving Fei Xiu with a "cold and arrogant" back.

Fei Xiu: "..."

All the goodies are gone.

Fei Xiu returned to the guest bedroom and hugged the quilt, only to feel that the night was too cold and the house was too big and spacious.

Before I could make up the story of being alone, sleepless, empty, lonely, and cold, the door of the guest bedroom was opened.

Fei Xiu watched Omega come in with a few pieces of clothes, closed the door with his back, put the clothes on the bedside table, lifted the quilt, and got in.

A series of movements without pause also pushed him away, occupying the position where he just slept hot.

Fei Xiu: "..."

Jun Ye opened his mouth and said, "My body is cold, and I can't sleep warmly at night. It's still you young people who are hot and hot, like a small stove."

After saying that, Jun also put the sticker on Fei Xiu's body, and slipped his hands into Fei Xiu's nightgown skillfully. After finally letting the subject hang in neutral, he must have a good time.

Fei Xiu: "..."

Feeling the unruly hands on his body, Fei Xiu suddenly felt confused. Why did he feel that Omega was "arrogant and indifferent"? This is clearly a... grinning goblin.

Fei Xiu hugged the man, buried his head in Jun Ye's neck, and said, "Good night, dear."

Jun Ye: "Good night."

Fei Xiu said again: "I love you."

Jun Ye: "I love you."

Fei Xiu: "I want to sleep with Fei Xiu for the rest of my life."

Jun is also helpless: "I will sleep with Fei Xiu for the rest of my life."

Fei Xiu: "Doesn't separate rooms?"

Jun Ye: "There is no room for separation."

Although the words the man said on the bed were unbelievable, Fei Xiu still slept well because of these confessions and promises, until he was woken up by the alarm clock he set the next day.

Even though Fei Xiu turned off the terminal when it vibrated for the first time, but the two were too close together, Jun still felt the movement and woke up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Fei Xiu groping to get up and get dressed. He raised his hand to check the time, it was 5:40am.

What's going on here.

"What are you going to do?" Jun also asked Fei Xiu as he changed his clothes by the bedside.

Fei Xiu had already noticed that Omega was woken up by him, and was surprised that Omega slept so lightly, but he also broke the jar and threw it, so he didn't deliberately let go.

"Go to class." Fei Xiu replied.

Jun also: "..."

You get up before dawn and say you are going to class?

Very ok.

"I asked for a leave for you." Jun also said.

Fei Xiu paused and hesitated, "Then... I'll make you breakfast before I go?"

Jun also rubbed his head to wake himself up a bit, and said, "You guys are going to have mecha classes next, do you know how to play mecha?"

Of course Fei Xiu wouldn't, but he felt that his fighting class could be so good. If he beat the whole audience, the mecha might be able to learn without a teacher.

But that's just an imagination. With the detachment of the fighting class first, he is actually very afraid of making trouble.

Jun also reached out and tugged at Feixiu's clothes corner: "Dear, come back and lie down, don't go to school today, I'll teach you how to play mecha."

Fei Xiu was very surprised: "Do you still major in mecha?" Before getting married, he read some basic materials on Omega, and vaguely remembered that the other party's university majored in a very elegant major.

Jun also nodded with a blushing face.

Fei Xiu hesitated for a while, but he took off his half-wearing jacket and crawled back into the bed. He was extremely shocked that Omega had actually learned about mecha.

Jun also hugged Fei Xiu, and the heat on his body neutralized the chill that Fei Xiu had just left the quilt.

"Let's sleep again." Jun also said.

Fei Xiu closed his eyes slowly, then opened them a few seconds later.

He remembered Omega's major in the documentation.

- Appreciation of the art of flower arrangement.

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes