MTL - Counterattacking the Submissive Role!-Chapter 91 [Orcs] Mermaid Attack 1

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[Training Camp Mission Rating B]

【Total points: 1005】

【Mall Template Open】

[After 3 seconds, the host will be automatically transferred to the B-level mission world]

[PS: The task object cannot be *! 】

[Please don't *host the task object! 】

[Please don't *host the task object! ! 】

This time, Jun also didn't even see the system panel of the void space, and a series of system schools smashed over.

The last three sentences of extra big and bold precautions made him dizzy, and before he had time to swear, his consciousness fell into chaos.

When he woke up again, Jun also found himself wrapped in water.

Perhaps because of the experience in the mermaid world, Jun didn't feel panic and discomfort, and held his breath to look at himself and the environment he was in.

The complexion is pale, the fingers are slender, and the fingertips are sharp. The upper body is red algae, with strong muscles, and the abdomen is covered with blue-white scales. It should have a streamlined and slender fish tail in the position of the legs.

He became a mermaid again, and there was a small gap on the side of his face, which was his gills.

Then there is no need to hold your breath.

After staying in the mermaid world for decades, breathing with gills has become an instinct imprinted into the soul, and there is no obstacle to re-display it in this new body.

You also looked around.

Surrounded by blue-blue waters, Xiaobo fishes swam past him from time to time. They were all inconspicuous fish, but they were palm-length and should be edible.

It was daytime, and the light and shadow above him were mottled, and he was very close to the water.

The light above the head distorted for a moment, and the intuition warned, Jun also flicked his tail and swam more than ten meters away in an instant.


With the loud sound of breaking water and the surging of bubbles, Jun also saw what was rushing into the water - a gray-white sea eagle that was more than one meter long.

The sea eagle missed a hit, but turned around without any hesitation, and charged towards Jun in the water like an arrow from a string.

This scene is inexplicably familiar.

Jun also dodged and raised his tail.



One tail sent the sea eagle out of the water, and Jun also heard the rapid flapping of wings and a few hoarse bird calls. Are there any sea eagles outside?

bang po-

There was a sound of breaking water, accompanied by the sound of wings flapping against the sea. The sea eagle that was shot by Jun Ye didn't have time to adjust its posture, and fell back into the sea under the action of gravity.

Jun didn't pay attention to the sea eagles that were thumping tens of meters away, he swung his tail and swam towards the water.

Getting closer and closer to the water, enough to see a few figures hovering above the sea.

As soon as the head appeared, two sea eagles with wings spread out and 2.5 meters in length swooped down one after another. Jun also ducked under the water, staggering the charging momentum of the sea eagle, flicking his tail twice, and two parabolas.

The only sea eagle left in space, seeing the fate of the three companions, silently fluttered its wings and flew higher.

Jun also glanced at it and ignored it, looking at the environment on the sea.

It is not an endless sea in the traditional sense. The sea here is vast but surrounded by mountains and forests on three sides. The only side where the sea is irrigated is the mountains.

This may be an inland sea, Jun also thought.

What is difficult is that, at a glance, there is no trace of human life on the sea surface or in the nearby mountains and forests.

It was the first time Jun also encountered such a situation. He turned into a mermaid, and there was no trace of human life nearby. The only creatures that had contact with him were these sea eagles that were suspected of wanting to prey on him.

On the system panel, in addition to the blue dots representing himself, there are a few red dots around the sea eagles, and there are a lot of yellow dots representing the neutral camp, which should be the fish and shrimp nearby.

There was no pink in sight, which meant that the object was at least a hundred meters away from him.

The range beyond 100 meters is too large, he doesn't even have any relevant clues, and he doesn't know whether the face is a fish or a bird.

Jun Ye suddenly paused. In his mind, a game screen overlapped with the current scene.

Mermaid and Asuka... That wild pet development game that Fei Xiu played in the last world!

Jun also looked at the surrounding terrain, the mountains and the inland sea, the more you looked, the more similar you felt.

If this is really a world derived from the game, and he has become a mermaid, will there be objects in the few sea eagles just to capture him?

Just as Jun Ye was thinking about it, the three sea eagles that he had blown away had already fluttered out of the water, shaking the sea water on his body, flapping his wings and flying again.

When the sea eagles met, they circled around the sea area where Jun Ye was, and then turned around and flew away.

Jun Ye just wanted to pretend the possibility of being caught by them, and when he looked up, he saw that all four sea eagles had run away. That's fine, he didn't have to worry about the consequences of being caught, he followed with a flick of his tail.

The four sea eagles also found that Jun was following them, and they chatted together.

Jun is also very sure that they are communicating. Although he can't understand those bird words, he also insists that he continue to follow.

The four sea eagles frequently turned their heads to look at him on the water below. In the end, I didn't know what the result of the discussion was. In short, they didn't come down to drive him to death, but accelerated and continued to fly in their previous direction.

You also speed up to keep up.

The sea eagle is in the sky, and the mermaid is in the water. You don't want to know who is faster. Anyway, he still has enough energy to chase.

Shuttle into several direct currents that connect the inland sea, the originally vast sea surface has become a large river hundreds of meters across.

Along the way, I encountered many sea eagles that returned with their prey, and the nearby red dots changed from four to more than ten.

Jun also thought that this was about to reach their base camp, and soon, the sea eagles flew to the jungle on one side of the river.

Jun also followed closely, and when he got closer, he found that there were many huge bird nests on the tall tree canopy by the river bank, and almost every bird nest contained an adult sea eagle.

Do sea eagles build nests in trees? Jun also watched the sea eagles who returned from hunting find their nests, flutter their wings, and give the food they brought back to their mates.

The entire river bank is full of various bird songs, in addition to the calls of adult sea eagles, there are also some tender and crisp young birds.

Jun is also a little suspicious of his own thoughts. These sea eagles are obviously not capturing tools in pet games. They are just hunting for the most common and normal food, and he happened to be caught by the four sea eagles. Dayton's big fish.

Do you want to keep up?

There is still no pink on the system map, only a few red dots flicker from time to time. Jun Ye stopped and looked at the jungle occupied by sea eagles, wondering if he should continue to move forward.

If he swims further, he will be able to include the bird's nest on the tree into the display range of the system map, but the danger is also huge.

He is a mermaid, and the closer he gets to the shore, the greater the restrictions on him. This jungle stretches for hundreds of meters. To get the system map to scan all those bird nests, he has to go ashore.

What's more, if this wasn't that pet game, the odds of the object being in it were slim to none.


A cry of a young bird caught Jun Ye's attention, and his thoughts were interrupted.

"Chiu-chirp-" The young bird's voice was very piercing.

Jun also looked towards the river bank. It was very strange that the cry of this young bird did not come from above the tree, but from under the tree.

The roots of several trees near the river were submerged in water, and a section of the trunk was soaked and smashed into the water. On the surface of the water between the trunks, a bird's nest floated on it.


Jun also saw the head of the young bird emerging from the bird's nest, and an inexplicable feeling filled his heart.

Just do a good deed on that day, Jun also said in his heart, and swam in the past.

Just after swimming for a while, Jun also caught a glimpse of a pink dot on the system map in the upper left corner of the field of vision. The corresponding position... It was the young bird in the bird's nest floating on the water.

Jun Ye's eyes met the young bird's eyes, and the young bird opened his mouth again with a "chirp-" sound, and the expression on Jun Ye's face gradually stiffened.

Jun also swam over, slowed down and stopped when approaching the bird's nest, even so, the water he brought up still washed the bird's nest and floated back.

The young bird with gray down feathers in the bird's nest was unsteady on its feet.

Jun also looked at the young bird who was desperately tossing. The other party was not as big as his palm. He never thought that the object would become such a weak thing.

The **** familiarity made him unable to even push the pot on the system map bug.

Reaching out his hand, he tapped the young bird's head with his fingertips, and Jun also tentatively asked, "Xiao...Xiu?"

The young bird stopped struggling, raised his head neatly, opened his mouth to bite Jun Ye's fingers, and tried to swallow it into his stomach.

Jun also: "..."

In order not to cause the tragedy of "pointing the object to the stomach", Jun also silently withdraws his finger.

But the young bird bit too hard, and with a finger, it lifted it together with the other party.

The young bird kicked its legs blankly, still biting tightly on its mouth.

Jun also: "..."

Jun also spent a lot of effort to get the other party down without hurting the object.

"啾—" As soon as it fell into the bird's nest, the young bird began to cry mournfully, and Chao Jun also opened its mouth, which was bigger than its small head.

Are you so hungry?

In the end, the concern for the object's body is above all else. Seeing that the bird's nest is well floated on the water, whether it will sink in a while, Jun also neatly drills into the water.

Young bird: "Chirp..." The big fish is gone.

Jun didn't dare to go too far, just searched in the nearby waters, the best target was the several kinds of fish caught by the adult sea eagles.

When Jun also followed the sea eagles all the way, he wrote down the appearance of the fish they caught. At this time, through the display of the system map, he looked for the place where the yellow dots were densely covered, and he quickly found one of the targets in the group. fish.

He flicked his tail and rushed into the school of fish. When the school of fish escaped and dispersed, Jun also grabbed one in one hand and bit one in his mouth.

"..." The fishy smell in his mouth made Jun also pause for a moment, and he spat out the fish that was still writhing and struggling.

The fish that was bitten by Jun Ye with only half of his life left fled with his tail, and a strand of blood was pulled on the fish like a thread, and Jun Ye's face was a little ugly.

This should be the residual hunting instinct of this body, he is not so hungry. But thinking that there is still a small child to raise, and he also needs to eat, Jun also chased the blood line and gave the half-dead fish a relief.

Jun also returned to the river bank with three fish in his arms. The whole hunting process only took two minutes, but the young birds in the bird's nest were already lying down.

Seeing that Jun also came back, the young bird raised its head, made a faint "chirp" sound, and opened its mouth to Jun.

With such a small life, Jun is really afraid that he will starve to death accidentally. He hurriedly put the fish aside on the fallen tree, picked up one and handled it with his claws, then squeezed the white and tender fish and sent it to the subject's mouth.

The young bird swallowed it in one gulp, seeming to have some energy, urging it twice, and opened its mouth wide.

Jun also fed them in batches, and the young bird opened his mouth immediately after eating a ball, as if he was never satisfied. .

Jun Ye's gaze fell on the bulging chest of the young bird, and stretched out to rub it with the pulp of his fingers.

Well, it's a solid drum.

The young bird was in good spirits at this time. Following the smell of fish, he lowered his head and opened his mouth again to bite Jun Ye's finger.

"啾啾..." This group of fish is particularly unpalatable.


Jun also solved the remaining fish. One of them was a bird and the other was a fish. Jun also refused to think about whether eating raw fish would make him sick.

After the subject is fed, he will stop making noise, and will obediently lie in the down feathers of the bird's nest, only occasionally raising his head when he hears a movement.

Jun Ye finished worshiping the Five Zang Temple, and began to look at the mini-cub version of the object and worry.

Before thinking about this world, the system's words "objects are not allowed" and "don't want objects", Jun also doubts that the identity of this world is deliberately arranged by the system.

Facing a cub of a beast of a different breed from his own, he had to be a beast to be able to speak.

This time it was probably as the system intended, but the real question now is—the object is so weak, how should he support it?

Jun, who has no experience in raising young birds, also decided to steal the teacher, and he moved his eyes to the bird's nest on the nearby tree.

The horned eagle couple, who had been admiring the bizarre sight of the merman feeding the young birds, were stunned, they stretched out their wings to block their young birds, and glared at the merman from above.

Horned Eagle couple: "Quack—" What are you looking at! This is our cub, with parents!

Jun also ignored the two screaming sand sculptures. He had already taken the first step of raising young birds, although it should be a matter of common sense.

First of all, the bird's nest cannot float on the water, it has to fall on the tree.

But how could he get the bird's nest into the tree?

Jun also looked up at the tree closest to him. There were still some dry branches and grasses hanging on the tree, which were very similar to the material of the subject's bird's nest.

Probably the object fell from this tree together with the bird's nest.

"Xiao Xiu, where is your bird parent bird mother?" Jun also asked.

The young bird heard the sound of the big fish that had fed him, looked up at him blankly with a ball of fluff, and then tilted its head, and the fluff fell: "Chirp?"

Jun, who didn't understand the bird's language, also had an indifferent face: "Do you think I can take you to the tree with the bird's nest if you are cute?"

Difficult to get up is one of them, he is a mermaid, and the other is that he has no fighting power on the tree.

There are more than 100 red dots on the system map around here, representing the hostile faction, and you don't want to deliver meals to them.

Or... build a bird's nest on the ground, don't some birds also build their nests in bushes and grass? It's better than floating on the water.

Jun also picked up the bird's nest with a diameter of about 1.5m and swam to the sunny meadow.

The young bird immediately stretched its neck, looked around anxiously, and finally looked at the big fish next to his nest, "Chirp?"

Jun Ye: "You're moving."


It was noon, the sun was in the sky, a group of horned eagles returned from hunting, and another pair of horned eagles after a short rest fluttered into the sky.

Whether it is returning to the nest or going out to hunt, they can't help but cast a glance at the mermaid holding the bird's nest.

Most of the horned eagles who went out hunting felt that the merman was sick, and there have always been many small-timers who liked to steal their clan’s young birds to eat.

The horned eagles who returned to the nest couldn't help but feel tight, the mermaid should not steal their nests and young birds. Quick, go back and have a look.

Jun also placed the bird's nest on the grass without the shade of the trees, allowing the subject to bask in the sun, while he sat on the side and pulled out the system panel.

The mall template has been opened, he wants to rest the object's nest, maybe he can find suitable tools in it.

Click on the mall icon, and all kinds of items fill the entire panel in an instant.

There are food, clothes and daily utensils. You also looked at the price below, each of which is 1 point.

In this way, I still have very strong purchasing power. You also think about it, and enter the keyword on the top search bar: Bird's Nest.

Still full of items.

First, the icon is a black lotus flower.

Jun also silently looked at the second one, a glittering fruit plate made of some unknown material.

The third one, a golden birdcage, has a bed, a table and chairs and a bathtub in the birdcage.

If you change to another World Lord, you might consider it, but now... You also glanced at the sand sculpture in the bird's nest with its belly upside down and its claws, and it was a pity to ignore this item.

Fourth, Jun was also slightly stunned, a long memory from hundreds of years ago appeared in a corner, and the icon of this one showed the famous buildings in the capital of China.

One point to buy a "Bird's Nest", this is really...

But he also doesn't need a national stadium.

the fifth…

Jun also looked at each item, dozens of "bird's nests", just a small wooden house bird's nest is still normal.

You also click on the icon of the cabin and choose to buy.

The total points have changed from 1005 to 1004, and the original mall panel is also covered by the map around him now.

[Please specify the place where the "Bird's Nest" will be placed. 】

Jun also randomly clicked on the grass a few meters away from where they were. He planned to buy more supplies, and then organize them one by one. Now let's stack them.

As Jun Ye's finger fell, a picture of the bird's nest in the cabin appeared on the panel where he had pointed.

At the same location in reality, a wooden house fell instantly.

Jun also grabbed the sunbathing object in the bird's nest suddenly and flew more than ten meters away.


The sound of a giant tree falling to the ground startled a flock of birds, and the panicked bird calls rose and fell to each other.

Jun also stared blankly at where they were originally, a six-meter-high double-storey wooden house standing on the grass.


Go to your "little" log cabin bird's nest! !

Jun also pressed the object who was struggling in his arms, finished the foul language in his heart, and released some hands to comfort the object. The subject grabbed his chest, flipped the small meaty wings, stepped on his shoulders, and finally settled down on his head.

The young bird turned his head nervously: "Chirp—"

Jun also: "..."

Jun also looked at the light red scratches that spread from his chest to his shoulders, and spread his fingers.

- You may hang if I slap me.

In the end, if you can't fight, your opponent, although a little bearish, should wait for the opponent to grow strong before hitting.

The original bird's nest has been crushed, and Jun also slipped into the wooden house with a young bird.

There are two rooms on the first floor. The outer door is large and the light is good. There are only two small windows and one door on the inner wall, and the wind is good.

He still needs a small bird's nest, otherwise the temperature will drop at night, he is not afraid of the cold, but the object will be frozen.

Jun also doesn't dare to challenge the credibility of other things with the name "Bird's Nest", this time ordered directly according to the specifications of human bedding.

This time the items were quite normal. Jun also spread the thin mattress on the floor in the middle, and then put the sheets, pillows, and quilts back into place one by one.

"啾—" The young bird fell from Jun Ye's head and fell into the quilt.

The young bird struggled to stand up and stepped on the quilt: "Chirp?" Big fish's fish nest?

"What do you think of Xiao Xiu?" Jun also asked, "Can you sleep in the bed?"

The young bird tilted his head and thought, "Xiao Xiu" this is the third time he has heard this pronunciation from the mouth of the big fish, is the other party calling him? His name is "Xiao Xiu", just like a big fish is called a big fish.

The baby bird thought it sounded good, so he decided to call it this name.

As a return gift, he called Big Fish seriously, hoping that the other party could also call this name: "Chiu Chiu."

Jun also nodded. He thought that the object's answer was "satisfied" or "can sleep", so he opened the mall panel with confidence and continued to buy.

The young bird Xiaoxiu lay on the quilt and tilted his head to look at Jun Ye.

I thought to myself, big fish is really a strange kind of food. If you don't give yourself to him, you will catch other fish to feed him, lose his bird's nest and bring him to his "fish nest".

But... still want to eat big fish. Big fish are good-looking and have the most beautifully colored tails; they smell delicious and make birds want to swallow when they get close.

Jun also bought all the furniture that he could think of, so that there was no accident that the log cabin became a big log cabin. After installing the furniture through the system panel, when he turned around, he saw that the subject had fallen asleep.

Jun also slipped out of the house quietly, he bought a pot with points, not sure what the driving energy is, he is going to catch a fish and come back and try it.

When he left, Jun was also empty-handed. When he came back, he brought a fruit basket with a roll of water plants, a fish, some shellfish, and a bird that looked like a dove.

Except for the aquatic plants he personally tried, the others were all the ones he had seen preying on those sea eagles.

Unexpectedly, the sea eagles also eat other kinds of birds. He threw a fish and smashed this pigeon. The sea eagles he followed all looked at him with the eyes of monsters, but none of them took action to **** it.

Probably these sea eagles are a group that respects the fruits of the labor of others (fish).

When Jun also came back, Xiao Xiu was already awake and was jumping on the quilt. When he saw him, he opened his mouth with a "chirp" to the convenience, as if he was waiting to be fed.

Jun also slid over, stretched out his fingers and rubbed the subject's fluffy chest. It was indeed not as bulging as after feeding, but there were still some protrusions.

Conclusion: I can still be hungry for a while.

Jun also rubbed the bird's head again, turned and went back to the outside to start processing the food.

First connect the pot with water from the water dispenser, put it on the table, cover the pot, the pattern on the glass pot lid will light up, and the water will soon boil.

Jun also still doesn't see what drives the pot, but it's not important anymore. The question now is: should he put fish or water plants first? Of course, there are also pigeons and shells.

Or... let's cook together.

The pot is big enough to pour it all in without any problem.

By convention, the meat needs to be stewed for one and a half to two hours. Jun also calmly covered the pot, bought a cat-friendly stick at the mall, and turned back to the inside.

Two hours later, Jun also rescued the small fish pendant on the cat-friendly stick from the subject's mouth, put away the cat-friendly stick, and slid to the outside.

Lifting the lid of the pot, the steaming heat gradually dissipated, and Jun also looked at the mixed food for a few seconds.

Should be able to eat... right?

"啾啾—" Xiao Xiu stumbled to Jun Ye's side, raised his head and opened his mouth skillfully.

"It will take a while, you can't eat hot for the time being."

Put some of the various ingredients in the pot into a small plate, and Jun also took the salt prepared earlier in the morning and carefully sprinkled some of it into the pot and stirred it.

At this time, the food in the small plate was almost cold, and Jun also took the small plate and sat down on the floor, avoiding the object.

"Let's see if you eat cooked food first. If you don't, I'll make it for you." Jun also picked up some fish and handed it to Xiao Xiu.

Xiao Xiu opened his mouth and posed as usual, but he couldn't see the food falling, and looked at the big fish suspiciously: "Chirp?"

"Do you want to eat?" Jun Ye's hand stopped steadily.

He tentatively stepped forward and bit the food that was parked in front of him, but the big fish didn't respond and swallowed it in one bite.

"啾—" Xiao Xiu called urgently.

Jun also showed his face and continued to feed.

This time, the cooked food was very successful on the other side, his own...

Jun also put down his chopsticks and decided to become a supporter of raw food from tomorrow.

It was already dark, and no bird came to ask for young birds all day.

Jun didn't feel anything either. He bought some powder to expel wild beasts and sprinkled it around the wooden house. He wiped the object up and down with a towel, and carried the object that was extremely well-behaved after eating to bed.

Jun also lay down and put the subject under the quilt in front of him, leaving a vent for the other party to breathe.

"Go to sleep." Jun also rubbed the subject's small head.



A night without dreams.

In the morning, the early horned eagles cooed goodbye to their mates and cubs, fluttered their wings, and began a new day of hunting.

Jun, who was still lying on the bed, also frowned. He vaguely felt that something was touching him through something.

Not the opponent's hand, not the tongue, that kind of heat, maybe the opponent's bird?

One click, two clicks, a faint feeling of being beaten.

Jun Ye suddenly remembered that he had changed the world, the object itself was a bird, where could there be a bird rubbing against him?

Jun also abruptly opened his eyes, and the feeling of being beaten came from the scales again.

"Tweet Tweet—" Eat big fish!

Jun also: "?!"

"Fuck! Damn! Where are you pecking!!"

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