MTL - Counterattacking the Submissive Role!-Chapter 97 [Orcs] Mermaid Attack 7

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With the sound of water breaking, Xiao Xiu felt that something was strangling his neck. Mimi widened her eyes, looked down following the traction, and saw the arm sticking out from the water.

Xiao Xiu, who had no horror movie awareness, was not frightened, but subconsciously pecked at the few scales on his arm that were almost fused with his skin color.

He didn't react until the hand moved to the side silently: "What are you doing with my neck, Big Fish? Are you coming up? I'll pull you!"

Jun is also embarrassed to find that the object's bird neck is too thick, and if he is out of the water, he can't hold it and can't exert force. He was stuck for a while, and he didn't stop or stop when he continued, and the subject blinked at him expectantly with pure shining eyes.

"...No, I want you to come down." Jun also said, his eyes wandered on Xiao Xiu, looking for a better place to start.

"I, I'm a bird, I can't... I can't go into the water..." Xiao Xiu stepped back with a strong desire to survive. If it wasn't for Jun still holding his neck, he could have retreated to the center of the reef.

Jun also felt that it was really difficult to deal with such a big object, and... his taste was not that strong, and he really didn't plan to do it with a bird.

"Can't you transform into a human figure? Xiao Xiu transforms into one, let's do happy things together." Jun also coaxed softly, his hand quietly grasping the other's bird feathers.

If the object is not so sandy, you can only pull the other party down first and then think about the follow-up.

"Big fish, are you going to peck my scales?" Xiao Xiu looked at Jun Ye, whose head was sticking out of the water, with some anticipation and instinctive fear of something.

Very good, sand sculpture full marks.

Jun also showed a harmless smile, grabbed the hair on Xiao Xiu's neck with one hand, and stroked the back of his neck with the other hand, his voice was gentle and soft: "You can eat it."

eat in? !

Xiao Xiu was very moved, after all, it was something he had been thinking about since he was a young bird.

The scales of the big fish must be as delicious as the big fish itself. Although he hadn't actually eaten it, the big fish looked so good-looking, and it certainly wouldn't taste bad.

Ah... the scales of the big fish will grow again after he eats a piece, right? Then he is welcome!

"Come on," Jun also gradually exposed his upper body to the water and said, "You will like it."

"Okay...Okay." The naked merman in the moonlight was enough to make all the creatures who witnessed it lost their minds. Xiao Xiu shyly lowered his head and gradually transformed into a human form.

The big fish seems to look better after turning into a female, although the chest does not seem to have obvious soft ups and downs, probably because of race. I hope that the aesthetics of the big fish is not too far from the horned eagle, and don't dislike his well-developed chest muscles.

Xiao Xiu thought like this, the human form has already taken shape, and the wings behind him are folded obediently.

Immediately, he felt the big fish grabbing him, a pulling force came from the big fish's arm, Xiao Xiu couldn't realize what game the big fish was playing with him, the skin on his body felt the most frightening to him. Cool.

"No! I'm not playing anymore!"

Xiao Xiu pulled his hands around, trying to get back to the reef, but the deep water with starlight reflected in his eyes, he couldn't find where the reef was, so he could only keep climbing up.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'll follow you, you won't fall." Jun also patted Xiao Xiu's back to reassure him, and grabbed him firmly with the other.

This **** sand sculpture is about to climb onto his shoulders!

Xiao Xiu felt that he was stuck by something, and he couldn't climb up. Something else brushed his back, like a legendary sea monster, dragging males who were addicted to their beauty. Sink into the deep sea of ​​endless darkness.

Of course it's not some strange siren, that's his big fish.

If, if his big fish was that siren, then...he would.

Jun also felt that the object's struggle gradually became weaker. Although his body was still stiff, he no longer wanted to climb on top of his head.

Jun also breathed a sigh of relief and began to carefully guide the subject back to where he should stay.

He is being pulled down by the big fish...

Feeling that more and more sea water was wrapping him, Xiao Xiu trembled uncontrollably, and the person who would drag him into the abyss, and his only current support, became tighter.

Jun also spent a lot of effort to put the object in a harmonious position of hello, me, and everyone.

Xiao Xiu put his chin on Jun Ye's shoulder dully, all his strength was exhausted in fear. At this time, his whole body was paralyzed and he lost the ability to move, only his thoughts gradually became clearer.

He was holding a big fish, and the big fish hadn't mate with him, so it wouldn't hurt him. The males in the legend are all bewitched by the Kraken, and they are finally brought into the water and squeezed to death, aren't they?

At least he still has a chance to mate with the big fish. He's so strong, it's okay to give the big fish three times a night, um... maybe a little discount in the water.

As for the fate after the third time, Xiao Xiu didn't want to imagine.

Now as long as the big fish doesn't take him into the water right away, he can work hard.

Huh? something.

This touch feels like...

"Big fish! There is... a fish is biting my ass. Hurry up and see if it's a courtship gift from me."

Jun also has a black line on his face, the object is really a sand sculpture body, and it can change the atmosphere in a strange direction at any time.

"Don't worry," Jun also fixed the object with one hand, and went deep into the water with the other, soothing his mouth: "This is my courtship gift for you, I will feed it to you."


Xiao Xiu was stunned for a moment, but still said: "The courtship gift is given by a male, and you are not a male, just enjoy it."

"I'm not male?"

"Well, you differentiate... ah! Big fish! It's still biting me!"

Of course he wasn't afraid of being bitten by a small silverfish that was not as long as his hand, but the place where the bad fish bitten was really shameless.

Xiao Xiu wanted to twist his body to avoid it, but found that the big fish was holding him down, and he couldn't move at all.

Is... the big fish is letting the fish bite him?

"Xiao Xiu, if you eat my courtship gift, you will know how male I am, and you will definitely like it."


The sky is getting brighter.

Xiao Xiu was lying weakly on the reef, half of his body was still submerged in the water, every time he wanted to climb up the reef, the big fish would pull him back.

Big fish... big fish are not female at all...

With good expectations, he wanted to give the big fish three times a night to enjoy. In the end, he did explain it three times, but the big fish didn't give it to him once!

The big fish is not only a false female, but also a male with very poor ability, unable to do it once a night...

Jun also kissed the back of the object's neck, his voice hoarse: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect it to take so long, can Xiao Xiu hold on for a while? Go back and I'll cook fish soup for you for three days."

Xiao Xiu buried his head and did not want to speak.

- You are moving, and you are asking me what to do.


When Xiao Xiu heard the call of the Horned Eagle, he immediately raised his head and saw the hunting team of the Horizon Tribe in the distance flying towards him.

"Big fish! Hurry up." If the tribal bird could see what he looked like now, he, he...

Jun also hugged the object, tore the person off the reef, turned around, and let the other side face him.

Xiao Xiu: Cool... No, it hurts to death!

"Are you ready?" Jun asked.

Xiao Xiu closed his eyes.

bring it on! He has been bitten by fish all night, is he afraid of being left with a male mark?

Jun also kissed Xiao Xiu's lips, pinched his nose at the same time, and led him into the water.

Xiao Xiu: "!!"

This is so scary! !

so tight.

Jun Ye's expression was a little distorted. If he hadn't been busy venting his breath to the object, he would have swears by now.

Ride a horse! So... do you want to murder your husband? !

"Um..." Damn.

Five minutes later, Jun also threw a dead bird-like object on the reef.

The durability of the male merman is worthy of his size, and Jun also really feels sorry for the object and wants to end soon, but it is definitely not the end of being caught out by the object!

Jun also climbed onto the reef and said, "Are you still alive? Take a breath and see."

Xiao Xiu stared blankly at the sky and wanted to vomit, but he couldn't spit out a mouthful of water. Yes, the big fish did not let him drink water.

After a long time, Xiao Xiu found the source of his pain, put his hand on his abdomen, and said with a frown, "You have too much... I'm going to die."

Jun Ye: "...I'll give you a wash."

"No!" Xiao Xiu rolled away, clutching his stomach.

"..." Jun Ye: "Don't wash it off and keep it for you to have a baby?"

"I'm a male..." Xiao Xiu bit his lip: " fake female! Lie to my courtship, you don't love me at all!"


Jun also slid forward, and Xiao Xiu continued to retreat until his hand touched the edge of the reef.

Jun Ye also leaned over to look at the object with traces on the wheat-colored skin, and said, "I haven't done the three crimes you laid on me, and they don't exist at all."

"But you just don't love me..."

Jun also sat down beside Xiao Xiu, stretched out his hand and poked his slightly bulging belly, and said, "If I don't love you, what would I do for you? Are you bored?"

"You are male!"


"I'm a male too!"


Xiao Xiu felt like he was going to explode: "If you love me, you will differentiate into females! Only males and females can become partners!"

Can males and females be partners?

"Then what are we doing?" Jun also raised his tail slightly, and the tail fin covered Xiao Xiu's leg.

"I don't know..." Xiao Xiu looked up along the tail fin of the merman on his leg, only to find that not only was there many marks on his body by the big fish, but the big fish also had many red marks that were not there before the differentiation, all of them were him biting.

When he was not awake, he treated the big fish as sashimi, so many marks must have hurt.

Xiao Xiu sighed inexplicably: "I also hurt you..."

Jun also froze for a moment, followed Xiao Xiu's line of sight to see the medals on his body when the object was moved, hooked the corner of his mouth, and nodded solemnly with a smile: "Yeah, I won't be able to catch up with females in the future. , you have to be responsible."

Those scars will heal in a few days. Xiao Xiu doesn't understand why he can't catch up with the female, but he is very afraid of the consequences that the big fish said.

The big fish has not had a partner for many years. At first, he failed to pursue the horned eagle leader, and he has been a fish alone since then. Big fish likes cubs so much, even his horned eagle bird of different races is willing to pick it up and raise it, and he has always been so kind to him...

Big fish now says that he can't pursue females, and naturally he can't bear cubs.

"I..." Xiao Xiu gritted his teeth and said, "I'm responsible for you."

Jun also smiled: "You are so kind."

Xiao Xiu continued: "I will pursue a female horned eagle as soon as possible and find a way to ask her for her consent, so that she promises to give our cub to you to raise."

Jun also: "..."

"Are you sure you're not kidding me?" Jun also felt unbelievable.

Is there such a person responsible? I slept with you, I will be responsible for you, and then I will find a child of the opposite sex, and the child will be raised by you in the future.

WTF? Where is this logic?

Xiao Xiu snorted and said, "I'm serious, I've worked hard to give birth to many young birds for you to raise." Anyway, the Horned Eagle Tribe had not slept with other races, so they couldn't pursue the female's request.

"..." Jun also pressed the blue veins that jumped wildly on his forehead and said, "You won't have this chance."

"No! I'm strong, I can go after a female bird!"

"Peat! You wash my seeds in your stomach before you tell me this!" Jun also raised his tail and directly photographed an extremely unsightly sand sculpture into the water.



Jun Ye looked down at the person who was shivering and grabbed his tail and climbed up. The other party tried hard for a long time but couldn't climb up, and even the hand holding his tail slipped.

Jun also frowned, leaned over and hugged the other party, and said in a sullen voice: "You only have this little physical strength, which female bird likes you, you should follow me obediently..."

Even on the rocks, Xiao Xiu wrapped his hands and feet around Jun Ye, burying his face tightly in Jun Ye's chest, as if he regarded him as the only salvation.

Jun also patted his back and said, "I don't want to raise cubs. If you give me you and a female bird's young, I will consider adding a meal."

"啾..." Xiao Xiu heard Jun Ye's words, but he didn't have the energy to think again.

Did Big Fish just want to kill him? Also, the siren will drain the female to death. He is not a female, and he has no honor to be drained. It is the easiest to drown in the water.

But what happens to the big fish after he dies? The big fish has differentiated into males, and the big fish said that he could not pursue females. Do big fish who like cubs still want to pick up other cubs? This is also good, I don't know which lucky little guy will be cheaper...

But... these are obviously his own.

"I was wrong, I shouldn't have thrown you into the water, I should have beaten you directly." Jun also forcibly broke Xiao Xiu's head buried in his chest.

The other party's face was wet, and he didn't know whether it was sea water or tears, so Jun also leaned over and licked it, it was the salty smell of sea water.

"Chirp..." Xiao Xiu moved and avoided it. They are all males, and one time absurdity is outrageous enough, and he can't go wrong, even if his heart really wants to meet each other's lips...

Jun Ye sighed deeply, pressed against Xiao Xiu's forehead, and said, "Go back first, take a bath, drink a bowl of fish soup, and then sleep."

"If you wake up, let's talk about it," Jun Ye's fingertips lightly rubbed Xiao Xiu's lips, and said warmly, "If you're going to find a female after you wake up... I'll try not to kill you."


Xiao Xiu was sleepy and tired. He had just experienced a life-and-death test of falling into the water. At this time, his brain was confused.

Seeing that the big fish was rubbing something on his lips, thinking that the other party was feeding him like a child, he opened his mouth subconsciously, took the thing in his mouth, and swallowed it down.

"...Now I'm afraid I can't reach the stomach with one finger. It's a pity." Jun also withdrew his finger, summoned the system panel that had not been used for a long time, bought an aircraft, and hugged the subject.

Jun also wanted to put the subject on the back seat, but the delirious subject was nowhere near as easy to kill as a sand sculpture. The opponent's back touched the seat, and his hands and feet were still wrapped around him. There is no intention of letting go.

"I prefer you to be like this now, at least it won't make me want to beat you." Jun also put down the back of the seat, hugged the subject and lied on the seat together, and pulled out the control panel of the aircraft.


Jun also wrapped Xiao Xiu with a thin blanket and carried people into their residence on the artificial island.

The fish soup has been served, and Jun also sits down at the table with the object in his arms. I thought it would be difficult to feed a drowsy person, but the other party unexpectedly cooperated.

The fish soup was handed to his mouth, and the other party didn't lift his eyelids, he just opened his mouth and drank it, just like his body instinct.

It took some effort when taking a bath, and when he touched the water, he unconsciously tightened his body and trembled slightly.

If it hadn't been done for one night, it would have been very open, and Jun really didn't know how to clean it.

The amount is very large, and the male merman's x ability is indeed quite perverted, but it is not the reason why the subject can leave him to find a female.

Jun also wiped Xiao Xiu dry with a towel. This work is still very difficult. The other party is too tight, and many places are difficult to wipe.

By the time I got out of the bathroom, the sun had risen above my head.

Jun also lay down on the bed with the object in his arms, and pulled the quilt to cover it.

Not long after Jun Ye closed his eyes, he felt the subject's hands and feet loosened from him. Jun didn't care too much. Of course, that position will make you uncomfortable to sleep, and it is normal to relax.

Only then, he felt the other party move under the quilt a little bit.

Maybe when people are injured and afraid, they will find a place where they feel safe and shrink. You also feel that you are the one who is hurt more, and the more stupid objects shrink, are you not afraid of being suffocated to death?

Jun also felt that the subject was hugging his tail, his forehead resting on the top of his tail, and then... the quilt on his body disappeared.

Jun also opened his eyes and looked exhausted at the adult horned eagle huddled at his tail.

Because of the sudden change of the subject, all his quilts were pulled over, and the other party obviously did not intend to return his quilts.

Jun also closed his eyes resignedly, anyway, he is not afraid of the cold, what kind of quilt do you want, it's good to have a sackcloth.


You also had a dream.

He clearly knew that it was in a dream, and in the dream he was still in the shape of a fish tail, sitting on a white smooth stone surrounded by water.

There is an egg on his tail, and inside is his family object, which he has to hatch.

Jun also: "..."

Sorry, he really didn't know that fish hatched eggs. Where is the dream system mall? He needs an egg incubator.

There is no system mall, he doesn't want to have this dream anymore, he wants to wake up!

Still in a dream, can't wake up...


Jun Ye, who was brooding eggs with a bitter face, suddenly heard a bird chirping, and looked at the ball of his tail in surprise, the eggs were gone.

What about hatched birds? Where is his bird? !

Jun also abruptly opened his eyes, the gray-white sheets and the wood-colored walls were his room, which was specially decorated after the horned bird's nest.

The time at the head of the bed is 18:00, and I slept for a long time. I don't know how long I spent in that dream, but unfortunately I didn't see what the hatched object looked like.

and many more…

Something seems to be wrong.

Jun also looked down and bumped into the bird's eye of the eagle, the other side flinched, fear and... Guilty?

Jun also moved his gaze indifferently, and saw the standing up at the tail of the fish.


Jun also silently pulled his tail back, coughed and said, "What's going on? Did I disturb your rest?"

Let you not sleep well to hold my tail!

"Tweet..." Xiao Xiu also shrank back.

Seeing the frightened look of the object, Jun also felt a slight pain in his heart, forced a smile, and was about to open his mouth to comfort him when he heard the other person say, "It was the one who did it first..."

Jun Ye: "...why don't I believe you when you say that?"

"Chiu Chiu... I'm a male, I won't treat males..." Xiao Xiu glanced at Jun Ye's tail and quickly moved away.

Jun also fell silent for a while, sat up, turned Xiao Xiu in the form of a horned eagle with one hand, and slowly climbed onto the other side's white feathered belly.

Xiao Xiu turned his head uneasily, hoping that the big fish would get off him, but he didn't dare to move other parts except his head, for fear that if he moved, he would throw the big fish off.

He wanted the big fish to go down on its own, not fall. Although the height from his stomach to the bed is not high, in case... where is the big fish flashing?

"You won't treat males?" Jun also climbed up from the belly of the horned eagle, stretched out his hand and wrapped his arms around the thick feather-covered neck, and said, "Who told me three times in my arms last night? Lying down, I can't even get up."

"What did you do with me last night?" Jun also caressed the subject's neck, and inadvertently wrapped a bird feather with his fingertips.

"That's right, that's because I mistook you for a female, and I seduced you, and you got up... At that time, there was no female, and you had to use me as a tool to vent, and we will never again..."

"Breaking tools?" Jun also raised his eyebrows.

"Well, I think you made a mistake this morning. Even if you mate with a male once, you can still pursue a female."

Xiao Xiu felt that the strength of Jun Ye's grip on his hair was getting stronger, but he still resisted the sinful feelings that should not have appeared: "As long as you build a strong love nest for the female, and prepare a courtship gift that will convince the female, the females will not Don't care what absurdity you've had with males..."


"啾!" Xiao Xiu shrank and turned his head away, but he still didn't dare to move his body, because the big fish was still on top of him.

Jun also squeezed the gray feathers plucked from his hand, and said coldly: "You can continue to talk about your courtship scriptures, anyway, you have quite a few feathers, and it's not a problem to have a few."

Jun Ye's gaze moved to Xiao Xiu's head, and smiled: "Why don't I pluck the hair on your head next, I've seen them not pleasing to the eye. I want to see, your male horned eagle has no horns. 'How do you pursue female horned eagles?"

"啾... The one on the head really can't be pulled out. Female horned eagles don't like male horned eagles without 'horns'... Chuu!"

Jun also played with the feather in his hand, which was obviously wider and longer than the one just now, smiled at Xiao Xiu, and said, "I'm also thinking about the female eagles, if any female eagle accidentally wanders off and falls in love with you She is so pitiful for a scumbag who doesn't know how to catch fish and still loves other things in her heart. It's better to destroy your tools for committing crimes and benefit the vast number of female eagles."

"I can catch white birds without catching fish," Xiao Xiu said weakly, "and I don't have any other love..."

"Oh, that's not what you said last night when you cried and asked me to give it to you." Jun also sneered.

"I'm... wanting to end..." Xiao Xiu felt the heat in his stomach that was not used elsewhere, and his heart became hot.

Xiao Xiu closed his eyes.

That's not right, he shouldn't expect another male...even if this male is the fish he's been careful to like all the time.

Jun was also stinged again by the phrase "want to end", bastard, he loves him so happily and with all his heart, and you still dislike it when you step on a horse.

Jun also pulled out the system mall, this is not a dream, he can't deal with you, the sand sculpture that has come out of the eggshell?

A pair of scissors appeared in Jun Ye's hand, and Jun Ye smiled coldly as he looked at the few horned eagle's iconic long feathers remaining on the subject's head.

It's too troublesome to pull out one by one, so let's cut them all off.

Completely cut off your thoughts of pursuing female horned eagles, and you can only suffer from me.



Xiao Xiu felt the big fish leaning over, and then heard a strange sound above his head.

At first he didn't understand what the voice meant until he opened his eyes and saw a handful of feathers in Big Fish's hand.


Read The Duke's Passion