MTL - Country Weapon-Chapter 218 Call...

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   "Papa Papa"

  The **** stick pierced through the white buttocks like a golden cudgel. It sizzled against the cave wall, and water droplets flowed out.


  Gently and lowly, Xu Qing bit her lip, pouted her buttocks, desperately catering to the impact of the big stick. The delicate body pushed forward and shrugged, and the fat **** **** created a layer of fleshy waves. Two big white doves were flying upside down on the chest, and they flew out and pulled back. Repeatedly, the two pink dots dangled back and forth. Blinking mi.mi eyes.

   "Teacher Xu, how are you doing? Is the big stick comfortable? Or I will give it to you later. When you want to use it, you can call me on call, will it work?"

  While sitting and exercising on the waist and abdomen, the black and firm huge black snake repeatedly burrowed into the hole, bringing out lumps of delicious soy milk, dripping on the bed, and the blanket under the crotch was soaked!

   "Um...uh...ah...Xiaolong, slow...slow down, slow hurts, it hurts...ah..."

   "Bang bang bang"!

  Longgen paid no attention to it, and instead increased his pumping and thrusting force. The big python plunged into it, repeatedly hitting the deep part of Huaxin with his hot head repeatedly.

   "Ah, ah, ah, light, light..." He opened his mouth wide, panting heavily.

  Where is the man’s thing? It looks like a pile driver with a large drill bit, hitting the buttocks with a "slapping" sound, and the drill bit seems to be able to bend, and it keeps drilling inside! The fierce collision caused both of their buttocks to turn red, as if their bones were falling apart.

   Just at this time, the small slits rushed to shoot hot streams, as if they didn’t need money, one after another came out of the edges of the small slits, lumps of paste just out of the cage.


  Puffed violently, the delicate body trembled violently, the big stick firmly pressed against the stamen, and the giant pillar of Optimus grew sharply and bulged! Like a shriveled faucet, a hot stream rushed out suddenly, rushing towards the cave wall!


  Xu Qing's eyes glared, her delicate body softened, her upper half was paralyzed on the bed, her white **** was squatting, and Long Gen held her tightly in her arms, welcoming and forgiving the tens of thousands of soldiers!

   Hot and hot! Like a high-pressure faucet, it shot out so fast that the walls of the cave were numb!

   "Hiss, whoosh!"

The big iron stick sprayed for almost a minute before it stopped, slowly pulled out the big stick, a stream of white juice slid out along the small hole, the small meat hole shrank in, and the white juice dripped on the on the bed and quickly soaked into the blanket.


  Patting the buttocks, the round buttocks trembled, as if convulsing, a layer of white flesh surged up, Xiaodong shrank back as if afraid.

After being polished with a large iron rod, the tender, tender, long and narrow meat, and the seam, turned into a round and cute little hole, the hole was smooth and round, stained with a trace of white liquid; the wall of the hole was tender and ruddy, and two pieces of fat dumplings Pi stood at the entrance of the cave, looking like a gatekeeper, also damp, with two curly hairs.

"Hey, this butt, I'm afraid I'll have to give birth to another big fat boy in the future!" Rubbing the white butt, it turned a little red, but it maintained its original stiffness, firmness and elasticity , squeeze it hard, it looks like a cotton ball.

   Once it was opened, the black chrysanthemum shrank back and forth, as if it was shitting. But Long Gen took a fancy to it, and the big snake who had just sprayed a cannon was a little restless again.

  Nodding his head, he looked up angrily!

"Mr. Xu, take a look, the little chicken has pulled out the pus, why is it still so hard? Why don't you use it again to reduce the swelling of the little chicken, how do you think?" Long Gen stupidly haha said, with a smirk on his face.

  Ms. Xu Qing sao, she is as tired as a dead dog right now, lying on the bed like a pile of mud, tilting her head and blowing. Spread your legs apart, let the cool wind rush towards the small meat hole, it's too hot.

I really don’t understand why this ball is so long, it’s long and thick, it’s stuffed in endlessly, it’s like a stick for pounding medicine, it’s stuffed in with a patter, and it’s stuffed deep, one by one. Pull hard!

   "Don't, uh-huh, Xiaolong, don't, it's been a while, Xiaofang should be back soon. It hurts..." With all her strength, she endured the burning pain in her lower body, and said with a frown.

   I scolded the little **** in my heart!

   "Little bastard, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, pretending to be a fool, killing my mother! I thought I took advantage of it, and almost got stabbed to death by the little villain!" Xu Qing was furious. I was also shocked, I really don't know what the little **** ate, and the additive swellin is not so powerful.

  Big black stick, thick and long. Holding it in your hand is like grabbing a red steel pipe. The burning person feels numb and itchy, wishing to tear off his clothes and follow along!

   It's just, how many women can endure such a day? In the **** education class, those big ocean horses would not dare to provoke them, right?

   "Eh, it seems so, Xiaofang is coming back soon." Long Gen scratched his head, a little depressed.

  Although Xu Qingri, whom he had always dreamed of, is gone, everything should be done happily and comfortably. Ride was in full swing, and the second round hadn't started yet, so he had to stop the attack, what a disappointment!

Long Gen scratched his forehead and thought about it: "Well, after you finish your class in the afternoon, let's hold on tight and make another shot! Xiaofang told me yesterday that she transferred her class to the afternoon , no self-study at night. Just here, let's continue the day..."

   "Huh? Is it still the day? Is it the day this afternoon?"

  Xu Qing rolled her eyes, and the two white pigeons on her chest fluttered and fled in fright. Seeing a monster, he stared at Long Gen, "You, you, do you still want to live? But, I can't stand it!"

  Xu Qing had a sad face and was very depressed.

  When I saw the big stick for the first time, my heart was so itchy that I wished I could stick the big stick in it and never pull it out. This moment and that moment, after tasting it, I just realized how powerful the big stick is. To be a woman of "sex" blessing, you must have that capital!

  I have accumulated water for more than two years, and when I go down with a stick, it leaks and runs out. Do you dare to live without rest? Don't have to wear out the skin!

   "Two days of rest and another day, will it work?" Xu Qing almost begged, looking at Long Gen pitifully, the big white rabbit trembled as if frightened.

  Long Gen curled his lips and complained:

   "Teacher Xu, why are you doing this? You are the one who wants to have sex, but you are the one who dares not! Look, it swelled up the chicken. Why don't you take responsibility?"

   "I...I am in charge..." Xu Qing was speechless.

  What nonsense? The old lady let you have a free sex, and now you still say that you are not responsible? Damn, aren't men responsible? When will a woman be responsible for a relationship between a man and a woman?

   "Jingle bell....jingle bell...."

   "Ah, get out of class is over, hurry up, get dressed, Xiaofang is coming back." The bell rang, like a reminder, Xu Qing grinned and got up, looking for clothes and covers everywhere, and put them on.

  Long Gen looked at Xu Qing with a smile on his face. Smiled and said:

   "What's wrong? You're still afraid that Xiaofang will see you."

  Xu Qing rolled her eyes, and said angrily: "How embarrassing, I let you die for no reason...huh...!"

   "By the way, Xiaolong, are you pretending to be stupid? After that, your brain is much better, and you don't stutter when you speak. Tell me, did you trick me at the beginning and let me take the bait!"

   "Tsk tsk tsk, your IQ is quite high." She stretched out her hand and pinched the big white rabbit in the cover, it was softer and more comfortable than cotton balls.

  Xu Qing glared, "Is your high IQ tricked into Japan?"

"Haha, what's the matter, are you unhappy that I'm having sex?" The thief smiled and blinked, and moved his hands up and down, pinching the **** with his right hand, and slowly sliding his left hand to the small hole in the crotch, where water is still flowing slowly .

   "Little villain, don't, don't fix it, let me get dressed? Hiss, it hurts..."

   "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that people will see it in the sun?" Long Gen rolled his eyes, with an expression of indifference.

  Xiaofang knows what to do? Letting you be the lord of the harem is not bad, but how dare you stop Grandpa Long from taking a concubine?

   "Hmph, who dares to prevent Grandpa Long from taking a concubine to fill the house, and be careful to be in the cold palace. He hasn't had a big stick for half a year, and all the cucumbers will be sliced ​​for you!"

  Xu Qing didn't know what the little **** was thinking, she was in a hurry to put on clothes, to be a teacher, even though she had physical needs, she had to pay attention to the occasion, didn't she? Otherwise, how is it different from that old pervert Chen Tiansong?

   "Don't, how embarrassing. Quick, quick, you wear it too, what does it look like naked? Quick, put it on..."

  The more anxious Xu Qing was, the more excited Long Gen was.

  Xiao Nizi was born to bring disaster to the country and the people, with a standard melon-shaped face, **** eyes, watery, like that star. The skin is fair and supple, with lordosis and back warping, and she keeps turning heads wherever she goes. When he was angry and anxious, he frowned, and his high nose was quite cute.

   "If you want to wear it, you can wear it. Anyway, I don't plan to wear it. When Xiaofang comes later, I will say that you seduced mentally handicapped youths, seduced and raped mentally handicapped youths. I was slept by you, hehe."

  Long Gen held his big tits, and said lightly, with a ruffian look on his face.

   "What? I seduced, raped you? Kidnapped you?" Xu Qing bit her lip, wishing she could find a crack in the ground and hit a pillar to her death!

  The little **** is too wicked. If you get it cheap, don’t just pretend to be a good boy, put others to sleep, and turn around and beat him up. Why is this person so shameless?

"Xiaolong, please, please put on your clothes, please, otherwise will I stay at school in the future, and how will I be with Xiaofang? Please, can it be made?" Xia had no choice but to bow his head, no matter how much he hated in his heart, even if he wanted to bite that thing off in one bite, he had to go through this level first.

   "It's really not possible, I'll let you have a day in the afternoon, is that okay?" Xu Qing gritted her teeth and said reluctantly.

  Long Gen shook his head lightly, and said calmly:

   "But I suddenly changed my mind, and I don't plan to date you this afternoon. That..."

   "Bastard, what on earth do you want?" Xu Qing's face was flushed with embarrassment, and then turned red and white.

  Her.mother! Is the old lady's appearance bad, or her figure bad? Don't let your days go, you little bastard!

   "Well, call your husband to come and listen, and say, 'Husband, I love you so much', I will promise you to wear clothes..."

   "What? Call your husband?"

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