MTL - Country Weapon-Chapter 226 help...

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  Xihe Village is located in the lower reaches of Shanghe Village. It belongs to the same line as Qingshui River. Everyone grew up drinking Qingshui River.

Long Gen discovered this problem after observing it all morning. Although there are many women in Xihe Village, the quality is really not good. Most of them are crooked melons and cracked dates. Water has been born for so many years.

   "Hey, the women here are really not very good. It looks like I'm big. Chicken. It's soft." Long Gen shook his head, finished eating the steamed bun in his hand, and asked the way to Fang Xiaoying's house. Clap your **** and go out.

I didn't bring Qin Hong, firstly, I was a bit ostentatious, don't bring any negative influence to this woman; secondly, Li Guoqiang is the village party secretary, and his eyesight is not bad. In the police car, I thought he was being arrested. So, have to step by step, slowly.

   Let’s figure out the tea tree matter first, and there’s no rush for Li Guoqiang to take care of it slowly!

   After all, he is the secretary of the village party committee, and the house he lives in is better than ordinary people, with red walls and green tiles, a small three-story western-style building, and two large flower pots are placed in front of the door, planting evergreens. As soon as the car stopped, there were two dogs barking in the yard.

   "Wow woof... woof woof...."

"Damn it, I beg you, you're going to be in spring before winter is over?" Long Gen cursed in a low voice, raised his foot, kicked twice, and the big iron gate suddenly slammed Get up, Ding Ling bangs.

   "Who is it? It's early in the morning, wait a minute..."

  Long Gen raised his foot and kicked again.

   "Damn it, don't kick it, the door is broken!" Li Guoqiang's old face sank, and he howled immediately. I have already secretly made up my mind that when the time comes, the people outside must look good!

  Damn it, don’t you know that this is the home of the village secretary? Putting it aside, I am the rich man of Xihe Village!


"Which doggy day..." The door was half opened, Li Guoqiang was stunned immediately, this kid is not from the village, he is wrapped in a down jacket, suit pants, and a pair of shiny leather shoes, this attire is only for city people what. He swallowed the swear words abruptly, his old face turned into a pig's liver.

Long Gen also looked at Li Guoqiang, a dry, skinny old man, almost bald, with a pair of eyeballs inlaid in the narrow eyelids, with curved and slender brows, with a ferocious look, looking at people with gloomy eyes Yes, it feels like being targeted by a hungry wolf.

   "Who are you looking for?" It was Li Guoqiang who spoke first, with his hands behind his back, raised his chin, and stared at Long Gen.

  This posture, once put on in the village, let alone those women, many young men dare not brag to themselves, and ran away in desperation!

Who knows, Long Gen didn't even raise his eyebrows, "I'm looking for Fang Xiaoying, the cousin of Director Fang Zhengfang, is she there?" After speaking, Long Gen looked into the house, and there was a young woman in the yard. Sweeping the ground, wearing cotton clothes, I can't tell if my figure is good or bad, but my face is quite handsome.

  Small nose and mouth, black and bright eyes, blinking like talking, tall and tall. Thinking about it, Qin Hong has already said that Li Guoqiang is the secretary of the village party committee, how could he look so bad if he married a daughter-in-law?

   "Xiaoying? Who are you and why are you looking for her?" Li Guoqiang looked at Long Gen warily and asked again. The voice was unavoidably cold, especially this kid, without consent, his eyeballs glanced and glanced at the yard, and when he saw his daughter-in-law, his eyeballs seemed to be incapable of turning, how can he be so kind?

Damn it, my son has gone out to work, and I have long wanted to be my daughter-in-law, but this little girl is very fierce, and she has a cousin who is the director of the police station. That's why I never dared to climb up the kang of my daughter-in-law! You brat, where did you come from, what are you looking for?

  If I hadn’t seen a police car parked outside, I would have kicked people out!

   "Old comrade, please don't interfere with official duties, and actively cooperate with the police in handling the case." Long Gen stared, his expression suddenly indifferent. He scolded in his heart, "Old miscellaneous hair, I haven't planned to trouble you yet, you've made trouble for me! When I finish my work, I'll see how I deal with you!"

   "Fang Xiaoying, Fang Xiaoying, come out, um, Director Fangzheng asked me to tell you something!" Long Gen yelled at the yard with his voice open. Li Guoqiang is not an idiot and he understands the status of the director of the Liuhe Township Police Station by deliberately biting the words "Director Fangzheng".

   Sure enough, Li Guoqiang was stunned immediately, his old face turned red and white.

   "Oh? Cousin?" In the yard, the girl sweeping the floor ran over, "What does my cousin want from me?"

   "Comrade policeman, walk around, sit in the house, sit in the house!" After all, it is the village party secretary, who is still shameless, and his attitude changes 180 degrees, and he drags Long Gen to the house.

  Long Gen rolled his eyes, but didn't say anything. I thought to myself, if you want to do it, you can do it, and take care of your affairs sooner or later, as long as you have some evidence, you can solve it with a phone call, and it's not troublesome at all!

   "Comrade police, drink water." Fang Xiaoying was still diligent, poured a glass of water and handed it to Long Gen, and sat opposite Long Gen.

  Long Gen thanked her, she didn't realize that she was far away just now, but now that she's getting closer, she realizes that this woman is really pretty. The skin is white and tender, not rough at all in the winter, and the flushed face is as tender as an apple. When she smiles lightly, there are still two small dimples on her face, which makes her smile even sweeter.

  Especially the two black and translucent eyeballs, which are watery, seem to be able to speak after blinking, very beautiful. The little white hands rested on the thighs, slender and well-proportioned, such a pair of dexterous little hands, no wonder they were able to make such delicious tea.

   "Comrade policeman, what did my cousin ask you to tell me?" Fang Xiaoying asked again impatiently.

  When Long Gen heard the words, he looked at Li Guoqiang next to him, with a cold and heartless expression.

   "Oh? I'm going out for a walk, a walk." Li Guoqiang was stunned for a moment, then understood instantly, turned around and went out wrapped in his coat.

   "This old thing is quite interesting." Long Gen said lightly.

  Fang Xiaoying smiled at the side, shook her head and said nothing. It can be seen that Fang Xiaoying doesn't like this old man either.

   "Sister Xiaoying, you made this tea yourself, right?" Long Gen asked, taking a sip from the teacup. Questions about tea must be asked clearly. As for Fang Xiaoying, it depends on the follow-up development!

  Ri, this woman, has a relatively high risk. This girl can't control her mouth, let Fangzheng know, and the matter of wilting that day will be exposed.

   "Oh? This matter," Fang Xiaoying was obviously disappointed, nodded lightly, and said, "Yes, I made all these tea leaves, and I even give more than half of them to my cousin every year."

   "Then where are these tea leaves picked? Are there many trees? Tell me about it." Long Gen asked quickly.

  Fang Xiaoying came one by one.

  Xihe Village is the same as Shanghe Village. Although there is a small river passing through the village, there are more mountains around, big mountains and small mountains, and there are mountains everywhere. This tea is picked from a small mountain in the west of Xihe Village. It is wild. In recent years, Fang Xiaoying has only discovered a dozen or so tea trees, so the output is extremely low!

   "Oh, can you take me around the mountain?" Long Gen wanted to take a closer look, dig one and go back to research and research, maybe it can be mass-produced, it is a lot of money.

  Fang Xiaoying nodded, "You wait, I'll go change clothes and go out."

   After speaking, Fang Xiaoying went into the back room, searched for a while, Long Gen took a sip of tea, couldn't sit still, thinking in his heart, with such a good-looking face, his figure must be the same.

   Tiptoed and ran over, gently pushed open the small slit, and looked in.

   "Hiss! So white!"

  In the crack of the door, Fang Xiaoying took off her underwear, and there were two old cotton clothes beside her. The white jade back is facing the dragon root, and there are two slender legs under the round buttocks!

   "It would be better if the **** were bigger!" Long Genxin said, seeing that Fang Xiaoying was about to get dressed, he quickly sat back on the stool. As soon as the two came out, they immediately went up the mountain with hoes on their shoulders.

  The west side of Xihe Village is basically uninhabited, only two thatched huts are placed at the foot of the mountain, precariously crumbling in the wind. According to Fang Xiaoying, this thatched hut is for people to watch watermelons.

  Long Gen thought about it, he didn't need to look at watermelons in winter, it would be good for field battles. As if thinking of Fang Xiaoying's graceful body, his crotch suddenly tightened, and he had some thoughts.

"Big sister, let's sit inside, it's too cold today." Long Gen rubbed his hands deliberately, "Wait until the sun comes out, can we go up the mountain again? Oh, it's freezing to death... ..”

  Fang Xiaoying thought, yes, it’s the twelfth lunar month, how cold it is at eight or nine in the morning, and Baishuang hasn’t gone yet. The thatched shed is not bad for sitting, it is good for keeping out the wind.

  The thatched hut is not big, so there is a bed. But as soon as I entered, it was not cold anymore, and the wind could not come in, and there was a bed with some straw on it, which was soft and comfortable to sit on.

   "Big sister, come and sit down." Long Gen patted and signaled Fang Xiaoying to sit down. Since he wanted to **** this woman, he had to find a breakthrough, right?

  Who knows, Fang Xiaoying spoke before Long Gen opened his mouth, with some resentment.

   "Comrade policeman, does my cousin have a girlfriend and is getting married soon?"

   "Huh?" Long Gen was stunned, and looked at Fang Xiaoying carefully, something was wrong, this resentment had nothing to do with cousins, but rather lovers.

   "Comrade policeman, why don't you talk?" Fang Xiaoying urged again, "Do you think my cousin has another woman? Why hasn't he come to see me for half a year?"

   It is already clear that there is something wrong with these two cousins!

   "Okay, Fang Zheng, I think I'm a beast, and you won't even let your cousin go! Damn it, why should I be ashamed? Your cousin, I'm doing you a favor!"

   Feeling slanderous in his heart, Long Gen said seriously:

   "Big sister, actually, your cousin has more important matters, let me tell you..." She pressed her crotch and looked solemn.

  PS: Today's first update, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass...

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