MTL - Country Weapon-Chapter 235 fiscal...

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   On a cold winter night, even the towns are still deserted, and there are only a few people on the street, breathing a long fog and rubbing their hands. Bowed and bent, he rushed into a "massage room" with a wretched face.

  Massage parlor, that’s written language, it’s a fast food restaurant, a den of prostitutes. Throw in two hundred dollars, do hundreds of push-ups hachihachi, tremble on your stomach for a while, squeeze a few drops of soy milk, and you're done. Tired and sweating profusely, not only did not eliminate the fatigue, but the whole footsteps were illusory, walking with the corner of the wall.

   "Hey!" There was a heavy sigh in the white Jetta car, and in the driver's seat, fireworks flickered and smoky. Who else is it not Long Gen?

  After working for a long time, I rented a hardcover second-bedroom apartment in Shui'an Yaju, prepared food, rice, oil and salt, hired a confinement wife, and left the only more than 10,000 yuan on my body, and then I went out!

"Twins, how stressed is I?" Taking a deep puff of cigarette, the corner of his mouth twitched, and a puff of smoke came out of his nose and mouth, "The one who borrowed it didn't get pregnant, and the one who didn't borrow it, just eat whatever you want One mouthful, but she was pregnant, or two, twins."

   "Hey, I can't blame the society at all, let's live it..."

  One drop of dew is one plant of grass, so grow it.

   It’s nothing, it’s just about money, I don’t have much money, so ways to make money are indispensable. Once the matter of Wang Bachi and the tea leaves was settled, the money would rush into his pockets like it was raining.

  The key point is Xiaofang, she can’t answer calls or send text messages, go to school to find her, and hide in the women’s restroom and can’t come out, what’s wrong with this? Furthermore, having a baby means being bound, so in the future, sister-in-law can't take the two children with her.

   "Ah, irritable!" With a roar, he slapped the horn just in time, and with a "beep", two wretched men rushed out of the massage room. At first glance, Emma's police car ran away without a trace.

  Throw away the cigarette butt, light the car and prepare to go back to Lanzhuyuan, He Jingwen's house. Think about a way to make money first, the baby will be born in a few months, you have to save some money for milk powder when you are a father, Mr. Xu has already given birth to a baby for yourself, so you have to show how much you can give him a house. Che, let's raise it as the second grandma.

  According to the current lineup, the rank of the second wife is quite high, and there is a long line at the back, waiting for the number to be seated.

   "Grandpa...the grandson is calling again...."

   "Zi!" The sound of tires rubbing violently, a sudden stop, took out the phone and saw that it was He Jingwen calling.

   Thought it was Xiaofang, but since the call came, let's answer it.

   "What are you urging, the sewer is blocked again?" Long Gen was a little confused. This sao woman is also the leader of Liuhe Township after all, and she has no restraint in her **** and life. It was only a day last night, and it’s time to remind you again tonight!

   No wonder people say that the lower mouth of a woman is more edible than the upper mouth!

   "Hehehe, the sewer is not blocked, it's just leaking below, and the underwear is wet, hehehe, I'm naked, I'm waiting for you on the bed.... Crack!"

   "Beep beep..."

   "Ci'ao, molesting Grandpa Long?" Long Gen squeezed his crotch, stepped on the gas pedal, and turned a few turns into the Orchid and Bamboo Garden.

  He hurriedly opened the door, and sure enough, there was a sleeping beauty lying on the sofa. The air conditioner was on and she was not afraid of the cold. A thin blanket covered her graceful body, revealing a snow-white thigh.

"Little bastard, come on..." He Jingwen hooked her fingers at Longgen, full of coquettishness, jade arms like lotus root, soft as if boneless, slightly sunken collarbone, indescribably sexy, slender neck and slippery Take out a piece of asparagus. The red lips parted slightly, licked lightly, and the peachy eyes blinked, like a vixen.

   "Little bastard, come on, come on, everyone is getting wet... Uh huh..."

  The little white hand scooped up a handful from the lower body, and the light-white fingers were sandwiched between the thighs, revealing a little bit of pink. The small mouth was opened, and he let out a muffled groan.

   "Ummm...Little Dragon..Come on...Wet, wet...Umm..."

  Second Olympic! This sao mother-in-law, will she be worthy of herself any day?


Howling like a wild animal, a hungry tiger pounced on its food, lying on He Jingwen's soft and delicate body, pulled it with a big hand, two plump and crispy **** appeared, like two big white pigeons about to fly, like two big white rabbits without bones, fat Fat and fat limp in the chest.

   "Zi Liu"

  Tongue curled up, hooking on the nipple. Twice, and suddenly, he bit down.

   "Ah!" He Jingwen screamed in pain, pushed the dragon's root away, looked down, her **** were all red, and said angrily, "Why did you still bite? Nails can bite?"

   He Jingwen gave He Jingwen a blank look, and said in a bad mood: "Smelly woman, obviously my aunt is here as a guest, and she still seduces me, deliberately making me want to burn myself to death?"

   "How do you know?" He Jingwen blushed and lost all confidence.

   Originally, I didn't plan to torture the little bastard, but when I looked at the watch, it was almost twelve o'clock, and the brat hadn't come back yet. Women are all selfish, little **** have big guys, many women know that they have tried their best to get the big sticks to the city, but they are not at home in the middle of the night, not to mention, they must be out hunting game , Picking wild flowers.

  Being jealous, he came up with such a trick to torture the little bastard. Who knows, the brat found out after kissing twice.

   "Your aunt is a bit powerful, surging, like a faucet. Can you not smell the sao smell?"

  He Jingwen blushed and cursed, "You're sao!"

  Long Gen shook his head indifferently. He felt a little tired for the first time. After thinking about it, maybe he was tired because he had worries and thoughts in his heart.

Sometimes I think about it, being a fool is actually quite fun, I don’t care about anyone who takes advantage of me, I have food and water every day, I have mic. ?

  But, there are always times when the bird's pole goes off fire, no, it can't be recovered once it is fired, it will take root!

   "Hey, why are you so calm today? Why aren't you as aggressive as before?" Long Gen remained silent for a long time, which caught He Jingwen's attention.

  It’s not this kid’s character, let’s put it aside, let’s talk about your aunt and uncle, after a burst of poking and thrusting, the big stick is comfortable.

  Long Gen turned his head, looked He Jingwen up and down, and the corner of his mouth raised a dangerous arc, "Is your mouth uncomfortable, or is your fart and eyes itchy?"

   "Huh? Ah..." Slightly taken aback, He Jingwen screamed, squatted bare buttocks, and fled behind the sofa. "Don't, don't, it's just a joke, don't take it seriously..."

   "I don't have time to chat with you, I want to ask you something, what is the best way to make money, and come quickly." The big stick is indeed strong, but Longen has no great desire to conquer.

   "You? Why aren't you angry or angry today? According to the plot, you should hold me down, pinch my tits, rub my tits. That's right, why are you so kind today?" He Jingwen still didn't respond.

   Is this still the little bastard? His brows were slightly frowned, and he had a profound expression, like a scholar. Where does the little **** still have the slightest demeanor in the past? Where did that little **** who made a living out of taking advantage of things and took it upon himself to shoot down beautiful women all over the world?

   "Xiaolong, you, are you alright, what stimulated you?" He took the quilt to cover his body, slowly approached the little bastard, reached out and touched his forehead, and immediately became more puzzled, "Hey, I don't have a fever."

  Long Gen rolled his eyes wildly, smelling the faint scent of soap on He Jingwen's body, with two lumps of soft flesh hanging on his chest, he wished he could stab him with a gun!

  A woman's mind is really unpredictable, her thinking is unconstrained...

"I'm asking you, how can I make money, a lot of money!" Long Gen repeated it with a straight face, as if he was afraid that He Jingwen would think that he was abnormal, and said again, "If you dare to fool around, I will appoint you to stab your **** tonight Yan'er, let you sing "Chrysanthemum Remnant" with Zhou Xiaolun."


  He Jingwen was taken aback, but now it is much more normal.

   "What do you want money for? I'm short of money, so I'll get it for you." Worrying is all about worrying, He Jingwen is still very righteous, grabbing the handbag and tumbling, and took out two stacks of red old grandpa.

  Looking at He Jingwen's appearance, Long Gen was a little speechless.

   "Do you really think I'm a badass? I want to earn money and support my family by myself! Do you know?"

   "Oh." He Jingwen nodded, put the money back again, and said carelessly: "Then go and rob the bank, low cost and high return, well, the risk is relatively high...."



  He Jingwen covered her stomach and laughed out of breath. It's rare to see the little **** get angry and not take out his stick. What's wrong with this kid today? Have you corrected your evil ways and returned to righteousness, or did your conscience discover that you no longer intend to harm others?

   "I have a child, or two..." After thinking about it, Long Gen still said it.

   As the old saying goes, an ugly daughter-in-law will see her in-laws sooner or later. I have to meet these wives sooner or later, so it's better to talk about it earlier, we are all adults, and it's normal for the man and woman to roll on the kang, and the success of the sowing is normal.

   "Sister Lijuan is pregnant too?" He Jingwen asked with a stare.

  Long Gen shook his head.

   "Yu Xin is pregnant?"

  Long Gen still shook his head.

"That is......"

"Don't guess, you don't know him." Long Gen interrupted, "It's a teacher, the hospital checked it out, twins! If you don't have any awareness, you still have to earn some milk powder for your baby, right? Mayor He , Miss He, you can do me a favor, tell me how to make money..."

  He Jingwen was dumbfounded and said nothing, stared at Long Gen in a daze, and cursed with a smile:

"Little bastard, little bastard, you are really an out-and-out bastard! You say that you, the cousin who sleeps with your cousin, her sister, the seven aunts and eight aunts in the village, is a house-to-house scourge .Sister flower, mother and daughter flower, sleeping doctor, sleeping teacher, even my old lady was spoiled by you. You said that you were a beast in your previous life..."

  When Long Gen heard this, his face turned dark immediately. I don't think so. Secretly said: "These are farts, I have even dated my future mother-in-law countless times."

   "Sometimes when you think about it, I really want to do justice for the heavens and cut off your crotch. It's a disaster!" He Jingwen stared, gritted her teeth, with a fierce look on her face.

  Long Gen smiled sarcastically.

   "Forget it, let me tell you about the tea, with it, making money is not a problem..." He Jingwen rubbed her forehead and said with a headache.

  PS: Chapter 4 has been updated, brothers, do you still have a monthly pass?

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