MTL - Country Weapon-Chapter 237 ...

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   "Ba Da Ba Da Zi Liu"

After all, she runs an adult goods store. Yang Ting's skills are really good. She supported her hairy thighs with one pair of hands, and stuffed a big stick into her mouth with the other. She wrapped her tongue around the big snake's head, retracted it suddenly, and stuck it to her throat, her teeth sticking to her throat. Scrape with a big stick.

   "Huhu..." Long Gen finally exhaled, but he was suffocated.

   After a day of tossing, I am almost out of my nerves. In one day, there were two more babies, and the real girlfriend ignored me. He Jingwen teased herself again, until she became endocrine disordered.

   "Zi Zi Zi"

  Yang Ting didn't know what the little **** was thinking, grabbing a big stick to eat sweets, sucking or licking, was very busy. The big snake's head was sucked red, and it didn't mean to vomit. Yang Ting pulled out the big stick, pushed it up, and two big eggs appeared, wrapped in the black skin, dangling like two atomic bombs!

   Without any hesitation, Yang Ting opened her small mouth wide and took a bird's egg in one gulp. The mouth was cold, and she sucked and tugged.


  Long Gen's back trembled, and an indescribable feeling of comfort rushed to his brain, and his whole body went numb. He took two deep breaths, stroked his little face, closed his eyes and enjoyed it.

  Licking the shell shell with the tip of the tongue, sucking and sipping it, scraping the teeth lightly, the back of the dragon root and tiger shook violently, as if struck by lightning, Optimus Zhu couldn't help but flick,

   "Xiaolong, are you still comfortable? Ziliu..." Yang Ting winked, grabbed the big stick, stuffed it into her mouth, sucked it in again, and took two sticks between her legs with one hand.

  Xiaolong is looking for **** friends in the middle of the night, so why isn't he alone and sleepless? The man goes out for half a month, and he has to leave after a night of rest. He is rarely interested in doing things in bed. He thinks about making money every day, and he doesn't see how much money he makes. Sometimes I also take out that thing to drill the hole, it won't take five minutes, and the job will be done immediately! It doesn't hurt or itch, it's unbearable.

  Fire meets gasoline, desire. The fire is burning, and the small cracks are already wet, and they can slip the boat.

   "Excellent!" It's been a long time, and I'm familiar with it, just like my own. Picking up Yang Ting and throwing it on the bed, she jumped on it, "You make Grandpa Long happy, Grandpa Long will let you give birth to a big fat boy sooner!"

"Hehehe, come in quickly, the water is dripping down there, and the little seams are damp..." Yang Ting giggled happily, scratching her lower body with her small hands, sending out bursts of coquettishness The sound of confusion, spring is coming, but it has already begun to call spring.

"Uh-huh...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... , The big white rabbit ran around in fright.

   Between the round legs, a handful of clear spring trickles slowly slipped out, ticking on the bed sheet, as delicious as soybean milk.

   "Sao mother-in-law! Here comes the big stick..."

  The big snake huh-huh-la-lah, the big horse's golden knife pierced into it suddenly, with a sound of "chi", the plump twin peaks trembled. Accompanied by Yang Ting's melodious and melodious waves. The sound of calling...

   "Ah... ah..... ah...."

  The volume changes from small to large, depending on the penetration depth of the big stick.

   "Peng!" The big stick suddenly penetrated, and the head reached the stamen.


   "Papa Papa"

   "Ah ah ah"

  In the dark room, there is a majestic but tragic hand-to-hand combat. The waves are screaming again and again, foam is flying, and the body and the body are violently colliding again and again...


  The cold moon enters the hook, and the cold wind is biting.

  Li Xiaofang sat alone on the roof of the teaching building, facing the cold wind, flipping through the messages sent from her mobile phone. The message came from Xiaolonglong:

   "Dear Xiaofang, please forgive me, my needs are too great. My brain is not good, I am easy to be stupid, and when I am stupid, I can't control my crotch..."

   "Dear dear wife, please, give me a call back, I miss you, really..."

   "Oh, daughter-in-law, where are you? I miss you so much..."


   After closing the phone, Li Xiaofang snorted coldly and cursed in a low voice:

   "Bastard Xiaolong, bad Xiaolong, I'm mad at me, I'm mad at me. Why why? Why are you having **** with my good sister? You're mad at me!!"

   "Hmph, I don't care about you anymore, even if I kill you!" Li Xiaofang said viciously, her cold eyes were slightly ferocious.


  Lonely sleepless, tossing and turning, Xu Qing got up from the bed and turned on the light. The almost luxurious bedroom was clean and warm, but her heart was not that sweet, and she was even slightly lost and sad.

It’s been almost three years since I ran away from home. Without the love of my parents, this is the greatest tragedy in life. Finally, I have a close friend, but I have no shame. I slept with a friend’s man and became pregnant. Where is the face?

   "Hey, kids, mom, this is all for you..." Sighing heavily, Xu Qing gently rubbed her lower abdomen, her sad face was full of maternal brilliance.

  Looked up at the sky outside, took out the phone, found "Xiaofang", hesitated for a long time, and finally pressed the dial button, no matter how difficult some things are, you have to face them!

  Just because—I don’t want to be poked in the spine for the rest of my life!


   After waiting for a long time, the other side finally answered the phone, nervous, guilty, and sweaty palms.

   "Hey, Xiaofang, Xiaofang, are you listening?" Xu Qing's voice was a little hoarse, with a hint of crying.

  It took a long time for the other end of the phone to reply, "Teacher Xu, tell me what you want, I'll listen." The voice was also a little hoarse, with a little tiredness.

"Xiaofang, yes, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. Huh..." Xu Qing covered her little mouth and cried, "It was me, I was the one who seduced him first, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. His pants are wet, I baked it for him, but in the end, I saw his...I...I'm sorry Xiaofang..."

  The other end of the phone suddenly said indifferently: "Has Mr. Xu finished? I'm going to rest after I'm done. Goodbye."

   "Hello...wait a minute, Xiaofang, I..." Xu Qing was stunned, a few busy tones came from the phone, and when she called again, it was already turned off.

   "Woooooh..." Xu Qing burst into tears, and didn't stop until the nanny came to ask. Tilting my head, looking at the moon outside, I felt sour in my heart.

  Hey, I've got my name as a bitch!


   Orchid and Bamboo Garden.

  He Jingwen hasn't slept yet, she is very tired but just can't fall asleep. When she closes her eyes, her mind is filled with the little bastard's smirk. When she thinks that the little **** is about to become a father, and she is not a baby, she feels inexplicably irritated.

  I am a normal and tragic woman!

  I need a good life for husband and wife, and I got married and started a career with a good yearning. Within a year, I got divorced. Men not only have wild women outside, but also illegitimate children. But he repeatedly forgave the little **** for messing around outside, even messing with other women in front of him, or Japanese in front of other women, why is he so big?

   Not only that, apart from anything else, he served the little **** with his back and forth, and almost fell into the charge of "embezzlement of public funds"!

  As soon as the little **** went out, he even contacted his cousin He Beiping to help deal with the tea mess, and asked for the maximum benefit!

   "What's wrong with me?" He Jingwen often asks herself, is she too mean?

  Obviously he could use his father's connection to become a bigger official, but he stayed in a remote village; what kind of man can't find him with his face and body? Why do you like this half-hearted, half-hearted, group of wives and concubines, and a group of two and two grandmas? You have short-circuited your own brain!

"Hey, little bastard, little bastard, I will be planted in your hands for the rest of my life!" After thinking for a long time, He Jingwen rubbed her forehead and said to herself: "If you dare to treat my mother badly, even if she is a ghost, she will have to take care of you!" Squeeze your balls! Cut off the stick! Hmph!"

   Pull the quilt and fall asleep......


"Three brothers, you are all the bosses of Liuhe Township, so I won't ask anyone else to handle this matter. The three brothers of the Huang family are well-known! As long as you make sure to get rid of this kid, two hundred and one thousand cents is a lot. This is a deposit of 100,000 yuan!" On the table, several stacks of thick red old man's heads suddenly appeared.

   And under the old man's head, there is a photo, which is Long Gen!

   "Hehe, Dr. Cao is so generous, 200,000 yuan. Tsk tsk tsk, if you are so rich, you can even buy a small western-style house, hahaha..." Huang Hu smiled heartily, with a scar on the right side of his face, which looked extraordinarily hideous.

  The scar is long and narrow from the eyes to the corner of the mouth! Many people said that because of this scar, someone once lost their life, but there is no way to know whether it is true or not.

"Dare to ask Dr. Cao, this kid is not very old, how could he provoke you? The price is 200,000 yuan." Huang Bao on the side pinched the photo and said lightly: "200,000 yuan is enough to buy a life !"

  Cao Shu's mouth twitched slightly, and it still hurt.

   "Hmph! This kid has embarrassed me, what if I want to get back in the game? No way?"

   "Haha, it's not impossible, as long as you are willing to pay, let me tie up the township chief for you, I will dare! Do you dare to pay that money?" Huang Hu was always arrogant and domineering, and he didn't take anyone seriously.


  There is an extra knife on the table, sticking straight into it! Huang Hu waved his hand,

   "Doctor Cao, please, our brother has accepted this order, and I will give you a satisfactory answer within three days!"

   Cao Shu smiled when he heard the words, and that's what he wanted. Like a costume drama on TV, he clasped fists at the three Huang Hu brothers before leaving.

   "Third brother, what do you think of this?"

  As soon as Cao Shu left, the three Huang Hu brothers started muttering.

  The third child, the youngest of the three brothers of the Huang family, speaks of Weasel, and this is the name on his ID card. Gein is a cunning and treacherous boy, looking at his slender arms and legs, he is very good at calculating people.

   "Let's check this person named Long Gen first, what is his identity and background. If the idea is too strong, I won't accept this order." Weasel said lightly, not even looking at the 100,000 yuan.

  Huang Bao quit immediately, "What? Just this brat, who looks like a fool, still needs to investigate? Third, are you out of your mind?"

"Second brother, if Longgen is really easy to deal with, can Cao Shu take out 200,000 yuan without saying a word? 200,000 yuan, let's talk about it for two or three months." Weasel squinted his eyes, and the one in the photo Boy, at first glance, I feel something is wrong. Seems like I've seen it somewhere.

   "..." Huang Bao fell silent.

Read The Duke's Passion