MTL - Country Weapon-Chapter 243 and...

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   "You, you, what do you want to do? Get out!" The head master was too sad and angry, and he roared, obviously without confidence. Curled up on the bed, blushing!

  How can this be spread out? The dignified head teacher of Jingyun Nunnery has a duplicity in appearance and indistinct behavior, which insults the Bodhisattva. Those pilgrims in the past had to drown themselves with a mouthful of saliva?

"It's all this bastard! This damned stinky man, stinky man!" I wished I could cut this wretched man into pieces, but finally calmed down, anger obviously couldn't solve the problem, and immediately said coldly: "Who are you? What exactly do you want to do?"

  Long Gen smiled slightly, and sat down beside the bed as a matter of course. Smiled:

   "The name of the little monk: don't mention it, I haven't asked the teacher to be too famous."

  The head teacher frowned, moved to the side, and gave Long Gen a disgusted look, and became even more puzzled when he heard "Little Monk".

   Is this wretched man a monk? The dharma name is also weird, 'I don't want to raise it', hehe, I'm afraid he was born soft, and he became a monk because he couldn't marry a wife.

   "Hongsi, I don't know what advice Brother Buju can give you?" Hongsi's face was as cold as ice, no matter whether this so-called "Buju" monk had intentions or not, he hated him. A monk who likes to peep, I'm afraid it's not a good thing!

"Hongsi, what a good name." Long Gen smiled slightly, staring at Hongsi's chest, swallowing silently, "Ahem, actually this little monk is here to ask senior Hongsi about Taoism. I don't know why Master Hongsi is so cruel, you have the heart to torture such a good cucumber?"

   As he spoke, Long Gen picked up the cucumber that had been poked through the sewer, it was still wet and covered with a lot of white foam.

"Look, Mrs. Hongsi, cucumber is a crisp thing. Just look at you, you tortured it to a pale, listless, lifeless state!" At this point, Long Gen sighed heavily, his brows furrowed tightly, He shook his head, "Forgive me for speaking bluntly, Mrs. Hongsi, this move is against the law of heaven and the norms of human ethics! How can you be so confused!"

   "Eh?" Hongsi was stunned, blushing, you, me, and I didn't say a complete sentence for a long time. It would be embarrassing enough to do this, but it's still the head teacher anyway. Hearing what Monk Laughing said again, it seemed like, like, something was wrong with me.

   Seeing that the red silk was confused by him, Long Gen couldn't help but secretly rejoice, a nun is a nun, what's the matter with a high diploma? I didn't know much yet, so I was fooled by a few words.

"Master Hongsi, I'm taking the liberty, let's continue to study Taoism." Long Gen broke the silence, and pouted at Hongsi, "Untie your clothes, I want to see what tortured Cucumber like this gone."


   Hongsi was taken aback when she heard the words, but understood in a blink of an eye. Sparing such a big circle, the little monk wants to take advantage of himself?

   "It's not good if you don't raise senior brother, have you forgotten all the precepts of Shaolin Temple?" Hongsi snorted coldly and said sarcastically.

  Smelly monk, you joked about me poking a cucumber, are you still different? Don't you just want to look at a woman's body and take advantage of it?

  As if he already knew that Hongsi would ask this question, Long Gen smiled and said: "Master Hongsi, this statement is wrong!"

"The Buddha said: 'Form is emptiness, and emptiness is form'. The same reason can be obtained. When the sun is gone, there will be no sun, and if there is no sun, there will be sun. Have you forgotten the name of the little monk? Don’t lift it, hehe.” Long Gen laughed at himself, and there was a hint of sorrow in his eyes.

  Long Gen's expression didn't drop at all, and Hong Si saw it all. I suddenly lost my mind, could it be that this stinky boy is really an eminent monk who has no desires or desires?

  Show him or not? The red silk was a little tangled.

"Master Hongsi, could it be that you can't trust the little monk? If that's the case, then forget it." Long Gen said lightly, clasping his hands together, "Amitabha, I hope Master Hongsi can take care of himself, and don't torture Brother Cucumber any more in the future. If necessary, Find another method, if it doesn’t work, you can find me.”

  After listening to the first few sentences, Hong Si really thought that this kid was an accomplished monk. The last sentence, "You can find me", once again exposed the man's inferiority! Even if you become a monk, you can't change your color and character!

"Hmph, smelly monk, you said you didn't want to take advantage of my old lady? You have been arguing for a long time, and it's because of your crotch. It seems that the monk can't control the crotch! Hmph!" He snorted, quite disdainful.

  Does the stinky monk think that he has to let you do whatever you want if you catch me?

"Hey, why does the teacher think so? The monk is also thinking about your practice. Do you know how hard it is for the working people to water such a big cucumber? You are doing something evil!" Long Gen continued to talk. .

Hearing this, Hongsi stared at her beautiful eyes, "Bah! Get out, smelly monk, don't pick up **** for my old lady, what do you think you are? Get out, get out! Go back to your monk's temple! Don't get out again, old lady!" Shout out rape..."

   "......" Long Gen was dumbfounded, this, I really didn't see it at first, this teacher is so tough! They are all the masters, and they still have "old ladies" one by one, what do those women under the mountain think?

After all, Hongsi also had some social experience before becoming a monk. Seeing Monk Stinky's stupid look, he knew he was guilty, and smiled triumphantly, and said sarcastically: "Monk Stinky, I won't lift it anymore, but I'm ashamed to go out to find a wife, it's okay Find me', can you solve the problem? Does your ball work?"

  Second Olympic! Doubt Lao Tzu's strength? It is tolerable, what is unbearable! Long Gen was furious and said:

   "Master, why do you doubt the little monk? If you don't believe me, you can feel it for yourself!" After finishing speaking, Long Gen stood up, shrugged his waist, and handed it to Hongsi. He sneered in his heart, "Stinky bitch, sao nun! As long as you dare to touch it, I will guarantee that you will never be able to live without it for the rest of your life! He... Grandma, how dare you doubt Lao Tzu's ability?"

   "Cut, what's not soft, what's worth touching?" Hong Si disapproved and turned her head away, her face was a little red, what she said just now was a bit too much, and she said she was a woman, how could she be so rude?

  Long Gen shook his head, clasped his hands together, "Since the master dares not dare, I will leave now!"

   I would have left, but the nun was also very competitive, knowing that it was an aggressive method, but she wanted to rush forward.

   "Smelly monk, come back, just touch it, what's the big deal!" Grabbing the quilt and covering her body, she stretched out her slender hand to grab Longgen's crotch.

  Tentacles, a big stick, as thick as a small arm, the length is unverifiable, anyway, through the thick pants, you can feel its hot temperature, pinch, Emma, ​​hard, like iron!

   "You, you..." Why doesn't Hongsi know that thing, isn't it just a man's begging thing? Immediately frightened dumbfounded. The length can't be felt at all, the thick stick is hard and extremely hot! "You, you, aren't you 'not lifting'? Why are you so hard?"

  Pointing at Longgen's crotch, the red silk spoke incoherently, with a look of astonishment on his face! That thing is really too big, I have never seen such a big thing in my life, it is thicker than the cucumber I just used, it is too scary!

Long Gen shook his head slightly, and sighed: "How can Mrs. Tai judge people by their names? Besides, the Buddha said, "Emptyness is form, and form is emptiness." Oh."

   "Master, tell me, how is my thing? Is it qualified enough for you to come and look for it?" Long Gen smiled slightly, with a hint of cunning on his face.

   "Enough, enough, enough!" The red silk became faster, her eyes were fixed on Longgen's crotch, and her heart was itchy. What kind of stick is thicker than a cucumber? Hongsi suddenly became expectant, "Brother Buju, that, that, can you take off your pants and let me see?"

Long Gen nodded, "It's my Shaolin disciples who are anxious about the people's urgency, and let Hongsi master do it! It's just..." Long Gen made a fool of himself, intending to give Hongsi some strength look.

   "Just what?" Hongsi asked hurriedly.

  Long Gen explained: "The red silk master is too angry. It's a coincidence that the little monk's hands hurt a little. If you want to take off your pants, you have to do it yourself. I'm really sorry."

"Oh, it's okay, I'll just take it off myself." Without any hesitation, Hongsi got up from the bed, and the quilt slipped off. The huge **** are pouring down, trembling, it's amazing!

  Long Gen praised, "Master's grandma is big enough."

   "Thank you for not praising senior brother." Hong Si smiled, blushing, but extremely satisfied in her heart. Women, who doesn't like to hear two compliments.

   Hastily undid the buttons, grabbed the bottom of the trousers and pulled them down with both hands.


  A black shadow flashed by, but before he could react, his face hurt, and he slapped himself for some reason. After taking a closer look, she screamed in fright, retreated to the corner of the bed, and was speechless for a long time in shock!

   What the **** is that? Why is it so long? It's scary! The ketone body is dark, so dark that it feels cool! Round and round, it stands straight and straight between the hairy thighs. Shaking the head of the big snake, it seems to be a demonstration.

   "Oh my god, it's so big?" Hongsi bit her lip tightly, feeling a little hurt, really, this is not a dream!

Long Gen smiled slightly, "Master Hongsi, how about the little monk's stick? Are you satisfied?" He said with a smirk in his heart: "Little boy, I don't know if Grandpa Long's big stick is good or not? Hmph, let's draw one person first." Whip again!"

  Just now, Long Gen purposely pressed the big stick under the belt, and when he pulled his crotch, the big stick would definitely bounce back, and he drew the red silk and hit it straight!

   "Oh, I'm satisfied, I'm so satisfied!" Came back to her senses, Hongsi couldn't wait to grab the big stick, "Hiss, it's so hot!"

   "As long as you are satisfied, as long as you are satisfied. Mrs. Red Silk, then I will leave first. If you need it, you can come to me." Long Gen made a gesture to pull up his pants and leave.

  Today, I have to whet the appetite of this sao nun.

"Senior brother, I implore you to give me a blessing. I, my bottom is so itchy that you are dying. You, look, it's all water... huh..." Pulling Long Gen , opened his legs, inserted his finger into the small hole, and brought out a white liquid.

  Long Gen's eyes lit up, nun Sao's small hole is so wonderful, the triangular area is extremely plump, the small slit is long and narrow, but the dumpling skin is very strange, like a butterfly.

   "Could this be the legendary butterfly?" Long Gen was startled, so he had to wait.

   "Master, please lie down, this little monk will consecrate for you!" Supporting his legs, holding the big stick, squeezing the two butterfly-like dumpling skins, his waist shrugged forward, and the big snake got in.

  Hongsi's eyes widened immediately, "Ah..." With a soft snort, she slowly entered the plot...

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