MTL - Country Weapon-Chapter 247 you...

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   "Chi Chi Chi"

  Like a farmer cutting pork during the Chinese New Year, the white and tender **** **** burst open at a speed visible to the naked eye, the **** **** as big as a washbasin pouted, and the delicate body twitched suddenly! Two big cantaloupe **** that fell on the chest, dangling back and forth.

"Ah!" Yuan Hong let out a howl, grabbing the blanket for a while, the hair fell all over the ground, her knuckles turned white from the force, resisting the tearing sensation in her fart and eyes, feeling the big stick Stepping forward inch by inch, with scalding heat!

  Long Gen held back his smile, picked the two halves of his white butt, and before the lubricating oil dried, he suddenly went deep, "snap"! There was a crisp sound.

  His hairy thighs bumped into Bai Nen.Nen's buttocks, creating a layer of fleshy waves. The second younger brother Yun Jin gave a loud drum.

"Ah~~ It hurts... ah... it hurts... um..." Yuan Hong's eyes turned red immediately, what kind of thing is this? Great isn't it?

If you say that thing can turn corners, but when it pokes the fart, it doesn't make any sense at all, it stabs in straight, and when the stick goes down, it goes all the way to the throat, burning people I'm tired.

   "Zi Zi... Zi Zi Zi"

The big stick moves slowly, doing transitional coordination exercises, pumping and inserting in and out, and opening the buttocks to have a look. After a while, the chrysanthemums are all red. As the big stick goes in and out, flips up and down, wrapping tightly With a big stick.

   "Coach, how are you? Are you still comfortable? How about I come quickly?" Long Gen said with a smirk, his heart bursting with joy.

Looking at the coach's sao look, I thought the back door was broken, and only when I poked it in did I realize that the coach's ass. It seems to be in the ocean.

   "Papa Papa"

  The big snake pierced slowly, hitting the buttocks with crisp sounds.

"Ahhh~~ Xiaolong...Ah...It hurts, it hurts...Don't, don't be a fart. Eyes ah...Ah, it hurts...hiss... ...." Yuan Hong had been paralyzed for a long time, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on her white and tender skin.

  How do you feel? Anyway, if it continues like this, let alone shit, I dare not sit down!

"Ah...Xiaolong, don't, don't say can't poke your fart. Eyes... ouch, my little ancestor, let me go...ah... I'll do it for you, get your driver's license...return, isn't that okay? Ah...ah~~" Yuan Hong kept screaming, Long Gen didn't seem to hear it, and clapped his buttocks Tuck it in.

  Yuan Hong burst into tears anxiously, pouted her buttocks and endured the pain to meet the impact, after two or three hits, she was defeated. Yuan Hong is so anxious, this dog is too hot...

   "Pa da, pa da da"

  It had been a long time, Yuan Hong didn't know, she was half drunk and half awake, it was better to pass out, the big stick suddenly penetrated deep, and the stick went straight to the **** and throat, who could bear it?

"Coach, can my cannon overturn the mountain?" After wiping the big stick clean and stuffing it into his crotch, Long Gen said with a smirk at Yuan Hong, stretched out his hands and pinched the two smooth and plump tits, Squeeze the nipple. Pull the tip.

Yuan Hong frowned, "Uh huh, don't, don't mess with my little ancestor...Hiss, it hurts...ah..." Just as he moved his buttocks, ready to put on his pants, his buttocks were sliced ​​open It seems to hurt!

   "Little bastard, what kind of bad move is this, you can't shit, you can't eat, you want to kill me?" Yuan Hong stared, with resentment on her face.

  If I had known that "cannon overturning the mountain" was a fart, it would be too late to kill myself. What the **** is this? How about a ball?

Long Gen said: "Coach, this is your fault. You are the one who wanted to play this pose, so you can't blame me. I just fulfilled my accusation and made you happy, and that's it!"

   "What's the matter, coach, are you still not comfortable?" Long Gen pretended to be stupid, tugging at his ankles, "Then let's get on with it, it's still early anyway...."

   "Ah...don't, no, I'm dying. It's cool, it's cool!" Yuan Hong's scared heart trembled wildly. I am afraid that I will really see Lord Hades.

  Hey, I just hope that the man in the family will not come back these two days, and if he comes back, he will not be with him, and he will find out everything?

  The two packed up and prepared to go down the mountain. They went back to their homes and called their mothers. Long Gen thought to himself, anyway, he had to do a lot of work when he returned to the village at night, and it would be good to save some energy. He hadn't eaten buffalo for quite a while, and the crotch thing seemed not as capable as before.

Naturally, Yuan Hong couldn't drive anymore, her leg seams hurt, her fart hurt, she grinned her teeth in pain while sitting in the car, the mountain road was bumpy, and a layer of fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, she cursed in a low voice:

"Little bastard, look at what you've done, you've made my mother miserable! Hey, you'll send me to the hospital later, and ask the doctor to prescribe some medicine. If this continues, I'll have to lie on my stomach for eating, drinking, and diarrhoea." It's on the bed...Hiss, it hurts, little bastard, you should drive slowly...."

  Long Gen was about to make a few words of teasing, when suddenly, a blue Mazda came around the corner ahead, occupied the road and rushed towards Long Gen. The curving road is narrow, and there is no way to let it go. The two cars are blocked like that. If the brakes are not stepped on quickly, there must be a sweet kiss.

   "Hey!" A screeching brake came to a stop, honking the horn, and the **** just refused to give way and blocked the intersection.

   "Seonima! Get out of the way!" Long Gen cursed, and "Dididi" honked the horn twice.

   At this time, someone came down from the opposite side. Two little yellow hairs came over here, cursing and greeting Mrs. Long Gen.

   "Damn it, bastard, reverse the car and get out of the way for me! Do you hear that?" One of the yellow hairs was holding a steel pipe, pointing at Long Gen, with a fierce look on his face.

  Pony Boy followed behind, holding a stone in his hand, yelling:

   "Little bastard, your ears are callused, or something? I didn't hear Hua Shao talking to you. Get out of the way. Believe it or not, I killed you?"

  The young man named Hua Shao raised his chin and looked at Long Gen contemptuously. I thought to myself, "The car is not bad, but it's a pity. My brother is low-key, and I don't care about playing with money! If I really want to drive a good car, three to five hundred thousand is just like playing for fun!"

  Hua Shao, whose real name is Li Hua, is the son of Li Dabao, the only steel shop in Liuhe Township. The steel market in Liuhe Township is almost monopolized by him alone. Can he not make money? Maybe no money?

  There is only one single seedling under her knee, so she loves her very much. She wants Xing Xing to immediately pick a moon for her to play with. People outside named him "Hua Shao", and Li Hua was proud of it. As soon as I came back from the provincial capital during the winter vacation, I drove my father's Mazda and went for a drive.

  He and his friend Xiaoqiang, with their wives and wives, are going to go up the mountain to play wild cannons, looking for something exciting, and driving along the way is naturally triumphant and extremely arrogant. Unexpectedly, when he was about to reach the destination, he was blocked by someone at the intersection. It looked like he hadn't decided to give way to himself.

   "Stinky boy, tell you to go away, do you hear me, are you deaf?" Xiaoqiang yelled twice more, raised the stone in his hand, but finally didn't dare to drop it. Any fool can see that other people's golf **** are still brand new.

   It’s okay to scare Xiaoqiang, but if he really wants to fight, he really owes it a little bit of fire, unless Hua Shao says, "Fuck it, screw it to death. If you kill it, I will take responsibility!"

   "Huh? Liuhe Huashao?" Yuan Hong barely sat up from the back seat before realizing what happened. Taking another look at the yellow-haired boy in the lead, his face immediately turned green. Hastily said: "Xiaolong, reverse the car, we can leave later..."

  Long Gen frowned, and said unhappily: "Why? Obviously he is occupying the road, why do you want me to back up and make way?"

Long Gen's voice was quite loud, but I didn't really pay attention to that big iron stick. The two were yellow-haired and white, and they were skinny. At first glance, they were malnourished. They used too much crotch stuff, and they were a little sick It's empty. One fist at a time, a drizzle thing.

"Hey, this woman is not bad!" Seeing Yuan Hong's round face full of **** through the car window, her eyes lit up, "Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect such a beautiful woman to be stuffed in the car?"

  Xiaoqiang naturally understood the words, and said with a smile: "What's the matter? Hua Shao, why don't you knock this brat into a daze and make this woman mad, how about it?"

   "Great idea!" Li Hua weighed the steel pipe in his hand, and seemed to take two steps forward in demonstration, "Boy, the beauty is not shallow, this woman is very beautiful."


Long Gen grinned suddenly, raised his eyelids, and looked at the two women in the Mazda. They were very ugly, with a lot of blush, red lips and black eyes, like pandas, but, to be honest, the **** were still pretty. The big one is not afraid of the cold in the winter, and it has a low-cut cut. When the **** are pressed down, two bottomless gaps are formed in an instant.

   "Silly hat!" Xiaoqiang cursed at the side, and sarcastically said: "Stinky boy, your mother-in-law is good, give it out for us Hua Shao to enjoy, will you return it when it's used up?"

  Hua Shao on the side nodded faintly, staring at Yuan Hong with his eyes. Compared with the woman in my car, this kind of woman is quite delicious, with fair skin, big breasts, exuding the charm of a mature woman, sao without showing it! It must be very refreshing in the morning!

   "Hey, your mother-in-law's **** are so big. Gulu!" Long Gen suddenly said this, staring at the mother-in-law on the Mazda co-pilot, couldn't help swallowing, with a wretched look on his face!

  Li Hua's face darkened immediately, and he cursed angrily: "Little bastard, are you looking for death?"

   "Your mother-in-law's **** are big, so they must be very comfortable to touch." Long Gen said lightly, completely ignoring Li Hua, rubbing his hands together and making a grabbing gesture!

   "Bastard! I'm a mud horse!" Li Hua raised the iron stick in his hand, and smashed it at Long Gen's head.

   It's too late to say, so hurry up! Long Gen was as fast as thunder, and kicked on Li Hua's lower abdomen with a slap. Like a kite with a broken string, Li Hua backed up and hit the head of the Mazda.


  PS: Now the third chapter of the daily update has started. If you enjoy watching it, I hope you can get monthly tickets and rewards for support. Thank you.

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