MTL - Country Weapon-Chapter 283 chicken...

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Hanging up the phone, Long Gen felt a little regretful, and quickly sent a text message to Qin Hong, and then flipped through a pornographic photo from the phone, a close-up of the big stick, the black is a bit dark, big and firm, majestic and majestic, Murderous and domineering!

"Send one to Hongsi too, so she'll be so hungry. By the way, there's also He Jingwen! Hehe!" Long Gen smiled cheaply, found out the phone numbers of several women, sent them one by one, and finally added a sentence: "The big stick came to pay New Year's greetings! Then I called Huang Cuihua and asked her to open a room at the Fortune Hotel, so don't wait.

  Huang Cuihua misses the sun, the bottom is so red that he has to stretch his legs apart to pee, it's so hot and painful. Poke two more sticks, and the bottom will be rotten.

   "Rich woman, I'm always in the sun! Shuisheng, Shuisheng is bigger than Grandpa Long, I'll beat you to death with a stick!" Cursing secretly, he drove directly to the countryside.

  Long Gen firmly believes that as long as she is a woman, it is impossible not to be interested in her stuff, let alone a woman with a lot of money who is stupid and lives on sex.

   On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Fortune Hotel ushered in the lowest point of the year, and there were dozens of guest rooms without a single guest. Long Gen was very satisfied. Wouldn't it be better if there was a sound of Lang.


  Xihe Village, this year's Lunar New Year's Day is extremely lively, men, women and children, all of them come out to watch the excitement. It is lively every year, and this year's New Year's Day is probably the only family that gets divorced.

   "Bitch, I want to divorce you! Get out of here!" Shui Sheng roared at Qin Hong like an angry lion.

  Qin Hong sneered, and retorted, "Leave as soon as you leave, who is afraid of whom? I don't want to live with you yet. It's useless to ask for favours, it's a shame to a man!"

   "I don't care about your waste money, get out, get out!" Qin Hong was also angry.

  Damn it, you're still reasonable. It's okay to mess around with a group of women outside and earn some unconscionable money. Now that people are chasing you, you still have the face to yell at yourself? It's the end of the day for a man to live to this extent.

   "Stinky bitch, do you want to get beaten?" Shui blushed so angry that her neck was thick, and seeing more and more people watching, the voice of the **** was getting louder, and she wanted to find a crack in the ground.

  Ever since the incident with Yang Ying was exposed, her reputation has been stinky. Doesn't this trouble make people poke their backs?

"Yo, why don't you let me tell you? Are you afraid that people will know about the **** things you did?" Qin Hong sneered, "What's the matter? Are you upset? You don't have the guts to admit it if you're capable. Shuisheng, are you still a man? Has that thing been eaten by a dog? Hmph!"

   "Oh, Qin Hong's mouth is quite poisonous."

   "Yeah, it's a man who will get angry when he hears it."

   "Qin Hong's big sister is also right. Didn't you see those beautiful women? They have already robbed men at the door, who can not get angry and vent their anger?"

  Shui Sheng's face was red, and there were more and more people watching the excitement, and the mother-in-law's voice was loud, this commotion, I'm afraid it will be even more embarrassing to stay in the village in the future!

   "Ms. Sao, don't blame me for being unrighteous if you are unkind! You are shameless, and I am too lazy to give you face!" Shui Sheng said viciously: "Then what is this? Who is this stinky man?"

   "Sao hoof, pretend to be a good woman in front of people, I'm not at home, you have learned to steal men, okay you, tell me, who bought you the phone, whose **** is this?"

  Holding a Nokia mobile phone in my hand, I opened a picture. It was black and fluffy and stuck in the hole, and the seams were about to burst.

  Qin Hong blushed and decided to go all out.

"Yeah, my old lady stole someone and gave you a cuckold. What's the matter? That guy is bigger or thicker than you. He works all night. Can you compare with others? Do you dare to compare? Are you capable? Take off your pants, and make a gesture!"

  Qin Hong crackled and said: "I'm going out in a while, don't you see? Fortune Hotel, I'm going to cuckold you later! You have to be ready!"

   "Stinky bitch, you're looking for death! You..." Shui was furious, and he had never been so angry in his life.

  Li Guoqiang, the village head, stood up.

   "Stop! Shuisheng, why don't you wake up? The New Year's Eve is such a mess, isn't it a joke? You also learned to beat people, and you can go out for a while, right?"

Shui Sheng gave Li Guoqiang a blank look, and cursed secretly in his heart: "You son of a bitch, you are the one who took the lead to watch the excitement. Now when I beat someone up, you came! Didn't you mean to trouble me? That bastard!"

  Holding the phone tightly, when I saw the picture on the phone, I always felt green on my forehead, wishing I could chop up this sao lady with a knife!

  Damn it, I am so embarrassed today!

   "Stinky bitch, just wait and see, I will deal with you sooner or later!" Shui Sheng gritted his teeth, wishing he could peel Qin Hong off.

  Qin Hong sneered, "Get rid of me? No way! In front of the village head and everyone else, I will tell you clearly that I want a divorce, and my mother won't live with you! Do whatever you want."

   "Give me back my phone, hurry up!" Qin Hong sarcastically said, "Before the divorce, I have to give you a big green hat!"

   "Smelly bitch, how dare you!" Shui Sheng raised his hand, ready to smash the phone.

   "Wow, what a big human whip!"

   An untimely voice sounded, and according to the reputation, wasn't it the rich woman that Shuisheng recruited? With heavy make-up, bare **** and breasts, twisting her orchid fingers, she took the phone with a look of amazement!

   "Hiss! So big? Tingting, come and take a look, look, is it big?" The rich woman beckoned, and the woman named Tingting came over.

  Tingting widened her eyes, covered her small mouth, and said in horror: "This! It's so big, it's unscientific...."

   "Meimei, good stuff, why don't we find him and take it for ourselves?" Tingting blinked her eyes twice and said in a low voice.

  Meimei nodded lightly, a look of light flashed in her eyes, it's too big, you must try it. What's the deal with a guy who's tearing apart at the tiniest slit? Is it better than a nigger?

   "What's on it? Look at those two women looking crazy?" Someone next to them discussed.

Li Guoqiang was very close, and he could guess a thing or two from the sound, "What else is there? Isn't it just a man's crotch?" Li Guoqiang was also very curious, and the two women were shocked, how big is that thing? ?

   "Huh? Village chief, you saw it, what does it look like?"

  Li Guoqiang shook his head, frowned and said, "I can't see clearly, I only see something dark."


  Shui Sheng's face turned greener, his own cash cow, he went to find someone else, so what will he do in his next life? Home doesn't feel like home, and you lose such an adult, how will you live in the future?

  Actually, just looking at the picture, Shuisheng knew that the thing was several sizes bigger than himself, and he was quite envious, but also very angry! It's time for other people's mother-in-law, well, now my own mother-in-law has also been knocked out by the big guy, and her forehead is green.

   "Well, this big sister, can you do me a favor?" Meimei took the initiative to approach Qin Hong, and handed the phone to Qin Hong first, "Can you show us sisters to meet this man?"

   "Of course, we can give you 500,000, oh no, 1 million! It's enough for you to eat and drink for a lifetime!" Tingting on the side, her eyes flashed with fire.

When I saw that thing at first sight, I felt as if ants were crawling over my body. It was unbearably numb. I was empty, lonely and cold all the year round. The upper mouth was pointing at the wine for anesthesia, and the lower part could only rely on a big stick. But, where in the world can I find so many of them? Where's the big guy?

   Therefore, for the joy of life, the sisters rushed to the **** life of "one night's money", just to find a golden cudgel that is real money!

   Now, finally met! Can I let it go?

"Ah? One million? Don't, I..." Shuisheng's forehead was covered with cold sweat. Damn it, he took all kinds of medicines and lay on his stomach for half a year before he earned half a million. That's all, one message is one million! One million!

   "No, I'm okay, I can take good care of you!"

  Mei Mei glared at Shui Sheng, and said angrily: "Stay aside, it's none of your business."

   "I..." Shui Sheng was dumbfounded, how could he dare to offend his parents?

  Qin Hong sneered, took the phone, looked at Shuisheng full of pity, if you don't die, you won't die! All of this is what you deserve!

   "Hehe, why is money not money? I am also a woman, of course I understand the loneliness, no problem, I will take you there! But..." Qin Hong looked at Shuisheng with indifferent eyes.

The two rich women are so smart, we don't even have this bit of vision, Tingting immediately said: "You, you can get out, we will buy your house through formal channels! The divorce procedure between you and your wife is very complicated. It will come down soon!"

   "I.....No..." Shui Sheng had a black thread on his hair, and almost spat out a mouthful of blood!

  Ci Ao, I'm too **** memorized, aren't I? A photo, happy life is gone....

   "Tsk tsk tsk, what a woman, she's almost like a tigress, so powerful!"

  Li Guoqiang shook his head, feeling a little pitiful for Shui Sheng, with ups and downs, a few minutes ago, he was not even a fart, but now he is not even a fart. If someone else makes a move, if you tell you to get out, you have to get out!

   "Oh, if I want to marry such a domineering woman in the future, will it be a joke?"

   "Putting the wind? If this kind of woman marries home, I'm afraid you will have diarrhea every day!"

   "Okay, okay, don't even look at it, go home to celebrate the New Year, wife and children, get out of bed, go away..." Li Guoqiang is the village chief after all, and he still has two points of prestige.

  The crowd gradually dispersed, and the two rich women looked at Qin Hong eagerly, their eyes almost swallowed Qin Hong.

   "Don't worry, what you promised will definitely count!" Qin Hong said, "You wait, I will pack two clothes and take you there!"

  Qin Hong has been humiliated by the noise today, why should he stay in the village in the future? After thinking about it, I'd better go back to my mother's house to live for a while. I heard the girl said that it's not bad to work outside, so I just think about going out to find a job. It's just that I can't bear to part with that **** thing in Longgen's crotch!

"Hey, I didn't expect that my old lady would be defeated by the big stick in this life... Hey!" Qin Hong sighed heavily, got in the rich woman's car and left, leaving Shui Sheng with a dejected expression on his face, and a car beside him. BMW X1 deeply understands the sorrow of "chicken and egg"...

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