MTL - Cthulhu Gonfalon-Chapter 11

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After making up his mind, the old lord sacrificed some of the necessary things to the auxiliary sacrifices and took off his shirt.

He began to draw a spell on the body of the old cousin with refining chicken blood. These curses have been painted many times, but painting on themselves is still the first time, so it seems awkward. After discovering this, he sighed angrily and deeply regretted that he was not prepared enough, and then told the aunts to come and help.

The aunts were very surprised by this. They knew the purpose of these spells, and they never thought that this would happen. But in the church of evil God, the superiors’ orders to the lower levels are absolute and cannot be questioned. So soon, the front and back of the old Lord's sacrifice was painted with a scarlet curse, and it became a strange circle.

Trying to let the magic run through the circle, he nodded with satisfaction.

"Remember the things that tell you, right?" he asked.

The auxiliary sacrifices nodded again and again.

"Very good. After a while, you pray to my Lord together. It is up to him to decide who will succeed. My shallow wisdom is not enough to see the future, but you must remember that only by giving the whole body and mind to my Lord can you surpass death and get Really eternal!"

The thin old man smiled and smiled inside.

"Look, I am the best example."

After that, he faced the gods, clenched the wooden stick "sacrifice" with both hands, and stabbed his chest.

The enchanted hardwood is harder than steel, and the sharp tip is like a spear that pierces the flesh and stabs the heart.

Blood spurts, infiltrates the wand, and the black stain turns into a scarlet rune, and a circle floats in the air. That is a chapter written in magical words, a hymn to the evil god.

The old Lord's sacrifice, which was fatally wounded, did not fall down, but it became more and more energetic. He didn't feel pain at all, smiled and opened his arms and made a gesture to hug something.

He smiled very happily, and he was so sunny. It was an incredible miracle for the aunts who used to look at his gloomy and deep look.

Then, his body quickly withered, almost in a blink of an eye, it turned into a dead wood.

"My Lord, I finally went to your country..."

Accompanied by the indescribable whisper, the body that had withered and could not see the human form began to collapse from the top of the head and turned into ashes. With just one sentence of work, along with the sound of the wooden stick landing, the old Lord's sacrifice has turned into a pile of ashes, and there is no trace of existence.

But the **** in front of him, but stunned red light, scarlet like blood, deep as the sea.

The oldest one in the auxiliary sacrifice took a deep breath, set the gods, walked to the gods, raised the holy emblem, and closed his eyes to recite the curse. The rest of the Auxiliary Festival stood in a circle around the shrine, singing and singing in unison.

The statue on the roof gave off a dazzling red light, and a strong evil spirit rose up, making people feel chilly and their hands and feet were soft.

Yan Xiong naturally noticed this breath immediately, and could not help but frown.

Although he does not know anything like "good camp" and "evil camp", but the difference is not the same as the nature of all living beings. This evil atmosphere is so powerful that he immediately becomes a good person. He is disgusted.

"These bastards! It's obviously so powerful, but it's always hidden..."

He glanced at the statue in disgust, and his heart was secretly guarded, but his men did not stop at half-point and continued to fight in the army.

But the next moment, he found himself making a great mistake.

The statue shot a glaring red light, but the goal was not awkward, but - he!

When the red light was shot, Yan Xiong had accurately judged its direction, and he subconsciously avoided it. His strength and response were quick, but he forgot an important thing - his body at the moment is not a human being, but a giant jellyfish. At the speed of mankind, he is indeed enough to escape the red light, but the body of the giant jellyfish is too large, even if it flashed a few meters in a flash, after all, it still failed to get it, and was hit by the red light.

When the red light hit him, a strange force came out of thin air, full of trepidation and majesty. Accompanied by this power, there are more chaotic and fierce ideas, as if thousands of people screamed and screamed, and asked him to kneel to surrender.

Although little is known about the world, intuition tells him that at this moment, you can't give in, or it will be ruined!

Yan Xiong’s intuition is certainly true. The spell in his name is “Slavery,” a powerful spell unique to evil gods. This spell is extremely restrictive and must be carried out near a sanctuary that is subject to extra attention from the gods; it is costly, and a pious Lord's sacrifice must be sacrificed in order to communicate with the kingdom of God and use the power of God to force the target to yield. But the power of this spell is also great. If the hitter can't resist the vast pressure from the kingdom of God, he will be distorted and become a loyal servant of this god.

For the human powerhouse, this spell is generally not effective - which one is not out of countless hardships? Which strong road is not made up of countless blood and sweat? Although the kingdom of the gods is powerful, the will of those who are strong is not idle. It is unlikely that they will be tamed with this trick.

However, for those giant creatures that rely on talent and time to grow up and lack a strong inner heart, this spell is very powerful and difficult to resist.

In the church of many evil gods, there are several giant creatures enslaved by them as their powerful beaters.

What this old lord of Baiye Village had to do was to display slavery and brainwash the powerful giant jellyfish to become the thug of his church.

With this thug, his church can use violence to defeat the rest of the church nearby and completely rule the region.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to sacrifice himself, and he really called it a monk!

His sacrifice was not in vain, and the hero of Zhong Zhao has already fallen into the biggest crisis since the crossing.

The tremendous pressure from the kingdom of evil spirits made him dizzy, the whole soul was shaking, and he gave birth to the idea of ​​giving in more than one time, and he was pressed again and again. But although he can suppress this idea that does not belong to him every time, the next time this thought must become stronger.

In the spiritual world, there was a storm, and he felt that he seemed to be a small boat floating in the waves of the sounds that forced him to yield, and he might be sunk at any time.

"This will not work!"

He was shocked and angry, and subconsciously displayed a means of saving lives.

The magical nucleus in the giant jellyfish trembled violently, giving off a dazzling blue-white ray. The large body of the jellyfish was turned into a white and white, as if the gems were transparent. The powerful and unimaginable magic spewed out and turned into an almost substantial solid shield, blocking the enchanting power. The magic and the power of the gods are madly struck, and there are countless horrifying explosions. Along with these buzzing sounds, the endless cold swells out, and in a blink of an eye it pervades the surrounding few miles. In the next moment, whether it is the flesh and blood, the sedge, or the rock and steel, all the tangible things that come into contact with the cold are solidified in the cold ice, and more than half of them are beyond the limit. The cold of the human limit becomes fragile, and it is conceivable that when the ice melts, they will turn into powder. .

The sound of roaring and screaming among the heroes of the males came to an abrupt end, and the vast pressures quickly weakened. Before he dissipated, Xiongxiong screamed and cheered up and smashed the pressure.

Until then, he was free to look around and see what happened.

What he saw was a scene of sadness.

The entire village, together with all the farmland vacancies around it, has been frozen, and even the forests in the distance have been frozen. Everything in the blue and white ice is silent, and there is no life. Although the statue on the top of the stone roof is still red, the red light is rapidly weakening, and soon disappears without a trace.

He was silent for a while, sighed deeply, regained the cold and stored it in the magic core.

Only a little while, the ice magic stored for a long time has consumed more than 30%.

The effect of this attack is to turn the entire village into a dead place.

Not only are people and animals destroyed, but even the underground people are not spared. At this moment, the moon is still in the sky, but there is no more underground. The two sides who were still struggling to kill each other not long ago have fallen to the ground and turned into wrecks that can no longer act.

"This is totally different from what I expected..."

Yan Xiong smiled and bowed his head. The body of the giant jellyfish shivered slightly, floating in the coldness that had not completely dispersed.

After a long time, when the sun was shining on the earth, he suddenly woke up and took a step to the stone house.

Intuition tells him that all the answers can be found there.

The village is not big, and it is in front of the stone house in three or two steps. The huge jellyfish naturally couldn't get into the narrow door, so Yuxiong chose to demolish the house.

Several tentacles grabbed the roof, and then together, the strong roof shook and was separated from the wall and lifted. Everything in the house was also revealed in front of his eyes.

Yan Xiong’s eyes swept over the black girls who had fallen to the ground and had no vitality. They sighed and focused their attention on the god.

Still instinct, let him understand that this **** is the key to the problem.

He set the roof aside and extended a tentacle to touch the gods.

Before he could touch the gods, a fierce and cold will came out of nowhere and blocked him. This will and the desire to enslave him last night are exactly the same, majestic and cold, and high in the world.

Yan Xiong snorted, not waiting for the actual measures of the will, the magic of the ice suddenly launched, this blue-white chill coverage is very small, just cover himself and the gods.

The will was stopped by the cold. At the same time, Yan Xiong touched a roll, and the **** was firmly entangled and pulled out from the ground.

Seeing that the gods were taken, the will was furious, and there were thick black clouds in the clear sky, and there was even more infinite killing, like a dense fog covering the earth.

Although this guy does not know the origins, but the strength is really powerful. The world has not yet been officially discolored, and the power is extraordinary.

There is no fear in the heart of the hero, and the magic of the ice is more and more condensed, and there are several magic powers that are condensed into sharp edges. There is also a anger in his heart. Since this guy dares to come to his suffocation, he must be enlightened by his two knives!

The two sides are waiting for each other and seeing the conflict happen. But before they even hit the shot, a golden lightning cut through the sky, tearing the clouds away, and an old voice laughing and sipping in the dark.

The fierce and cold will of the past was furious at this moment, and it naturally refused to be enemies on both sides, but had to retreat. And the warm and heroic will spread toward the male, and turned into a golden light on the barrier of the ice magic, infiltrated.

This golden light contains infinite vitality, which makes him exhausted, and the original heavy mood is also relaxed, even the magical power that was previously consumed is replenished.

The golden light disappeared instantly, and only the old and heroic voice echoed in the air.

It was a language he didn't understand, but it revealed a clear and unmistakable message.

Goodwill and encouragement.

Read The Mage of Eternity