MTL - Cthulhu Gonfalon-Chapter 5

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Kazuo found that there is something in the world that can be called "magic power."

The power of ice and cold that the whale can use is innate, but the power of this power can be so strong that it freezes into the sea, but it is not purely natural, but more from the cultivation of the day after tomorrow.

Its cultivation method is to absorb a rich magic in a certain trench in the deep sea.

Yan Xiong really wants to hurry to the land, hurry to find people, and quickly figure out what the world looks like. But he understands that whenever and wherever, preservation is the most important thing. If you can't control curiosity, even if you have a nine-life geek, you will bury yourself sooner or later.

The world is not safe, and a big whale in the sea will use intrigues, not to mention the human world.

And there is still magic in this world. I don't know how many strange people will be there. I don't know how many different ways there will be.

Therefore, he needs to further strengthen himself and strengthen his own strength to ensure that he can settle down in this world. Even if you don't have invincible in the world, you must at least ensure that you can escape even if you can't beat it.

After waiting patiently for the melting of the ice, he turned the huge whale into nutrient absorption, and repaired and perfected his temporary body.

This time, he made his body bigger and more resilient, added a lot of tentacles and several sets of propellers, and turned the body into a hollow, leaving a lot of water outlets.

The hollow body and these water outlets balance the pressure between the body and the body, and are not crushed by the water pressure in the deep sea. Moreover, when needed, these outlets can also become water spray holes, and the water can be used to change direction and adjust the posture of the body.

This is necessary in the fierce battle.

Before Xiong Xiong remembered that in a large series of Japanese animations of a famous world, those powerful robots that had been turned upside down seemed to be equipped with a number of "posture nozzles". It seems that this is the case.

It is said that the animation of the series is very high in internal technology, and even if the robot can be created according to the design (it is another matter if it is not very powerful), then these water jets should be really useful?

Anyway, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you don't use it.

The hollow body has another use, which can be used to store things.

The one-horned whale left a lot of spoils, a sharp and sharp horn with strong cold power, a cold gem in the brain, a solid skeleton, and a tough skin after death. .

Yan Xiong made full use of these resources to rebuild his body, but even if it did not completely use up the light, the rest was **** and collected in the body.

On the back of someone else's backpack, his backpack is hidden in the belly. It is also innovative.

When he was ready, he plunged into the deep sea with a fierce and swam toward the trench in the memory of the whale.

The deep sea is dark and deep, and there is almost no light. It is not safe to travel on this sea floor. In the impression of the whale, it has encountered danger on the seabed more than once, so although it is known that the trench is a feng shui treasure that can greatly enhance its strength, it has not been visited many times.

After all, although the whale is called "fish", it is not a fish, but it still has to float out of the water. This whale and the whales on Earth are very different in combat power and wisdom, but they are quite similar at this point.

After sucking up the air, it can dive for a long time, but if it encounters a battle on the seabed and is entangled, it is still very dangerous.

There is no such concern in the male, the soul does not need to breathe the air, the jellyfish has no concept of breathing at all - not to mention that this is still a dead jellyfish, and Xiong Xiong himself does not understand that the body that died because of Ming Mingming actually not only did not rot, but also Can live and jump. In short, he does not have to worry about the problem of diving hypoxia. How long does it take to dive?

The jellyfish does not have the ability to see things in the dark, but the strength of the male can be used to detect the surrounding situation by the sense of the soul, which is more convenient than the original whale. In addition to the need to go up when eating, the rest of the time he has been swimming in the deep sea, looking for the feng shui treasure in the memory of the whale.

On this road, he met the deep sea behemoth several times, but did not break out again. After re-engineering, the body was so powerful that it was enough for the behemoths to try again and again before the attack, and the hero did not mean to grab the ground with them. Every time they saw them, they detoured and made them not irritated.

Just wandering for a long time, he finally came to the trench.

It was a strange sea covered in blue and white light, at the bottom of a shallow wide crack at the bottom of the sea.

Not in the strong light, the ice that the whole soul feels cold is revealed, and the rock on the bottom of the sea is covered with thick frost. Look carefully, the blue-and-white light is actually from this layer of frost.

"What is going on here?" Yan Xiong groaned, carefully extending a tentacle prepared in advance, trying to touch the glowing frost.

The tentacle immediately became a popsicle, and the ice spread quickly along the tentacles towards the body. Fortunately, he was prepared, and the tentacle was not only far longer than other tentacles, but also had several weak nodes, which were cut off at once.

A long popsicle fell slowly in the sea, falling on the frosty frost, not bounced, but turned into a powder and spilled into the ground.

Yan Xiong saw the scalp numb and subconsciously moved away from this ghost place.

No wonder that the whale knows that it can enhance its magic here, but it doesn't dare to come often. This place is terrible! If you are not careful, you will send out your life!

After hesitating for a while, Yan Xiong finally regained the blue-white ice trench.

It's really dangerous here, but as long as you are careful and keep enough distance, the danger is actually controllable. Just as he crossed the world before, everyone knows that electricity is dangerous, but no one can see who is using electricity.

"Okay, this distance is almost the same." After a little closer, he did not want to move forward. Using several sets of propellers to rotate in all directions, allowing the body to steadily park in the water, he began to try to absorb the icy cold.

This is not easy, after all, he is not the giant whale that is naturally capable of controlling the power of ice. But the so-called kung fu does not bear the pains of the people, do not know how much time spent, he can finally absorb this cold and breath, and store it in the body.

This process is a bit slow, but fortunately he is more and more skilled, and the speed of absorbing cold is getting faster and faster. I don't know how long it took, and he suddenly found out that the jellyfish's body actually condensed a gem similar to that inside the whale's head.

"This... is it the legendary 'magic core'? Or 'magic crystal'? So, my jellyfish evolved into Warcraft?" Yan Xiong feels a little funny, and the area has a dead body. Not only can you live and jump, but also evolve into Warcraft... This world is amazing!

After condensing the gemstone, which can be called the magic core, the speed of absorbing the cold is obviously accelerated. As the massive cold is absorbed and stored in the gemstone, Xiongxiong began to ponder how to use the cold.

There are three ways to use the cold whales. The first is to turn the cold into a line and pass it along the sea to freeze the enemy. This method was used when it was counted as a hero.

The second method is to spread the cold around the body to form a layer of frosty armor. When I first played against Yuxiong, it didn't have time to use this trick - of course, even if it used it, it didn't help.

The last method is to release a large amount of cold air stored in the gemstone and completely freeze a large area around the sea. This kind of freezing is controllable. Once the whale is out of danger, it can absorb cold in the reverse direction and easily thaw itself around. It is very convenient to escape or kill.

However, the cost of this move is also very large. Once used, it will completely lose the power of ice in a short time, so the giant whale has always used it as a life-saving trick.

In the eyes of Yan Xiong, these three methods are indeed good, but they are still too monotonous.

He borrowed from his experience of "previous life" and through research and exploration, he also developed two other tricks.

The first trick is to use the ice to make sharp edges. These sharp edges can be used as swords and swords, and they can also become claws. The use of change is a very useful weapon.

The second measure is to restrain the force of the ice and not directly into the ice and directly bombard it. Once the enemy is hit, the enemy's body will be frozen from the inside out. Although it is not too small, it can be much more powerful than the giant whale. The ice line is more powerful, and it is simply a trick to kill.

In the principle of "even if a dog should have a name", Yan Xiong took the five tricks - or magic - respectively.

Frozen rays, frost armor, big ice seal, ice blade, ice bombardment.

Honestly, these names are not handsome at all, even if they come up with these names, they feel that they are stupid.

The name is silly, it’s a good idea.

All these tricks must consume the power of ice. With the formation of the magic core, Xiongxiong has been able to accumulate the power of ice, but relying on his daily accumulation, he can not squat down the ice. Compared to the speed of absorption and accumulation in the ice trench, it is a far cry.

After experimenting, he also determined an interesting thing: in this world, the higher the concentration, the higher the concentration of magic, or the faster the force of absorbing the accumulated ice; and the higher the concentration of magic The lower the nature. But once out of the water, the situation reversed. The higher the magic, the higher the concentration of the magic, the lower the lower the lower.

In general, the magic concentration of the world's water level is the lowest, it is no wonder that those fish and shrimp in shallow water are so weak.

What a wonderful world!

I don't know how long it took, and Xiong Xiong felt that the cold that he had absorbed from the ice trench had reached the limit. How to absorb it, the magic core could not store more, it would only be lost like a leak. These lost colds are not only unhelpful to him, but will damage his body.

He understands that the time for cultivation is over, and now it is time for him to go to land and find people.