MTL - Cthulhu Gonfalon-Chapter 936 ·The war is in the sky (below)

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Numerous mermaids gathered from all directions to the altar of the bones. Most of them did not touch the altar and melted into the surrounding green pus. A few of them merged their bones into the altar and became part of the altar. .

In this process, green pus is getting more and more. But these pus did not disperse on all sides, but instead condensed toward the center of the altar, and merged into a strip of rusty metal in the center of the altar.

As countless fish people became sacrifices, countless green pus were incorporated into it, and the long strip of metal inserted in the center of the altar of the skull slowly glowed with a golden green mottle.

The altar slowly grew larger, and the speed of absorbing the sacrifices was getting faster and faster. Then the light on the metal strip became more and more intense. At a certain moment, the original rusty metal strip jerked, and all the rust disappeared like a magic, turning into a long rifle.

Look closely, this long gun has two notches at the tip, but it is a trident with the left and right forks broken.

As this broken scorpion showed its true body, the huge sacral altar violently vibrated. With the vibration, its shape slowly changed, and the speed of absorbing the sacrifices became faster and faster.

At this time, near the surface of the sea, many old fishermen are working together to cast spells. They don't care about the loss of the tribes, and they swear by the sly and mad spells. With the spells, the bodies of the fishermen on the sea and many living fishmen disappeared as if they had been swallowed by something intangible. I don't know how long it took. The strange sound of drums and songs suddenly sounded in the sea. Then I saw the underwater void cracking. A strangely gray-green shape squeezed out from the cracks in the void and landed in the sea.

The thing has a fish-like head and a human body, and it looks a bit like a fisherman. But its body is not as jealous as a fisherman, and there is no sense of thinness. Instead, the muscles are sturdy and appear to be extremely strong. There are many deep and light green patterns on its body, which are disorganized, making people feel dizzy at first sight, and its eyes are like a chameleon. It is constantly rotating around and does not know what to look at.

This monster does not look fierce, even though it is surrounded by fish people, as if "food" is at your fingertips, it has no interest, twisting his head and looking around, seems to be looking for something.

The fishermen’s elders saw what they wanted to summon and immediately greeted everyone to worship him. It is also strange to say that with the worship of the fish people, the body of this thing is rapidly expanding, that is, the time of several breaths becomes a giant as tall as a mountain.

The giant's foot of the fish head stepped on the bottom of the sea, but the shoulders above it have already extended out of the sea. It does not seem to like the environment without water. When the head just leaves the water, it opens its mouth and makes a sharp and screaming ambiguity. sound.

With the shouts, it smelled of dark green mucus.

This mucus is extremely viscous and will not open even in sea water. Wrapped in its body, it is like a layer of leather. It also has amazing defensive power, and it seems that a magical beam from the tower of the Supreme Tower is on its head, but the spell that can kill a large number of fishermen just slides its mucus, and it can not hurt. Even if it is a scale.

But by the magic beam, the giant is obviously angry. It made a murky, squeaky snoring, stepping forward and heading towards the tower of the High.

Inside the Tower of the Supreme, the legendary wizards have seen the appearance of this monster, and many people have changed their faces.

"This is... the abyss lord?!"

"Impossible! The abyssal lord is too strong, there is no way to step into the main plane!"

"The sacrifice... The fisherman made a temporary squatting area through a massive sacrifice, thus bypassing the enchantment of the main plane, allowing it to enter the world..."

"But what does it mean? It won't take long before it will go out of the squatting area, and then it will trigger the enchantment of the main plane, a thunder, it will die!"

"Before that, think about how to fight!"

In a mess, I don't know who is manipulating the defense system of the Tower of the High, and accurately blasting a blazing positive energy beam on the chest of the giant.

This blow is significantly more powerful than the previous hot beam and is much more effective. A large piece of mucus was evaporated into a thick green fog. Before the new mucus was produced, the giant's chest had been burned and a pale wound appeared.

But in the tower of the Most High, more than one Master who studied the abyss demon was screaming at the same time.


The voice has not fallen, and the giant has already snarled with pain and anger.

Along with its roar, the surrounding air oscillated like a cockroach, and there were countless large and small ripples. One after another, the monsters of the fish head came out of the ripples. They were also covered with green mucus like this giant, and they even made strange noises, and they took a step toward the tower of the highest tower.

These guys are weird, but they are extremely fast and can even run on the water. They can cross at least ten meters at a time, much faster than a rushing horse.

The most amazing thing is that in the process of running, each monster's body constantly emits green smoke that makes people feel disgusting at a glance. These green smokes are connected together and quickly gather together to cover a large sea surface. .

The wizards who studied the abyss demon have become ugly, but have no time to complain, so they have to rush to meet.

"Use positive energy, blasting effect, and extensive bombing." An elderly mage said loudly, "Blow the 'sea fog'! Otherwise, it will only be called faster and faster!"

"Give it to me." The Milian singer said coldly, "In the face of the abyss lord, it is time for us to take the old man!"

As he flashed his figure, he appeared on the top of the tower of the supreme tower, his hands clasped to his chest, his mouth filled with words, and began to prepare a large magic.

The light flashed in succession, and several legendary mages appeared next to him to protect him.

A moment later, the Mil Sage completed his own spells, only to see the white light flickering in his hands, and it was faintly visible that countless white light **** were spinning rapidly in that white light.


The white ball of light drew an arc and flew over a long distance, falling in the middle of the green smoke.

In the next moment, it bursts suddenly, but it doesn't burst like a common spell, but turns into a huge white ruin that envelopes a huge piece of the sea.

In this magical array, the white positive energy rain falls wildly, colliding with the green smoke, and constantly emits a ziz sound like a water droplet encountering magma. The green smoke is like the snow placed next to the flame, melting quickly.

The white magical array did not last for a long time, but when it disappeared, the green smoke on the sea had already dispersed seventy-eight, and the rest was not enough to cover the sea.

"The abyss lords are nothing to be afraid of!" Mil Sage watched coldly, the giant who was still roaring, still summoning monsters, and his eyes were murderous. "Those seafood people think that by summoning this guy, you can let We are suffering, it is a dream!"

Inside the tower of the High, another legendary mage shouted and gave orders to the gathered magicians.

"Bombing! Bombing! Give me constant bombing! Don't worry about the consumption of the magic pool, kill all those seafood!"

Numerous magics are fired from the various defenses of the Tower of the Supreme, and the colorful light merges into a dazzling stream of magic, engulfing the surging monsters.

This war between the fisherman and the human race is truly complete in this moment.

In the sky, Yan Xiong looked at the battlefield, his brows were locked and he was worried.

"The scale of the war is getting bigger and bigger... How will this war end?"

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